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Posts posted by Biltong

  1. Originally posted by laxx:


    fyi. as a somewhat newbie player learning to play meeting engagement in CMBB, I like scenarios which gives me good odds to win, without losing the element of randomness found in QB.

    What i did was play a QB on Axis assault, but used maps on based on meeting engagements.

    Ended up with 2x or 3x the troops, but still preserving the sanity of Meeting Engagements.

    Fresh approach I guess.

    Nice variation, allthough you might find that the enemy will have dug in guns and MG positions, as well as bunkers and pillboxes that it won't have in ME's. It will depend on the terrain - if the map is open: light woods and flat terrain, you might lose out - vice versa - you should win. smile.gif


  2. Originally posted by legend42:

    If I import a map can I set it up like a quick battle where the opponet and I can pick forces or have them randomly generated and fight it out on the imported map?If so how do I do that?

    You go to QB - select the parameters in the 1st 2 pages as per normal: Region; Axis and Allied parameters etc etc - when you get to the 3rd page: 'Map Type' you ignore the map parameters there and look to the top right where you have "Load From File" - click and import the map - and bob's your uncle! Simple as that...
  3. Gentlemen,

    If you are getting a wee bit tired of QB generated maps, you might like to play on a designed map for a change ;)

    A spin-off from Biltong's Campaign Rules is 6 map packs with over 220 maps as well as a list of the maps with all the info you need to select the type of map you want: Battle Type (Assault etc.); Year; Size; Width; Height; Map Type (village etc.); Trees; Hills and Suggested Game Length.

    Why are these maps great?

    1) Each map was designed specifically for only one Battle Type, E.g.: Axis Probe or Allied Assault etc.

    2) The Set-up Zones have great variety, and will bring more surprises for both sides than a QB can ever hope to do.

    3) Flag positions are realistic, not just a random ‘flutter’ of flags :rolleyes:

    4) The maps are quite beautiful – e.g.: realistic towns with all the eye-candy: fences; orchards; realistic streets; farms; names; damage etc. etc.

    5) Variety of maps: from an open cast mine in a mountain to cities to river crossings to state farms…. And above all

    6) They have all been designed for tight, exciting game play – Action from the word go!!

    The ‘how’ is quite easy – download the latest Map List. When you need a map – check on the list which one you want and import the map. It’s as simple as that. Full instructions (not that you'll need more) come with the list.

    Download the Map List here:

    SuperSulo's Site

    or here

    Scooby's Site - including PDF versions for the non-MS compliant individuals ;)



    [ March 17, 2003, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  4. NEW MAPS!!!


    We now have over 220 maps!

    Manstein has added to his excellent range and we’ve got 2 very keen new guys in EasyCo and Zigwied. Welcome guys!!

    I’ve also adapted some maps from a whole lot given freely by Theike. Thanx Theike – once I have more time, I’ll try and do some more.

    Manstein has started a trend and most Mapmakers are updating their work as our knowledge increases, which make for ever-increasing quality!

    Very proud of these guys!! The maps are bringing an extra dimension to BCR, which I never dreamt of.

    If any other guys would like to try their hand at map making – you are very welcome smile.gif

    The BCR Map Making Suggestions doc has quite detailed instructions to help you along – find it at the normal download sites.

    Updates to the following packs




    New packs

    MP6.0 – 83 new maps!!

    MP7.0 – Kiev Battle Pack

    All of the above here:

    SuperSulo's Site



    [ March 15, 2003, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  5. Originally posted by Javaslinger:

    To EasyCo and Billtong and the others in power...

    Forgive my ignorance but with all the constant updates to rules and now maps I'm a bit confused.

    First, on EasyCo's site ...

    EasyCo' site is still new and under construction - hence the confusion. Go to SuperSulo's site and all will be clear.

    The Rules, the different Map Packs and some of the related documents are updated regularly and each update is given a version number.

    BCR 41 South is unlikely to be updated again. BCR 42 South will still have a number of updates (patches?). Each update is announced with a brief list of the mayor changes - see post to follow.

    Even the Map Packs are updated since most of our mapmakers are fanatics who go back and fine-tune their maps as their experience grows smile.gif

    Obviously the Map List gets updated as we add new Map Packs. Don't download all the map packs - just the Map List. When you roll up a battle you choose a suitable map from the list and then you download the relevant Map Pack, if you don't already have the latest version of that pack.

    Second the link for 7.0 includes not only the Kiev maps but also the rules for '42, teh players guide, and is that '41 in there also?

    Tell Easy to put up a construction sign ;)

    Third and finally, what's the difference between Billtaid and Clickpick? Nothing, everythign, or some things?? Is Clickpick and Billtaid upadated to the latest 2.2 rules? Do they cover '41 adn '42?



