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Everything posted by Biltong

  1. We can call them whatever we want: "growling bunnies" But I don't see why a site won't like us calling them 'modifications' of BCR - since that's what they will be... changed/modified sections of the rules... Why won't they like it? I'm missing something?
  2. Read a post from someone commenting about players getting an unfair advantage by sticking to map edges. This prevents the AI from getting flanking fire from both sides on advancing Axis. Played Tworodski Ax As a couple of days ago and the map edge gave me a definite advantage. The AI got one of my tanks and a quite a lot of men via flanking fire once I reached the hill. If it had guns on the other side as well I would have had quite a hard go of it. So: For Axis Attacks; Assaults & Probes it might be an idea to provide wide maps with the AI setup zone spread over the whole width (even curling forward on the sides The Flag(s) and the Axis setup zones in the centre of the map - forcing the Axis to go up the middle and use terrain to get to the flag(s). What do you think? Biltong [ December 29, 2002, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  3. I had a look at it when you posted it... Sounds quite good, but definitely in the Grog Expansion category... I.e. Don't throw it away and if you have time, slowly expand it into rules. I've started playing again and every time I roll up a battle I find areas that can be refined/expanded ... I've got endless problems keeping myself in check/KISSing myself Somehow we need to find a simple system whereby expansions can be listed/browsed/downloaded and easily implimented. The only way I can think of is for a mod designer to create his expansion by simply modifying the sections/notes/sheets affected. A description of the changes and what they offer is listed on a Mod site. Player downloads the zip with changed thingies - replace the affected areas and viola... The problem will come when 2 or more expansions affect the same section/note etc - then you'll have to Mod manually. Well - We can just as well jump in... want to start the ball rolling? I imagine we can just as well use an existing Mod site to host the BCR mods...? Apache - you seem to be involved with the mod crowd - any suggestions? Biltong
  4. Just read an excellent post by Kip (a Grog?) re Soviet defences. See here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=026262 His conclusion: "One of the lessons for me is, if you want realistic games, build wide maps in CMBB. We are really talking 2km in width. It has always been the case that players use the map edges for protection, in CMBB you need to be careful to avoid this possibility in your map design." Biltong
  5. Ahh Ok - That makes sense - hasty late night 'assume'-reading :eek: Note 19 - Large Battles To enable you to play larger battles once in a while. Roll a die." " A Roll of 8 or 9 and you can double all the points for each Task Force Category with a minimum of 200 points per category. A Roll of 10 and you can triple all the points for each Task Force Category with a minimum of 300 points per category."
  6. Large Battles GET PURCHASE POINTS FOR THE TASK FORCE This section provides additional Purchase Points used to buy the Task Force to help your Battle Group: Categories: Infantry/Support; Vehicle; Armor, Arty/Air & Fortifications. See Note 19 - Large Battles Note 19 - Large Battles To enable you to play larger battles once in a while. Roll a die. A Roll of 8 or 9 and you can double all the points for each Task Force Category. A Roll of 10 and you can triple all the points for each Task Force Category." Andy suggested maximums of 200 and 300 per category (for the double and triple) - What was the reason Andy? Worried we'll end up with a 6,000 point battle
  7. Just played a game and my IVE got hit twice (partial penetrations) registered as 'Knocked Out' (-8 Favor) and the crew bailed out. Thereafter it showed up as 'Abandoned'(-4 Favor)... Has anyone else noticed the same thing? K/O turns into abandoned... In that case it would be unnecessary to differentiate between the two... Just have K/O? Any thoughts? [ December 27, 2002, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  8. Thanx Guys, Ok – back to fine-tuning. 