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Everything posted by The_Capt

  1. Dear God, A coherent response. If I have violated the unwritten rules of the Peng then I wholeheartedly apologize but upon viewing the uninhibited glory of the post by MrPeng I perhaps went to far... I think a clarifiacation is in order as tothe acceptability of profanity on the CM Forum... Do I need a lower number than "X" to be able to say F-U-C-X "ad infinitime"? If so let me know so I may mark the date on my calendar. The bottom line is all you pathetic SOC suck and I will continue to point this out until one worthy of my Tactical and Written Prowess can even come close to my brilliance...If I do say so myself... [ May 26, 2002, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  2. Dear Peng, Ah now the pathetic invertabrates of the lower colon come out to speak. Incapable of a reponse in their own primative tongue they run to the apron strings of the Board Admin. "Ya what he said" pretty much sums up their inspired response. "We are to stoopid and low to come up with originality! Please ban this interloper who has shaken our poor pathetic balance of the "reaching to be average". The bottom line ladies is that there is a standard or a vendeta...either way I have given Matt the benefit of more doubts than the scum parading in their delicates in this thread deserve. I will curb my profanities to whatever level this board applies across the board. BUT if this is a case of "Cavete Emptor" than I would ask Matty and Steve to "speak into the mike" as to the official policy of the CM board so that all may know just what they are getting into.... If this is too much for the lower order to absorb may I suggest a course in "salt and cigarettes"to bring them up to speed. Matt I have shown myself to be a law abiding citizen at every turn but I do need to know the "color of the traffic lights" here.... [ May 26, 2002, 12:07 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  3. Dear Madmatt, Just for clarification; "MrPengish: talk to me will! MrPengish: I am going out of my MIND willthiel: sorry buddy, i got caught up in my work willthiel: plus . . . i'm not loaded MrPengish: it is nearly 2 am here and I am stillwaiting for this ****ing migration to finish willthiel: a sad state of affairs I must say MrPengish: i have been her on and off since 8:30 am YESTERDAY willthiel: i would say "you poor ****er" but you probably make 3-5 times what i do annually MrPengish: the ****ing thing has beena t 9 more minutes to go for the last 40 ****ing minutes - it keeps processing files but it is liek stuck on 9 more minutes! MrPengish: goddammmit you make more than I do MrPengish: I cant go to the ****ing middle east MrPengish: not that I would want to MrPengish: and what has that got to do with anything! MrPengish: jesus I am about to go insane here MrPengish: i cna barely keep my eyes open willthiel: see now thats a misconception lots of folks have. My COMPANY may make a lot of revenue, but after expenses and taxes etc. I barely have enough to keep myself in narcotics MrPengish: i have to finish this before I sleep - it all has to work the files the printing the whole KANT BUY NARCOTICS!!!??? Well why didn't you sday so? willthiel: plus, my clients in oman never pay on time, so its like loaning money to the third largest oil company in the world with no interest willthiel: sounds like you could use an illegal diet pill right now MrPengish: i never realized that you were deprived of narcotics - shall I send a wee bit of heroiin to you then? a bit of the old crack cocaine? would that help? it is cheaper than dirt here you know MrPengish: the hell with pills I need some goddam meth! MrPengish: ok i am going to go kill myself now willthiel: ok, i will tell the cops the exact time if you leave im running willthiel: its the least i can do MrPengish: thanks willthiel: frankly, if I were you, I'd call Elvis collect and see what he thinks willthiel: make sure its collect MrPengish: I'll be sure to hit the F2 key to alert them - it shows the time stamp for each entry MrPengish: i just left my girlfriend - she is drunk and sick in a hotel room - with my EX friend Shane - he tried to BANG her while I was over here checking on the progress of this idiot mission - and goddammit I don't think I can handle any more nearby friends right not MrPengish: now MrPengish: how i hate being alive MrPengish: I have lusted after this woman for 9 years MrPengish: NINE YEARS MrPengish: and never got anywhere because of course I am MARRIED MrPengish: Hell I even waited through her FAILED MARRIAGE MrPengish: and in ONE NIGHT my "friend" bange her in the hotel room MrPengish: "I'll take care of her" he said MrPengish: bastard willthiel: arent you still married? and if so, why would you have a girlfriend MrPengish: good questions MrPengish: yes and why not? MrPengish: she actually isn't really my girlfriend MrPengish: I have just lusted after her for the last nine years of our lives willthiel: well (a) would typically preclude ( unless your wife is either very understanding or very oblivious willthiel: ah well then you should be happy that at least someone (i.e her) is getting laid MrPengish: and found her tonight in a position in which she seemed amenable to extra curricular activity willthiel: but shane has to go