    Hopefully the 2 programmers will get back to you on this one...

    The convention is, the version number of the program reflects the last version of BCR that it has been adapted to.


    [ March 15, 2003, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  6. Ok - got it now - when I copy your link directly into my Internet Explorer it works, but not when I click on it here on the board :confused:

    BTW, Easy - It might be an idea to put the different map packs as seperate downloads on your site. When a player selects a map he doesn't want to download everything - just the relevant map pack. Have a look at SuperSulo's site - he does it simply and easily. The map packs get updated quite a lot, so it might also be an idea to copy Super and provide the last update date and version number for each map pack.

    But you're most welcome in any case - the more sites that provide BCR downloads the better :D

    [ March 14, 2003, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  7. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    I'm done with '41! smile.gif

    It "only" took 35 battles... I skipped every immediate attack I could. My guys' experience and favor isn't comparable to "true" BCR, since I use my own rules, but about half are crack and the rest are vet. The CO is one point from crack. smile.gif The biggest reason my troops are so high is that I've skipped the rolled casualty part. I just can't accept that half the german army dies every other day. ;) My rules also gives me more units in the task force, so I've kept my guys a bit off the front line, and moved them up when/if the enemy is routed.

    At least you're honest :D

    Just too bad I missed the Kiev battles. :( Wonder if I can play it in 42? The maps have some units in them, don't know what happens if they have units that is no longer available... Or maybe I'll use that nazi time machine and go back to the correct date...

    Should'nt be a problem - Jump right in - all the units will be available... Once you're finished you just add 5 days to the roll and then carry on where you left off.

    Love to hear what you find...

  8. Originally posted by Robert Olesen:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    The biggest reason my troops are so high is that I've skipped the rolled casualty part. I just can't accept that half the german army dies every other day. ;)

    The manual states that in operations a portion of your casualties are considered lightly wounded and come back for the next battle. I have used this concept in my own replacement calculation. The problem is, I don't know how big this percentage is. Does anybody know? </font>
  9. Originally posted by Seahawk-vfa201:

    Well... my experience is set as VETERAN

    Attaboy!! That's my hope: that once the players reach 45 most of them will be on Crack!! Hmm - you know what I mean...

    Have any of you experienced an increase in skills level when playing PBEM or TCIP? I've found that my BCR instinct to protect my troops has started to pay off and some of my old opponents are becoming... well, a bit lightweight... hope, they don't read this ;)

  10. Originally posted by Knaust:

    Does this mean that if my previous battle was on 10 Sept and my next battle date is say 19 Sept, I have to play all 5 Kiev battles?

    Yes - I can't force you, but I would advice it ;)

    and if my next battle date is one month later, i.e. 19 Oct, I can still play all Kiev battles?

    it seems a bit strange...

    Nothing strange about it - it's just a deadline: once you're on or past it, your Battle Group finds itself in Kiev and the Sh## hits the fan. Forget how far past the deadline you rolled - that's of no importance - all that matters is that you crossed over... You're now in the Kiev Battle Pack reality where you no longer roll for Date & Time - it is given and may God have mercy on your soul. ;)
  11. Here we go guys.

    Update time smile.gif

    BCR 41 SOUTH v2.2 & BCR 42 SOUTH v1.1


    Most important: Date & Time has been simplified.

    Only a couple of small modifier changes.

    New Additions

    41 South:

    Kiev City Battle – finally in – see Note 1 – Date, which will point you to Appendix B, which will point you to Map Pack 7. :rolleyes:


    Our first Historical Battle Pack!!

    Peter Molloy worked like a dog and created 100 maps to cater for 4 different map sizes and 6 Battle Types times 5 days. BUT to my great embarrassment I realized that it would be impractical to use all of them. It would have meant a mass of rules to cater for all the different variations. So, I had to beg for his forgiveness and restrict the Pack to just 5 maps redface.gif

    The instructions for Kiev is included in the Battle Pack… so no rule changes in BCR itself.

    To give you an idea – here’s the intro:

    “On September 11, in the face of steadily increasing threat on both wings of the South-West front, Marshall Budenny requested permission to evacuate the Kiev pocket:

    “Any further delay in the evacuation of this front,” was the conclusion of his report, “may lead to the loss of troops and enormous amounts of war material.”

    From Moscow Stalin coldly rejected this request: “Kiev,” he answered, “must be held at all costs.”

    The following 5 battles take place over the last 5 days before Kiev fell to Panzergruppe I on 18 September 1941.

