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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Oh one update at least: Stalled in Oregon, what the hell is that crap showing up in my inbox?? like I would play an insipid GIT like you. Has anyone even deigned to acknowledge your presence here?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You mean like saying lovely things like "Hey - did SO & humour enter the same time zone?" - well yes, of course the nice man did!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I sure hope not, and I am only doing it to uphold my reputation, so please do what Dame Achin's is hoping you will do and SOD OFF. Take that crap-ass ME QB ya sent me with you when you go.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What Mr Itchy is wantin' me to do* is none of your business wussy boy - if you ain't got a pair then what u doin' here?? Actually I think he wants me to walk into a hail of 2" mortar shells - seems his Green Poles have a problem with a little wood and are determined to destroy it with the battalion's assembled fireworks display team. Actually the boys are just lyin' back & watchin' the pretty show! [ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  2. Obviously have - FAA A&P Airframe handbooks!! Seriously though, there weer very few fabrick surfaces by the time 20mm's weer in common usage, and quite a lot of armour plate, plus 20mm fragments are not very big and even an aluminium skin can provide significant protection for whatever lies behind. remember that everythign you said about the shell applies to the fragments only more so, since they are inhrently of an unaerodynamic shape and low mass, so they have much less penetrative ability than the shell itself.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: God! I hope not! I play the American's all the time and have enough problems with the two that the German squads alreay have. If I had a nickel for every tank that was killed by these damn weapons I'd be rich. I mean Damn,come on. I can't come within 150 yards of damn near any German squad without getting one of these up the Ass already. Just my opinion. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jeez - yuo get 2 and they can kill tanks at 150m?? Can I get a copy of your CD please??!!
  4. I tried using it, and as near as I can figure it never substituted a single modded bmp for teh original ones - I had to go in and do them all by hand. I keep it for the listing of which mods I have available, and that's all.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: Fortunetly GAU w/o authorization had looked into developing a new gun after the 1st encounters with the Tiger<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Make up your mind please!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Stalin's Organ 17<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But not for long - Sock Monkey's taking a good thrashing, his Ami's having failed miserably to take the central objective - a large heavy building stocked with German infantry. And poor old Scott's finding out the hard way that you usually need something a bit bigger than 20mm vs Stuarts. against aka_Tom the game is evenly poised, although my 150m infantry gun on a hill overlooking the village seems to be causing him some grief - I'm sure there should be a different model when a Stuart gets hit by one of these - something like a small grey smudge for example!! Otherwise we've each lost a few vehicles and some pixelated soldiers but he has all of the flags....so far!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: The T-34-85 is not a valid comparison to the Panther, despite it being developed to battle the Panther. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> More nonsense! The 85mm gun was installed to combat increasing German armour in general - the Tiger was the first tank to come to everyone's notice in this regard, but even Mk 3's and Mk 4's were up-armoured over the years. Telling a little bit of the truth is the same as telling most of a lie!
  8. Nicely said Vanir! Moreover the t34/85 shouldn't be compared to the the Panther either - the correct comparison is with the Pz-IV F2 and later models - an upgunned 1940 tank. (or the Sherman 76, of similar vintage and family history)
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username: The fuze was probably SQ (superquick) and supersensitive. It HAD to be to detonate on aircraft surfaces. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You do not want that vs aircraft - you want the shell to penetrate the surface and explode in the structure. Aircraft systems are not very robust, although the designers try their best of course. Hence the allies had armour piercing, HE and incendiary all in a single shell - yuo don't need a lot of HE to do significant damage with fragments, and a lot of any aircraft is fuel tank and yuo don't need a lot of incendiary mix in one of those either!
  10. I've seen an org for panzer-grenadiers that gives 1 20mm Flak on a h/t per infantry PLATOON, as part of that platoon....
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: It added the design point of manufacturing a Tank for the specific purpose of defeating other tanks also tailing into the most developed suspension in the world to carry the extra weight and enable it to maneuver better cross country than any of its contemporys. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Arrant nonsense - these concepts weer precisely those designed into the T34. Read my post again - I'm talking about concepts - things like great cross-country mobility in a tank considerably heavier than it's contemporaries (including an advanced suspension system), a gun well ahead of it's time, invulnerable (well more effective than was considered normal at the time at least) armour were all in the T34/76 in 1940!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: I'm not debateing the T-34 was not an good tank for it's time 1941 - early 1943. Nor did I say they wouldn't pose a threat to an PzKpfw III J or PzKpfw IV F2, they are just not in the same leauge as the Panther or Tigers, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well of course they bloody well aren't!! No more than Pz-2's and 3's adn 4's of 1941 were a match for them. No more than Panthers would have been for Chieftans, Centurions, T55's or M-60's. SO BLOODY WHAT?????
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Itchy: For once, a word I had to look up that doesn't actually exist.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "Odiferouos" doesn't exist?? So much for the English language in it's home country!
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Yes, I did read it. No, I may never recover.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WHAAAATTTTTTT???????? That bloody Panty Liner is giving my opponent's reasons, nay excuses for sub-standard performances...I mean even worse than they would be anyway? Panties,...er....sorry MOUSE - keep your lunatic drunken ravings to yourself - hell, just keep to yourself in toto! Your odiferous leakage into my game is unforgivable - even more so than your mere existance, which is the worst joke evolution ever played on an amoeba! Nothing will suffice to undo this wrong, but I'll give you a chance to do your best by getting thrashed by me. It's in the mail, so bugger off and play!
