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Everything posted by LongLeftFlank

  1. ...Well, excepting their occasional (?) habit of driving mounted IFVs right up to within 50 metres of the enemy foxholes. That works for me in CM (new or old) pretty much never! But who knows, it might work for them sometimes/usually? (in video non veritas)
  2. ...I've mainly steered clear of the periodic The Tank Is Dead / No It Isn't do loop, but these Luttwak tweets (and fine, EL is better at strategy than pure military) seems topical. Question: what makes heavy tanks more valuable in the south? I take it he is assuming a break-in to prepared positions, as opposed to shredding an undermanned front.... - superior cross country ability - ability to shrug off flank shots and near miss 152mm - high velocity direct fire cannon - [what else] What would a brigade of M1s or Challies, say, bring to a 'breaking up' of the Kherson bridgehead, using the referenced scenario as an example?
  3. Great reporting and imagery, as always mate! For RU, shifting substantial forces (and their all-important artillery) to these now hot zones, including the north (remember, Kupyansk was the primary LOC hub) has got to be a real headache. Hence, they are risking (costly) TacAir strikes. Ivan still seems to be on the back foot! HeliosRunner took a mapping break today, but he seems convinced Yampil is firmly .
  4. Alakazam!!!! But let's please leave that discussion over there. A
  5. https://sadefensejournal.com/spirit-of-the-bayonet-bayonet-charge-in-basra
  6. The bang in Odessa, from a Russian cheerleader.... I assume they blurred most of the image because it did in fact hit something important. Fine, pretty large column, but it could be anywhere, from any time. Hey, whatever gets you through the day....
  7. Our maps are better than their maps.... Did they hire John Madden to do their mapwork, or what?
  8. Looks like Lyman is surrounded, or at least outflanked and untenable. UA about to take another bite off the elephant and move up to the next river line. Liberate Rubizhhne by October? Bring in some more (gently used) Russian guns, by all means. If nothing else, decoys until the Saheed problem can be solved.
  9. Paging 617 Squadron. Not the bouncing bombs, the 'earthquake bombs': Tallboys and Grand Slams. Now, if the boffins can just work on how to deliver the package.... Kherson Cat "The gap just under 20m is narrow enough to bridge using mobile bridges."
  10. I wonder how long before the Saheed factory in Iran has a smoking related accident? By the look of it though, the guidance package is the key bit (Chinese electronics?). Otherwise, it really seems to be a V1 level technology.
  11. (Charest, but I'm nostalgic). Hey, the way global currencies are plunging against the 'cleanest dirty shirt' (USD), the cryptonomicons could have a point.... but sorry, OT. Someone might meme me.
  12. Catch up with today's new forum vibe, Daddy-o. We're all groovy now.
  13. No worries, I've just cracked the lid on a (thread relevant) topic that will win me my To The Right of Atilla the Hun wolfsangel once and for all. But that's for another day.
  14. But gents, this is where Air Power comes back into play, both conventional assets and drone swarms. Everyone thought it would be the Chinese first to use this kind of thing. Wrong! If the Iranians can export 'Saheed' buzz bombs that make a noticeable dent in UA defences, do you really believe the Western defence establishment can't source better weapons and crank them out by the thousand in 6 months (e.g. Turkey)? (OK, maybe 6 months is pushing it) ...And then you have the conventional aircraft to follow up. Every single RU AA position is under the Argus Eye, zeroed, in the crosshairs. Their heavy guns, similarly. You heard it here first: air power has been MIA in this war, but just because the Russians couldn't pull it off, it doesn't mean it's gone for good.
  15. These lads look big and fit, for a change. They look more like Ukrainians than Russians. ....Promise them Canadian LR status if they cross over without fuss, bringing their weapons. After paying their dues in the liberation, they can bring Sakhalin and Kamchatka into Canada with them (sorry Japan, snooze you lose mate). ...Perhaps I can get Poilievre to add that to the Tory platform, as an overseas voter.
  16. [throws back head and laughs insanely, like Bugs Bunny]
  17. (and yes, I'm passive-aggressively threadbombing you massively OT folks, killing you softly with my song. Until I'm told to stop)
  18. Yeah, pretty hard to find much nice to say about Russians these days, innit? "I am going to war without being loved back" The Society Coming Unglued Will Be Televised!
  19. S'more for the @sburke meat wagon. Glossu ('Beast') Rabban, is that you? The rest of this thread is quite some reading.... wailing and gnashing of teeth in Russia, 'extinction' of all non-Russian minorities, etc. ***** DO NOT MISS THIS ONE. EPIC RETRO TROLLING But is there a Vlasov Army in the making here? Why let the 'LendLease' end with just captured Russian vehicles? Bring over every enemy soldier (especially minorities!) who will defect. That could well become a serious possibility by winter, as the 'boots wear out'.
  20. Give me, give me back my thread.... I prefer the Resolved: All Russians Are Orcs, Now And Forevermore do loop.
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