1st on the list: Arty/Air etc… ended up simplifying all of the Task Force: 28 Infantry/Support See Note 17 - Task Force Modifiers 29 Vehicle Allied Force Mix Mech or Combined Arms +1; Armor +2 Axis Force Mix: Infantry -3; See Note 17 - Task Force Modifiers 30 Armor Allied Force Mix Combined Arms +2; Armor +4; Axis Force Mix: Infantry -3; See Note 17 - Task Force Modifiers 31 Arty/Air June +2; July +1 Allied Force Mix Combined Arms +2; Armor +4; See Note 17 - Task Force Modifiers 32 Large Arty - only if the die result is a 9 in the Arty/Air above June +2; July +1 See Note 17 - Task Force Modifiers 33 Air - only if the die result is 10 in the Arty/Air above First Roll up Tree Coverage (44). If Time not Mid Day/Dawn or Weather not Clear or Tree Coverage thicker than Light, or Map Type: Town or Large Town go to Large Arty (32) and roll again. See Note 18 - Air. 34 Fortifications Only relevant for Allied Assault & Attack November +1; December +2 Can trade in 10 points of Favor to alter die by maximum of 3 Note 17 - Task Force Modifiers October (4th week) -1; Nov(1st & 2nd weeks) -2; Nov(3rd & 4th weeks) -3; Dec(1st & 2nd weeks) -4; Dec(3rd & 4th weeks) -5 Either Allied Counter Attack/Assault -4 Or Allied Assault +2; Allied Attack +1. Either Axis Immediate Attack/Assault -3 Or Axis Assault +3; Axis Attack +2; Axis Probe +1. See Note 12 - Player ExperiencePlayer Experience: Conscript +3; Player Experience: Green +2 Can trade in 10 points of Favor to alter die by maximum of 3 Note 18 - Air Allied Force Mix Combined Arms +2; Armor +4;June +2; July +1See Note 17 - Task Force Modifiers You won't be able to select an aircraft during Generate Task Force (47) using Auto QB. Don't worry..… In Generate Real Battle (48) you can buy the most expensive aircraft you can with the points you received from this roll. However, you might want to buy some arty as well. You can do so. Use at least half your Air purchase points to buy at least one plane. Then you can use the rest of your 'Air' points to buy arty of your choice. Replacement Formula Max/Andy - had a good look at your ideas/graphs - But I'm afraid they just confirmed the existing formula: Considerations: Got to prevent CO's killing off a weak unit to up the quality. Prevent replacements becoming the main vehicle in the Crack chase. The only realistic way to up the quality of your troops must be to: Save your men from being killed and give them time to learn. I.e.: Be a good CO. The Vet replacement graph looks radical at first glance, but that's what happens. Think of it this way: In any team sport: If you buy a bunch of hotshots don't for one moment think that you'll automatically have a hotshot team!! Far from it... Those guys have to 'gell' 1st = they need to get to know the team tactics; get to know which guys are good/bad at which things; which group of guys make the best mini-team to tackle a specific problem; who will back up who; which 2 or 3 guys 'play' best together etc etc etc... This takes time... and a lot of it. You often find that a 'regular' team (who has been playing together for a long time) will beat a team of hotshot/Vets/Cracks that haven't practised or battled together for at least 'a season' or more. Hence the drop in experience even if a bunch of vets join a squad. To think that you can just add 9 vets to a 10 man squad and that you will have a vet squad is a fallacy... These guys don't know each other... don't know who can or esp. will do what/"who can I trust with my life" etc etc It will take quite a bit of time before they are firing on all cylinders and the team/squad is 'Vet' as a whole. Max - you put quite a bit of work into that spreadsheet - much appreciated... Sorry But this is not the last word either... It never is Next Major Actions (3rd last issue?) Apache The points you roll up may actually not allow you to have a very big force at all if you roll up Amor or Mech if using those axis parameters (need to check)? Scheduled Andy Bass Have a 'major action' die roll. On a 1-7 do nothing. On an 8-9, set an auxilaries-multiplier to 2x. On a 10 set an auxilaries-multiplier to 3x. Use appropriate modifiers for dates when major operations were taking place. Then when rolling up auxiliaries muliply by the auxilaries-multiplier. Also, set a minimum value of 200 in each category if using a 2x muliplier and 300 miniumum if using a 3x multiplier. This can result in battles quite a bit bigger than normal and also insures that major operations have a decent amount of stuff from each category. What do you guys think? Andy got the ball? [ December 26, 2002, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  9. Christmas & last BCR Update for this year! BCR v1.5 A lot of changes – mostly to do with clarifications and fine-tuning. BCR's Beta phase is virtually complete. The Scalpel is starting on the walk-through for newbies and there’s still a couple of small issues to be addressed, but I think that will always be the case – always something that will need to be tuned even finer Most important changes since v1.4: 1. Finalize Unit Exp Gain/Replacements 2. Change Note 3 After Replacement Exp Calc and all references. 3. Changed 56 Normal Replacements to cater for different quality replacements on different months. 4. Created a table for Replacement Quality percentages through the years. 5. Changed Battle Groups to starts off as Regular in all docs. 6. Create BCR Goals doc and include into Intro. 