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: As to comparing it to the IS-2 why would we? encounters between the IS-2 & German tanks were a rarity, the IS-2 was not employed as a tank vs tank, tank it was employed as a special breakthru wpn operateing similar to Tiger Abt's except it's mission wasn't ant armor orientated. The Panther's most common foe was the T-34. TYhe Panther was designated a medium tank & employed as such unlike it's predecesor the Tiger that operated as an Heavy tank & was employed as such. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh well, that's OK then - let's compare it to the British A9-13 series' - they're medium tanks after all, and since they only weight 1/2 the Panther's total or less we can make it look even better!! Actually I was under the impression that hte Panther WAS used as a heavy tank - being preferred for leading assaults, and for tank-tank engagements whenever it was available. What has commonality of opponent got to do with it?
  16. A pill box holds pills, and a bunker holds fuel.....what's so difficult??
  17. IIRC the Allies had an APHEI-T round for air-to-air use - that is an armour piercing nose, HE and Incendiary fillings, and a ttracer base. So there's enough room to get complicated in a small round! Also I read somewhere that most of hte Matilda's actually KO'd at Arras were done so by 20mm fire setting fire to the storage containers on their exterior!
  18. A pointless comparison - the panther is 50% heavier than the T34 or either persuasion. Why not compare the IS-2 with the Panther?? And to the guy who says the panther was the great-grandaddy of all modern MBT's - the Panther used design concepts from hte T34....it added nothing except thicker armour and a longer gun (not even larger calibre).
  19. I'm not surprised all Mr Itchin' can remember is the various times various teams have cheated to deprive the Holy Team of it's due rights - he's probably still remembering the glory days of pommie rugby - some time in the 1890's I think - they beat the St Mary's Girl's soccer squad once back then! Anyway - good to hear he's got green Poles - otherwise the poor old Hun's in for a thrashing - even 1 Sherman is an uber-tank when you have NO anti-tank weapons ('cept for fausts)!! Not 1 'schreck, not 1 50mm AT gun, not even a 20mm autocannon!! I do have a short 75 on a sdkfz251/9, but I expect that to live as long as the Lions when they play the Wallabies once it gets into action! But no matter - it will be enough!
  20. WHAAAAATTTTTT????????? What sort of ignorant low-life scum stupid dork equates the god-like All Blacks with his probiscis and a cess pit??!! Probably some American twit who thinks that a New York team playing another New York team constitutes a world series or something! But what's this - no - it has an address in the old country - the United Kingdom...so it's ignorance is not forgivable as it would be from an ignorant American twit! It comes from the land that gave us (kneel as you read the words all ye foreign twerps) Rugby and Cricket, but can't play them if it's life depended on it, and therefore has no excuse at all. It is a person of The Book (being Wisdon's of course), and also the ruck, the bails, the wicket and silly backward short mid square leg. So, Mr David Itchin' - give yourself a slap on each check, and a rake across the back with a 3/4" studded boot - the challenge is in the mail.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: I like how you can secrete it underground<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No doubt he uses some sort of proboscis to do this - being a blood sucking insect who's main function in life is to live in a cesspit! Anyway - enough of this rubbish - time to crack another beer & watch the All Blacks thrash the Argies...... [ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: to be concluded? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jeez I hope so...soon, preferably with a bullet through the squeaker's hands so he can't type any more of this dibble. I would have suggested the head, but as a wise old crone once told me.."Non-vital hit area"! [ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  23. I guess if Poor Broom's going to abuse us all then he's goingto have to take his hands off his todger to do it, and I can't see that happeneing this side of the 2nd coming - which should be several years away the poor boy!
  24. There's probably better info out there, but I thought I'd kick it off with some org's from a set of WW2 miniatures rules I used to play a lot (WRG 1925-50, 1988 ed fyi): 1940 platoon: Command group 3-5 riflemen, 2 sections each 10 riflemen, 2 sections each 9 rifles + 1 LMG. Inerestingly in 1940 these rules make all the riflemen armed with SLR - self loading rifles. I'm sure they wouldn't all be, but the Sov's did have the Simonov and Tokarev SLR's at this time IIRC - not entirely successful designs. Dunno what happened to their manufacture after 1941. 1943 platoon: Command section of 2 LMG's and 7 riflemen, 2 snipers, 2 sections each 2 LMG's + 7 riflemen. SMG platoon: 3 sections each 8-10 SMG's (1 is the command section) Rifle company - 3 platoons + coy command section (6-8, half SMG half rifle), 2 SFMG's (Maxims of whatever), 2 50mm mortars. A SMG coy is 3 SMG platoons + 1 half section command element armed with SMG's. Transport is 1 light truck and 3 heavy/large ones, presumably 1 for each platoon? A rifle Bn is 3 companies, 3 mortar plaoons (3 x 81mm each), 3 MG platoons (3 or 4 (in Gds) SFMG's), 1 ATR platoon (9-12 ATR's), 1 ATG platoon (2 ATG's - usually 45's) A motorised Bn has 3 companies, 3 MG plns, 2 ATR platoons, 2 ATG platoons, 2 mortar platoons plus a heap of trucks of course. A SMG Bn is a command sectoin of 7-9 armed with SMG's, 3 SMG coy's, 2 each ATR, ATG and mortar platoons. A regimental recce platoon has command half-section with SLR's, 1 sniper, 3 sections each 6-10 men 1/2 SLR's, 1/2 SMG's. "Assault Group": 4 "half sections" - 2 with SMG's (1 is command), 2 od SLR's + demo charges, 2 flame throwers, 3 ATR's. Edited to add a few more details. [ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
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