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Everything posted by Biltong

  1. I don’t know if this is as it should work or if it is a bug – and if so, if it has been reported yet. In the Map editor you can set the ‘friendly’ sides as North/South… I tested it a couple of times (before & after the patch), but when you generate forces they still hug the West/East borders of your setup zones. Whether they retreat North/South I did not test. However – since we assume it is a bug, it is a mayor pain for the map designers creating variations for Biltong’s Campaign Rules (Map Add-On Packs). We need to make 7 maps (Axis Ass.; Att.; Pr. // Allied Ass.; Att.; Pr. // ME) preferably from a single map by varying setup zones; flag numbers & positions; and some terrain features. If we could switch the existing map to South/North for some of the variations it would make our lives a lot easier…. Anyone knows if this is as it should be? A bug? Reported as such? Does BFC know about it? I searched 'North' for the last 30 days but found nothing... Much appreciated Biltong
  2. I don’t know if this is as it should work or if it is a bug – and if so, if it has been reported yet. In the Map editor you can set the ‘friendly’ sides as North/South… I tested it a couple of times (before & after the patch), but when you generate forces they still hug the West/East borders of your setup zones. Whether they retreat North/South I did not test. However – since we assume it is a bug, it is a mayor pain for the map designers creating variations for the Map Add-On Packs. We need to make 7 maps (Axis Ass.; Att.; Pr. // Allied Ass.; Att.; Pr. // ME) preferably from a single map by varying setup zones; flag numbers & positions; and some terrain features. If we could switch the existing map to South/North for some of the variations it would make our lives a lot easier…. Anyone knows if this is as it should be? A bug? Reported as such? Does BFC know about it? Much appreciated Biltong
  3. Super - What about writing up a detailed doc on how to play using the editor and publish it on the sites? BTW - have you tried using one of Manstein22's maps? Oh - and what does 'imnsho' mean? In my ...? ...? humble opinion? I could think of some words to put in there, but I'm sure they're wrong
  4. AIRCRAFT USELESS Been a couple of posts re the pain of receiving an expensive, but useless aircraft... Just ran some tests using Max's magic Auto... Don't fear - the only real chance you'll be saddled with Goering's babies are in June - less so in July and thereafter the chance of one appearing to support your heroic Core becomes v.e.r.y slim... You definitely won't see a single one come Dec. I don't want to elliminate them completely. I would like the BCR players to experience them at least once in the whole campaign. As for their effectiveness... outa my hands
  5. Say goodbye to yer family life.. Welcome! Biltong
  6. Player Experience/Purchase Points Solution Well, Max and about a hundred other guys mailed me various solutions (mostly based on dividing the Purchase Point Total by the As/At/Pr modifiers and bringing in Player Exp.). So I printed them up and took them to the beach to study. Max’s looked like the most viable, BUT something still hassled me and I couldn’t put my finger on it… Then I realized it was all the beautiful topless girls… I ignored them for a second and then the simplicity of Max’s solution got me hooked He ignores Player Exp. Completely saying: “…the player's experience will modify the Handicap in which the AI gets more forces automatically anyway, so why make it harder to calculate?” and concentrates solely on Battle Type and Axis Casualties. So: minimal code changes and a solution easy enough for Newbie players to use. Exactly what was needed! I’ve used Max’s Auto Parameters to test this for some time yesterday and it looks good… My only concern is the Player Exp settings in 36 Handicap – I think they make the battles too easy for Regular and above. But that’s a battle for a later date – enjoy your ‘easy’ ride in the meanwhile. Changes: Added the following in the notes (below 34 Fortifications) where you calculate your Purchase Point Total: “Now Calculate the Provisional Force Size = Total Purchase Points * (1 - Casualty Percentage / Battle Type Multiplier) - See Note 11 - Provisional Force Size. Using the Provisional Force Size choose the Force Size that is just higher than the Provisional Force Size. E.g.: if your Provisional Force Size is 1051 the Force Size must be set to 1250.” Note 11 - Provisional Force Size CMBB automatically gives the side that Assaults; Attacks or Probes extra Purchase Points at the following ratio: Assault: 1.72; Attack: 1.5 and Probe 1.4 If you (the Axis) are doing one of the above you must also get extra Purchase Points or (the way we do it here) the Allieds must be given less (reduced Force Size). Also: Axis Casualties must be catered for since the Axis (player) side is heavily penalized by CMBB. Provisional Force Size = Total Purchase Points * (1 - Casualty Percentage / Battle Type Multiplier) Fill this in the box provided on the Parameter Sheet. Example 1: Purchase Points: 1000; Casualty: 20%; Battle Type: Assault Provisional Force Size = 1000 * (1 - .2) / 1.72 = 465 (round up) Note: The Battle Type only has an influence if the Axis Attack/Assault/Probe – in all other cases it is: 1. And: Casualty percentage is made into decimals: 20% becomes .2 (example above) These changes will be incorporated in the next version (Fri 6/12), but you can start using them already - any feedback welcome as always. Biltong