7. Fine-tune Favor 8. 1 point exp per inf squad etc if they had any kills 9. Note 8 + Immediate/Counter Attack/Assault + Date & Time cleanup 10. Add Vehicle transport for Attached units 11. Redo Intro Doc Update & Unresolved Issues v1.5 Not a lot left to be done. Finally Next on the list is: 1. Double check replacement formula 2. Cater for Major Actions 3. Investigate Arty/Air – time for air (include dawn, but not dusk); Allied armor more likely to get air; Ax assault etc modifiers pushing points too high; If you get Air you don’t get the needed arty etc. 4. Create rules to cater for specific battles, e.g.: City, River Crossing etc. 5. Fine-tune Sewer Movement And that will be that – nothing else left to change - for now :cool: Max’s Auto Parameters v1.5 Max’s Auto Parameters has been updated to match the new 1.5 rules. No patience for rolling up parameters - This is your one click solution. BCR Map Expansion List v1.5 & Map Pack 3 30 NEW MAPS ADDED! If you haven’t tried this expansion yet, give it a spin – it’s easy – no rule changes at all! You are missing out on some really great battles! 82 Maps on the list already!!! As for everything – get it here: SuperSulo's BCR Site Download and enjoy This is also a good time to thank the hotshots in the BCR Team Logic & Language – The Scalpel Maps & Research - Manstein22 Web Master & Board Support - SuperSulo Auto Parameters & BCR Formula’s - Max BauHaus FAQ’s, Ideas & Contacts – Apache Python Script & BCR Formula’s - Andy Bass Auto Favor/Experience - Pascal Di Folco Web Master – Scooby Javascript - Master Dullard Armour Rules - Sardaukar For their patience, dedication and above all for their input: Without the BCR Team, ’41 South’ would’ve been a frustrating experience for most players. Thanx Guys – for the 1000th time From me & the BCR Team May this year be less stressful and provide you with a lot more happiness than last year Biltong [ December 24, 2002, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  10. History Buff, Scooby's going to be your best bet. He put all the versions on his site in PDF format and might still have the 1.3 on his HD. However - he's out of town till 1 Jan - so You'll have to hold on... BTW - why do you want to stick with 1.3? 1.5 is miles ahead and it comes out t'morrow. Biltong
  11. Thread nearly full guys - take it here: BCR new thread
  12. Biltong’s Campaign Rules 41 South – June to December All mayor changes done! Latest update (13 Jan 2003) v1.6 here: SuperSulo's Site or here Scooby You can download BCR or Max’s Auto Parameters in Excel or PDF; or view the individual Rules sheets and the Intro Doc in PDF format online. ------------------------------------------------- Frustrated with the long delays between PBEM files? Bored with playing against the AI? Biltong’s Campaign Rules will introduce you to a totally different CMBB world: Unique Realism & High Tension. 1. What is Biltong’s Campaign Rules? Summary: You play the AI (as the Axis) in a series of QB generated battles. These battles are generated using a set of easy Rules. The Rules ensure that all historical factors are accurate as you and your troops battle through the months and years. Although you play separate battles, they are linked because you have a Battle Group of German troops and armor that move with you from the first battle to the last. 41 South is the set of Rules covering the months June to December in the Army Group “South” Theatre of Operations. Operation Barbarossa erupts on 22 June 1941 and you and your men storm through the Soviet ranks through the long months of summer in the steppe and the mud and rain of October. You take your men all the way to Rostov, Khar’kov and the Crimea before the incredible cold of November halt you in your tracks. Then the Soviet counter attacks start. Overview: You are the commanding officer of a company of German troops and some armor that you take through the whole CMBB time frame from the opening salvo on 22 June 41 till the last shells fall in Berlin four years later. As you lead your company and armor into Russia all the parameters of the battles are dictated by historically accurate data, e.g. on the 4th week of October 41 it suddenly turns bitterly cold and the German advance freezes to a halt. However, there is also a random factor provided by a “Random Number”, to provide a degree of unpredictability, but historical accuracy dominates. Your individual men and armor gain or loose experience throughout the Campaign. You start off with Regular troops, but after a year it becomes obvious that the quality of your replacements are getting worse and worse. How your men grow in experience will depend on how they fare in each battle… how many men did they lose; did they get rattled; did they take out a MG pillbox or maybe even a tank? You yourself, as the CO, learn and slowly gain