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Everything posted by The_Capt

  1. Hey Michael, I think an AAR by Fionn Kelly would cover all of these items. I have found his AARs to be very comprehensive (if a little pro-Fionn ) You should get in touch with him and see if he will provide you with one. Especially if he plays Bil, those games are the stuff of legend. I suppose the guys will have to get approval from BTS first though... You should try and get it posted to your site cause it will only fade into the mist here. Just my dimes worth..
  2. I pull two things re: CM from this. a) MGs are far more supressive than they are in the game. The author states the whole company would go to ground when under fire. The protection from foxholes is undermodeled, as the author claims to have survived one hell of a barrage. As to killing of stretcher bearers..if they were armed than it was legal and made perfect sense, particularly if it was one of those types of engagements. If anybody thinks war is honorable or has rules they should talk to more Vets.
  3. Thanks for the laugh, Michael. That was pretty good. My age is in my profile and I live alone. Thanks for the concern though. I think I'll refrain from posting pictures of my personal hovel. I still think it's odd that you would do what you do, but that is...my opinion. I still have the right/privelage on this board to post my opinion. It's your choice on how you react to my opinion. Your reaction was enjoyable though. Regarding passion, much of mine is for large hipped ladies.</font>
  4. Tourney 1, Sect 4. Has anybody heard from Von Lucke or Saport? Been awhile for me. Rest of the games are progressing well. A pox on the Fire on the Mountain Designer..French troops, wicked terrain..it is my worst nightmare come true!! Well actually Silent Night in RoW I is still my worst but FoM is a close second.
  5. Look out the Grog has teeth!! Go get em Michael!! You have a very valid point on "passion" or some may refer to it as a "calling". People who lack one are pretty sad and those who have one but pretend not to hear it tend to be in pain a lot. Now all kidding aside, if you find uniforms and WWI and II history to be your passion, then be proud of that. The rest of us may poke fun at whatever level (ranging from honestly harmless to really mean) but I for one (being in the middle range) do respect a man with the balls to display his passion for all to see and stand up for it. I doubt if it matters to you Michael but my estimate of you just went up a couple of points and that is something I do not give out easily.
  6. Don't be daft. It's still here because we're all having such fun with it. And Grog Dorosh is a serious forum regular, which makes it all that much more fun. But you miss the most significant portion of the whole thing: The Uniform! I mean, really. There are dozens of posters on this Board, yourself amongst them, who've entered into physical or emotional bonds with inanimate objects or household pets that go well beyond social propriety, or even many local laws. But the uniform! That's what makes this uniquely weird, and appropriate to the Forum! I mean, has that egregious half-wit, Rommel22 ever posted: I pissed my dogs off on purpose, to make them show their teeth, after dressing them in Nazi regalia? Has Fionn, the High Priest of Rectitude, ever posted: my extensive rules covering every aspect of human endeavour, including both birth, life, death, and the playing of Combat Mission, shall also cover the following: 1) My opponents are required, while plotting turns, to wear the uniform appropriate to the nationality they are currently playing. 2) That wearing the uniform is not required if the turn being viewed is a 'movie only' turn, but if the turn is a 'movie/plotting' turn, and the uniform is not at least adequately displayed on a mannequin in the same room in which the turn is being plotted, the game will be declared a miscarriage of history, and penance will need be done by both sides. This will only be made more heart-breaking if either side was eating shell-fish at the time when the uniform was not properly being worn/displayed... Or have we ever seen JasonC post: As regards an attack using historical parameters in which both sides acknowledge that there are certain very real flaws in the game engine that do not take into account an historically noted tendency of Axis units to turn for leadership, if, during combat, all their Officers and NCOs had, by means of small arms fire willfully applied and in excess of normal parameters, been eliminated, to seek direction from the unit weiner dog, if that same weiner dog was found to be wearing the appropriate uniform, with peaches and regalia...sorry, that should have been 'patches' and regalia, appropriate to the level of the officer that originally owned the weiner dog, then we would expect results that may vary significantly from a normal QB where weiner dogs in proper uniform are improperly modeled, due to the limitations of applying post-war morale data to wartime 'weiner dog in uniform' combat data. Did you know I collaborated with Madonna? You see, lad, when you get right down to it, Grog Dorosh, who is as mad as any of us might hope to avoid, is still one of us.</font>
  7. PC = BMW Console = Skateboard Pretty much says it all. From your resident Marketing scumbag.
  8. Hey now..don't go and make me dig up some crackpot Yankee sites (of which, there are legion). Dorosh is one of a kind and strictly a nation unto himself. Why one would normally have to go to a Star Trek convention to see this kind of courageous nerdom..I for one salute Michael for not being afraid to show his Plastic Himmler there (OK way too easy here so back away) despite knowing the level of jestful poking bordering on stabbing impalation (is this a word?) which would occur. Now of course I will point out we are all posting on a wargaming board here so let he who isn't a nerd cast the first stone..but of course once you admit it, hurl away! [ June 25, 2002, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  9. Ah a peek at last into Michaels "Wolf's Lair..." You sly dog..what else do you have lying around for all of the Grog Babes out there with a clothing fetish? You heartbreaker you... Seriously, your Mom must be a saint to put up with that in her living room..hell I would make you keep it in the basement. Well that and make you move out but that is just me. Oh yes, who is your CO again..just curious..just in case.
