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Everything posted by Biltong

  1. Well picked up Aaron...and nice of you to provide possible answers at the same time I thought we had this one bedded down (sigh) I tought of a 4th option: a 3rd exp point for a 'lot' of enemy casualties. Eg.: Note 4: All the Units listed below gain 1 Experience Point for any number of Allied Casualties caused. In addition to the above Experience Point they can also earn an extra Experience Point for additional Allied Casualties caused from and including the specified number (A)below and they can also earn a final extra Experience Point for additional Allied Casualties caused from and including the specified number (B )below: CO's: (A) 5+ Casualties; ( 8+ Casualties; Squads: (A) 12+ Casualties; ( 20+ Casualties. I like this option since it's easy to impliment Any other ideas here guys? Haven't decided on that yet... We've just started a couple of weeks ago with collecting parameters for 42 South. The plan is to upgrade the co and armor each year to something different, but I haven't decided to 'what' yet. How far are you in date terms? And what Player Experience are you playing on Aaron?
  2. Ahhh - you nice americans. So stupid of me not to know what happens in your nice suburbs
  3. I know, I know, Lt - I've got no choice though... I need generalized parameters. I've already split the campaign into 3: South/Central/North to cater for terrain/weather/etc differences... That is 3 x 5 'years' = 15 campaigns. Can't split it any more or it will become too long. So - 'generalized' is the word.
  4. Gentlemen, I have started collecting parameters for the Campaign ‘42 South’ and I need some generalized information re weather from 1 Jan 1942 to 31 Dec 1942 on the ‘South’ front. If you have any info, it would be much appreciated. Even if your info is vague or unsubstantiated it could still be used to ‘confirm’ other vague info. If you know of any internet-sources, please let me know as well. I’ve spent days going through battle reports, but the weather info is very sketchy. I need to know when: Blizzards come to an end Extreme cold (-20 deg C) came to an end Snowfalls ended Snow melted and started causing transport problems Snow slush dried up Rains started Mud started Mud dried up Extremely hot weather started Hot weather ended Snow started Extreme cold started Blizzards started Much appreciated. Biltong
  5. Gentlemen, I have started collecting parameters for the BCR Campaign ‘42 South’ and I need some generalized information re weather from 1 Jan 1942 to 31 Dec 1942 on the ‘South’ front. If you have any info, it would be much appreciated. Even if your info is vague or unsubstantiated it could still be used to ‘confirm’ other vague info. If you know of any internet-sources, please let me know as well. I’ve spent days going through battle reports, but the weather info is very sketchy. I need to know when: Blizzards come to an end Extreme cold (-20 deg C) came to an end Snowfalls ended Snow melted and started causing transport problems Snow slush dried up Rains started Mud started Mud dried up Extremely hot weather started Hot weather ended Snow started Extreme cold started Blizzards started Much appreciated. Biltong
  6. Sounds like you have a great Campaign going there Aaron. Loved your trials and tribulations AAR .... send some more. Biltong
  7. Very impressive Apache Guys if you like larger battles, then this is worth looking at. Great work Apache! Biltong
  8. BCR Update v1.6 This is the last update before we announce the Beta phase as complete and launch version 2.0. No date penciled in yet – The Scalpel has the unenviable task of writing the Walkthrough and this is going to take some time. It will be done when it’s done Most important changes since v1.5: 1. Arty/Air changed so that when you get Air you can also get Arty. 2. Replacement Formula changed so that replacements don’t decrease the units’ experience excessively. 3. Larger Battles catered for. 4. Experience gain for certain units if they cause specified numbers of casualties. See the Battle Group Sheet. 5. To help some players through the winter. A new rule: Winter & Decimated x 3 – skip one month. 6. And a hell of a lot of language/clarification/logic/humor? changes thanx to The Scalpel Update & Unresolved Issues v1.6 Only one item left :cool: Create rules to cater for specific battles, e.g.: City, River Crossing etc. These rules are dependent on a series of maps being created, so this might take some time. More than likely only be implemented as updates to ver. 2. Next: Research 42 South!! BCR Map Expansion List v1.6 & Map Pack 4 120+ Maps now available! Get it here: SuperSulo Download and enjoy Biltong
