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Everything posted by Biltong

  1. Ø Hi Guys Ø Ø OK – e-mails first Ø BTW – don’t feel that you have to e-mail me with problems because I’ll be p’d off if you post them…. Just the other way around… lets sort out all problems now, before I go onto 42 South… the cleaner it is now the easier it’s going to make my and your lives down the line…. Ø Also – posting it on the board will stimulate other ideas/crits/comments etc., which will help to make the rules better for everybody…. Ø Don’t spare my feelings – I’ve got a thick skin Ø Open discussion is the best way. Ø Biltong Ø Also saves me copying and pasting Ø Ø Ø CLAUDE Ø Thanks for all the work you put into the campaign rules, I am enjoying them > a lot. My apologies for not posting this to the Battlefront forum, but they > want cookies enabled, and I am very much against allowing cookies on my > machine. Yep - bloody kids keep on spilling crumbs on my keyboard... >1. The sheet labeled "Paramaters" should be labeled "Parameters". Done >2. In the sheet labeled "Core", is the column labeled "KIA" equivalent to > "Eliminated"? Well picked up! - Copied it over from the old rules... Changed it to Casualties with a Note 1: "Casualties include Casualties, KIA and Captured" at bottom of the page and color-coded Blue. Also scanned through Rules and changed all KIA etc to Casualties. And added this: "For the purposes of these Rules Casualties include Casualties, KIA and Prisoners" underneath the Heading: After Battle Parameters (just above 50) > Also, the "Mortar" column is used by the fourth platoon, which might not > have mortars. Would a better name for the column be "Equipment"? Left the mortar 'column lines' there in case of Scrounged Mortars. This Experience Modifier is definitely just for Mortars. I'm worried that if I say 'Equipment' the players might think it counts for fausts, AT rifles etc. > 3. In the sheet labeled "Favor", shouldn't the phrase "Lost or Drew Battle" > be "Lost or Drawn Battle"? Done! Also, "men kiled" should be "men killed". No - I don't think so - when my men die they are definitely kiled the ****es Done! > While these are trivial comments, I believe you want to know. Quite right! My English isn't the best (I'm Afrikaans speaking) and I wish someone would check all of the rules etc.. Please feel free - it will help to give the rules a more polished look. Much appreciated Biltong SCOTT Thanks. I knew the answer had to be simple. Hope it was , but let me know as soon as something isn't very clear... it's a work in progress and this one: 41 South is quite important, because it will set the standard for the 15? Other’s to come... Most, if not all of them will be a repeating a lot of the rules and the clearer we make them now, the easier for all guys who start playing later - so let me have the questions HELMUT Ø Have got some original maps, better map pieces of the southfront at Stalino but thats beyond 41 south. Nevertheless they give an idea of the area, so tomorrow I`ll try to draw another map. > Medium size, is that 2 to 3 km? I would say anything between 800 x 800 and 2000 x 1500 - a lot of guys battle with large maps on their PC's :-( > The first few battles were fast long-range with lots of meeting engagements, am I right? So these maps have to be deep > Greetings From my reading (very limited sources) it looked like the Axis were attacking/assaulting a lot of fixed positions in the first couple of weeks at least - thereafter it gets a bit hazy... My understanding is that ME's were quite scarce in the war, but I might be wrong.... what made you think that ME's were common? I'm worried that I got it wrong. I loaded Axis assault a lot for June & July - see Battle Type 3 In fact I'm going to post this conversation and see if we can get some response from a Grog... IMPORTANT!! Henrik e-mailed me with this: “I think the experience system is "broken". After just 4 battles, - July 6th, I have a few Crack squads, almost everyone else is Veteran, and my 150mm InfGun has 916 experience! My PzIVE is 3 points from being Crack. And I'm not THAT good player... This is obviously too fast. They have never broke or panicked, maybe that's one reason, but still... They should be Regular at best.” Is this a common occurrence?? Sounds like a there’s some adjustments needed! Feedback please Guys. Henrik writes on: “And about the "favor for causing casualties": My last battle was an Allied Attack, 2000 pts, +25% to Allied, unknown enemy forces (turned out they got inf only), medium map, FLAT, OPEN, RURAL, . It was a slaughter, I tell you that They had 668 men ok, 893 casualties, 225 KIA, 10 captured, 10 mortars destroyed. I had 211 men ok, 10 casualties, 3 KIA, 1 vehicle destroyed. If they had brewed up a tank or two (it was VERY close in the end, ALL my units were out of ammo, and the russians poured into my lines), and I didn't get those mortars/prisoners, I would have got a negative favor. So there should definitly be some kind of favor for casualties Oh and in this battle my inf gun got 418 infantry casualties caused! It shouldn't become Crack non-the-less... Ok – had a couple of comments about casualty Favor already, so I’ll start on that tonight (after answering the board messages). Any feedback/comments on this would also be appreciated.