  10. BLOODY FOOLS!! MAD BLOODY FOOLS!!! Release CMBB!!??!! When it took the lives of 200 strong men to contain the damn thing in the first place?!! It ravaged, raped and pillaged villages and towns by the thousands. Hell, they were burying the dead for months every time CMBB woke up and went out!! CMBB was a blight on our existance for nigh on 1000 yrs. The Age of CMBB was on of the darkest marks on the soul of mankind. AND YOU WANT TO RELEASE IT?!!! Why are you bored you pampered spoiled little suckling pigs!! Do you need to feel the sting of loss and blood to feel like men?! Or perhaps there are too many virgins here, ready to go forward in sacrifice. Tis a sad day when the children of those who survived the CMBB Darkness, run so readily and headlong into certain destruction. SHAME!!! Go back to your CMBO and your Mods. Join a ladder. Surf a porn site and see what a girl looks like. Go back to your sad little lives BUT DO NOT CRY FOR THE RELEASE OF THE CMBB MOST FOUL!! God keep us from CMBB God stay the hands of It's evil servants, Charles the Pasty Brain, Steven the Befouler, Matt the Cuddily Baldy, Kwazydog..that..crazy..uh dog, And the rest..here on BTS Isle. I am guessing Q3 btw..we should start a pool or something. [ June 25, 2002, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  11. Okey Dokey, I've finally sobered up a little. Whoops I said the "f" word again!! I really have to swear off drinking and posting. "Coventry" again?! C'mon fellas. I am not sure what this little ritual is, but get on with it or not. I promise to try and avoid using naughty words again but the Demon Drink tends to bring out the "nasties". So it will be straight poo-poo, tinkle-heads, and go to heck you, Son's of Gun's from here on out. So Mormons rejoice. Seanaichia..can I call you Sean? OK you wanna jump in...cool, I will take all the help I can get. Let's start with a biggie God and religion. Your thoughts? Where does it fit in. Is it still relevant? Have we moved on? If so, what fills the gap? I would say the system is broken (if it indeed ever worked at all), that leaves a large hole in those of us who need to believe in a reason. My story; and I do apologize, like posting, ideas are best made drunk but should be written sober. It is one I have been boiling for quite some time and as history continues to unfold it has become more and more relevant. My biggest fear is that it is in fact true but then the medication kicks in and I go watch "Friends". My story centres around the Death of God which should be central to us all.
  12. Freakin at The Freakers Ball!!! They only seem to come out at night.
  13. The most intelligent thing you've said yet. [serious]Pursuant to Cesspool Regulation 483(z)(12)(vii) Subchapter A, Part Five - Hike, please do not bring up religion in the MBT -- it simply is not appropriate. Thank you.[/serious] Now sod off, fluffer. Steve</font>
  14. When I was in Bosnia whislt most of you were working on your ass pimples, I watched a man take round to the throat and he was more articualte than you lot. GOD KILL THE ENGLISH!!!
  15. Blah Blah Blah... Chapter II.. I guess the question many ask, is exactly when He killed Jesus. Suprisingly, as many would remnain in doubt, it was the birth of His Children which would spell the end of God. I guess it was that moment when He realized the love in his imperfect heart, far exceeded the unforgiving love the Church and that which John had preached for so many thousand years. That He through his father, awakened to the reality that Christ was a handcuff and Religion was "Your Mothers Little Helper" in the end. It wasn't until He came onto the stage that we finally stopped killing each other. He showed us a better way. ....
  16. Bad news guys Computer Gaming World has CMBB down for a 3rd quarter release..which means Jul at the earliest and more like Sep in all probability..well at least the BTS gang is talking to somebody..hmmph!
  17. Gee Harv, I thought you were just flirting with me. Don't try to be clever or deep lad, you simple haven't in you. If all THAT spread about like so much manure on a newly sewn field is what constitutes a challenge these..well no wonder this poor thread is fading into irrelivance. Come out and just say what you mean! I am not going to have sex with you so no need to be alluring or "hard to get". How about "Hey The_Corporal, why don't you shut the large opening which God seems to have placed 3 ft too high for it's obvious purpose. Stop picking on old Joe cause that is just cruel. I think it is high time somebody rounded off that pointy head and since the virtual chainsaw has not been invented yet, CM will have to do. Perhaps when I leave you sobbing in a pool of your own tears, blood and other un-named fluid, we can get back to loathing at a post-elementary school level." Or words to that effect. Look I am flattered and maybe a little curious but I don't go for those back door shinnanigans (nod to Homer here). Now if my kniggit wants to seperate your cinderblock from it's shoulders and make you his "Rabbit" so be it but don't go wining like some artsy-fartsy "Modern Humanities Major" who simply can't be "understood"...if you want deep go buy some Doors tapes.