  7. One of my players reported the same thing - just checked it myself - a definite bug. Bit of a bugger for BCR players... any idea when the new patch is due? Biltong
  8. Casualties & Player Experience - little bit more complicated than that... But don't worry - a simple solution has been found - just being tested at the moment Biltong
  9. Good points SuperSulo Anybody out there had a good experience with Air? Both On the list The Combined arms are an easy fix - I'll move it up Biltong [ November 30, 2002, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  10. [QOUTE]....Anyway, I've seen enough people posting how they use their modified rules to get the equipment that the think they need to think my "Axis +200%" tip might be useful to many players. -Andy[/QB]
  11. Check yer mail Super Patience me maties - the beginning is in sight [ November 30, 2002, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  12. WEEKEND & BCR TIME!! Hi Ladies!! F A N F A R E ! ! The Launch of the BCR Map Add-On Pack ! ! E N D - F A N F A R E Skip the BS salespitch below and get it here… SuperSulo's Site It is quite possible to play the whole of BCR on pre-made maps. In other words: a massive Operation covering the whole CMBB theatre of operations from 41 to 45…. Initially the number of maps on offer will be small, (just 7 to wet your appetites) but I hope to increase these to give you an uninterrupted flow. HOW There are no modifications to BCR… Depending on Map Type you will simply download the next suitable map on the list… If you’ve already played the one on the sheet, you simply take the next one. If there’s no ‘next one’ yet, you generate as before. In the zip file you will find 7 variations of the same map: Axis Assault, -Attack, -Probe, Allied Assault, -Attack, -Probe and a Meeting Engagement. Each one is a standalone map with sufficient differences from the others to ‘convince’ you that it’s a new/different map The main differences are in their setup zones, flag positions, number of flags and main terrain features such as house clusters etc. But it might still be a good idea to avoid playing successive battles from the same map pack. Take the next suitable one instead. When you generate the Real Battle and you come to the 3rd (Map Type) screen of the QB generator you ignore the parameters there and load the file… Voila!! DOWNSIDE 3 Parameters are affected: Tree Cover, Hilliness and Damage. These are set when creating the map and your parameter settings won’t have any effect on the map. All other parameters such as weather etc. take effect as per normal. MAP - FUTURE The maps are flowing in at a hell of a pace. Faster than I can process them… So far I’ve got 31! (16 from Manstein alone!!!) Way to go Manstein! He’s also started to create the As; At; Pr & Me versions – enormous help!! I think Manstein will start helping me quite soon with the processing, which means you’ll have more maps than you need. BCR’s EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE I know…. I know – You guys have been posting forever without getting answers… During the week I simply don’t have the time – too busy fighting fires. (see Update below) But now it’s weekend and the bloody school concerts are over (2 in one week) so t’morrow is scheduled to tackle e-mails and unanswered posts. TG for the regulars helping out in this department. UPDATE Not a lot of changes to the rules this time around – you might want to look at the list below before you bother to download… Next week should see the big one: The Big Player Experience/Purchase Points Problem Solution Here’s a summary – Full list of planned changes/investigations can be viewed at SuperSulo's Site RULE SHEET 17 SEWER MOVEMENT < 8 No Rural, Farm - not allowedLarge Town +5; Allied Nationality: Partisan +2;Village -3; Town -2; Meeting Engagement -1 7 > Allowed 25 SEWER MOVEMENT < 8 No Rural, Farm, Village - not allowedLarge Town +4Town -3; Meeting Engagement -2 7 > Allowed 28 Infantry/Support Added bold: … or Axis Force Mix: Armor –3 30 Armor Added bold … or Axis Force Mix: Infantry –3 56 NORMALREPLACEMENTS < 3 Armor & Non-armor 0 experience 3-7 Armor & Non-Armor 15 experience 8-9 Armor 35 Non-Armor 25 experience 9 > Armor 75 Non-Armor 55 experience Note 7 – Generate Real Battle Remember to choose the right Experience for all units. For your first battle your Core Force and Auxiliaries start out as Green (Experience 10). Enter '10' into the ‘Exp Before Battle’ column (Core Sheet) for each unit: squad/team/HQ/tank etc. Thereafter your Core Force will gain experience through their actions - see the Core Sheet. You won't be able to buy the squads/HQ's etc in your Inf. Company at different Experience Settings, so you have to average the Experience for the Company. Add up the experience of each Co unit: HQ/Squad/team and divide by number of units. Note 4 - Core Force They all start with zero Favor and 10 Experience (see Exp Before Battle in Core Sheet). As you battle along the various squads/units/teams will gain or lose Favor and Experience. CORE, FAVOR & PARAMETER SHEETS Updated the color scheme DONE BEFORE Fri 29th 1. Find Maps 2. Approach Depot designers for permission to use their maps. 3. Create diff Battle Types of existing Maps 4. Compile 1st Map Pack and submit to SuperSulo 5. Implement version control 6. Extra: Start new thread so that we can always point newbies to “the 1st Post” when they need the rules or intro. 7. Extra: Claude’s Corrections. See 7) 1 – 15 below. I did not list the “word” changes – just the modifier changes above. Thanx again Claude!! 8. Extra. Investigate Player Experience/Purchase Points. 9. Extra. Thank guys for their work on the rules, esp. Max & co on the Player Experience/Purchase Points Problem J PROBLEMS/ADDITIONS TO BE INVESTIGATED IN A ROUGH SEQUENCE TO DO BEFORE WED 4th Dec 1. Answer all e-mails & posts 2. Finalize Player Experience/Purchase Points Solution 3. Find out how far players are with South 41 – how soon will they need South 42? 4. Create Next Map pack 5. Give some designers their map feedback requested 6. Investigate Sewer movement. 7. Discuss add-on policy. 8. Clarify - Note 5: Exp gain. Allied = Soviets not your troops (e.g. your allies). 9. Clarify - Re spending points left over in category for aux- they must be spent on that category only. 10. Clarify - Normal replacements (56) every new battle? FEEDBACK Any feedback e-mail me direct or (preferably) post it on the board – where everybody can see it and where it might stimulate discussion and improvement of BCR for all J Biltong [ November 29, 2002, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  13. Player Experience/Purchase Points Problem Max's has nailed it! - Typing it up and will be posted further down soon [ November 30, 2002, 07:05 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  14. You're right Void - these rules are just for nutcases Seriously though - the Auto Parameters are already there - see download sites in the 1st post of this thread. Biltong Hiya Apache: You've been waiting a while for these: 1. Is there a need to include a randomised possibility (say between every 5th or 10th battle) that you core may be ordered to participate in a major action? This could be linked in auto-parameter sheet to a battle number you enter at top as you play the campaign? Also, what about an occasional bonus platoon of this/that (e.g. AFVs, tanks troops etc)? B - Scheduled 2. Is it worth suggesting that people can dispense with date roll up and set their own campaign length. E.g. 24 turns = 1 battle per week (take your pick of day), 48 = 2, 72 = 3 etc.? Will be some variance as still need to use immediate attack/counter rules. B – Simplicity of rules & Historical accuracy – Don’t think so…. Might be a good idea to have a ‘place/document/web page” where ideas like this can be stored for the player to browse in case he would like to try it. B - Scheduled 3. Is it possible to roll too many 9> re date and end up with a campaign lasting only 6 turns? Maybe a rule saying if 9> more than once consecutive, roll again? B – Check the Random Number Sheet – at worst 2 x 10 in a row… Don’t worry…. Beee happy 4. For those preferring historical accuracy they may wish to dispense with random QB aux force generator. Just select your preferred core company type in axis parameters, go straight to main battle set-up and merely select your core and buy support from the options available as shown by CMBB QB generator for that Div type? B – Certainly possible, but player loses out: 1) getting to know/learn all units; 2) Trap of just staying with the few units player is comfortable with – BCR loses it’s training purpose. 5. Don’t think sewer move is allowed in rural etc. Only towns etc.? B - Scheduled 6. Are armor and other aux values high enough? Will you actually be able to buy something in those sections for the lowest points on offer? If not (haven’t had time to check), is it worth reviewing points and starting with lowest being something you could use and working up.? A 250 max of armor does not buy much and will be rare (intended). In most battles I have played the core has had to lead the way, not much of anything else. B – Designed with the above in mind, but I’m having 2nd thoughts: I only catered for Green June 41 costs – need further investigation/thought. B - Scheduled 7. Force modifiers worth a look. Current selection of point numbers IMHO often gives Soviets way too much. B - Scheduled 8. Do mortar crews have too