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Everything posted by CMplayer

  1. *Oogah* *Oogah* *Oogah* Attention Scum Dwellers: There is a gamey bastiche in your midst! (don't all gasp in fright at once) Yes, your very own Nidan1 has revealed himself for the gamey bastiche he is by taking a humongous first-turn arty dump on my unsuspecting halftrack park! And he's gloating about it in all his mails. "Twisted hunks of scrap metal" blah blah. I can't get him to just shaddap and concentrate on what's important, like winning. He thinks it's just soooo funny to see my crews crawl around like ants. Not only that, your very own Nidan1 has gadzillions of those Russian AT rifles, which BY HIS OWN ADMISSION drive him crazy when he plays the Germans. And now they are driving me crazy. I can't even tell which of my vehicles they're shooting at until someone gets hurt. "Mein Bein, Mein Arm, Mein Kopf, Mein Schwanz"... it's enough to drive an honest, hardworking ladder-player mad. It's just not fair! Couldn't you throw him to the dogs or something? Thank you. and gud bles
  2. Can we tar and feather Wicky? Please please can we can we huh huh, please please can we can we huh huh?
  3. No snow, you mork, unless you mean a light dusting on the Atlasberg.
  4. Don't tell me this is really the new Peng Challenge Thread. Can't someone do a proper set of rules? Nidan1 thou art a fig seed: tiny to the point of being inconsequential, and only to be found in one of three places 1) the qualmy depths of sweet fruits, or 2) the droppings of the animals that eat them, or 3) between my teeth. I haven't yet decided which of the three thy incarnation of the rules most resembles, but they're about as charming as a set of bleeding gums. May a jerboa infest your steamy privates, and a bouncing betty sever your midparts, your suffering is my delight, I wish thee ill, thou art a midgit. Pah And Feh. Do you dare retaliate with a setup? I should think not but if you wish to prove me a liar, then prove me a liar. My mailbox (newly fumigated for the occasion) lies open thy cheeseeating chump.
  5. A few polite answers: 1. No but I'd like to hear people speculate about this and why. My guess is something from that big desert in Africa or wherever it was, and something from the Anzio Beachhead or that big monastery on the hill whatever it was called or Italy or somewhere or maybe that island with the retsina wine and and stoopid Brit or Kiwi who pulled back from over the airfield like an utter numbnut? 2. I dunno but I'm eagerly awaiting the answer. 3. Probably because he hadn't broken the rules earlier. [ November 08, 2003, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]
  6. [serious]You should really lay off that sh*t. It's probably why you're so easy to beat at CM[/serious] </font>
  7. [serious]You should really lay off that sh*t. It's probably why you're so easy to beat at CM[/serious]
  8. I could feel my mind starting to evaporate.... You should burn in purgatory for an eternety for posting such mindboggling utter lunacy! Are the funny mushrooms growing aplenty or are you just enjoying the merits of student life too much??? </font>
  9. An abortion? Perhaps that's a bit strong, but an index would be very helpful. A real index, not any kind of fudge.
  10. Yes, that soldier was a pain in the bum. Silly and annoying. [ November 05, 2003, 02:43 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]
  11. Ace Pilot, all excellent considerations IMO. 'Turret Down' tanks, where the TC can peek over the obstacle would be a really sweet feature. About guys lying prone, or fighting from one knee or whatever, part of that is abstracted, if I understand correctly. Basically when they lie flat, it's just a symbol for them not returning fire, and when they sit up it means they're active and able to fire. But it doesn't mean every guy is in that exact bodily position.
  12. Yes, but I mean it would even be nice with a true ground-level view, as in about 3" above the grass. Of course camera angles should also be sticky (like zoom) at least as an option.
  13. Wrecked vehicles and debris doodads would also be a great thing to be able to place in the scenario editor.
  14. I was rereading Duffer's Drift and especially enjoyed the puzzle where a commander set up a defensive postion without ever getting off his horse. When the attack came, the infantry had a severely restricted field of fire, since he had seen everything from horseback, but from the eye-level of a prone soldier much more of the approach to the area was masked by the curve of the ground. The moral was always get down on the ground and look at the position from the point of view of the men who will be fighting it. I'd love to be able to do this in CMBB, but the lowest camera view is still above the head of a standing soldier, much less a sitting or prone one. It'd be great if the new engine, or even CMAK, would include a true ground level camera view (along with locking the camera to a projectile )
  15. Thanks for the almost-link, and thanks to the top for the AAR.
  16. Couldn't you just post more pics? Here's one to help you along.
  17. Ya see? Isn't that enough reason to put it in the game? It would look so friggin cool! It would probably burn a hole in the monitor just from the glare. No need to get into statistics and drag up crufty quotes from old WWII interviews. BTS do or fix sumfink!!!!
  18. Mr Tittles, admit it, the real reason you want WP is that the explosions look so cool and 'spiky' with the big whitehot fireball and all those glowing, smoking fragments sailing out in all directions. You, like I, would love to see that in your CM movies. [ November 01, 2003, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]
  19. can you do that without getting shot? </font>
  20. You should've watched that BoB episode, then you would've known to watch out. By the way, where'd you get the scenario? [ November 01, 2003, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]
  21. The mechanic guy in those pics looks like somone who really loves his job. Lucky bastiche.
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