    14 Sept.: Outskirts

    15 Sept.: Suburbs

    16 Sept.: Worker's Paradise

    17 Sept.: Urban Chaos

    18 Sept.: Bridges of Blood

    Each of these battles are unique and you will have special instructions regarding what parameters are ‘given’, and should not be rolled up, special Task Force units etc. All other ‘rolls’ and calculations are done as per normal.

    Task Force units are bought as per normal – but you also get ‘extra’ units such as pioneer platoons and armor.

    For the first time we’ll also be using a feature where the AI is provided with some extra clout ;) When importing these maps you’ll be asked if you want to “Import troops also?” – Select ‘Yes’.”

    Hope you guys will enjoy the Kiev Battle Pack -– This is our first attempt, so feedback is most important. We are planning many more and the more feedback we get the better they will be.

    I think this will become quite an important feature of BCR.


    A number of additions to this document:

    Suggested Flags per map size.

    Wide maps for Allies on the defense – to increase flank AT shots.

    Inclusion of Damage and Craters

    Buying extra Fortifications for the Allies.

    Suggestions for making Historical Battle Packs


    Apache’s idea for Counter/Immediate attack Replacements arriving Later – if at all. I like this one.

    More Historical Battle Packs.

    42 South has 2 City Battles scheduled for implementation:

    Stalingrad: 15 battles and Sevastopol: 5 battles. Peter Molloy and Manstein has started on them… We hope to learn from and improve on Kiev once we start getting feedback. We also hope to improve the presentation and historical accuracy of these packs, so that even the grogs will be satisfied ;)

    42 June Armor Update.

    Using SuperSulo’s SE Option is on the backburner until we’ve heard if Steve will be ‘fixing’ the ammo % problem when you import troops.

    Quite a number of new maps will be released in the near future.

    I like the look that BCR’s getting – more and more polished all the time. Thanx to the BCR team and the players – your feedback has helped to make this possible.

    Keep the ideas and feedback coming – it’s working smile.gif


    Get it here:

    SuperSulo's Site

  12. Originally posted by vedder:

    I love the roads that lead nowhere, reminds me of that elevator from the simpsons. smile.gif

    vedder - have you tried the BCR maps - over 140 at the moment and within days there will be over 200 of them!

    All designed specifically for QB's You download a list in Excel which gives you Year/width/hight/trees/hills/map type/battle type etc etc - choose the one you like and then download the map pack it's in. Once you've generated the battle you simply import the map and bob's your uncle... Great looking maps with all the eye-candy you want and without the predictable flags and setup zones.

    If you want to be surprised for a change - try one ;)

    See my sig below.


  13. Originally posted by Heartland:

    ...That's not true in the strictest sense...the Red Army started launching counterattacks the moment the invasion took place. Already in August the major counter-attacks near Yelnya were having some success in halting the Germans.


    LOL - The Grogs are sneeking in smile.gif

    Smolensk/Yelnya falls in Army Group Central territory - I was talking in a very general sense about the South. BCR is restricted to the South at the moment. Central and North to follow if we're not pre-empted by CMIII ;) My use of the words 'counter attack' was unfortunate - I'm sure there were small local counter attacks from day 1 ;)

    Due to the restrictions of BCR the date modifiers only take into account the large offensives (multiple armies taking part). However, I've just started building in smaller significant battles such as Kiev/Stalingrad/Sevastopol. The next update due in a couple of days will feature Peter Molloy's Kiev Battle Pack.

    BTW - The battle at Yelnya was around 20 July if I'm not mistaken ;)

    Hope you're going to enjoy the campaign smile.gif

    We can definitely do with some grogs - if you see any other historical inaccuracies - please post here - this is one aspect of BCR that needs more work. I've requested the Battle Pack makers to start providing some source material, so that we can start jacking up this aspect - so any comments would be most welcome.

  14. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    Btw, I've come to the conclusion that 10% ammo battles sucks anyway! smile.gif There's no way you can ever hope of winning (with the usual AI handicap), so I just immidiately pull back (aka flee) and let the AI win. Better to take the loss of favor than loss of all your men....

    Yes!! But there's more to it! This is the real challenge of BCR! How to come out tops, when the odds are stacked against you. This is one of of the few things that make BCR unique... fighting a real life totally unballanced battle!!

    Imagine what you would do as a CO in real life if you were in that situation. You don't want your men to get slaughtered, but you still don't want to run away...

    On the defense: Split all your squads and create line after line of fall back foxholes. Don't place men in houses/rough ground etc - 1st create the foxholes, then move them forward into the houses etc. The AI's quite slow on the attack, so you can move forward a bit - allthough you have to be carefull with the new BCR maps ;)

    Then: ambush after ambush, but don't hang around too long. I've been caught time and again thinking the AI's bringing it's men up in drips and drabs, only to be caught by a sudden rush and pinned/slaughtered. 1 or 2 minutes at most, then fall back to the next line of foxholes. The AI tends to consolidate after each firefight and this gives you time.