much influence on overall platoon experience when calculating at end? When aggregating to get overall platoon experience (e.g. HQ, 4 sqds and a mortar) should the total be divided by 4 (sqds), 5 (sqds + HQ) or 6 (the lot). Which shows most realistic effects? B – I can’t give them nothing & I don’t want to complicate the calc with a special modifier just for them. Rules are already too complex. See Void above LOL 9. Mortar crews are had to track at end in terms of number of crew if KOd. B – use + key to move through all units 10. Note 3: Is there a need to make it clear that the experience after battle is calculated by dividing the score for the squad by the total numbers it has at full strength (not numbers you have left standing)? B – no the formula is correct as is. Example in Note 5. 11. How do you cater for the increasing cost of your core (coy and AFVs) as they progress from green to crack?? B – see Note 4: “Note the Purchase Point cost of the units you choose and fill these in on the next battle's Parameters Sheet…” 12. Re coy experience, presume add up all platoon exp and then divide by ¾ (dependant on no’s of squads)? Co CO is or is not included? B – See Note 7: “Thereafter your Core Force will gain experience through their actions - see the Core Sheet. You won't be able to buy the squads/HQ's etc in your Inf. Company at different Experience Settings, so you have to average the Experience for the Company. Add up the experience of each Co unit: HQ/Squad/team and divide by number of units.” 13. Note 5: Need to clarify? Exp gain. Allied = Soviets not your troops (e.g. your allies). B – scheduled 14. Scrounged units, can you scrounge infantry only or anything at all? (e.g. spotters, AFVs etc)? B – See Note 6: “…use the points generated in Scrounged Units (54) to buy extra Inf/Support units.” 15. Are scrounged units retained for next battle only or until lost? If latter, is current core sheet suitable to calculate their experience gain? B – you do keep them from one battle to the next, but in practise you will lose them quite fast. See Emergency Reorganisation: Note 2: “Use up Scrounged Units first.” 16. Is panic calculation at end right? If a unit panics it gets -4. If panicked at end, another -4? B - yes This could lead to a squad that breaks very early on and yet comes back ½ way through but gets to be of no use at all getting penalised less (-4) than a squad that has been in the thick of it all through and then panics just before end and is still panicked at end (-4 + -4) = -8)? B – As their CO you must rally rattled troops and try to keep them from getting panicked. 17. Re spending points left over in category for aux, need to clarify that they must be spent on that category only? B – scheduled. Also, if get 400 points for arty and an ME only lets you spend 240, tough? B – See Note 7: “However - you are not allowed to change Nation or Division… If you have points for a category and there are no units on offer for that Nat/Div - tough luck - you lose the points.” 18. Need to add a note: Roll for each aux section re points generator. 8> allows purchase of 40%> rare? B – See Note 7: “For both the Auxiliaries and Scrounged units stick to units that are < 40% Rare - a Random Number of 8 > gives you free reign to buy those rare beauties Roll a single die for all Auxiliary Categories as well as the new Scrounged Unit/s.” 19. Is there a need to attach completed examples of docs to show and allow new players to follow it through so they are sure they have it right? B – Would be nice – just don’t ask me to do it LOL… Want to volunteer 20. Are normal replacements (56) every new battle? B – Yes except: “Not Allowed for Counter or Immediate Attack” 21. The points you roll up may actually not allow you to have a very big force at all if you roll up Amor or Mech if using those axis parameters (need to check)? B - ? Example? 22. Are scrounge points enough? Presume you roll for points and then select the units you wish to scrounge up to that value? Unclear? B - ? Example? 23. Top of section 28 on rule sheet. 1st number is 28, should it be 1? B – Done
  15. That's it folks! THREAD FULL!! PLEASE TAKE IT HERE: Biltong's Rules 2nd Thread Matt could you lock this one? Thanx
  16. Biltong’s Campaign Rules 41 South – June to December Latest updates 6 December here: Scooby's Site You can download: Biltong's Campaign Rules and Max’s Auto Parameters in Excel or PDF or view the individual Rules sheets and the Intro Doc in PDF format online. Get the Map Add-On Intro and Map List & Get the Maps 12 New Maps in the Map Pack! NEW! Map making suggestions for BCR OR HERE: SuperSulo's Site Download Biltong's Campaign Rules for CMBB Download Max BrauHaus' Auto Parameters for Biltong's 41 South Campaign Rules Download The Map Add-On & Get the Maps 12 New Maps in the Map Pack NEW! Map Making Suggestions for BCR Read the Updates & Unresolved Issues document This is the second thread – the first one filled up fast. If you would like to see what was discussed in the first couple of weeks, click the link below, but skip the 1st 5 or 6 pages - these were mostly just people asking for copies: BCR 1st Thread -------------------------------------------------- Frustrated with the long delays between PBEM files? Bored with playing against the AI? Biltong’s Campaign Rules will introduce you to a totally different CMBB world: Unique Realism & High Tension. 