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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Since most of you probably don't read anything else on the forum, I'll just be the first to mention that I'll be accepting setups in the Sahara Desert as of about October. CMAK (Afrika Korps) is on the way!! And there was rejoicing heard throughout the land. I just hope MasterGoodale gets me another turn before then.
  2. Terrain advantage??? :confused: I couldn't even find enough flat open ground in my setup areas for my men to have a place to dig foxholes! :eek: This is the most bizarre map I have ever seen. It's beautiful, and for all I know historically accurate, but I promise you that the most extreme QB map you could ever generate will be nothing like Stalino. I highly recommend it to all players looking for a real challenge of your maneuvering skills. Or your patience. We'll see what happens now. Okay Becket, let's see what you've got. GRRR!!! :mad: :mad:
  3. Sorry to lose any potential CMBB opponents. I hope all the Mac supporters out there can accept your post as the ultimate proof of the superiority of the PC! Thank you Saint Bill Gates and your most blessed Church of Windows.
  4. Maybe not quite all of the signs. I got home from work today and there were turns from: the wino, bECKET, aXE, pADDINGTON, and _uxCVA. Definitely a clear sign of impending apocalypse. Luckily mASTERgOODALE kept intact his string of consecutive days uninterrupted by returning turns. I believe a turn from him would have been too much and could have torn the earth from its orbit. Let's not cut it so close from now on, okay? I hate having to depend on gOODALE's procrastination to save life as we know it. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: [ April 03, 2003, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  5. Usted manojo de morons estúpidos. ¡El más ignorantes entre usted, que puede entender este mensaje, me envían una disposición ahora!! :mad: </font>
  6. Babel_Fish gave this translation: You bunch of morons stupid. Most unaware of between you, that they understand this message, they transmit one to me put to point hour. :confused: </font>
  7. Couldn't have said it better myself! Okay, Keke, I can see you're talking about MasterGoodale and mike the wino (morons stupid), but what bad names did you call them?
  8. MasterGoodale, I'm sorry to hear of your family's loss. Please let your wife know that our thoughts are with her. Seriously. [ April 03, 2003, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  9. Becket, Them's fightin' words. All right, what do you have in mind? Want to give one of Soddball's new masterpieces a whirl? I'll have to make this the last PBEM I have going for the time being. If Goodale, wino, Paddington, Axe, and _UXcva all returned turns once in a while, I'd be covered up in my limited gaming time. Fortunately, Axe seems to be the only one conscious right now.
  10. Keke and Axe, hasn't anybody ever told you about letting sleeping dogs lie? I hope you guys are proud of yourselves!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  11. Well, if I see some 4-engined bombers come skimming over the lake and some searchlights shining down on the surface, we're getting away from this dam! I actually thought about that movie, too, but then thought better of asking about it. GRRR!!! :mad: :mad: Anyway, Axe's Germans are beginning to discover that the dam is defended. They are hearing truckloads of Russian troops arriving. Some of his Germans are also getting shot in the back, which is a pretty cool deal for me. And by cool, I mean totally sweet!! Anybody heard anything from GoodMasterdale lately? He sent me one turn last week, and now he's disappeared again. Also mike the whiner? Maybe he didn't make it out of Las Vegas alive after all. Or even worse, maybe he won big! That would be hard to take, unless he shares his winnings with his PBEM opponents, which seems fair. Paddington seems to be alive and well in Finland, after a two-week hardware implosion. I'm expecting a turn right this moment, or sooner. Got that, Paddington? Quit shoveling snow and send a turn! [ March 31, 2003, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  12. Soddball, let me be the first to congratulate you for the map of your Kneiber Dam scenario. That is some dazzling terrain. :cool: Did you happen to watch "Force 10 From Navarone" sometime recently? This reminds me of the terrain in that movie. If it was daylight no German would get anywhere close to the dam. Since it's night, and there is so much woods, we'll have to see. Axe has already drawn first blood out in the woods well away from the dam. Meanwhile I'm trying to call in the patrols for defensive duty. Who will get to the destination first? Tension is building. :eek:
