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Posts posted by Biltong

  1. Originally posted by Laffertytig:

    3 quetions

    1 - how long does it take you guys to roll up a battle?

    2 - what is provisional force size for? im still not sure how to calculate it?

    3 - i prefer smaller units battles. can i keep the battles under 1000 points or if i go against the rules will it mess things up later on?

    1. Once you've rolled up a couple of battles it should'nt take you longer than say, 15 minutes to manually roll up the parameters only. To work out experience and favor will depend a lot on previous batle size. Selecting your Task Force, will depend how fanatical you are - if you want to make sure you get the maximum bang per buck (like me) ;)

    For me it's half the fun - seeing what happened in the previous battle - who killed what & how many.. where did I make mistakes and which tactics worked well... what the units new experience is, what Attached units I get and what the new Task force is... all part of the whole experience.

    Some guys see all of this as red tape - a pain, BCR isn't everyone's cup of tea. I think you need to be a bit of a fanatic ;)

    2. Download the latest Player Guide 2.3? - it has a full description of Force Size and how to calculate it.

    3. No - it won't - If you roll up a battle that is too large for your taste - use a percentage modifier to reduce all your task force points equally until you get to a force size that you are happy with.

    [ April 09, 2003, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  2. Originally posted by Laffertytig:

    does the 42 campaign run through till the end of the war or is there another set of rules to be released?

    No - at the moment 42 only runs till +- June 42. There will be another update at some time in the near future to adapt 42 for the whole of 42. I use HistoryBuff as a marker - AFAIK, he's way out front of everyone else (somewhere around April 42) and I adapt the rules when he gets close to the next marker - in this case an armor/force upgrade that is scheduled for +-July 42.

    Each year will have slightly more complex/realistic rules and obviously the force will change from year to year, as the armor changes from PzIII's to the evntual King Tigers ;)

    I'm also waiting to see what the patch will bring - if we'll be able to go the scenario editor route - i.e.: set names/experience/ammo for each squad/team/HQ on the Battle group.

  3. Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

    ...I'm wondering if my overall experiences with BCR are in line with others'. I am on my 11th battle and it's July 17th, 1941. I find that most of my "battles" are just like shooting fish in a barrel. The Soviets are almost always unfit conscripts with very low ammo. While they often have a point advantage over me, I have been able to deal with most battles by parking a tank or MG near the enemy and watching them fall. The worst outcome I've had so far is a Major Victory and most are Total Victories. I've yet to deal with any Allied probes, attacks or assaults. In my last game (a meeting engagement), I put more effort into making sure that each of my squads got at least one kill than worrying about holding the objective.

    I see from the modifiers that my luck will change as time goes on and some of my advantageous modifiers go away. However, due to the number of total victories and my generally low casualties, I have rolled lots of immediate assaults. Therefore, the date hasn't progressed very quickly.

    Is this typical? How will my confrontations change as the date-specific modifiers change? Is there anything else that I should change in order to make things more challenging? (I've already been upgraded from Green to Regular as a player.)


    I think you're one of those rare individuals who underestimated your abilities ;)

    Stick to the rules and if you win another (no 12) upgrade to vet.

    The Germans had a very easy go during the 1st 2 months or so. The Russians were disorganised, out of ammo, transport, motivation, info, leadership - you name it. The Germans also advanced very rapidly and had contacts on a regular basis, so your continuous battles are quite historical. Once the resistans increases, the breaks between battles will also increase.

    As for experience: I imagine a large number of German CO's and troops considered themselves veterans after the 1st couple of months, but once the Soviets started turning around and fighting, they might have noticed that things were not so easy anymore - I think you'll find the same thing happening to you.

    Use this time to build up favor and experience - you'll need it later on. It's a good time to experiment and get your tactics pat for the winter.

    If you want you can set the computer experience to +1 for the next couple of battles - just to spice things up a bit, but I think it would be better to try slightly riskier tactics now, while you can... later you won't be able to experiment.

  4. Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

    ...So the question remains, what is the justification for the 1.25 denominator in the equation for the replacement troops? Is it so traumatic to be assigned to a new unit even for veteran (or near veteran) troops?