  2. ….You can also get the rules here…. Welcome SNARKER!! Biltong, I've sent you the map PK was FIRST – The Man!! Mother of a city map… on the map thing:… SCREENY – good points… would be nice if others also post ideas re what makes/could make good/interesting campaign maps…. BTW guys I need more down to earth straightforward steppe; open or light trees… Difficult I know, but that’s the real challenge: to make a map like this interesting and ‘fightable’ with subtle folds and a dry riverbed; a little clump of trees here – a single farm there… Only the best designers can make it work We need a lot of these – the 1st 3 months of the campaign crawls through terrain like that. …I'm going to consider him broken down…. SNARKER – the bloody coward went AWOL, that’s what… New Rule 10 added yesterday? Men/armor etc missing because of the Casualties parameter are handled like normal casualties. MIA/sickness/frostbite/lost/armor broken down etc etc (mostly gonorrhea They will get replaced the next time you have a normal replacement (56) and the random number there will determine the replacement quality. I majorly kicked butt COMMANDER ? That’s it – 1am off t’bed – Screeny – look’s like you found a bug and Schroener: looks interesting, but I’m stuffed – of to bed & wife – t’morrow
  3. Ah yes!!! Now if you don't mind I'm going to copy your words as is and paste them in Keep it up!! One minor adjustment: ...after buying all the units you picked from those generated by the Auto QB (47)...
  4. Hi Guys, Maps are starting to pour in… so 1st thing: All those who e-mailed and sent maps - please forgive me if I give you shorthand feedback – I’m a bit snowed under…. Need HELP fast. Need someone, preferably with some experience, who will be able to assist in preparing the maps for the different Battle Types… All though it now looks like we’ll only need 3 variations of the map: 1) Axis Assault/Attack/Probe 2) ME 3) Allied Assault/Attack/Probe and not the 7 types I thought originally… Anyone agree/disagree? I’m going to spend this week on getting ready (rules and 1st lot of maps) and hope to …. No lets do a BFC and make no promises We got a host for the maps in the meantime - Thanx Henrik!!! I’ve been playing most of the night with importing maps…. Looks good so far… some minor problems… 1) Don’t know what to do about map sizes… will be a hell of a job to prepare small/medium/large/huge versions of each map… a no go AFAIC…. I think we’ll just have to cope with what we find --- heh heh 800 points on a huge map or 5000 points on a small map should make our lives quite interesting…. So I suggest sticking to (sort of) medium size maps when you design… Maybe we can come up with a sollution later - now? 2) I was hoping to turn the same map for the different Battle Types. E.g.: North/South for Axis Attack and East/West for Soviet attack and one corner (say SE) to the opposite (NW) for the ME, but one test (only) shows the AI placing the men only on the East/West map edges – so I assume that those are the only exit edges as well and that the North/South selection in the Editor are not working…. Anyone with better info? – is this being addressed in the patch? Have I got it wrong (hopefully)? Sending this off 1st and then I’ll try and answer the posts above – got ½ an hour – will get to the rest t’morrow Biltong
  5. Thanx Man - Of to bed now, but I'll have a look & grab 1st thing t'morrow night
  6. Q....... If my Axis Force Mix comes up as Infantry, then how am I supposed to select the Core forces identified in the rules? A....During 47 Generate Aux Forces using the Auto QB you can't & don't have to worry about the Core - this is just to generate your Auxiliaries. Then:... 48 Generate Real Battle "You now generate a QB battle using the parameters rolled up above. However: Change Axis Force Mix and Nationality to Unrestricted and ALLOW HUMAN for Purchase Units." Q........And if I get points for Auxilliary forces in areas other than Infantry, the Auto QB will not come up with any forces in those areas either? 47 Generate Aux Forces using Auto QB "If the QB generator does not generate any forces in a category for which you have points - don't worry. This will be sorted out later in your favor :)" Note 7 - Generating the Real Battle "If you have points left in an Auxiliary Category after buying all the units generated by the Auto QB (47) you can choose what you want to buy from the normal QB unit list until you have used up the Purchase Points for that Category." Hope this makes it clear... added the following lines to 47 Generate Aux Forces using Auto QB to help make this clear: "Note that this will NOT be the battle that you will play… This is just to generate your Auxiliaries… The Real Battle will be generated just below in (48)"
