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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. <font size=6>Good Friday Morning, Maggots!!</font size=6> Miss Kitty (remember Gunsmoke?), I'm a'callin you out. There ain't room in this here Waffle thread for the two of us, now that you're channeling MasterGoodale (the maggot). You choose your weapon - either CMBB or CMAK. The loser has to stay out of Cheery Waffle Land for 1 week. :eek: :eek: :eek: It's time to see who the real Cheery Waffle is around here. Of course, in the event I should happen to lose, <font size=1>I reserve the right to bring up any number of completely irrelevant technicalities to have my loss overturned or ignored.</font size=1>
  2. The ultimate <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> game! I give it :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: out of :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. You twinkle-toed, non-TNT chucking communist pinko fat bellied Kraut sissy-la-la deceptive Marxist slithering Stalinist no-nad Hun-loving puss-slurping maggot! GARRAHRHARH! H! !HHH ! :mad: Kitty</font>
  4. Where? When I went to www.evolvingworlds.com and clicked on Fiefdom, I still get the screen congratulating AngusThorn for winning the last time. Has it been moved somewhere else? :confused: :confused:
  5. Good Lord, this is much worse than I thought. The idea of Kitty and MasterGoodale (the maggot) being one person was bad enough. Even the remotest possibility of MasterGoodale (the maggot) and Gov. Dean being one and the same is a cosmic catastrophe! This could be worse than having a mere meteorite crash into the Earth. MasterGoodale (the fury, TNT-chucking maggot) running for president? <font size=7>GRARGRHARGGHRRARGHRARRGHRARG!!!</font size=7> :eek: :eek: :mad: :mad:
  6. Yes, but the Borg who spotted my Germans were in their cube in geosynchronous orbit. There weren't any Americans who could have had a line of sight. Based on what Keke said, in my opinion there's an even bigger spotting problem than I thought. His Americans didn't spot the men in the foxhole; they spotted the foxhole itself, far above their heads and behind a wall! Having my men hide was a waste; they should have started firing immediately. There's just no hiding from Keke's uber-men - not even hills block their line of sight! :eek: :eek: Of course, I still plan to wipe out Keke's men. I'm sure his tank will eventually run out of HE! :mad: :mad: :mad: [ February 04, 2004, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  7. Trust me, when your Panthers hit a Sherman, it looks like it is blasted into sub-atomic particles. I think you're using some kind of energy weapon (phasers, maybe?), instead of a 75 mm gun. :mad: :mad: Kitty, if MasterGoodale (the maggot) follows you back to the BFC forum, you will be responsible for keeping him out of the other threads. Soddball managed that job for a whole year, and is now enjoying his retirement. Believe me, it's hard to keep MasterGoodale penned up!
  8. News Bulletin: All of you maggots waiting for CMAK turns will have to wait until I receive the next turn from Lurkur. I want to make sure we get our scenario saved before I apply the 1.01 patch. We're too far along, and I've lost too many Shermans, to mess it up now. :eek: :eek: Snarker, I'll hold the next Inferno turn until you're ready to patch to 1.01. We could still have quite a few turns left, with that "30+" figure, and your Germans and Italians scattered all over the battlefield. :eek:
  9. Just wanted to catch up on the Waffles versus <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> PBEM extravaganza. Soddball, you and Seanachai started it all. How is your game going? Have you two slugs made it all the way through Turn 1 yet? :eek: :eek: I'm playing Lurkur for the second time. In our first game, he emerged bloodied but slightly victorious after my partisans who failed to die managed to get themselves lost in the sewers of Warsaw. This time around he has given me the Canadians with about a year's production of Sherman tanks to attack his Germans. My tanks have been taking fire from Nashorns, many AT guns, unidentified SP guns, and far too many Panthers. Oh, did I mention his gamey AT minefields, and that every house seems to hold a gamey panzershreck team? I'd like to receive infantry support at some point to flush out some pesky antitank teams. Wait a second; I must confess that I did have not one, but two whole PIAT teams when we started. Axe, weren't you playing Boo? Anyone else?
  10. Didn't I just send you one last night, maggot? Seems like I recall light Soviet artillery falling all over your pathetic German infantry hiding in the pine trees. Since I only have one CMBB game in progress, that had to be you on the receiving end! I'll resend it tonight.
