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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I'm pretty sure I remember ricochets taking out tanks in CM:BO. What with each shell being tracked from firing point to destination, I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Maybe the reason we see fewer ricochets hitting targets in CM:BB is the tendency for the thoughtless Russkies to slope their armour at 40 degrees or more
  2. I wouldn't dream of doing that. I just resent the honk that is loaded upon us in the UK from Yankee wine-makers on the basis that "Oh, they're English, they'll drink anything". The quality Aussie winemakers value the business in the UK, and they treat my palette with respect, not as an opportunity to tap-dance in stilletos. That sounds cheap. Rack 'em up, Wine Pro. I've drunk everything in my time, and if you reckon Californian helmet-cheese-cleaning-honk is worth drinking, let's hear some names and numbers. I look forward to being proved wrong, since it's another chance to get ****faced. BTW - what's wrong with your computer? I, as Official Technology God to the Stars, will fix it from a significant distance and will only charge you a case of America's finest vintage. :mad: Let me tell you, you have NO IDEA, I mean it, NO FECKING IDEA how bad the booze tax is here. I can fork out £6.50 per bottle here, and I drive to France, it's £1.80. That's how much our total flabby cunt of a chancellor is creaming off. Not only that, but because he's busy farming cash out to all the jippoes, spivs, and no-hopers, this year's budget deficit is going to be £30bn.| Fuxxing dildo. I hate politicians. I want them all to burn in a big sack with MasterGoodale. [ July 24, 2003, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  3. Seanachai, you insignificant pimple on the behind of the creator, know you well and well, lots, that it's a bad day this side of hell that I venture in to this pubescent pustule of a thread to post anything - mostly because the foaming nonces that salivate here do a far better job than I ever could. However, my mightiest and most gleaming best wishes for your ma. The canker seems to be a modern-day plague. My younger bro has fought off a nasty brain tumour and I know what a strain it can be. If you're less witty than normal, I'll put in down to poor quality alcohol. Remind your ma that a day when she doesn't get a chance to cuff you around the back of the head whilst wearing a chainmail glove is a day wasted.
  4. Mwahahahahaha!!! Something to look forward to when I get home tonight!!! (Aside from Paula, in case she reads this) Somehow the game must have figured out you're Finnish and given me a handicap. </font>
  5. I've just switched to the Brown Brothers. It doesn't have the body or fruitiness of the Argentinian red, nor does it have the thick, cloying perfume. The trouble is, it's so damn easy to drink. I was drinking an Italian red last night which was way too heavy, it was like drinking alcoholic treacle (14%). I recommend Cape wines or Aussie wines. I wouldn't use Californian to clean the cheese out from under my helmet. :mad: :mad:
  6. My verbeage pales in the glow of your brilliance. So how about a set-up nong? 500 point QB, Probe, me German/attacker, you Russian/Loser, 50 turns, combined arms? I'll be online at the gaming puter by 8PM tonite. WELL????? </font>
  7. The bottle of Argentinian was awesome. Well worth it. I am just about to change to a bottle of Brown Brother's "Tarrango", which is known as a worthy brew. :mad: :mad:
  8. Originally posted by MasterGoodale: Is that a forefeit, MassaGoodSuckage?? :mad: :mad: This was just beyond the pale: Looks like Soddball showed up. </font>
  9. Just wait until Paula and I move into our new home. The office and computer will be out of her sightlines. Right now I'm in our living room/office/den. She always rolls her eyes with every "yessss!!!" or "nooooo!!!" Which, by the way, leads me to the good news. They sunk the foundation to the house this week. Still on track for the Oct. 15 closing date. *knocks on wood* You're all invited for the first barbecue of next summer. I invite you all freely, knowing full well none of you can read a map and/or follow directions. Jas :mad: n </font>
  10. Without doubt, your most brilliant post. But can you maintain this level of verbosity? </font>
  11. I, techno-master, feel your pain. Were it not for the insignificant 3,000-mile gulf, I would fix the box myself. Remember, I am a master of all technologgery and can fix such trifles in a triffle. Expect more postings of this high quality, since I have just cracked open a bottle of Argentinian red, and the first glass, whilst it may have varnished my throat, seems to have created a terrific party behind my eyes. I will be online and on form all night (until I pass out) so any bidge who want turns better rack 'em.