    Do not use the retreat command!! Your troops are bound to panic! I plot a retreat every 'action' round for all my front line troops and delay it to take place in the 1st seconds of the next round, in case I need it ;)

    Make your last stand in a corner as far away from any flag as possible smile.gif

    On the attack:

    Go for a small flag where you'll you have a good position commanding the approached from the other flags... The AI will try and reinforce the 'lost' flag and then you're back to fighting the defensive fall-back fight above... All you want to do is cause as many Allied casualties as possible while losing as few men as possible - even if you lose the battle, you'll just lose favor and hopefull gain quite a bit of experience to offset the favor loss.

    One trick:

    Your men with ammo left in a position in the woods or scattered trees where they can fire out - ambush arcs set to 40m or less. Fire 1 or 2 minutes max and retreat. 2nd line of men with no ammo deeper in the woods/reverse slope etc where they can't see out (or be seen) - unhidden & no arcs. Once the Allieds enter the woods/crest the hill they'll encounter one burst and handgrenades - some more kills for you - 1 minute only and run. Etc Etc... That's the theory ;)

    What it does, is delay the Allies so you don't have to run off the map. Watch out for flank attacks though - AI's quite clever this way.

    Worked for me some times - not always :D

    Maybe some of the other guys can add some tactics that worked for them - we can all do with some help!

    [ March 11, 2003, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

  15. Originally posted by SuperSulo:

    RE: the ammo and the editor

    I explained it to Steve and he said he would take it up with Charles. Lets hope they decide to fix it. smile.gif

    Hi SS,

    I imagine the odds are slim that Charles will want to spend time on this - bit of a spesiality problem.

    Any other work-around that I/we can impliment... I've got the 'SE-way' scheduled next on my list - to check if and how it can be incorporated into BCR, but I don't want to spend the time on it if there's no way around the ammo problem... too crucial for variety and historical realism...


  16. The unwritten rule seems to be: Go Slow!! If you advance too quickly you get it, but if you advance slowly the planes will support you, even going so far as to pin enemy (in the open) just in front of your troops. The one I'm playing now I've got Stukas pinning 2 squads within 50m of my guys and no friendly fire so far.

    However: wether one should have to go slow, is another story... Bad comms with the air? Bunkers I can still understand: most will be well camouflaged against air attack.

    Generally I find buying Air a waste of points... to be avoided if you can (use Favor) ... The damage they cause vs their point cost is out of wack... Nice sound effects, but very little bang for the buck. Something that needs tuning IMHO.

  17. Originally posted by Mr Byte:

    Hi, the legion of Biltong smile.gif

    I really want to get into this and get going but...

    my problem is I can not get the rules to print in excel the various paramater sheets fine! its the actual rules i can't get to print

    is there a word version I can get ?

    the print pre view shows only half the rules page left tot right :confused:

    even after setting the print area i get the same



    cheers :D

    Strange :confused:

    However - the next update will be out this coming Friday or slightly before and in the meanwhile you can get a PDF version at Scooby's Site

  18. Originally posted by Peterk:

    The Casualty setting is what you put into CMBB Quick Battle - for any number over 0%, CMBB will eliminate some units or men (you have no control over this). Biltong 2.1 says to treat these casualties as though they are combat casualties, even though you never get to use them in the battle.

    Units that Biltaid shows as having < the maximum number of men are depleted and should not participate in the battle. If you make a print out of the battle, there is a note saying they are depleted. I know you're not doing printouts because you're using 2 screens so you're not seeing that message. For those units, you move them off the board on turn 1.

    Hi Peter,

    Moving Depleted units off the map only happens after an Emergency Reorganization - and then only after the reorganization has 'filled up' as many units as possibble. If you had to move depleted units off the map when the casualty setting is high, you'll be left with nothing to play with... this might account for your bad losses.

    Changed Note 5 - Casualties to make this clear:

    "Handle partial units such as men missing in a HQ, squad or team missing from the initial setup because of the Casualties (23) parameter like normal casualties of combat: MIA//frostbite/gonorrhea etc. etc. They still take part in the battle!"

    BTW - if you go into battle with seriously depleted units (after an emergency reorg) it is sometimes better to run in stead of to stand & fight - just as in real life ;) Set ambushes with fall back positions - fire for a minute or 2 - not longer! and fall back - keep this up and you'll pile up the Allied bodies and get away with a vic. Better to give away some favor and keep your men alive (not lose their exp).


    [ March 09, 2003, 04:33 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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