  11. Unfortunately, it will be at least another 7 1/2 hours before I can start up my computer at home. In the meantime, your herd of Panthers will have to be satisfied with looking at all the columns of smoke rising from my side. Shoot and Scoot tactics just don't do the trick when Shermans are facing Panthers. It becomes more like Don't Shoot and Burn tactics! Where's my air support, anyway??!! GRARGHRARGGRARRGHRARGH!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. <font size=6>Good Morning, Cheery Waffles!!</font size=6> Axe, when I get home I'll send you the turns and the password. Maybe Keke could send his to you as well. They will not be converted, of course. Kitty, a while back Axe put together a brief history of the Cheery Waffle thread. In it you could find some examples of the wit and wisdom of one Justin Goodale, TNT chucker extraordinaire. The maggot was starting a dozen threads at a time! Then you'll understand why the Cheery Waffle thread became necessary. Abbott and Soddball were the founding fathers. Most of the rest of us sort of wandered in to make fun of the self-titled MasterGoodale, and ended up staying. I haven't downloaded the patch yet, because I'm waiting to hear from all my PBEM opponents about converting the files. Let's get those turns back, maggots! :mad: :mad:
  13. Waffles, <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>, Boo (a thing only Seanachai could love), and other reprobates who post here, I have a semi-groggish question. Here's the situation: I'm playing a scenario with Keke. His tank is on a road at the bottom of a tall steep slope. At the top of the slope is a stone wall. On the far side of the wall from Keke's tank is a foxhole, with infantry hiding in it. I thought the infantry was in an excellent hidden position. Can anyone explain to me how Keke's tank not only immediately spotted the infantry in a foxhole behind the elevated stone wall, but was able to target them as well? His excuse is X-ray vision, so he can see through both the wall and the hill itself. I forgot that all Finns would take this ability for granted, but in this scenario Keke is playing the Americans. I just wanted to see if anyone else had run into this situation. :mad: :mad: :mad: Kitty, I'm extremely jealous that MasterGoodfail (the fury maggot) is sending you e-mail. Most of us who tried playing PBEMs with him could never get an e-mail out of him. That reminds me, I received an e-mail from the inimitable mike_the_wino, who said he will be surrendering in all his PBEMs. I think the wine fumes finally got to him!
  14. Thank you both, Axe and Kitty. I think you have both qualified for walk-on parts in "Rain Man 2: Tom Cruise Tries Again for the Oscar".
  15. Soddball, I guess I would call the movie a guilty pleasure. It was completely preposterous, had no plot to speak of, and had characters so cartoonish there was no empathy with any of them. So, of course, I enjoyed it enormously. I even watched all of the "making of" features and the deleted scenes on the DVD. Spoiler: For all of you grogs out there, don't expect much historical accuracy.
  16. I missed all but the fourth quarter. I was occupied watching "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". As the game turned out, I wish the movie had been longer.
  17. LOL Which ones? Masked profanity like "****e" and "feckin'" isn't foul? "Nads" isn't foul? "My wives are lubricating themselves," isn't foul? "Nature's penis enlarger isn't foul?" "sweaty wrestler cracks" isn't foul? "You've been banging boys too long" isn't foul? Come on, dude. =) Kitty</font>
  18. *Chucks 25lbs of angry molten TNT at everyone's crotch* :mad: :mad: :mad: Kitty Goodale</font>
  19. Once he explodes can I beat his crispy torso with his puss [sic] slathered limbs? :mad: :mad: :mad: Kitty</font>
  20. It's worth remembering that the Red Army was fielding T-34s when the most advanced American tank was the M-3, and the British were still using Matildas. The IS-2 was also in combat long before the first Pershing made it to Europe. In the early fighting on the Eastern Front, the KV-1 and the T-34 totally outclass the German armor. Like most American and British armor, the Soviet tanks were usually adequate for tank vs. tank, but were really designed for combined arms attacks versus infantry. In armor battles, the quantity of Soviet tanks and tank destroyers (SU-76, SU-85, SU-100) made up for most individual shortcomings. Both fronts saw attrition eventually tilt the armor balance to the Allies.
  21. Is that Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin? I've got your move, maggot. Nice scenario, in the middle of a stinking swamp. Where are the alligators? I've been particularly unmotivated for CM the last couple of evenings. Tonight should see turns out to all. As PBEMs end, I have got to cut down. It's beginning to feel too much like work. I blame all of you, but especially Axe, whom I suspect of throwing our "Truck War" quick battle, which ended suspiciously fast. Income tax time is looming, so in the near future all PBEMs will come to a screeching halt while TurboTax resides on my CD drive. I wonder if the US Census Bureau would start sending my paycheck to an offshore bank account? I need to look into that. Just kidding, Mr. Ashcroft! :eek:
  22. Oh, yeah. Combat Mission back when men were men, where the snow was knee deep, the wind was howling, the temperature was far below freezing, and there were no signs of better weather to come. Wait a minute, that sounds exactly like today!!
  23. Congratulations to BFC. I hope your commercial success with the Combat Mission series has been at the same level as your critical success. Now if you'll only come out with Combat Mission: Ninjas vs. Pirates! That would be cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet!!
  24. No, it doesn't make me sad. It makes me feel like I'm playing poker against about 15 lower-than-maggots, lower-than-<font size=1>penguins</font size=1> opponents. Somewhere along the line all but one quit the game, and give all their money to the one player left. Somehow this is supposed to be a fair contest? I'm sure they're all very proud of their big guild (more like gilled) victory, too. Yes, there are few things more valuable in a night armor-attacking-infantry battle than an FO who can see about 200 meters. A few AT rifles would have been much more useful! Actually, I'm much more disgusted with the squad that jumped out of their foxhole and charged toward your armored cars.
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