  9. Apache/SuperS LOL - I would love to see what your rules will look like in a years time. As for getting rid of the Task Force QB Not yet... The only reason I'm hanging onto the extra QB is to 'force' players to play varied units and not to fall into a rut of choosing the same units over and over again when the choice is theirs. As for getting rid of rarity: the exception roll is there to cater for that... The rest of the time BCR sticks to history But you're not the first to mention this... The Scalpel has been onto me with a fully designed set of rules where you roll up specific units in each category ... I liked this for it still introduced a random, but historically based, factor in the choice of units, but the actual time saving vs. the increase in length of the rules swayed me to stay with what we had. I find that generating the QB takes me no time at all. You have to fill in the parameters in any case. Then I go to view 8 or 9 click from bottom right to get the FO's; armor and exceptional items. Once you hit the first company CO you can basically ignore the rest... If it takes me 5 minutes it's a lot. On the other hand - I keep on hearing (more and more lately) that the complexity & length of the rules put players off when they first download it and they never even try it. I'm really loath to add anything to the rules unless it's of exceptional worth. Enjoy the experimentation and carry on posting what you're up to - it will give other guys ideas and introduce them to the notion that changing BCR to your own tastes is not frowned upon
  10. We're working on 42 South now - that's next. Just three of us, so you're most welcome to jump in. I'm still looking for confirmation of weather modifiers for 42. When did: rain/mud; 1st real cold (-10deg); snow; blizzards; Thaw/mud start & end (or end & start) for the South? No it's not just you Large Town/City battles are on the list to be looked at next. I think the best way will be to have predesigned maps for various cities, but obviously this will take some time. The QB's Large Town's realy suck, but we'll just have to use it in the meanwhile. We first got a pile of maps (over 120 by now) for general battles... The specialised maps such as cities & river crossings are coming in now. Manstein has just finished his first City range - due out tonight/t'morrow - watch the board Biltong
  11. Hi SS, I didn't know that. Do you mean we should use the QB instead of the SE? Apache/H Buff Been busy with family - will get to you guys t'morrow night - 2am here :eek: off to bed G'night Biltong [ January 12, 2003, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]
  12. Hi Peter – long time no see I finally started playing after a few months of doing only PBEM's. The rules are well laid out and aren't too confusing. I love the spreadsheet approach. The premade map approach is excellent. Thanx Love the maps myself… Even got back into doing one myself – due out with the update on Monday. Give it a spin next time the parameters are right Is anyone using the Python BCR helper…? The guy you should speak to is Andy Bass - bass-a@attbi.com he coded it and should be able to help you. I'm going to toss an idea out that people will probably hate, but it does make things easier. I didn't like it in the original Wreck's rules and did a bit of experimentation early on when CMBB came out. One of the most annoying things in the sequence performed to get a new scenario going is having to generate a phony scenario just to get CMBB to generate AUX forces which may or may not match closely to the type of AUX forces that are supposed to be used in the upcoming battle. Why not just make a roll that maps to a rarity factor and then allow the player to freely buy whatever he wants in the 4 families of units??? Speeds things up and usually the results are more or less the same between the two systems. Claude ‘The Scalpel’ – one of the BCR Team members have been trying to twist my arm to do exactly that. He’s been working on the rules and spreadsheet for some time and it should be nearly ready. I’ve already seen 2 versions of what he did and the last version, was basically there. Give him a mail. I’m sure he would love to hear from a like minded fellow. claudemcdaniel@cox.net Any plans to take this on into 1942??? A Stalingrad campaign might be quite interesting all on its own. All the way… Through Stalingrad and all the way back to Berlin. 15 campaigns in all. 5 (years) for each front: North, South and Central. We’re already in the process of researching modifiers for 42 South. The rules are 97% there and to change the modifiers for each year/front is quite easy and fast. Just the research that takes some time, but I have a couple of guys helping me, so it shouldn’t take that long… More than likely done before you have finished 41 South