or loose Experience and also Favor with your own commanding officer, depending on battle outcomes and a host of other factors, e.g.: don't lose battles or even armor and especially don't let them burn! Your CO gets highly p'd off and you lose his Favor, which you can use to influence some of his decisions. E.g.: whether you can avoid launching an Immediate Assault straight after your last battle without even getting reinforcements. For most battles you will also get a Task Force to help your Battle Group: Infantry, Support, Vehicles, Armor, Arty or Air, depending on factors such as weather, who assaults or attack who and what the date is. Every CMBB parameter possible is used to provide an enormous variety of battles within a strictly historical framework. 2. What makes it different Immediate satisfaction and action versus the long delays between PBEM games combined with immersion and suspense from really getting involved with your men and armor over a long period of time. The other factor is a degree of realism that no other CMBB play technique offers. In QB's, PBEM's and all designer scenarios you always have a “balanced” opponent, but that is near idiotic – on the East Front this hardly ever happened. With the Campaign Rules you have the real thing: Sometimes you know who your opponent is; sometimes you are facing unknown odds. Sometimes you have an easy go of it - hammering low on ammo and decimated green Partisans, but later that night you might face a counter-attack from 3 companies of Guards Mech, before you had chance to get reinforcements... Or Division might promise you a lot of supporting arty, but a fog sets in just before your assault, making them useless. You have to think on your feet and learn to retreat when necessary... no more heroic defenses or assaults till the last man!! Your men's survival becomes of the utmost importance... even to the extent that you'll rather loose a battle than loose too many men! The flags still matter – you still want to win, but not at the cost and risk of decimating your men. Realism rules for the first time. As a learning tool this is unsurpassed.... You learn to think and act like a real commander... If you think you’ve got your tactics down pat, – Think again… You will get into situations that you’ve never encountered before… and never will with normal scenarios and QB’s. That you are playing the AI becomes completely unimportant... all that matters are winning and surviving… for your men and yourself. 3. BCR’s Goal is to: 1. Enable players to play a Campaign from June 41 through all of the CMBB terrain until the final day of battle in Berlin. 2. Make sure that the Campaign never becomes Boring – the difficulty must increase, it must be varied and the Campaign must end in a climax. 3. Keep the Campaign as Historically accurate as possible. 4. Keep it short and simple enough to allow most players to understand and use it. 5. Enable anyone to Expand or Modify BCR to his own taste. 6. Provide Excitement, Tension and just good old-fashioned Fun! BCR is just for yourself… the battle is between yourself and an enemy who grows stronger every year… You will have to become a better commander for you and your men to survive till the end. All feed back/errors/ideas/gray or unclear areas very welcome... help to make the Rules better for everyone. Enjoy!! Biltong [ January 24, 2003, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  13. Apache, This could be the 1st BCR MOD ... Still not to clear how players will search/find and 'attach'/'incorporate' MODS. Yours could be a test case... Marketing will be key: What; Benefits; How; Easy Incorporation etc. Very keen to see how this develops... We might end up with multiple Mod campaigns running parallel to BCR, catering for a variety of tastes. But it will need someone with a bit of balls to create the 1st MOD and start the ball rolling (so to speak) Some Ideas: What will it do differently to BCR. Benefits to the player: more Realism? Variety? How: A summary of what will be involved (10 extra rolls & 2 extra pages gives you:…?) This and that will fall away, and basically we will do this & that. (I don’t think it’s necessary to show the actual rules) Incorporation: Simple Intro Doc with Replace BCR p. X with p. Y and BCR Sheet A with Sheet B New p. Y might contain a reference to new Notes 20, 21 and 22… etc etc Hope this helps Biltong
  14. Sounds like Fun! Now, how do I put that into rules :eek: Near impossible? You are using BCR as it should be done - modify to your hearts content I haven't tried that combo yet, but I doubt it will work... Would be nice to get a solution to this problem... One way is for the map maker to employ lots of small maps on a lot of small tactically important set up zones. This might help, but you'll still get trenches in weird places. Pain in the arse, this problem.