up against the wall in any case MrPengish: as luck would have it - the gods intervened and got shane in the way so that I am still "faithful" to my wife - at least in deed if not in heart, and I have not banged a woman who is not my wife MrPengish: nor did I get shane in the rear - as I was here tending the migration while he betrayed me in a very good way at the hotel MrPengish: all is well that ends well MrPengish: now if this goddam migration would finish so I can get the damn server back up an drunning I could go and get an hour or two of sleep MrPengish: before I have to take my lustable girl back to her car willthiel: whooo, thats a hoot, you have to take her to her car after? MrPengish: she is passed out naked wrapped in a duvet - her car is in the parking lot of the bar where we all met willthiel: good thing you dont have to wash the sheets and clean up the used condoms too MrPengish: that is a good thing MrPengish: yes willthiel: mmmm passed out naked. gotta love that picture MrPengish: oh will if you only knew what this whole scene was doing to me MrPengish: i am out of my mind with jealousy MrPengish: and completely drained from the fear and loathing of the file migration for the whole damn day MrPengish: and I still have more work to do MrPengish: i am damn near to snapping willthiel: sounds like a hunter s thompson book for sure MrPengish: hehe MrPengish: here is a good one - this is what a good goddam system admin I am MrPengish: the very last bits of this file migration are going on right now MrPengish: do you know what I am migrating to my new server? willthiel: drawings, specifications and technical data willthiel: no, I'm not clairvoiyant, i read the cesspool MrPengish: right now the folder that has all of the quarentined viruses that we have caught for the past two years is migrating! I AM ****ING COPYING GODDAM VIRUSES! OH **** ME IN THE HEAD WITH ASPIKE willthiel: ha ha ha aha ahaahahhahahah oh now i need a rest MrPengish: i forgot to delete the folder before I started the process MrPengish: i hate you MrPengish: i hate me more - but I hate you too willthiel: do i smell a Goanna update in the cesspool coming on MrPengish: it reall sucks being this ****ing stupid MrPengish: go ahead MrPengish: I will never go back there again willthiel: no, i meant from you willthiel: how do i hate the lizard king, let me count the ways MrPengish: just copy and past this whole thing from the IM thing and put it on the thread MrPengish: it will be a hoot Or not. Who cares?! it is better than the crap you lot have spilled out the last two months. Just me and the Lizard King havin a yak." I count seven "F" violations, granted I gave ten. For an official word what is the allowed limit? Mine was strictly in jest. I cannot speak for MrPeng yet he seems to be tolerated. I have no problem following the rules as laid out by this board and I hope I can continue to contribute to said board but I do need to know what the limits are... As these have not been posted I can only take a look at previous "acceptable" post and try and do likewise. Humbely your servant..e-mail to follow.
  4. Dear Peng, I am greatly sorry that I have inflamed your nether regions. It would seem the creatures which live there have risen up and are mobbing. So far, oh lord, their response has been predictable; "Loser" "The_Crapt" (A "clever" play on my name) "Dork-a-Donk" (Boy that one stung, I can tell you..in fact I can hardly read these letters thru the veil of tears..sigh) "Sod off" (Some local term having to do with grass I think) One would normally have to travel all the way to a Grade 5 locker room to hear witty verbal responses of this magnitude. I am sure we will be treated to the Army Airbourne Debate Team style shortly; "**** you!" "**** me?! **** you!!" "**** me, **** you?!..No **** you!!" "You and all your ****ing ****ers are all ****ed!!!!" "****!!" And so forth and so on...these are sad days indeed. May I suggest you drink lava or perhaps post a link to an amateur porn site (a amateur gay porn sight for the "ladies" of course) so that their fingers may be occupied elsewhere. Also it may prevent them from breeding. In other news... I had a vexing dream last night; Satan had killed Elvis, For there can be only one King of Rock and Roll, Ol Lucifer stepped out for coffee and cocaine, Me and the boys cut off Elvis's hands, head and feet and hid them in the four corners of reality, So that the Devil couldn't show off his unholy deed, The Prince of Darkness got back around midnight and.. Well let's just say there was some "cryin n the Ghetto" that night... Your Humble Servant [ May 25, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  5. And this, boys and girls, is an example of what happens when The_Capt stays out at sea too long - he develops more than the usual level of problems determining the differences between MEN and WOMEN> Sad, really. Steve</font>
  6. Sorry Capt but you just aren't convincing enough...try again, and this time show that you REALLY MEAN IT. Here's a tip...you might want to add some smileys for emphasis. Smileys are great to use, especially if you want to make sure Peng really understands your true affection toward him. Persephone</font>
  7. Uh-Oh this site again... I smell the steel kiss on this topic