  7. PK - made my day again... You'll be the first! Send it along: biltong@betrim.co.za Congrats Hope there's going to be many more from you and the other guys... I've got high hopes for the use of pre-made maps... It opens up a whole host of possibilities for making very interesting and varied battles... I doubt that we realise all the ramifications... Off the top of my head - some of the benefits vs QB generated maps: Better looking and more realistic maps; Strategic placement of features such as hedges; streams, roads etc; Use of features such as rivers which are never? generated; Varied and interesting Placement Zones; Helping the AI on the defense via strategic placement zones; and Better flag placement on real objectives Any other ideas out there? [ November 17, 2002, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  8. DOWNLOAD NOW AVAILABLE HERE Biltong's Campaign Rules - 41 South Both a PDF and the actual Excel/Word versions are offered. As well as View only formats for a quick look at the different sheets. Scooby did the work.. Thanx Scooby - great looking page! OR HERE Biltong's Campaign Rules - 41 South Henrik's good looking site for the Excel/Word version , This is also where we are planning on keeping The Campaign Maps. Great work Henrik!! Both sites show the latest Update Date before you do the actual download and also includes the Introduction to the Rules for new campaigners. Can't thank you guys enough Biltong [ November 17, 2002, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  9. Can't do - no e-mail addy. No worry though - see below [ November 17, 2002, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  10. No e-mail addy Sgt Rekkem - rest above sent off - let me know if you didn't get them Guys, Looks like the first mad rush of requests are slowing down... Got time to start with the next phase. I posted this seperately, but didn't get any reponse... hope it might get some here (maybe better to keep things in one thread). The more I play with the Map Import facility, the more excited I get. It looks like it would be quite possible to play a whole campaign on pre-made maps. In other words: a massive Operation covering the whole CMBB theatre of operations from 41 to 45…. All we need is maps… The rule modifications would be insignificant… Depending on Map & Battle Type you will simply download the next map on a list … everything else remains the same. What I’ve got in mind so far: A new Map Sheet with 5 Map Types: City; Large Town; Village; Farm and Rural If someone sends me a map I’ll modify the setup zones and flags and create 7 variations for: Axis Assault/Attack/Probe/ME/Allied Assault/Attack/Probe. E.g.: “Pretty Ax-As” for the Axis Assault variation of the Village map called “Pretty” You as the map creator can do this for me as well. I’ll add the names to the Map Sheet and upload them to the Scenario Depot (or another suitable host). Once we’ve got our first couple of maps you’ll be warned to download the new Map Sheet. When you need to roll up a new battle the rules will tell you which Map Type & Battle Type (as per normal). You check on the Map Sheet for the relevant Map Type & Battle Type and download the specified file from the host and import into the Real Battle. If you’ve already played the one on the Map Sheet, you simply take the next one. If there’s no ‘next one’ yet, you roll up and generate as before. In time we should be able to have a batch of very accurate maps for specific locations, esp. cities, but for now I think we can just storm ahead and create as wide a variety of maps as soon as possible. Most of you have never created a map. DON’T WORRY – whatever you do can’t be worse than the QB map generator Just send them…. The more the merrier. Later we can sort out and put the best ones at the top… Restrictions: hardly any – I’ll post if we have too many or too few of a certain type/size etc. One definite restriction: Stick to the default: Axis/West and Allied/East. Is there anyone out there who would like to take on the responsibility of managing Map Sheet and maps? You would have to check or modify the setup zones/flags for each Battle Type variation. Upload the maps to the host and update the Map Sheet. Someone with some experience in creating maps/scenarios. I hope to have a host for the rules and the Map Sheet soon. I’ll contact Scenario Depot and ask about hosting the Maps. As for rule changes: Off hand I can think only think of 3 parameters that will be affected: Tree Cover, Hilliness and Damage. These are set when creating the map and I don’t want to dictate to the designers. I want interesting variations… e.g.: play with your setup zones… we all know what the QB does when it’s an Axis Assault. It would be nice to be surprised with the Soviet setup for a change Any ideas/suggestions/offers of help? [ November 17, 2002, 10:16 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  11. Sorry I wasn't clear - I mean maps made by you using CMBB's map editor. If you made the map for a scenario it wouldn't matter. We could still use it. Any maps lying around Biltong
