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About GreenGriffon

  • Birthday 02/01/1973


  • Location
    NJ - USA
  • Interests
    Trying to maintain a normal life without having to destroy my Combat Mission CD.
  • Occupation
    Bank Compliance Analyst

GreenGriffon's Achievements

Senior Member

Senior Member (3/3)



  1. A-HA! I knew it! See how he's cleverly throwing in subtle hints that there WILL be another patch? I can't wait to see what's included in v104. New models, new textures, perhaps horses? How about ninjas....will we have ninjas in the next patch? GG
  2. I swear this is true.....I just found out today that there's an employee in my company whose name is 'Long Peng'. Just thought I would share that with you all. GG
  3. This has to be one of the funniest threads I have ever read.
  4. WTF are fsggots? Do they live in Fraggle Rock?
  5. Thank you Shatter! And Oddball too, even though I haven't seen the mod yet. GG
  6. Never thought I'd hear the words 'Excel' and 'orgy' used in the same sentence. Anyway, I'd be interested in a "BCR For Dummies" tutorial too. GG
  7. Shatter, PLEASE send me a copy of that sound map too! greengriff@aol.com Thanks, GG
  8. No problem. You've got exactly 1 hour to finish. Just kidding....thanks for all your hard work. GG
  9. Somewhere out there, a bridge is missing a forum-TROLL. GG
  10. *Ouch* Sorry....BUMPed my head. By the way, a new patch today would be a great birthday gift for a longtime, devoted CM'er such as myself. Plus, it would take away some of the sting of turning 30 :eek: GG [ February 01, 2003, 11:35 AM: Message edited by: GreenGriffon ]
  11. Very sad....I was in grammar school when the Challenger exploded after liftoff, and happened to be home sick that day so I watched the news coverage for hours on TV. Today reminds me of that day and to add insult to injury, today happens to be my 30th birthday (But honestly the Columbia tragedy makes me feel worse than hitting 30!) GG
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