  15. MAJOR ACTIONS Apache The points you roll up may actually not allow you to have a very big force at all if you roll up Amour or Mech if using those axis parameters (need to check)? Scheduled Andy Bass Have a 'major action' die roll. On a 1-7 do nothing. On an 8-9, set a Task Force-multiplier to 2x. On a 10 set a Task Force-multiplier to 3x. Use appropriate modifiers for dates when major operations were taking place. When rolling up Task force multiply by the Task Force-multiplier. Also, set a minimum value of 200 in each category if using a 2x multiplier and 300 minimum if using a 3x multiplier. This can result in battles quite a bit bigger than normal and also insures that major operations have a decent amount of stuff from each category. Scheduled Any ideas anyone? E.g.: How many points per category would you like (min/max)? Want to tackle this one t’morrow Biltong
  16. LOL And what about the Tanks? It's his Battle Group - he should get experience for tank kills as well heh heh.. Just had a thought.. whoever is going to do the Grog version will need hair all over... not just on his teeth... can you imagine the arguments with everyone wanting their pet rules included... How is he going to draw the line? If he doesn't it will take 3 days to roll up a battle. :eek: I've got a feeling that I'll give that job a miss
  17. Hi Andy, Tue 24th v1.5 comes out with: "Note 14 - Date .... If this battle is not a Counter Attack/Assault you can trade in 30 points of Favor to alter the die by a maximum of 1. If this battle is an Immediate Attack/Assault you can trade in 50 points of Favor to alter the die by a maximum of 1...." Counter/Immediate Attacks/Assaults are decided on in the After battle parameters... i.e.: before the next battle is rolled up. So you'll automatically know if one is planned before rolling up the Date/Time in the next battle. BTW Time also has: "Can trade in 20 points of Favor to alter die by maximum of 1.... In the case of Immediate/Counter Attack/Assault Time cannot be altered by Favor." Quite a lot of outstanding isues have been cleared up in the coming version. Biltong
  18. Hmmm would be nice... would be nice... Maybe one day. Have you tried the Map Expansion packs yet... They help a bit Biltong
  19. JaegerMeister/History Buff My first thought was in the same vein, but then I realized: what about CO's – the odds of them killing 5 or more is highly improbable… So decided to KISS. But, obviously, it’s very easy for someone to decide on his own mod for that rule. E.g.: +1 for one kill for CO’s; +1 For 5 kills for squads; +2 for 10 kills; +3 for 15 etc… A squad that kills 10 enemy deserves points and has (more than likely)picked up a lot of casualties themselves with the resultant replacement drag v1.5 due Tue states: "Note 4: Infantry gain 1 Experience point only for any number of Enemy Casualties.... ....Only infantry (Co's, Squads, Zook teams etc.) gain experience by causing enemy casualties. MG's, mortars, artillery, vehicles, tanks etc cannot gain exp. this way." … but possibly the QB you generate are to easy? Player exp too low or the not-so-new-anymore Provisional Force formula making it too easy? I also suspect that some of the players who complain about the ease with which their squads obtain vet/crack status are playing at a too easy 'Player Exp.' setting… maybe even with Computer Exp bonus set at ‘none’ Biltong [ December 20, 2002, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  20. Hiya, Super I would love a "Grog Expansion" (to mess up with my own crazy ideas), but... wouldn't we need a grog for that? Would be nice – when they sent e-mails the quality was always top notch, but BCR’s history side is reasonably simple: Dates/weather/mayor battles/river crossings/city battles/terrain… etc All data mostly ‘broad’ or averages and quite easy to get hold of. Helmut has just popped into a military library near Munich and got a pile of books and maps for ‘42 South’ – It’s not as if we’re coding CMBB with armor thickness and wind deflection on shell etc. Also think that once we start with a Grog version the