  12. Rules off to guys above - let me know if you didn't get them. Screeny I know the feeling too well... When I started with Wreck's rules in CMBO I had 8 straight defeats in a row, before I decided to hell with that and gave myself an extra 105mm FO and a Sherman... Thereafter I was king Bloody Wreck was/is a Crack player and designed the rules for himself. What setting did you play on? Player = Conscript? It would be nice to hear from the other guys as well about their experience - Will give me an idea of accuracy of the difficulty settings.. Keep a couple of things in mind: You will tend to start off at your normal pace and recklessness - heavy casualties!! Slow down and be very careful - imagine it's your sons you are commanding and you'll get it right For the first x number of battles, while you are still green and learning, you are bound to lose and esp. lose Favor... Your experience should climb though. Just as in real life. No CO has much time for a newbie CO under him who is slaughtering his own men In time this will change and the victories will start coming your way... then the Favor kicks in and you can start to control events a bit and you have Scrounged units and your men are hot... Then it's time to kick ass.... Until the winter... Then I pity all of us... Please post your experiences - I think everyone will enjoy to hear them Biltong
  13. Right Screeny's question above... Rule 10 - Casualties added: Men/armor etc missing because of the Casualties parameter are handled like normal casualties. MIA/sickness/frostbite/lost/armor broken down etc etc (mostly gonorrhea ;~)) They will get replaced the next time you have a normal replacement (56) and the random number there will determine the replacement quality. Hope that does the trick Biltong
  14. No tanks at all?! - that doesn't sound right. You could've lost one maybe, but not all 3... Men/armor etc missing are handled like normal casualties. MIA/sickness/frostbite/lost/armor broken down etc etc (mostly gonorrhea) They will get replaced the next time you have a normal replacement (56) and the random number will determine the replacement quality. Thanx for the question - I'll clarify the rules accordingly Biltong PS sent files to all above Will get to other post later - family get together t'day
  15. Hi Screeny, Try German/Mechanised Thanx for pointing it out - clarified it in the rules. But you're right - it's late - I'm off ta bed Biltong [ November 17, 2002, 05:13 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  16. Any maps half suitable to 1941 Battle Group South, town, village whatever... size does not matter either Need them for: Biltongs Campaign Rules - 41 South I've already looked at the Scenario Depot & Der Kessle... If you have one or know where I can get them e-mail me biltong@betrim.co.zaor post a reply here Thanx Biltong
  17. Sent off Matt. Can't get hold of Supersulo though - don't have an e-mail address for him. Supersulo - if you read this pls get hold of me Ta Biltong
  18. Experience Calculation Q Ok played first battle today without problems generating the QB etc however I am a bit confused as to how Experience and Replacements are calculated at end ? On Core sheet units are shown as +2 for causing both casualties and KIAs but how do you know which is which in Cmbb ? Quite right - not clear. Assumes knowledege of Wrecks Rules. Changed Core Sheet: Collumn L & M now headed as : Own Casualty and Enemy Casualty. Also how are replacements calculated exactly ? as actual men or as Experience points ? I am confused (not hard to do) by how After Battle experience End Numbers are arrived at ? Right - Expanded Note 5 to read: Note 5 - Experience Gain Your Core Force and Scrounged Units gain or loose experience as a whole from each battle. Overall Experience Gain is Allied casualties x 20 divided by the Purchase Point Total (Parameter Sheet (34) Round down from < .5 and up from .5 E.g.: 2.52 becomes 3. This Experience Gain gets added to each unit/squad/team/vehicle/armor etc ..including your Scrounged Units.. during the calculation of the After Battle Experience - See the top right of the Core Sheet. Example: A 13 man squad starts out with +8 Experience Before Battle; During the battle they Panicked -4; had 6 Own Casualties 6 x +2 = +12; inflicted 2 Enemy Casualties 2 x +2 = +4; took out a Mortar +2 = +22 - Overall Experience Gain was, say +3 - So, Exp After Battle stands at +25.... BUT now they get 6 replacement that have 0 Experience. Using the formula in Note 3: 7 men left x +25 experience + 6 replacements x 0 experience divided by 13 men = 13.46 Round down from less than .5 so After Replacement Exp for the squad = +13 Note that your men earn +2 experience points for each of their Own Casualties… You learn fast when your friends die by being careless. Hope this clears this up Biltong