    This is deliberate: A team, whether in sport or war, takes time to 'gel'.. to get to know each others weaknesses and strengths...How to work together,what to expect from each other - who will do what in a specific situatoin, etc. etc.... Bringing in replacements gives the team's cohesion a knock and the more replacements there are the bigger the knock. An analogy will be making up a team of the best players in the world in any team sport of your choice - quite often they will be beaten by a 3rd rate team who has been playing together for a long time.

    Hence the 'weird' modifiers ;)

  5. Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Biltong:

    Cicily and Italy


    Biltong, if you were a French occupying SICILY during the "Vespri Siciliani" - the popular uprising against the bloody french invaders happened during Easter celebrations in march 1282 - you would be dead with your guts running out your opened belly.

    The way Sicilian fighters were distinguishing the fleeding french soldiers disguised as locals was to ask them to pronounce "Ciceri" - chick peas - . As soon a the poor bastard was pronouncing the word as "Siseri" - the way a french would say "Ciceri" - he was busy holding his guts from falling on the ground.

    So, your "Cicily" - although in a reversed way - would still have you clearly identified as "Auslander" and get you busy with keeping your guts from spreading all over the place.


    I am sure you appreciate the story. </font>

  6. Originally posted by History Buff:

    No we have CM:AK, yep 8 mths left to get CMBB done. :(

    Biltong - Advice, delegate people to work on 6 mth blocks and go for it. :D Of coure your the boss....

    Hmmm... I've been thinking about it... :confused:

    I comitted to CMBB till 45 or until CM3 comes out - whichever is first, but CMAK wasn't expected???

    To change the rules all the way, is not a big deal... won't take too long. What is taking l.o.n.g is the Special Battle Packs.. esp. with the bloody war dragging everyone off to their TV's.

    I can do with help there - and lot's of it. If I can get 3 or 4 more guys to each take on a battle pack, well get BCR SOUTH done in 8 months (I hope).

    As for BCR North & Centre? This should be thrown open, I think.

    I would like to do a BCR CMAK version from the German pov in North Africa only. I think I'll open up Cicily and Italy for other 'coders'.

    So - Summary:

    Need Special Battle Pack makers for BCR South from 43 onwards

    Need BCR research/rules modifiers for BCR Central & North.

    Any takers?

  7. Originally posted by j0ker:

    [QB...i then discovered that the item of which you speak of is addressed at the end of the previous battle; when you roll for the next battle type (counter/immediate attacks/assaults), i believe there's an allowance of spending 40 Favor points to alter the number by 1, and that only applies for Axis immediate attack/assault; if you roll for allied counterattack, evidently you're SOL.

    hope this helps. j0ker.

    BTW: still intrenched in the middle of Kiev battle #2. the main highlight so far: a green squad threw an explosive packet from a 2nd story window to knock out a KV-1. I'm giddy with pride. {/DELURK} [/QB]

    On target on both counts...

    40 Favor to change die by one for Axis Immediate Attack/assault and explosives out of window :D

    Never seen that BTW - next time try and post a screenshot (just don't ask me how ;)

  8. Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

    Question: If one of the members of my Company HQ gets casualties as a result of the percent casualty setting at the beginning of the game, do I still need to roll to see if my CO gets replaced with Hitler's incompetent ex-lover?


    Unfortunately, yes. Frostbite, getting lost, accidents; syphilis etc. etc. affected everyone... :(
  9. Originally posted by History Buff:

    ...I think the Infantry need a raise. I expected at least half my men to be at vet. by now....

    Hmm - we'll have to see - once a handfull of guys are where you are tongue.gif

    ...It's called an MG and a wave of incoming inf. Easy 3 pts a battle. 2 for killing, 1 for general exp gain.

    Off course - fast asleep :rolleyes:


    Actually I'm not using player exp. Only made the games overly unbalanced one way or the other. So I leave handicap at zero etc. Some times I get a slight advantage. Sometimes they do. Mostly it's dead even. Hadicap is I think a waste of time. Theres is no fun is launching an assault with 1500 pts against 4500 pts. No fun, just a death for your men with no hope in hell.
  10. Originally posted by History Buff:

    ...Heres my Exp. stats as of 3rd week 1st day of April 42. ...

    Interesting how the armor does so much better than the infantry - I wonder if that was also the case in real life? Or do you think the armor needs some downward adjustment when it comes to killing? Or rather the inf - some upward adjustment? :D

    Also - The IIIJ's do a lot better than the Stugs. Any idea why?