grogs might peep in to see that we don’t sully their name. For contentious issues we can also go to them for more info – 3 or 4 of them has already offered help. But don’t underestimate the team either – no shortage of logic; ideas; research etc. I just don’t want to commit – 1st priority is to get BCR to 45 – at least with the South. Anyway – we’ll see if someone steps up to the plate. BTW, do you people actually print out the rules/sheets? What's wrong with alt-tab/esc to excel and type directly into the sheets? If you have excel that is... Too slow on my machine… Also – 2 of the kids are now playing BCR so the printed rules travel
  21. Hi Guys - I'm still here You might think I've been ignoring you, but I've just been rushing to get all the scheduled changes+ in for tonights deadline to send to the team. Normally I would try and reply to all posts, but they were coming in too thick and fast - I wouldn't have been able to get anything done. But - as you'll notice from the Update list below (done & to be done) I have been keeping tabs on what's been discussed OK - since nobody reads the Update doc and since it's now short enough (for the 1st time) COMPLETED PAST WEEK 1. Finalize Unit Exp Gain/Replacements 2. Change Note 3 After Replacement Exp Calc and all references. 3. Changed 56 Normal Replacements to cater for different quality replacements on different months. 4. Created a table for Replacement Quality percentages through the years. 5. Changed Battle Groups to starts off as Regular in all docs. 6. Create BCR Goals doc and include into Intro. 7. Investigate & fix Favor 8. 1 point exp per inf squad etc if they had any kills 9. Note on Historical Accuracy for Attached/Task Force 10. Claude’s Errata – too many to report individually. Most were implemented. 11. Claude’s 1 and 10 die only changes 12. Claude’s Immediate/Counter Attack/Assault Note 8 cleanup 13 Change Scrounged to Attached and Auxiliary to Task Force. As for what is STILL OUTSTANDING: 1. Mansteins new Christmas Map Pack 2. Do Claude’s layout changes – also see Eden’s use of .1 for pre-parameters 3. Redo Intro Doc to and check examples for changes. Link 1st post directly to Intro Doc and give a shorter description and concentrate more on what’s new. THREAD NEARLY FULL 4. Investigate & revise the effect of Counter/Immediate Attack on parameters. Claude 5. Write 1st Battle doc - Claude volunteered TG 6. Point out the BCR goal: “5. Enable anyone to Expand or Modify BCR to his own taste.” to expansion providers – i.e.: please provide notes so that anyone can expand or modify what you are doing. 7. “I would really like to get some vehicle transport for my Attached units.” Claude. Investigate and clean up. 8. Investigate Arty/Air – time for air (include dawn, but not dusk); Allied armor more likely to get air; Ax assault etc modifiers pushing points too high; If you get Air you don’t get any arty etc. 9. Item 34 (Fortifications). Shouldn't there also be an entry for Allied Probe? To be tested 10. Create rules to cater for specific battles, e.g.: City, River Crossing etc. 11. Are armor and other aux values high enough? Will you actually be able to buy something in those sections for the lowest points on offer? If not (haven’t had time to check), is it worth reviewing points and starting with lowest being something you could use and working up.? Apache B – catered for Green June 41 costs – need further investigation/thought 12. Investigate: Sewer movement · Only Large Towns? · By Building Type · Does the AI use Sewer Movement at all? 13. Edit & cleanup Numbering system & logical flow of the Notes 14. Create FAQ doc for web sites when FAQ’s are finished. 15. Create Difficulty Feedback Questionnaire. Mail & Post 16. Ask for someone to set up a database (online?) where players can submit their results to be used for analysis and improvement of the rules & modifiers. Once BCR has settled down. 17. Arrange a database/new thread? for BCR mods. Looks like a lot, but shouldn't take too long. You should've seen the list a couple of weeks ago And I'm on holiday for the next 3 weeks!!!