  8. Talk about being thrown into a pool of freakin sharks...uh Mike I just got lucky last time ya know.. :eek:
  9. Dear Peng, I am tired...so very tired. I have always kept to a few simple rules of parenthood. a) Never show fear Never admit being wrong c) Never allow the children to outnumber the adults in any given situation. Well my "life partner" has bogged off yet again to "far away work" and I am left facing the two smiling cherubs my obviously tainted seed has brought into the light of this world. These two beaming bouncey babies who at Christmas bring a warm and joy to my normally rum soaked heart. But as soon as there thankless mother leaves..those smiles get teeth and those looks of glee change into Satanic sneers of lunacy. Oh yes wittness the Birth of Satan Babies..life sucking pit vipers of Chez Capt. First there is my daughter..ah joy of my heart and spittin image of her blessed mother. She becomes a dominatrix Demon Lady who has to toture her little brother at every turn, when she isn't telling me exactly what I am doing wrong on any given subject. I swear she feels that the "nag quota" in my life has grown low since the departure of my Sweet Baboo and that she must fill the gap. And of course we can't save really feminine issues for when Ma gets home. We have to argue about make-up, earings and hair. Thank god sex hasn't sprung it's sticky head (no pun intended) but the summer is just starting. Right now they are ok that "Babies come from a Mommy's tummy" but I am sure it won't be long until they wonder just how the little bastards get there. Now my son. Spittin image of his father. He is a real brooder. And nothing lights up my day faster than a blunt refusal to eat anything but oatmeal. Now the some may say "fine go hungry" but we tried that and the Neo-Nazi Training ground we call a pre-school damn near had Social Service on us because we said fine and let him skip breaky. So quickly we learned my boy's stubborness and pigheadedness (not my fault) is at a truly gifted level. But he is a bright boy and unlike his sister who can be brought into line with sufficient threats of punishment, he can be negotiated with..mosty times. I do not mean bribed but a compromise can normally be found. Unless he really gets the bit in his teeth and then...well then I get the priest. Now the other thing about my blessed man-child, is he is well into "Question stage". Why are we passing that truck? Why is that truck driver going so slow? Why don't the police pull him over? Well why don't you tell the police what to do if you pay them? and so forth and so on. I am proud of his inquisitive nature and desire to explore his surrounding but I swear if he asks me one more freakin question I am going to walk in front of a bus! Well this week is my daughters ballet performance and I have to sign off to do French Braids and make-up...(please kill me) Your humble servant The_Capt
  10. Dear Peng, I tried to show the beings which rest in your lower intestine the way and the light but they would not hear your words. I cam to be their King and Savior but they simply stared hollow eyed and dumb, like the cattle of the field. Perhaps too long enjoying your noxious gas has left them addle and slow. Perhaps I need to perform some miracles in order to swing their narrow minds in a new direction. I pray you can give me strength to carry on. I must also say that their sad attempts at witty responses fell far short. It was painful really to watch these poor creatures try and string something decent to throw back in your humble prophets direction. Not unlike watching a howler monkey attempting advance math..eventually they give up and just start screeching while throwing **** in a general direction. I admit I was under the influence when I attempted to bring them into the light, perhaps the Demon Drink was my downfall. I will continue to meditate and be your undeserving servant so that one day this Thread may rule them all. May the razor wit and prose flow from my fingers and into the loins of thine enemies. May their bellies bloat with the gas of your righteous indignation. May those that follow your words and light forever be blessed and walk in the path of light and hope. May they gird themselves with humour and depth of intelligence. May you shine upon us and cast a dark red blood boiling glare on those who stand before us..Ahmen
  11. Sigh..well don't say I didn't try.. The history of this challenge was not to provide an exclusive club to a collection of sexually frustrated nerds but was to provide an open playground to any and all who wished to be free from the PC niceness and seriousness living in the outer boards. BUT you have taken than and turned it into a private club complete with silly rules and ranking system. My open challenge was to bring everybody out and attempt to bring The Cesspool to where it once was and now so sorely has fallen away. I guess I lack that power because you cannot push a rope so to speak. Your responses have pretty much confirmed my suspicions about the collection of people who live here. Now at this point many may expect me to depart in a huff but I think I like it in here and if I must be a ignored voice in the wilderness than so be it but at least I can swear and rant without people running off to Madmatt. Someday you will all see the light and The New Age of Peng Challenge began here....