  12. That was just caused by excess gas. MasterAntPshter would know all about that.
  13. That's because you suck, and are not worthy of boldosity. Now, either send me a turn, gimp, from the game you wimped out of six weeks ago, or become my wife. :mad:
  14. Bah! CM will be around long after the chess fad wears off. A big, happy shout out to Prinz Nyuk Nyuk who has in three days, now doubled the turn rate of all the other maggots I'm allegedly playing. :mad: </font>
  15. Penetration is certainly different for the 75/L24 and the 76/L42, but not the 75L/43 AP. Penetration difference is something like 5mm, which isn't a great deal.
  16. I was larking about in the Scenario Editor (as one is wont to do) and was baffled by the prices of captured vehicles. Take a look at these and see if you can make sense of what's going on here. August 1942. German Panzer IVF - 109 points (+20%) Russian captured Panzer IVF - 93 points (+125%) German StuGIIIF - 89 points (+30%) Russian captured StuGIIIF - 77 points (+150%) Russian T34-1941 - 111 points (+30%) German captured T34-1941 - 130 points (+100%) Russian T34-1942 - 108 points (+50%) German captured T34-1942 - 127 points (+100%) When the Russians capture German vehicles, they're cheaper than the German-owned vehicles. When the Germans capture Russian vehicles, they're more expensive than the Russian-owned vehicles. Please remember that in the Scenario Editor, the rarity isn't included in the price listed for the vehicle. I've just included it for completeness. Any guesses as to what is going on here, because it looks a bit screwy.
  17. What's interesting about this matchup is that it removes the biggest risk in armour combat, that of your opponent buying gamey gear. I was playing a TCP/IP game yesterday and had bought a platoon of Panzer IIILs in our 2,000 point game. My opponent bought six KV-1s. My only hope of knocking them out was to use Tungsten at under 500m, and I had five tungsten rounds. If I had known he was going to be a gamey ho', I'd have turned up with Tigers and fisted him back to the stone age. :mad:
  18. Allow me to point you in the direction of the FAQ, helpfully visible at close to the top of the list of threads in this forum. There you will find all the answers you need, plus some you didn't know you needed.
  19. Just so you can all see what Goodale does in his spare time: Bow down to the Oral Pleasure King.
  20. I had a fantastic time at the War and Peace Show. Pictures to follow of what a great time I had and how many cool tanks I got to gawp at.
  21. What about "I get satisfying action from my Remington Ladyshave"? :mad:
  22. Does that mean you're going to send a turn back tonight aswell? Oh holy cheese weasels, I am blessed. When I put out the photos of you sucking OberStampGobbleFuhrer Helmut Hinksman dry like the ho you are, then we'll see who's laughing. :mad: :mad: Please don't send any more rockets at me. My men are too busy laughing themselves silly at your feeble attacks to give a stuff.
  23. That's no steenkeeng theory. That's suspicious to the point of titwanking. :mad: My job is getting me down. It wasn't until my workload quadrupled, my costs soared and my income was cut. :mad: Bastards. I hate them all. As for requests for photos from the savage combat occurring in my game versus MasterJacuzzibuildser, I have hit upon a snagette. My game is all in 1.03 and my turns are almost all in 1.02, 1.01 and 1.00. However, I have a few snapshots which I will upload and portion out to you when I can - including a rather incriminating one of Goodale 'apologising' on his knees to a German soldier -very sordid stuff.
  24. Yes it does (make sense), and no you can't (use the UK patch). You need to install v1.01 (60MB), then 1.02 (40MB?), then 1.03 (25MB) for the UK version. You can download them from CDV's website, or if you email CDV's support team they will send you a CD with the patch files on.
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