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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. The phrase "autocannon" mentioned earlier caught my attention. It's always been my impression that the German 20mm tank guns were semi-automatic weapons, i.e. firing one round per trigger pull. Does anyone have any hard info on this? If they are truly automatic and can fire bursts, they are in the same category as the 20mm flak guns for potential lethality in terms of rounds put on target in a given time span. Do we know that their practical rate of fire was?
  2. I recall reading that a lot of US Sherman crews had inexperienced fellows take the bow gunner position until they could make themselves useful. The bow gunner could be the gopher and assistant mechanic for the tank, doing the scut jobs like greasing and filling up. He might also be detailed to post guard while the others ate or rested. Sometimes, there weren't enough crewmen to fill the fifth position and it just went vacant. The radios got moved to the turret bustle and there was little for the bow gun to shoot at when the hull was boarded up with concrete and spare track links to help fend off the panzerfausts!
  3. We're beginning this quiz with a war criminal? I can't wait to see who's next.
  4. I think that you're referring to a Bangalore Torpedo, sometimes just referred to as Bangalores. Recall the beach scene in Saving Private Ryan where they are used to clear barbed wire and mines? The steel pipe is filled with explosives. The sections are screwed together into an appropriate length and pushed by hand into the terrain to be cleared. After that, set the fuse and clear out...
  5. One can sure tell who grew up with graphic interfaces! Some of us never got over DOS... :eek:
  6. Well, I appreciate that it is a great game as it stands. It will continue to be this, even if a future version is patched with improvements or issued as a major upgrade. One can always leave the original "jewel" on one's hard drive, eh? My purpose is to stimulate dialogue and get Huber's juices running with some imaginative input. I for one don't want to see this system lie fallow for long. :cool:
  7. John, my experience with the German AI (and so far I've only played Allies) is that it will build tank corps. I've seen it build a balanced force so far, and I've played against the +1 and +2 AI. The only thing it doesn't seem to build is subs and ships, which is fairly credible. One odd thing (to me) is that the Italian AI will usually focus research on jet technology...I've never seen the AI improve Italian tech yet. Also, the German AI does not seem to go after tanks or rockets on its own. I just finished a taut and exiting +1 game as Allies and won in late 44 with 154 points overall. Now I'm ready to try my hand as the Axis, though if my Russian wife sees me doing this, I'll catch hellski!
  8. I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it!I like it! :cool:
  9. I posted these ideas in response to another thread but now think they may merit their own. I'd like an option that would account for the Pacific war without actually having to include any extra maps, etc...just set up holding boxes in the East and West that the US, UK, USSR can set units in that will be out of play for at least one year (and may be killed off entirely according to an algorithm that figures wartime success/failure). The more units you devote to the PT, the more likely you are to win that one. Being frugal may cost you that war, you would have to keep close tab of the "Pacific Theatre war dispach screen" to see how you are doing. Of course there would have to be more MPP per side, to account for the other theatre. Naturally this would be an option for the Allied player only, the AI would handle the Japanese "shadow" but it would be an added inducement to play Allies...I suspect a great many players focus on playing the Germans/Italians as it is. One more thing I'd like to see included in the next upgrade would be amphibious transport. One of the great wartime bottlenecks was the ubiquitous LST, Landing Ship Tank. Shortages of these Large, Slow Targets dictated in part the dates of the various amphibious operations so crucial to winning the war for the Western powers. I would allow units to do non-combat naval transport as they do now, but only between established level 5+ ports. To do an amphibious landing would require an amphibious ship MPP allocation, which could be replicated as a menu option for the unit that would cost a considerably higher number of MPP per combat value of the unit, to ready the unit for transport. Thus, the unit would steam out of port ready to land at any appropriate beach hex. As the unit lands, the amphib transport counter disappears much as the ordinanry transport counter does now. This also removes the need to track yet another counter in an already crowded map. Right now, transport of most units costs 20-30 MPP. It would not take much to allow "amphibious transport" as an option, but at a much higher price, say 100 MPP per average infantry corps or 200 for an army or tank group. Expensive? You Bet! Contested amphibious operations are some of the most expensive military missions that can be envisioned and take a long time and effort to plan and carry out. This idea would place a premium upon the early capture of an enemy port city, something that is key to amphibious operations as seen in the West in WW2. BTW Hubert, nothing in this post should be construed as discouragement...I love the game! And if you feel up to tackling a full Pacific War or Global War package, I'll buy it if I have to sell blood plasma! My own, even! [ August 10, 2002, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: gunnergoz ]
  10. I'd like an option that would account for the Pacific war without actually having to include any extra maps, etc...just set up holding boxes in the East and West that the US, UK, USSR can set units in that will be out of play for at least one year (and may be killed off entirely according to an algorithm that figures wartime success/failure). The more units you devote to the PT, the more likely you are to win that one. Being frugal may cost you that war, you would have to keep close tab of the "Pacific Theatre war dispach screen" to see how you are doing. Of course there would have to be more MPP per side, to account for the other theatre. Naturally this would be an option for the Allied player only, the AI would handle the Japanese "shadow" but it would be an added inducement to play Allies...I suspect a great many players focus on playing the Germans/Italians as it is...
  11. Just a suggestion, but you might want to post this in the SC Tech Support Forum.
  12. There's background music? Funny, when I play, all that I get is the sound effects.
  13. The manual is decompressed into the User Manual.pdf file in your SC directory on your own hard drive.
  14. I agree Titan, he might have played with those settings, but somehow I suspect he went default all the way...
  15. The trailer is for shipping only. The weapon would be quite unbalanced if rotated upon the trailer and it would have never stood up to firing the weapons in any event. While the technology is similar to the naval weapons of the same caliber, this is purely a land flak weapon of Heer/LW origins.
  16. The trailer is for shipping only. The weapon would be quite unbalanced if rotated upon the trailer and it would have never stood up to firing the weapons in any event. While the technology is similar to the naval weapons of the same caliber, this is purely a land flak weapon of Heer/LW origins.
  17. I think he answered the difficulty level question when he says "Hope it is possible to rise the total score on a more difficult level." That's a pretty good hint that he's playing the default level.
  18. Another possibility is to have greater terrain differentiation (this actually could apply anywhere on the map). Certain terrain would not permit efficiency levels to rise above a set percentage of what the unit started out at. This way, units in very rough terrain wouldn't be able to concentrate their full combat power. This is one of my major gripes with the game, as it is, terrain has too little differentiation and effect. Still a great game, mind you, but could be better still.
  19. According to Canfield's US Infantry Weapons of WW2, thousands were fielded and used, particularly in the Pacific. Most ended up guarding prisoners, but quite a few did see action obviously.
  20. Yawn...(not) So, you expect applause? What's next, flaming bamboo shoots under our fingernails? Enough with the foreplay! Get on with the real thing! Just get it right, get it out on time and don't screw up at all in any way not ever not even a little bit. And thanks, BTW.
  21. Hello My wife is from Ukraine. I've been there. Can I get my free copy of CMBB now?
  22. I'd like to research specific weapons/tanks/aircraft (real, planned or what if's). This could be a visual mod but implies a somewhat more complicated research module. Definitely should have some built-in means of discouraging research point reallocations too often.
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