1. What is Biltong’s Campaign Rules? Summary: You play the AI (as the Axis) in a series of QB generated battles. These battles are generated using a set of easy Rules. The Rules ensure that all historical factors are accurate as you and your troops battle through the months and years. Although you play separate battles, they are linked because you have a Core Force of German troops and armor that move with you from the first battle to the last. 41 South is the set of Rules covering the months June to December in the Army Group “South” Theatre of Operations. Operation Barbarossa erupts on 22 June 1941 and you and your men storm through the Soviet ranks through the long months of summer in the steppe and the mud and rain of October. You take your men all the way to Rostov, Khar’kov and the Crimea before the incredible cold of November halt you in your tracks. Then the Soviet counter attacks start. Background: In the old CMBO days a man called Wreck introduced the first set of rules. Unfortunately he got waylaid by a woman and had to hand them over. I took up the cudgel and because of the wide variety of parameters offered by CMBB the rules underwent a radical change. But Wreck’s introduction to the first set still holds true: “Anyone who remembers Panzer General, Steel Panthers, or Close Combat knows the fun of a campaign game. Carefully nursing along your force, slowly building it up to be something special. The horror of losing a valued unit. The glee when you increase in quality.... “ Overview: You are the commanding officer of a company of German troops and some armor that you take through the whole CMBB time frame from the opening salvo on 22 June 41 till the last shells fall in Berlin four years later. As you lead your company and armor into Russia all the parameters of the battles are dictated by historically accurate data, e.g. on the 4th week of October 41 it suddenly turns bitterly cold and the German advance freezes to a halt. However, there is also a random factor provided by a “Random Number”, to provide a degree of unpredictability, but historical accuracy dominates. Your individual men and armor gain or loose experience throughout the Campaign. They slowly advance through the ranks from Green to, hopefully, Crack. It all depends on how they fare in each battle… how many men did they kill; how many men did they lose; did they break; did they take out a MG pillbox or maybe even a tank? You yourself, as the CO, learn and slowly gain or loose Experience and also Favor with your own commanding officer, depending on battle outcomes and a host of other factors, e.g.: don't lose battles or even armor and especially don't let them burn! Your CO gets highly p'd off and you lose his Favor, which you can use to influence some of his decisions. E.g.: whether you can avoid launching an Immediate Assault straight after your last battle without even getting reinforcements. For most battles you will also get Auxiliary Forces: Infantry, Support, Vehicles, Armor, Arty or Air, depending on factors such as weather, who assaults or attack who and what the date is. Every CMBB parameter possible is used to provide an enormous variety of battles within a strictly historical framework. 2. What makes it different Immediate satisfaction and action versus the long delays between PBEM games combined with immersion and suspense from really getting involved with your men and armor over a long period of time. I used to play 6 or 7 PBEM files every night for many years, but once I started playing the Campaign Rules these faded to zero in a short time. And that is the very real danger of these rules – they can be quite detrimental to your net-social life. Be warned. The other factor is a degree of realism that no other CMBB play technique offers. In QB's, PBEM's and all designer scenarios you always have a “balanced” opponent, but that is near idiotic – on the East Front this hardly ever happened. With the Campaign Rules you have the real thing: Sometimes you know who your opponent is; sometimes you are facing unknown odds. Sometimes you have an easy go of it - hammering low on ammo and decimated green Partisans, but later that night you might face a counter-attack from 3 companies of Guards Mech, before you had chance to get reinforcements... Or Division might promise you a lot of supporting arty, but a fog sets in just before your assault, making them useless. You have to think on your feet and learn to retreat when necessary... no more heroic defenses or assaults till the last man!! Your men's survival becomes of the utmost importance... even to the extent that you'll rather loose a battle than loose too many men! The