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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Not if you're playing against me - and you are. My turn reply time has extended to 'glacial'.
  2. Phil, if you're buying the video card, and since I can see you're in the UK - have a look at this company. I use them to supply all of my needs, those I build PC's for and my work place. You should be able to buy a 16MB video card for the same price as an 8MB - and for £45 you can get a 32MB GEForce MX 200. I can vouch for the reliability of the company and the speed of their delivery - and no, I'm not on commission
  3. Wacky, you're like a mouth without a brain. Don't you ever stop wittering?
  4. Yeah, what a miserable bunch of tarts. By the way, wackoff - if someone quotes you in their sig, that's flattering. If you quote yourself - that's sad.
  5. Your best bet if you want a good solid Axis SP Arty gun is the StuH42. Its armour is solid enough to deflect machine gun and light AT gunfire, and its powerful 105mm gun will cause alot of upset amongst enemy infantry.
  6. I'd pick British over American quite often. Cromwells are great for high speed attacks and arent' really any more vulnerable than Shermans. 95mm Cromwells are great for taking on infantry. Fireflies cook anything the Germans can field. What more can you ask for?
  7. I find that an invaluable piece of equipment is a mortar spotter to lay down smoke. With lots of smoke, the enemy can only guess where you are attacking, and can't see exactly what units you are using. So use more smoke and you will see a big improvement in your success ( I hope! )
  8. I just find it thoroughly wearing whenever a Finn claims that their nation should have better x, y, z, or should be able to fight better, harder, faster, or whatever. Tero, I have noticed, is particularly guilty of this. I have no objections to patriotism, in its place, but trying to suggest that Finnish soldiers were invincible, or were supermen, is wrong. I'm not disputing that the foul weather in Russia helped the Russians beat the Germans, or that it helped the Finns beat up the Russians. What I do object to is the suggestion that the mechanics of the game ought to be shifted in favour of one side or another to suit the historical outcome.
  9. A simple answer to this question, in my opinion, should be "no". The Finns and Soviets were not invincible, no matter how much the tediously vocal Finnish contingent of this board tries to convince us - and it gets very, very boring, so stop it. CMBB is a game, a game where you pit your skills against that of your opponent or the computer. Artificial advantages for one nation against another smack to me of racism, and detract from the pure strategic challenge. IF a scenario designer wants to include these issues in the game, then there should be a means for them to be able to, but otherwise such things should not be included. It's like including breakdown stats, so that some vehicles will break down during the game. Where's the fun in that? If I've bought a pair of Panzers to a battle I don't want to find that I've been deprived of them because some uber-grog decided it was realistic for them to break down after 17.24 minutes of use. And for god's sake, spare us all this waffle about how great the Finns were. If you were so bloody clever, you'd have picked the right side to begin with.
  10. You would probably want to order books published by Routledge for Roman books. Most of my heavier tomes from my archaeology degree are published by Routledge. Be warned, though, they are heavy going. It seems that you can order online. just ordered a book from them about Carausius and Allectus (the 'usurpers' who broke Roman Britain away from the Roman Empire) and it set me back £65.00. The books are good though.
  11. That's right. If you right-click on the cube and drag it you can move it a bit (or shift-click if you're on a mac) but not to the extent of completely changing direction.
  12. Those are moves you set previous to the current turn. They will take place without any time delay when the next turn occurs. When you order a unit to move, it has a 'delay: x seconds' message appear.
  13. First hit immobilised, second hit killed a crewmember.
  14. With his head smeared all over the inside of a turret?
  15. It was a bit of a shock, I can tell you. I'd started the first mission on the Villiers-Bocage campaign, playing as Axis. The first 5 minutes are usually a game of Shoot The Lonely Tommy, but today - :eek: I targetted the tiger's guns, I ran the first turn. On second one .50 cal fire from a M5A1 halftrack immobilised Wittman's Tiger - range 264 metres. On second two .50 cal fire from another halftrack - range 300m - killed Wittman. Ouch. Well, I have the footage if you peeps doubt my word, but - what a shocker!
  16. My favourite is the 6pdr AT gun. One of its big bonuses is that it can be attached to a jeep, and rushed forward or backward as necessary. I've used them on a number of occasions, and in one PBEM game my 6 pdr won the game within the first 3 turns, by breaking a flank assault by two platoons of infantry, supported by a PSW 234/1 and a StuH42. It took 2 shots at 300m to take out the PSW and the third shot knocked out the StuH, before they could respond. The gun then survived a hail of mortar attacks and forced my opponent to attack through the centre of the map, where I wanted him. Poor Mannheim Tanker
  17. Remarkable. Accurate uniforms right down the trousers.
  18. Posted by Thumpre <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> (the sound of my head being pounded into the keyboard)....ARRRRRGGGG!!! Okay, okay, let me see....you are not complaining about a hideous bug that causes the game to crash or maybe even delete part of your harddrive( anyone say Pool of Radiance??) And we're not talking about a half finished pile of dreck with all the play value of a root canal(hmmmm....Squad Leader anyone) You are complaining about what the freekin webpage looks like! Oh my, do you ever have time on your hands <hr></blockquote> Not a complaint, just an observation. I'm not going to tell Battlefront their job - what I will say is that the appearance of quality and the presentation of that is crucial to selling. There's no way to tell how many people were discouraged by a website which is functional but not attractive. If Battlefront had mentioned it on the site, they would, I'm sure, have had a number of offers for web site development or assistance, but they must feel that it isn't necessary - presumably they have something up their capacious sleeves aka_tom_w said: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Some one say Web page design? This site for a company that Designs Websites recently came to my attention. I was SO BLOWN away by this design that I thought I would share it here with you folks.... http://monoedge.com/entrance_net.htm
  19. I know what you mean. I view the site in 1024x768 and I still get a horizontal scroll bar, which looks dreadful and really ruins it. Maybe some Flash or Fireworks could improve matters. BTW Stodge, have you looked at the Jaguar website? What do you think?
  20. My favourite is the 50mm AT gun. They're cheap and ideal for sniping at early-model shermans from the front and from long range.
  21. Yeah, my maps are crap and I can't add up above ten without taking my shoes and socks off - but apart from that, it's magic
  22. Shame there's no Pacific CM planned - can you imagine the IJN Yamato and Musashi on shore bombardment with their 18" guns? They didn't carry much ammo, but it might have been fun
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