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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. Redwolf said: I don't know exactly what you mean, is it firing too long, finding you're firing too long, and reducing range, or vice versa? If you do mean that, I was under the impression that the game engine doesn't model that feature, it gives a to-hit chance and then if you miss, it heads off in a random direction. None of the units (Tigers or Nashorns) I mentioned were facing to the side, they were all facing their opponent, so I'm certain that mine, at least, weren't "slow turret syndrome." If I get outflanked, that's my fault I plan to run some tests this evening, when I get home, on fixed tanks at different ranges, and will let you know how they pan out. After my experience on this scenario I mentioned, I wonder whether the problem is not with the 88mm gun at short ranges. I don't know, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who's frustrated with the apparent ineffectiveness of what is supposed to be a powerful weapon.
  2. The prime reason I don't buy Tigers in my games is because they're so outclassed. For a meaty tank, I'll take a Panther over a Tiger every time, because they seem to perform better. I don't know of anyone who'll pick a Nashorn over a Marder, even though the gun is better. Is there ANYONE out there who would choose to use a Nashorn? I've tried some test scenarios, and the only environment in which I can get 1/1 kills/losses is a slightly hilly, slightly wooded 2km square map, with 4 nashorns against 8 shermans. Using "shoot and scoot", I managed to lose 4 nashorns and the AI lost 4 shermans. Try some tests at 1.5km ranges with Tigers fixed in place, firing at Shermans also fixed in place, and you'll see that the Tiger is better off because the Shermans can't hit at that range, or the rounds bounce off. However, because of the size of the maps we play on (usually 1km square or less) that advantage of the Tiger's is not available. However, what I do have a problem with is the "6 misses at 300m" for a veteran Tiger crew. What I think you ought to see is Sherman 75/Tigers having perhaps a 50% to hit chance at 300m, and the tiger's to hit chance staying good out to 1km, then slowly declining, whereas the sherman's to hit chance stays good out to say 600m, then declining so that at about 1km it's much tougher to get a hit. At the moment, Shermans (fireflies, 76s, 75s) significantly outperform Tigers at ranges below 500m on a chance-to-hit basis, and that doesn't make sense to me. How can a gun get less accurate as the range reduces?
  3. Good luck, wackster. If they try to confuse you, just speak louder and more slowly. They're only speaking foreign out of spite.
  4. Not sure. I would imagine it was underneath the fuselage. I know it's comparing apples with oranges, but the German Henschel HS-129 was a close-support aircraft, and some models carried a 75mm AT gun for tank-busting. That was mounted under the fuselage.
  5. Veteran axis vs Regular allied crews. Yes, I'm well aware they would have been better off at longer ranges. However, if you can't HAVE a longer range because there's trees, buildings etc in the way, you're kind of scuppered, aren't you?
  6. If I can pop in and sound off for a mo? I'm playing a PBEM scenario. The scenario has seen fit to provide me with Tigers and Nashorns as my armour. Now, I'm well aware that the benefits of such vehicles can only really be appreciated at longer range. However, I feel that something is wrong when: 1) Tiger 1 fires 6 shots at a stationary firefly at range 400m. All shots miss. Firefly destroys Tiger 1. 2) Tiger 2 fires 4 shots, 2 shots at immobilised Sherman II at range 300m, 2 shots at Sherman? at range 300m. Shot 2 at immobilised Sherman II blows it up, other 3 shots miss. 3) Nashorn 1 fires 3 shots at stationary firefly at range 600m. All miss. Firefly destroys Nashorn 1. 4) Nashorn 2 hunts around the corner of a building to gain LOS to enemy Stuart which is attacking head-on. Nashorn 2 misses first shot at 350m, Stuart fires burst of 50cal which kills crewmember, Nashorn shocked and forced to withdraw. I know that sucky luck crops up from time to time, but really.
  7. Good plan. Morons, too, to make sure they don't get their heads stuck in the CD drive trying to play the game.
  8. Me? I'm waiting for you, you skirt-wearing loon.
  9. Later. First I want to see captain wacky's AAR as he kicks Dorosh around like an old sack of washing
  10. I'd like a shot at that one, if that's ok. Can you email it to william.long@virgin.net for me please?
  11. I only have six running at present, but this number allows me to send at least one turn a day to everyone AND keep my job. I think it's fairly normal, but it depends how often you trade turns on those games.
  12. This supplier , who I use for all the PC's I build, has four different video cards, 32MB AGP, 32MB PCI, 64MB AGP and 'twin view' 32MB - and a 64MB AGP is £56.40 + VAT + delivery from them.
  13. *bump* - Still looking for another two playtesters, please.
  14. CMBB won't demand more than 32MB of video card memory, I'm sure. Even so, a GEForce II MX/400 with 64MB of RAM is around the £70 ($110?) bracket, and it's got enough grunt to see you through
  15. In my experience, accuracy of tanks like the Panzer IV and Panther can only really be appreciated at ranges beyond about 750m. Inside that, Shermans seem to have the edge. Saying that, my PBEM against Terence cost him 3 Panzer IV's at 900m for the loss of 1 firefly (which missed all its shots). So I think it's swings and roundabouts, with Axis tanks better off at ranges out to maybe 1200m.
  16. Scattered trees, and slopes (particularly in combination) will give you a significant percentage of immobilised vehicles in 'damp' or 'wet' conditions (my 2p worth). Just got a StuG immobilised in damp conditions on a hill, turn 1 of a PBEM. There goes 50% of my armour.
  17. In one of my PBEM's, a Stuart has just taken a hit from an HE StuH42 (105mm), which hit the gun. In a scenario I'm building and playtesting, 155 arty knocked landing 5m away from two StuGs knocked their guns out. It seems that large calibre HE is very effective at knocking out weapons, assuming you can get it to hit.
  18. Which one of you is going to be axis? I'll tournament save it and ship it to that person. Any other victims?
  19. I'm looking for at least two sadists to have a go at one other on a map I've put together. It's a fictional attack on a French town in the early months of the allied invasion. You need to have some experience and be prepared to play a huge map (2km sq) with high points values for about 70 turns. You also need to be able to give me lots of feedback so I can improve this (currently undertested) scenario. Leave a note here if you're interested.
  20. Topnuts shot - but you need some mods and some new NVidia drivers to make that truly beautiful
  21. It's an evil plan - BTS is in league with Satan to absorb my life (such as it is) and make me spend so much money with them they can all retire with hot girls and beer. Bastards.
  22. 15 posts in 2 1/2 years? :eek: lurk award beep beep lurk award I don't know - I just felt I ought to draw everyone's attention to this.
  23. And Centurions. If we go toe to toe against the commie brigade, I want Centurions.
  24. Have you been drinking my paint stripper?
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