  13. Apache & SuperS Took note of your ‘Date’ concerns – as you say: This is the first thing a new player will encounter. The complexity is a problem, but there are so many modifiers and parameters at play here, it is bloody difficult to simplify it. I scheduled it to look at again (6th time?). Hopefully The Scalpel’s Walkthrough will help to solve the problem. 2) Is there any point in rolling up for Force type for Axis? If you set Infantry only in a QB you do not get Armour/Vehicles. We defeat the object in many cases because we are liable to get armour and vehicles support for every battle we do. not true, Apache - see below Do we need modifiers that if you have rolled for an infantry only force you do not get armour/vehicles etc? SS No, there isn't. As it is now, it's actually "better" to get "infantry only", because then you can "cherry pick" your vehicles/armor. I "solved" this by removing the Task Force category rolls and letting the Force Mix rule if I get any armor etc. Or you can remove the force mix completely and only go with the Task Force points, or as you said, let the Force Mix function as a modifier (more than it does now). Or, just ignore this "error" and be glad you "always" get some armor/vehicle suppport. You don’t ‘always’ get vehicles/armor. Both categories have the same modifier: “Axis Force Mix: Infantry –3” I.e.: you only have a 50% chance of getting something. And then you won’t get much. The rationale is: This is a Battle Group and as such it will have some armor/vehicles SOME of the time. In fact this caters for players who hate infantry only battles… at least they have a 50% chance of getting something small. 3) I'm sure this is on the… Answered By SuperS 4) Any thoughts on previous suggestion re using the quality we roll for in replacements as the task force quality setting for the next battle too? The single extra roll does nor warrant the extra lines/note?/complexity That will be needed. IMHO. Aaron I'm a semi-lurker whose been playing for a few battles now. I've got some questions. I just got CMBB for X-mas so I'm behind the times. Forgive me if these are redundant. No problem & welcome! 1) Is the Battle Groups (minus attached units) always considered to be 653 points even if veteran or green. My Regular PzIV got replaced by a Green one and I don't know if this number should change. The latest update due on Monday has a line in Note 4 Battle Group: “Please note that the point cost changes with fitness, quality and date, so the price is not a constant. Check before each battle for a change. Use the Scenario Editor.” 2) Why would anybody ever use Favor to increase the size of their Task Force? Between the force size calculations rounding up and Handicap bonus, all your doing is creating more Russians that can kill your Battle Group. Not quite… The idea is to save your Battle Group. Note 17 states: “Can trade in 10 points of Favor to alter die by maximum of 3” Note 3! E.g.: You can increase the infantry component of your Task Force from 50 to 125. Now you can buy a platoon that can lead the way and save you from using a platoon from your company to do the suicidal scouting work. Great investment. 3) Why is there such a small limit on number of Attached Units. I was thinking about buying several AT rifles, Tank Hunters and Snipers but your better off just buying a big tank. Maybe the limit should be in points instead? The limit is there: 1) To keep the number of units down – simply for ease and to prevent players from swamping themselves with so much complexity that they give up after a battle or two. 2) To prevent the Attached Units from becoming the main driving force. I want the players to become involved and attached to the Battle Group not to the Attached units. I'm thinking of starting over as a normal Inf Company and replacing the tanks with a platoon of StugIIIs. I'll use the editor method next time as well. There we go!! Whatever turns you on. That’s one of the main ideas of BCR: The rules must enable players to modify it to their own taste. All of BCR are just suggestions. You can modify as much as you want to suit your own taste. Biltong
  14. Wine & cheese - Damn - can do with a bit of that. Small maps - all!! We need quite a lot of them. We've got nearly 120 maps now! But we are short on small ones. The more the merrier. I see some poor guy got slaugtered when he put a couple of map pack(s) together... We'll BCR is easy - If you need a map pack comingetit!
  15. Welcome If you have any queries - just post here - the guys are normally quite fast with help.
  16. Sounds good. How many guys would be interested in playing the soviet side? I remember one guy asking about it in the early days, but that is all. Don't do it if you don't want to play it yourself or if there's not some sort of demand for it. It's bound to be quite a bit of work.
  17. Good idea Apache After Monday's update I'll be preparing for the 'Final' Version 2 release. Then I'll use your suggestions. This release date will depend on when The Scalpel is finished with the newbie Walkthrough. You seem to be good with marketing... Maybe you want to put something together for the version 2 release?
  18. I’ve been wondering – How many players are using BCR? Maybe we (the BCR team) are only putting in all the work just for ourselves. Post here – I’m curious to know. BTW - Next update will be coming Monday. Biltong
  19. The Scalpel asks: "Can a player lose more than 50 favor in a battle? The rule limits the gain, but makes no mention of a loss limit." I replied: I’m sure a player can lose more. The question is, should he? My gut feel is yes… but not too sure. Let’s decide once we get some player feedback. I’ll post on the board. Anybody lost more than 50 Favor? Come on be honest What do you guys think - How much should your CO be able to despise you?
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