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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. The briefing said something about either two squads or two divisions, I'm can't remember which. I guess we'll find out!
  2. I've played the Russians in roughly 2/3 of the PBEMs that I've had. If you simply line up your tanks and start blazing away at the Germans at 1,500 meters, you will probably lose. If you use the terrain to get close and find good flanking shots, the German armor is in trouble. You didn't mention infantry, but the Russian infantry will hold its own with the Germans, if you take care of your men, keep them in command, and don't expect them to be superhuman.
  3. Sorry Sublime, although it's tough to turn down such an elegantly worded invitation. Three PBEMs with flocks of infantry in each is about all I can pay attention to at once. Maybe some other time. For now I have to concentrate on a Goodale, a Wino, and a Finn. That's enough of a challenge for me. GRRRRRR!!! :mad: Pass the molten TNT!!
  4. MasterMoldDale, it's great to see you back, and just as cogent as ever! You sure know how to make an entrance. That was me asking about a daylight scenario. Mike the wino and I have started a different scenario now, so you want to save your new one until I finish kicking in your Russian teeth in our little fracas? Then I'll be glad to try it out with you.
  5. BeoWolf, if you're going to be playing mike the wino, you had better start forming an opinion about the shocking lack of availability of liquor in Elk Grove, California. You do not want to be caught unprepared when the inevitable question comes.
  6. Do you think the fact that you slaughtered a couple of dozen Russian flamethrower teams before they could fire had anything to do with that? If all of them could have emptied their flaming molten TNT on your Germans, the entire map would have been one huge bonfire. :mad: So what has happened to SickWaffleMasterDale? Did he buy MOO3 and he's watching the screen, waiting for a chance to actually do something? Did Soddball cleverly open another thread for him on a different forum? Has he gone over to the dark side of flight simulators forever? The world wonders.
  7. Good Lord, I just noticed I've offered to play somebody from FINLAND!!! :eek: :eek: I'd better let Paddington win. After seeing the damage Finns will do to tanks with their bare hands, I do NOT want to get one upset at me. Is it considered a gamey tactic to surrender on Turn 1? :confused:
  8. I'm working on it. Did you get the e-mail I sent you? Maggot! :mad: By the way, you never did get my truck, so I consider our fight a tactical loss and a strategic victory! HA!!! This from the guy who WON our little tussle in the fog at midnight in Soddball's Inferno-T. You guys who haven't tried it really owe it to yourselves to play at least once. Soddball, one suggestion would be to add another HQ unit or two, just to keep some of the flamethrowers in play longer. One HQ with a command bonus can help a lot of teams fight fire with fire.
  9. Soddball will call you that until you have 6 or 8 thousand posts. My only current PBEM is with MasterMissingdale, which means I have no games at all, so send me a set up. Scenario or QB, either side. I prefer attacks to ME's. Don't expect any kicking, though. Whining, weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth maybe. But no kicking.
  10. Think of the Peng thread aka MBT like an episode of Seinfeld. This one has a few dozen Georges and Kramers who can only communicate in writing. It's all about nothing, but they sure do type a lot.
  11. My spelling is getting worse and worse. I think participating in this thread is costing me a lot of brain cells I could really use. Abbott and/or Soddball and/or Goodale, I've got a rematch pending with mike the wino. Since my gamey flag rush on Turn 34 failed to save me in our last battle, I'd like to request a daylight scenario from one of you designers. We'd be perfect if you've got something you want tested (to destruction, probably). Mike is a good player, I'm not, so you will get both points of view.
  12. Congratulations mike the wino for beating me like a rented mule in the fog at night. I hope my new sig line is satisfactory. GRRRRR!!! :mad: [ March 09, 2003, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  13. Wow, these Russian tanks are fast! I had planned to arrive in your fair city on turn 35, just to cause Soddball's Inferno-T to go on, and on, and on. Unfortunately, I miscalculated and arrived too soon. So, we're off for another quick lap around the battlefield. We'll be back later.
  14. At the rate MasterSickdale is (not) returning turns, this rematch may still be going on when Combat Mission 3 comes out. Goodale, have you ever thought of maybe doing something radical like seeing a doctor!! This sickness has been going on for quite a while, and could lead to something really serious. A couple of weeks ago a seemingly healthy 38 year-old guy I worked with died from bacterial menengitis. He was at work on Thursday, and his neighbor found his body the following Tuesday.
  15. He may already have it. Soddball, the song I sent to m_t_w was "Fire" by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown. Are you familiar with it? It just seemed to fit your Inferno scenario perfectly. Maybe you could add it to the briefing? "I am the god of hellfire, and I bring you - FIRE!"
  16. If I have EVER heard someone asking for a gamey flag rush, this is it!! M_t_w, it's up to you.
  17. Not "strange" so much as, well, appropriate is the word that comes to mind. Not that that's a bad thing. His Russian troops all love him, and they die like flies for him.
  18. Halfway down page 2? This is Inconceivable! Almost the equal of getting involved in a land war in Asia. Back into the sunshine, little thread. And don't come back! GRRRRRRRrrrrrr!!!! :mad: :mad: FYI, it was gratifying to see the title of Lt. Hortlund's thread. Master AleWaffle has had such a positive impact on players' vocabularies. We're so proud of him.
  19. I can't argue with that! I can't argue with that, either. Have you ever considered switching to Electronic Battleship, or maybe to Old Maid? But seriously, I'm glad to see you back. I was concerned your previous illness had turned into something much worse. :eek:
  20. I haven't had the pleasure of losing Russian pillboxes to halftracks yet. On the other hand, every Russian pillbox I have seen in CMBB has had a lifespan measured in seconds when an AFV spots it. As JasonC (I think) pointed out recently, use trenches instead of pillboxes. They're cheaper, much more likely to offer some protection, and did I mention they're cheaper! Someone should create a mod for the Russian pillbox with a big bright bullseye centered on the firing slit.
  21. Mike the wino has started a new thread. This one is ready to die of old age. Let's let it go peacefully.
  22. What's the problem, is the West Coast supply of Colt 45 running low? I have a couple of problems with your request. 1. The Census Bureau collects information. It does not operate either bars or high-quality liquor stores. Sorry. 2. I don't care.
  23. Wasn't that in the briefing, that the object of Soddball's scenario is to protect your truck and destroy the other side's truck? :confused: I want a do-over. I've been misled. Somehow I'm sure it's AleWaffleMaster's fault. After getting a flamethrower to within 30 meters of your hulking SP gun and having the team miss it 6 straight times, maybe I should RUN AWAY! Grrrrr!!! :mad:
  24. WaffleMaster, from what I've been reading in other threads it really doesn't matter which version you send. 1.01 and 1.02 seem to be completely compatible. However, to stay current and not get left out of the in-crowd, I'll finish off the annihilation of your Russians in 1.02, thank you very much!
  25. I don't like the sound of this one bit. :mad: GRRRRrrrr...cough...cough I don't have the gift.
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