  13. This is exactly the kind of thing that can happen over a quiet weekend, with MasterGoodale again AWOL, with mike the wino hitchhiking home from Las Vegas, with Soddball posting over in the General Forum, with Axe2121 celebrating the big win by Syracuse, and with everyone else comatose from the latest war news. Thanks for catching the page creep of this thread and restoring it to the one place that keeps MasterGoodale's blood pressure manageable. UXcva, what kind of a game do you have in mind? A QB, a scenario, or what? I could probably squeeze something in, since I have a couple of PBEMs that are in limbo right now. Send me an e-mail this afternoon and we'll get rolling. :cool:
  14. Are you finished yet? So is this the secret to amassing a huge total of posts, to just post a cryptic "Hmmmmmm"? Naturally, this counts just as much in the post total as one of JasonC's research epics, which shows how misleading the raw number of posts can be. Somehow I just can't glean as much information from it as I would like, though. Are you bothered that nobody seems to be responding? Are you bored? Or are you humming a song to which you can't quite remember the lyrics? :confused:
  15. The hoser Ballantyne is also expecting a glorious visit from the Easter Bunny soon, and he's "pretty sure" he spotted a leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day.
  16. At last, after months of exhaustive research, a post offering absolute proof that MasterGoodale may not actually be the craziest person in the entire world. One has to wonder if MasterGoodale and Keke were separated at birth. Their self-expression skills appear to be disturbingly similar. Of course, Keke would only have to return PBEM turns about once every three or four weeks to match MasterGoodale in the Losing-but-Losing-Slowly department. Axe, are you sending me a set-up in Soddball's latest masterpiece of confusion and mayhem?
  17. Alexey, see how fast you can make new friends over the internet? If you hadn't made your post this morning (US time), you would have missed the thrill of: "ya maggot" "you'll beg to be fed puss wads dipped in skunk piss for the next 20 years" "numbnuts" "I'm gonna cut your baaaallsss ooooff" "You're nothing but a grabasstic sack of amoeba puss skunk nuts!!" "maggot lips" "pizza face" "non-shooting, TNT-Chucker Wannabe" All from MasterGoodale within 24 hours. Personally, I think it's a good thing you happened to catch MasterWoodwaffle on one of his good days. He seems kind of low key and mellow right now, so I guess his medication is working. Watch out for him when he gets cranky, he can get a little obnoxious. I always wonder if he foams at the mouth while he types, and ends up slobbering all over his keyboard since I'm guessing he types with his nose.
  18. So MisterGoodwrench, do you like have a thing about barnyard animals? I thought that was limited to a few of the Australians who hang out in the Peng thread. Should I e-mail Mace to tell him to guard all his sheep?
  19. I hadn't thought much about it, but I guess this makes you feel REALLY REALLY BAD!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!
  20. I'll give it a go since I'll beat Mike_the_wino with one hand tied behind my back. Hell, I could even beat him if my name was MasterGoodale. Any takers? I do believe I owe Dave H a little revenge for getting me in sh!t at work. GARARGARARAGAGARAG Jas :mad: n </font>
  21. Spoiler for alexey....20 years is about how long it will take to get through a whole battle with our friend MasterGoodale. He has developed a reputation for being a little slow about returning turns. Check the Waffle thread to find Goodale and some other players who will be glad to play. Some of us are even civil to each other. None of us are any good at CMBB. Not that that is a bad thing.
  22. Thank you. I feel that a small part of my aura of tactical incompetence has been lifted. :cool:
  23. Okay, GasterDooMale, I received a turn from you on Tuesday night, and there was much rejoicing in the heavens. If only I would have looked at my e-mail last night instead of playing around with TurboTax. Now it's been almost 10 whole minutes since I sent it back to you. So (All together now) "Where's my turn??"
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