  22. Some Feedback I’m busy with the cleaning up BCR… Getting rid of inconsistencies and mostly: clarifying BCR. The modifiers and ‘actual rules’ seem to be in place. There have been a number of posts in the last 2 or 3 pages with some great ideas for fine-tuning BCR. I haven’t replied to most of them, because each time I would have to shoot the idea ‘down’. Not because the idea was ‘bad’ – quite the opposite…. It’s just that I’m concerned with the length and complexity of BCR… I’ve had a number of comments from newbies re ‘having one look’ and deciding against trying BCR because it looked too complex. At the moment BCR is 15 pages. Clarifying the rules is going to add +- 2 more pages. Rolling up a battle manually can take up to half an hour (if you know what you are doing). I’ve decided some days back, that this is it: “Goal 4. Keep it short and simple enough to allow most players to understand and use it.” … No further expansion. Which doesn’t mean that inconsistencies/errors will not be fixed or that I won’t consider really good ideas for inclusion. What to do with the ‘mod ideas’? I’m concerned that they will be lost. Couple of possibilities: As I mentioned before: look for a Mod database where players can load their versions of BCR or just a description and document. I just think that most players will find this too much work and most ideas will be lost. Once BCR is ‘finished’ we can start a BCR mod post where guys can post their ideas and then ‘someone?’ can record these in a document that can be downloaded from the sites. The doc could be sorted by section/rule number as well as mayor topics such as Auxiliary; Scrounged etc. A person or rather a team of guys creating a modular Grog Expansion hosted in a mod site where players can browse which sections/modules they would like to include in their rules. Combinations of the above? The problem would be: who is going to do this? Once I’m finished with BCR. I’m going to start playing it. I’m embarrassed to say that I haven’t had time since I started BCR (3? months ago) to play a single game. Obviously this is unacceptable: I haven’t been able to test any of the rules myself. Once I start playing, I’m sure, there will be some changes to be done. Then it’s on to ‘42 South’. Helmut and myself have already started on research and we should start with the new set within a month or 2. Bottom line: I’m going to be too busy for any of the above, although I would love to be involved in the Grog Expansion. So, if there is any real interest, we’ll need volunteers…. Bottom line: Don’t throw away your ideas, just because I (or anyone else) didn’t respond to them. There might be a place where they can be used. BTW: Claude “the Scalpel” and myself are working on the idea of splitting BCR into a Walkthrough doc for 1st time/1st battle players and a clean – shorter BCR with all the “1st battle” notes/rules removed. I want to make the BCR as short as possible to save you (and myself) the hassle and time of printing a lot of pages every time there’s an update FGS Don't stop with the ideas... Post so that they can be discussed. Once they are on the board we can always get hold of them again once a formal storage method has been arranged. Keep 'em rolling Biltong
  23. Scalpel suggests: Item 27 (Force Size). Comment. Have you considered changing the label "Auxiliary" to "Task Force"? And while you are at it, how about renaming "Scrounged" to "Attached"? 8. Item 34 (Fortifications). Shouldn't there also be an entry for Allied Probe? Haven't got time to test - do you get fortifications in an allied probe? Thought you don't Any comments for or against? [ December 18, 2002, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  24. Ok guys: Done Very easy to twist my arm (esp with a good argument) Added a collumn. Not in the armor section though - too easy - then were back to crack Note 4: Infantry gain 1 Experience point only for any number of Enemy Casualties - See Note 1 above. Only infantry gain experience by causing enemy casualties. MG's, mortars, artillery, vehicles etc cannot gain exp. this way. E.g.: If a Squad knocks out a tank (+2) killing 2 crewmen (+1) they will earn +3 Experience points. The Squad also gains an Overall Exp point of 1. If a Tank takes out 2 pillboxes (+2) and then gets knocked out (-1) and the remaining crew are 'Rattled' (-1) at the end of the battle - the crew gains zero Exp points. However, the tank crew will still gain an Overall Exp point of 1. [ December 18, 2002, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
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