flags still matter – you still want to win, but not at the cost and risk of decimating your men. Realism rules for the first time. As a learning tool this is unsurpassed.... You learn to think and act like a real commander... If you think you’ve got your tactics down pat, – Think again… You will get into situations that you’ve never encountered before… and never will with normal scenarios and QB’s. That you are playing the AI becomes completely unimportant... all that matters are winning and surviving… for your men and yourself. All feed back/errors/ideas/gray or unclear areas very welcome... help to make the Rules better for everyone. Biltong [ December 06, 2002, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  17. Hmm – lot of e-mail and lots of posts… TG the guys on the team and this thread are so nice and understanding and patient and bright and pretty and… Ok – back to what I’ve gotta do: 1. Find Maps Done – 16 so far and more coming in at a steady flow… some really excellent ones as well. 2. Approach Depot designers for permission to use their maps. Done – out of 14 that fall in the ’41 South’ category I got 6 OK’s and only 1 ‘NO’ ?! I’ve only looked at some of them – 1 or 2 might not be suitable, but I doubt it. 3. Create diff Battle Types of existing Maps Done – Took one of Manstein22’s maps and used it to create the 7 versions (Ax-As; -At; -Pr; Al-As; At; -Pr; ME). All I did was to alter the Setup Zones, Flags (no & placement) and some terrain features so that you ‘hopefully’ have a different battle on each version of the map. Nice map from Manstein – at first glance it's flat steppe terrain, but don’t underestimate it – lots of little hulldown spots and cover if you know how to look… also some eye candy… should make for a great improvement over the QB maps… Just finished testing them and I'm quite impressed with how the AI reads the maps. Thought of changing the rules to cater for the maps, but I think the maps must be a stand alone add-on as well.... Should be simple to impliment (T'morrow)... Looks like there might be quite a bit of add-on's on the horison.. and I think it's better to keep the basic BCR simple so not to scare off newbies with a complex IBM Manual... Once they get going they can investigate the add-ons themselves and select what they like. 4. Compile 1st Map Pack and submit to SuperSulo T’morrow 5. Implement & arrange hosting for Doc’s Medals & Injuries Version Still under negotiations 6. Implement version control T’morrow Rule changes? What rule changes!? They are beautiful! They don’t need changing!! They are perfect!!! To’morrow… To’morrow…. tadada… (low) To’mo.o.row…! [ November 26, 2002, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  18. Some great discussions/ideas/nude girls etc above.. But I'm not going to join in Busy modifying maps - great fun! Just popped in to say I am here and I am taking note... keep them coming. I like what's happening - the whole idea of BCR was that they should enable players to (easily) modify them to the Players Taste... I think Sardaukar is setting the pace here... Try a modification, test it, and when it works spread the news As for the maps looking good - not great yet, but good - and (I think) a hell of a lot better than the QB maps - should add some spice and open up a new front to BCR C'ya later Biltong [ November 25, 2002, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  19. At first I wanted to say: "Tough!! That's war." That's the way we played the original rules, but then I remembered that it bugged me as well - I just got used to it. So - it goes on the list... Not soon and not what you expect - we will always have less than the stupid AI Biltong
  20. see 3 posts above your own for down load sites and say goodbye to your social life Welcome
  21. Still looking - anybody else want to donate an old map lying around
  22. In the last couple of weeks a small team of guys have stepped up to the guns: Web Masters – Scooby, SuperSulo, Snarker Auto Parameters - Max BauHaus Auto Favor/Experience - Pascal Di Folco Newbie Support – SuperSulo & Co Medals & Casualty Expansion Pack - Dr Osage Language & Typos - Claude McDaniel FAQ Compiler - Apache Maps - Helmut from Munich, SuperSulo, Paul Kearton Map Host - SuperSulo I hope I didn't forget anyone Can’t thank you enough guys – I underestimated the work involved and without your help I would’ve been in deep poo If anyone else would like to get involved - the more the merrier!! I can do with some help on the map side - Creating maps or modifying existing maps (changing set-up zones and flags) to cater for the diff Battle Types. Contact me here or e-mail me direct biltong@betrim.co.za That’s all folks!! I’m of to start on the maps – Finally!! Biltong [ November 23, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  23. kmusa99 - go get them here Scooby's Site Including Max BrauHaus' Auto Parameters or here SuperSulo's Site or here Snarker's Site Hope you enjoy! Biltong
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