  19. Some Q & A's 1. Scrounged Units First thing, I'm allowed to have 3 scrounged units. What's a unit? Is an Inf platoon a unit? Or only things like MGs and guns? Rule 6 "...extra inf/support units" an MG; a platoon or even a Company - anything in the Inf/Support categories (if you have enough points). After my first battle I got 80 pts for scrounged units. I bought a 150mm InfGun, a MG34 HMG and a MG34 LMG. Do I get to keep these "forever"? Yes - if you are very lucky - at the bottom of Note 6 - Scrounged Units: ".. in a Emergency Reorganization these units must be used as replacements first." This happens quite often and you tend to lose your Scrounged Units fast. After the next battle I got 100 pts more for scrounged units. Is that correct? Do I still have the 80 pts from the previous battle or do I have to pay for the InfGun and the MGs again with the new 100 pts I got? Meaning if I didn't get any points, I would lose them? Reading the rules I got the feeling that I now have 180 pts to buy for, so I bought the infgun and the HMG, and upgraded the LMG to a AT gun. Quite Right! If this is the case, my scrounged units will soon be worth more than my core units... - a possibility I imagine, but I'll be surprised.... If this keeps on happening (no Emergency Reorganization) then I might have to adjust the Rules, but for the moment enjoy your extra strength units. 2. Force Size I'm still not clear how big my aux force should be. Take my current battle: Axis Attack Soviet Forces: Combined Arms, Mech division, +25% Handicap Axis Forces: Force Mix: Inf Division Type: Mountain Core Force: 569 Scrounged: 180 Inf/Support: 25 Vehicle: 60 Armor: 125 Arty: 550 Total: 1509 So the Force size will be 2000. I do the Auto QB, and the AI buys me Mountain inf and some FO for 3000 pts (I attack so I get 1.5 * force size). Now for the Generating the Real Battle. What and how much should I buy? Your Core: 569; Scrounged: 180; Inf/Support: 25; Vehicle: 60; Armor: 125; Arty: 550 - that's all. Only what was rolled for. So you will be spending max 1509 points. More than likely less, because you wont be able to spend the exact amount per category. You get screwed - that's war. a) Am I only allowed to buy the things I rolled up in the table above, ie 25 pts mountain inf/support, 60 pts vehicle and so on? Yep Or should I buy ALL the things from the Auto QB? No - You use the points rolled to buy from the list generated by the Auto QB - see Note 7 Generating the Real Battle: "If you have points left in an Auxiliary Category after buying all the units generated by the Auto QB (47) you can choose what you want to buy from the normal QB unit list until you have used up the Purchase Points for that Category." If it's the first option that's correct, I will attack a soviet combined arms, mech division type worth 2500 pts with my 1509 pts. Yep.. Not too good odds. Which would be fine, but the soviets will ALWAYS have more points than me, that's not fun (or historical, I think). So I think I have made an error somewhere, can you tell me where? Yep - you're playing a stupid machine programmed by one of the worst programmers in history. Got to load the odds a bit. 3. Rule 15 Casualties and Rule 23 Casualties How should this be handled? For the soviets, all it does is make their forces a bit messed up, they still get their points. Take the example above, 2000 pts Axis Attack, but with 50% casualties on both sides. Soviets get to buy for 4000 pts and then 2000 pts gets removed before the battle. But for me... The Auto QB will buy me 6000 pts Mountain inf, then remove 3000 pts. If the above 2a is correct, I will only get to buy 1509 pts, and then the battle starts, 754 pts will be removed! Ummm - a quote: "...many men, while satisfying the calls of nature, died when their anuses froze." (Lt-Colonel E Bauer The History of World War 11, p197) End Oct, Nov & Dec wasn't a good time for the Axis. The Russians - well: they grew up there. 