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Everything posted by LongLeftFlank

  1. Give me, give me back my thread.... I prefer the Resolved: All Russians Are Orcs, Now And Forevermore do loop.
  2. Apologies if this outstanding (and highly CM relevant!) thread has been posted before. This thread adds pages so quickly now, it's hard to keep up. (And some keeps posting OT videos). This has got my mapmaking / scenario designing fingers itching.... if only I had time! Option 2: After a breakthrough in the Barvinok - Bohorodychne area, the main group should break through in a straight line towards Dar'ivka. There are two difficulties here: 1. the AFU prefers to advance on roads, and there are fields here. But as long as it's dry, this shouldn't be an obstacle. There are about 24 km to cover, it can be done in a day. There is bocage (mixed woodland and pasture) in the area, which will help with concealment. 2. The second problem is possible Russian Army strongholds in settlements and villages that would have to be bypassed. This means that forces must be allocated to attack them. The route avoids large population centres. The Russians usually defend them, neglecting the smaller ones..... ....in both cases the key will be a breakthrough of the first line of Russian defence, but I think the AFU can pull it off. They have already done it, only they did not develop the offensive further. Now they should concentrate on one powerful strike and then everything will work out. Especially since there is time to move important units, such as reconnaissance or assault units from Izyum.
  3. Вы можете получить все, что захотите, в ресторане Алисы...
  4. This is.... simply epic. If PAPER is ground forces, and SCISSORS is artillery, then UA may be at last be able to solve for ROCK. And notice UKR has hung on to most of their combat aircraft and helos.
  5. Threeche! ....OK quick, let's angrily insult each other again before someone suggests we get a room. Or remake a 1980s 'buddy film'. I was gonna post a clip from 'Tango and Cash' but it was just too awful.... EDIT: this one is *much* better. It's even (very marginally) related to the topic.
  6. Forward he cried, from the rear / as the front rank dieeeeeeed..... [yes I know, Waters has totally lost his sh*t now like the rest of the Old Left. But you know....]
  7. Ha ha, during the recent Philippines Presidential election, the rally for Leni Robredo (who is a great person btw) looked like nothing so much as a 'March for the Cure' in some affluent US suburb. Every marcher with a pink ribbon and a latte. Meanwhile the vast majority for whom said latte still represents half a day's wages elected Bongbong Marcos in a landslide.
  8. 1. Most pro-Russians on the Right, like Carlson and Dreher, seem to argue mainly on isolationist / America Got Way Bigger Problems grounds, excepting a few paleos who see Russia as the Great White Hope. Ivandjiiski at ZeroHedge is, well.... res ipse loquitur. Kunstler, well.... shrug. 2. Meanwhile, much of the Old Left blogosphere has now gone full Tankie: Greenwald, Johnstone, Mate, Varoufakis, etc. 'Old Left' news aggregator NakedCapitalism has long vanished into the Looking Glass circular firing squad too. They just cross-reference the same tiny circle of Red Pill Experts continuously, like Gorgons passing around a single (myopic) eyeball: - MacGregor - Moon Of Alabama (anonymous) - Scott Ritter - Gonzola Lira - Michael Hudson - Alexander Mercouris ....with any 'supporting data' invariably sourced via Sputnik, RT, RU twitter, etc. Or else Chicken Little defeatists like Zorn and Roepke.
  9. Interesting tag team lol. We shall threaten to meme him (whomever he is, I missed it) a second time!
  10. Interesting thread. I continue to believe that UKR airpower could furnish the 'tipping point' that lets UA mech break the RU defences in the south. Mainly by taking Russia's artillery substantially down, in conjunction with drones and counterbattery work.
  11. Novorossiysk has become a major commercial port.
  12. Brinkmanship is a good word. Kind of like how Putin came into Moscow after a successful career as fixer in the Petersburg government, took a look around and saw this perfectly good (former) Red Army lying around rusting and reckoned, why not get some value out of it? ....so the same thing with the Strategic Rocket Forces. I mean, come on if you can't play high stakes poker with human civilisation with it, what use is it pouring so many billions into its upkeep? Very pragmatic, actually. ***** ... Oops, did the sun really just come up in the WEST?
  13. More on the repelled attack at Pravdyne and Sukhyi Stavok (this is a CM board, after all). Looks like a mech company got pretty badly cut up by VDV and artillery, although as usual the video jumpcuts make it hard to follow. The wrecks tell most of the story. 1. This guy is pro-Russian and so the vids are tricksy, but geolocation is pretty good.... confirmed, it's this RU tank that brewed up spectacularly in early Sep. 2. Everybody's favourite defeatist, noting what seems to be an earlier failed attack.
  14. Grind whatever axes you need to, mate.... But I *know* you are a student of military history, and are well aware that the Allied Occupation officers, particularly the British, got heartily sick of hearing the wailing self-pity of the postwar German burghers, as though they were just minding their own business when their world caved in.... It shows up in countless memoirs, as well as my own (English) Dad's visit to Frankfurt and Koln in 1948. Empathy for no-one but themselves, klar?
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