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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. Amendments may be made to the rules at any time. Retroactively, as well. But only when approved by The Authority.
  2. Well, the time was a discriminant. Single posting was a requirement... I wonder what the rules committee wilk make of this?
  3. I hereby announce this The Awesomest Post Yet In This Thread. TAPYITT, heretofore to become CM jargon...
  4. I refer you to rule 17.a.I.1.iii of the unpublished rules.
  5. Gah! That's a lifetime of dual-purpose gifting. Ha ha!
  6. Attention to detail! The rules are posted.
  7. The WINDOW has Closed. The horse has fled the barn. Elvis has left the building. Many warnings had been posted...now there are some here. The early bird has been wormed. Many try, one will succeed. NOW WE WAIT. NO MORE ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED. The deadline has passed. (Mod: pin this…thanks.) Would you like a free copy of CMBS? If not, then leave. Otherwise, read on… I’m doing this on my own, so it’s my rules. If you don’t like it, don’t gripe at BFC. They have nothing to do with this. If your guess for the release date is the closest to the actual date, I’ll send you a freshly purchased activation code. It’ll be up to you to download the game. Here’s how it will work: 1. Enter your guess in the format DDMMYYYY. In BOLD. Like thus, for July 4th, 1776: 04071776. Make it stick out on its own. If I can’t find it, you lose. Yeah, my rules. Remember, day, month, year: DDMMYYYY. Don’t screw it up. No second entries, no edits. See below. 2. You can only make ONE entry in this thread. A second entry eliminates you from consideration. EDITED: Rule 2 is hereby amended. Since ChrisND has officially announced a change to the expected release date, all initial entries made PRIOR to 0800 on 19122014 can be changed by making ANOTHER entry. See http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/?p=1563829 (Nothing in rule two prevents additional POSTINGS. Only additional entries are prohibited...as amended above.) 3. Any EDITS to your post eliminates you. Because. 4. In case of a tie on the date, I’ll pick the winner. If you put the time, in 24 hour format, I’ll use that as a tie breaker. Closest wins. (6:17 p.m. would be 1817.) If you’re closest, but not in 24 hour military format, you lose! I’ll go to the next guy. Attention to detail matters. If you don’t put in any time, but someone else puts it in, he’ll win, no matter how far from the actual time his guess was. 5. What will I use for the release date and time? Whatever I want. But, I’ll probably use the date and time of the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT on the forum. It’ll be in my time zone, US Eastern. Use New York, NY, if you need to look it up. If I see 6:17 p.m., July 4th, 1776, then I don’t care what time it was in YOUR country. It will be 6:17 p.m. USA baby, USA. Don’t go claiming your 2117 time was in Lisbon, so you really meant 1617 my time. Remember, the official date and time will be whatever I say it is. 6. You must include a bit more than just a date and a time. You must tell me why YOU deserve it MORE than the bloke who posted just ahead of you. The only exception is the first poster: he must merely extol his own virtues. If you ignore this requirement, I will laugh as I eliminate you. 7. If you include a long, sad story of why you deserve a free game, no matter how inaccurate your guess, the corner of my mouth will twitch upwards, and I’ll eliminate you. Whiners can’t be winners. Learn it, live it. 8. Finally, the twist: having been given the activation code, you will be ON THE HOOK. I will contact you and you will HAVE TO engage in a public battle with me. It will be a public AAR. It will be a fast, bloody, GLORIOUS battle. I will pick all the parameters. If the thought of a public AAR frightens you, don’t enter. We’ll do it a couple of weeks later. So you can practice. Practice…losing! 9. I can change any of the rules at any time. It’s my money. 10. If you get the closest date and time and I don’t give it to you, it’s because sometimes life isn’t fair. Embrace the suck. 11. I’ll use the PM function on this forum to communicate with the winner. If I don’t get a reply in whatever time span I determine is sufficient, the winner will become a loser, and the top loser will become a winner. And so it will go, down the line. As in all things, there is fine print. See point 9. Ken out.
  8. Well, far be it from me to tell you what you can assume. I may well have been thinking of something from the secret beta forums. Or not. Shrug.
  9. Use your Sten gunners!! Oh, wait, that was my plan. Generalship: in this battle, I believe it has already been stated, both Scott and Bil have already played through as the opposing side. Knowing your enemy's forces, timing, and objectives is a HUGE bonus and has nothing to do with generalship. How might it have played, were it entered blind? Having grappled with Bil, I feel comfortable saying that I have no doubt he would not have attacked in this manner if he didn't have foreknowledge. 5 minutes for reinforcements? Perfect. That leaves time for at least 2 attacks.
  10. Combat lasers: the tech to blind already exists. The US has eschewed the use of those energies/wavelengths. The Soviets did not; blinding lasers are part of the Soviet history. I don't know if the Russian military adopted the "more humane" tech or not. But, yeah, laser and other directed energies are the future of defense against man-portable systems.
  11. As mentioned/hinted, the game looks in one place, and only one place, for your incoming email turns: Game Files/Incoming Emails. When it creates an outbound turn, it puts in one place, and only one place: Game Files/Outgoing Emails. It's up to you to find the outbound and send it to your buddy. It's up to you to get the incoming and put it in the right folder. The benefit is this lets you do whatever you want for file transfers. The drawback is you've got to manually do it.
  12. Widowmaker? Hah! Far better to make sad, but proud, pixelwidows, than to allow my men to slouch back home to their wives who will henpeck them and chip away at their manhood whilst simultaneously packing on the pounds until my pixeltruppen yearn for an opportunity to achieve glory in combat. A proud widow is far more happy than a chubby shrew. I bring them joy. Now bring me more turns!
  13. What? You have Jav teams on map? I can't say that anyone's SEEN any Jav goodness. Oh, wait: you must've taken a page out of my book and told your men to "Fix Javelins" and charge the tanks, a la WWII Japanese anti-tank tactics. Yeah, that must be it...
  14. Send a request to John Kettler. His google-fu is quite unmatched. Seriously. Give him a shout out.
  15. It sounds like you have the basic CMBN. The 2.0 and 3.0 upgrades are a HUGE improvement. Without the 3.0 upgrade, it will be harder to find pbem opponents. If you have NOT tried it against another human, well, you're missing a world of fun. (I've had 98% VERY positive experiences. The other 2%? They quit when they were losing. Probably grew up getting trophies in every game they ever went to. Shrug.) I'd vote get 3.0, CW/MG/VP. Then jump in the pbem pool. I'd also get CMFI/GL. CMFI/GL brings a whole new flavor. You really should try it. Christmas is right around the corner: put them on your list. Good luck! Does that help?
  16. The pendulum turns! The worm swings! The steamroller rushes onwards! Mixed metaphors abound like a swarm of gnats! (See what I did there? ) Great gobs of mayhem! You must be awaiting each turn as eagerly as Scott is dreading them! I shall call these decisive turns... "Dread Scott" Decisions. Carry on. Ken
  17. http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=151&a=723 What omens did portend this change? Who misread the cow patties? NEW forum? A...repository CHANGE? More new stuff coming down the pike? Good stuff.
  18. Obscurants, APS, positioning, force ratios? BAH! Dammit, man! Bil is outposting your @ss. Fight! Win the thread! Yes, this means we're eager for more.
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