4. Rule 36 Handicap. This isn't a question, more of a suggestion, that I will implement myself somehow, if need be I know I know, the AI need all the help it can get to give a tough battle, but I think it would be fun if *I* have superior numbers once in a while Maybe something like 1 Axis +Handicap 2-3 None 4-10 Allied +Handicap And then you roll up the actual handicap on a different table. I have no idea if it's historical or not, but like I said, I want to be superior sometimes There you go! Now you're using the rules as they should be used... Anyone can adjust them to their own liking. When I started with Wrecks Rules (a Crack Player) I had 8 straight defeats in a row, before I said to hell with this and gave myself an extra 105mm FO and a Sherman. But - Note that with the month modifiers you should (on average) have a 0 handicap all the way through to Aug. Thereafter the Russian reserves started arriving and the numerical odds started to swing. From Oct on things got a bit difficult…. That’s when you start learning how and when to run. 5. Favor Also a suggestion. You get no favor for causing a lot of casualties. Maybe there could be something like a Casualty ratio, allied casualties / axis casualties, and if you get a huge number, like 6 or so, you get some Favor. Hmm I think there also have to be some minimum limit of casualties, like over 100, so you don't get any Favor for killing 6 soviets and only losing 1 man This is covered a bit by the "Result Favor", if you kill a lot of enemies you get a better score, but say you win a Tactical Victory (+5 Favor), lose one Burning Tank (-10 Favor) and kill 1000 men and lose only 100 (hey it could happen you get -5 Favor. Wouldn't your commanding officer be pretty pleased with the exchange of one tank and 100 men for 1000 enemies? I know I would What do you think? I like this.... will have to think about how to implement it in a simple way Sorry for this long email, hope I didn't bore you with all these questions There's a lot of guys out there who are too scared that they might look stupid and just stumble along doing the wrong thing. This helps everyone - keep 'em coming. Biltong
  20. Sounds good. How well does it handle Excel Sheets? I would imagine a single file with multiple sheets are out. I'll have to "post" each seperate sheet if it can handle Excel. BTW Sent you (and the guys above) the rules. Let men know if you didn't get it. Biltong
  21. Sent rules off to all guys above - let me know if you did'nt get it. Also note my post requesting: Pre-made Maps for Biltongs Campaign Biltong
  22. Guys, The more I play with the Map Import facility, the more excited I get. It looks like it would be quite possible to play a whole campaign on pre-made maps. In other words: a massive Operation covering the whole CMBB theatre of operations from 41 to 45…. All we need is maps… The rule modifications would be insignificant… Depending on Map & Battle Type you will simply download the next map on a list … everything else remains the same. What I’ve got in mind so far: A new Map Sheet with 5 Map Types: City; Large Town; Village; Farm and Rural If someone sends me a map I’ll modify the setup zones and flags and create 7 variations for: Axis Assault/Attack/Probe/ME/Allied Assault/Attack/Probe. E.g.: “Pretty Ax-As” for the Axis Assault variation of the Village map called “Pretty” You as the map creator can do this for me as well. I’ll add the names to the Map Sheet and upload them to the Scenario Depot (or another suitable host). Once we’ve got our first couple of maps you’ll be warned to download the new Map Sheet. When you need to roll up a new battle the rules will tell you which Map Type & Battle Type (as per normal). You check on the Map Sheet for the relevant Map Type & Battle Type and download the specified file from the host and import into the Real Battle. If you’ve already played the one on the Map Sheet, you simply take the next one. If there’s no ‘next one’ yet, you roll up and generate as before. In time we should be able to have a batch of very accurate maps for specific locations, esp. cities, but for now I think we can just storm ahead and create as wide a variety of maps as soon as possible. Most of you have never created a map. DON’T WORRY – whatever you do can’t be worse than the QB map generator Just send them…. The more the merrier. Later we can sort out and put the best ones at the top… Restrictions: hardly any – I’ll post if we have too many or too few of a certain type/size etc. One definite restriction: Stick to the default: Axis/West and Allied/East. Is there anyone out there who would like to take on the responsibility of managing Map Sheet and maps? You would have to check or modify the setup zones/flags for each Battle Type variation. Upload the maps to the host and update the Map Sheet. Someone with some experience in creating maps/scenarios. I hope to have a host for the rules and the Map Sheet soon. I’ll contact Scenario Depot and ask about hosting the Maps. As for rule changes: Off hand I can think only think of 3 parameters that will be affected: Tree Cover, Hilliness and Damage. These are set when creating the map and I don’t want to dictate to the designers. I want interesting variations… e.g.: play with your setup zones… we all know what the QB does when it’s an Axis Assault. It would be nice to be surprised with the Soviet setup for a change Any ideas/suggestions/offers of help? Biltong
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