  18. I hope Jimmy's Rabbit is not speaking of me! I am afraid I have yet to see a challenge from the chicken tasing Cess treat. I assure you Harv ol buddy that if you wish to challenge me, that I will make soup from your innards and a puppet from your skin.
  19. Gentlemen, Gentlemen.. I suggest you watch the CMBB Beta Forum. Here is how it works. Normal traffic from Beta Testers... "Last call for input before we go Gold"! Huge influx of traffic on board. "Ok Shut up so we can finish this thing" Board falls very quiet. Somebody get out some graph paper and watch the number of posts and date and you may just get a clue or two..
  20. All heed the aged, like a fine cheese left under the radiator of humanity, words of Sir Joseph Defender of Procedure and all that is Proper He who refered to me as doggie-poo..sniff. I am so grateful for the promotion, I am left undone by the swell of emotion. Here I a poor lowely Squire, undeserved of even the air which wastes in my lungs, have been at best the dung of the Dung Beetle or ****e Squared as refered by some. He who's sloping shoulders, which can barely hold up the K-Mart shirt his grandchild bought him, reeking of Ben-Gay, has lifted me up to only one level of fecal. I for one will add my voice that He and He alone be given Veto authority over all who enter and participate in the Peng...did I say Peng..I meant the SHAW Thread!! And let's not let his oily light shine in this poor Grog Darkness but move the Shaw Thread to the General Forum so that all may bathe in his near incoherent wisedom. I am sure once He has taken his medication and the nurse helps him off the potty He will bless this poor Squires idea. Let's give Sir Joe all of the power he deserves in a place he deserves. Where he will be free to re-inact all the Civil War battles he likes complete with monkeys and his old long dead war buddies. Like his soon-to-happen-one-way-trip to visit God, I can only hope He decides to take the voyage to the General Forum soon to ensure that He get's the just reward He deserves. Now if all will open your Hymn Book to pg 42 and to "He Has Walked Many a Mile with Wrinkled, 6 Toed Feet. Yet He Is Grand and We Still Tolerate Him"... [ June 20, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  22. Grumble..mumble...snarl...mumble.. First as per my "liege's's" direction..at the end of an iron shod boot (slowly Monty...move up the ladder then revenge will be yours). I have updated my profile with my location. I hope is helps in the desperate and weak attempts. Secondly (rubbing ass) I am to show proper respect and hence apologize to the Senior Knight which apparently I showed a proper lack thereof, etc and so forth..here goes. Sir Joe , I hereby stand..nay kneel in abject humiliation before your well aged personage. I throw myself prone upon broken glass, wearing only a loin cloth. After I make a swimming motion I will have ashes of 1000 harelots cast upon my open wounds. Will this be enough? Nay! For I am too debased to even hope that the diseases of 1000 brothels could ever willingly take host upon my undeserved form. I will then stand out in a lightening storm, holding a large steel shaft, which by the way will be sticking out my anus. I will pray that the excrutiating pain inflicted upon my lower regions will in some small way ease your pain at having to waste precious time, with gnarled fingers typing responses to my previous blasphemies. BUT MOTHER EARTH WILL NOT EVEN FORGIVE ME!! I know that there will be no quick end to this hollow husk which houses a blackened soul. No quick "hand of the Almighty" to give me release thru light and burning hair. Nay my elder, and though flacid, still verile (in the old-guy sense) lord. I shall then clothe my naked form in a shroud of thorns and barbwire. Be forced to attend the PoP Rock festival featuring "The Backstreet Boy Toys", "N'Sync, the unholy clones" and "Ms Spears aka Pepsi whore". Not only will I sit in the front row but I will force my throat to make a sound which rises above all others demanding multiple encores and "Whoops! I did it again!", over and over again. After which, my pain and suffering still not enough to satisfy your shriveled but nobel heart. I will stand at the front gates of the Cess and demand that all who enter wipe their feet and hopefully doggie doo on my bleeding back. BUT YEA! This is not enough for I have spoken insultingly to one esteemed and chosen to bring the Peng Thread into Government-like efficiency. Like the great Republican Party, filled with old fat white men afraid of change..OH THESE WILL BE GLORIOUS DAYS. I can only hope in your divine wisedom (minus teeth) that you will further impose order on the Cess and give us each our "zing quotas" and subject lists that we may stick to the program. In the end I will castrate my self with my remaining teeth, turn myself inside out and then explode into convenient "crow bite sized" pieces so that I may return to earth as bird-****, which will hopefully land on open flame. Then once having done that I will ensure my soul or eternal spirit is properly disposed of or Recycled into the Peng Clone, which you so properly wish to see dominating these halls. W00T! B00T! and "Sod off" ect! May we all bathe in your glory, earned through such hard labour and good taste. May we all feel the sweet sting of your written barbs on our pink exposed flesh, the smell of freshly drawn blood mixing with our sweat. Forming the heady aroma akin to the finest slave-musk available. LONG MAY SIR MOE reign as SUPREME KNIGHT AND HEAD KNOBBY ON THE DOOR OF THE CESS!!! Yada Yada Yada..you get the idea. [ June 18, 2002, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
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