    BTW - I was actualy refering to player Exp. What are you on now? Spill the beans ;)


  11. Originally posted by benpark:



    This site is a perfect match for BCR and a map utility such as Mapping Mission. I may do a few in the future, whenever I can figure out the nuances of Mapping Mission.

    Yes - great site - I think most of the guys know about it, but there's no harm in reminding them smile.gif

    Hope to see some maps from you soon ;) Let me know how Mapping Mission pans out - I haven't tried it myself, but would like to.


  12. Originally posted by Laffertytig:

    id really like to get into this but it seems so complex. i dont have a printer so id have to get it printed elsewhere. how many sheets do you need for each battle? if it was only the one sheet you had to update id write it out.

    is this the case?

    Best to get it printed I think - writing them out will take longer - there are 3 sheets that you'll need for every battle: Parameters; Battle Group & Favor. Once you have them printed, you can go and make photocopies somewhere.

    It looks quite daunting the first time, but once you have rolled up your first battle, it will all fall into place. Use the Player Guide!!



  13. Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

    Holy Cow: just seen the Urban Chaos of Kiev pack.

    You guys are perverted!!!!!!! :D

    Prophetic, isn't it - now you know why the Brits have been hanging about outside Basra ;)

    As you might have noticed: the maps link with each other - you are actualy fighting on one L.o.n.g map - so you can see what's waiting on the horison ;)

    Good luck!!

  14. Originally posted by Laffertytig:

    id luv to give this a try but it looks like i need excell to read and use it. is there another way around this and if theres not can someone give me a link where i can download excell please

    There's also supposed to be an Excel 'Reader' available for free from the Microsoft site.

    In fact, if you find it, won't you publish the link here - your question comes up every now and then.


  15. Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:


    One suggestion: as these battle packs might involve additional strain to BCR players bonuses for those who decide to fight them - and successfully I must add - would be welcomed as recognition from Berlin for the great contribution to MotherLand war effort.

    Thanx & Good Idea - great minds - just wait for the last battle :D

    [ March 30, 2003, 07:28 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  16. Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

    ...Tell you what: last two Kiev battle I barely managed to avoid a defeat and I took too many casualties. Back to cautious approaches from now on!


    Hi S smile.gif

    How do you find the Kiev battles? Any suggestions/problems with the maps/extra force compositions etc? Carefull not to give the game away - mail me if necessary ;)

    Bottom line - is it worth the effort to create special battle packs?

  17. Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

    ...Indeed this is one point I have to consider. I shall not get into winter with Green units at all or I'll face a long series of losses I am afraid.



    All the above is good news. The greatest threat to BCR's survival, is boredom. For a player to go right through to 45, he must never become bored. He must feel tension & fear all the way. Be kept on his toes ;)

    To cater for both weak and strong players and to get the percentage right was pure gutfeel. I was aiming for +_ 15% Conscript; 20% Green; 40% Regular; 20% Veteran; 2% Elite...

    From the feedback I'm getting it looks like the percentages are close. Just not hearing much from Veteran players.

    Any out there?

    [ March 30, 2003, 04:28 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  18. Originally posted by Dr. Rosenrosen:

    Perhaps I missed it in the written rules, but how do players get promoted in ranking? Is this something that only applies to Biltaid users? Silly me, I've been doing everything by hand.

    Dr. Rosenrosen

    See Note 8 - Player Experience

    "If you win more than 6 battles in a row – increase your Player Experience by one notch. But, beware of the Winter!!"

  19. Originally posted by massimorocca:


    1) I rolled an immediate axis assault. So i've an emergency reorg. My lost tank remain lost by sure, but the crew suvived with no loss( I need no one of them for other tanks) must be parcked somewhere in the battlefield or I must exit them from the map and start the next "normal" battle with a new Tank/crew?

    Just don't buy it for this battle... The crew has gone off to get the new replacement tank ;)

    Next Normal Battle the crew and their new tank rejoins their mates with all the experience gain/loss that they got from the battle where they lost their tank. This battle's exp gain/loss does not affect them, since they are not taking part.

    2) I must apply all the change needed in battle group and favor sheet now at the end of the first battle, before start the immediate assault or I must consider the two linked fight like a single engagment and wait for the end of the second to set the new parameters?


    No - Do the calcs for each battle - it will be nearly impossible to link the 2.

    Good luck :D

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