  12. You sad sorry sacks of ****e... Wait a minute, let me take that back. That was an insult to sad sorry sacks of ****e everywhere, Right now sad sorry sacks of ****e are trying their best to make a life and in some small part, the world a better place. Sad sorry sacks of ****e are being born, falling in love, coming together to celebrate life and death. Sad sorry sacks of ****e are joining hands "waiting for a better day". Lighting candles of hope against the Greater Dark. Sad sorry sacks of ****e are working 18 hrs a day running corner stores so that Sad Sorry Sack of ****e Jr can go to college, become a lawyer and screw rich people for a living. Sad sorry sacks of ****e are building our highways and byways, despite the fact we continue to cook the Earth with our antiquated internal combustion engines. Sad sorry sacks of ****e are on our side on the war on terror..hell it looks as though one is leading us. So I apologize to all sad sorry sacks of ****e everywhere for lumping in the poor excuse for carbon molecules who make up the Peng Thread. What is even worse is that these self proclaimed pond scum..wait Pond Scum are now driving our taxis..ok don't get me started... These Peng Scum have fallen so far from the ideal which was the Peng Challenge. The Peng Challenge was a dream at one time..one had to whisper it lest it be blown away. But you of the Peng thread have wasted your chance. Yay you have filled the beauty that was Peng with annoying Pythonesque references and ranking system. I have reached back into the mists of the board and have found the Holy Scripture. And like J.C. at the temple I am here to throw out you money lenders and renters of buggery. Oh feel the just wrath of the True Spirit of Peng. I AM THE SECOND COMING AND I WILL BRING THE CESSPOOL TO THE GLORY TO THAT WHICH WAS THE DARK CORNER OF THE BOARD. I SUMMON PENG Let him do battle with me for I am not unlike a 13 yr old girl..call me Joany if you will...GOD RIDES WITH ME and let not any slack jawed, punctuation inhibited boffins with the tactical ability of Don Knots character in the Ghost and Mr Chicken stand in my way. In short I challenge the entire lot of you!! To quote me ol' Mom "Shall I do you one at a time or shall we call it double the price for the lot all at once?"
  13. Dear Peng, I have noticed that your grand person seems to be infested with some lower life forms. I have noticed some lice or such infestation who swarm in your nether posts. I am sure that these are annoying and bothersome. Why do you tolerate these poor wretched souls? You..Oh Great Peng..He who comforts me in the long darkness of the human condition. He who created the space between the atoms. Why do you tolerate lound and seeming useless beings? Perhaps they are like your children and though incredibly flawed you still embrace them to your breast and give them succor. Perhaps you have given them free will and like humanity they have squandered it on futile posts and meaningless prose. They may be living proof that the brain does produce waste but you..Oh Peng, the Great I am..still hold them dear. I must meditate on the Nature of Peng a while longer. Perhaps you need an Avatar in this reality to show your misguided and hygene challenged offspring you true wishes. Perhaps that is the reason they are rude and surly evolutionary throwbacks. Visit upon me thy blessing Oh Peng and give me strength to suffer the jibbering of Thy Idiot Chorus. Show me the light so that You may usher us into a New Age of light and glory Your humble servant The_Capt [ May 16, 2002, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  14. Dear Peng, Some people find simultaneous loss of bladder and rectal control unattractive. I think they judge too harshly and should keep an open mind. The beauty of catastrophic waste expulsion is really something to behold..even during a dinner. But I guess some woman are just plain fussy. My pet monkey is still missing. Fluffy was pretty upset when I fed PIPPU to the dog, he always got such a look of joy when I stuck my hand in that sock. But when I had had enough of PIPPUs power mongering and cast him into the back yard..well Fluffy really never recovered. My observation of the day is that people seem to be less nice the longer they know you. If you meet someone face to face in an elevator and say you were to suffer from a case of severe flatulence. I don't mean a quick little "toot" but an explosive off-gas of Old Testament proportion..if Lucifer were to belch after The Dinner of 1000 Souls it would sound like this. Now say an attractive young woman, one you did not know, were to be standing in the same elevator. Well I can tell you, her face may turn red and she would probably cough a bit but nary a nasty word would be said. Just uncomfortable silence and a hasty exit. Now if that young lady were your wife or sister..well I can tell you, you be hearing about "eating onions for dinner" all the way home and probably next Easter too. Now what is really unfair is the fact that you know that you have no chance of sexual congress (the end aim of every male on the planet) with that unknown young lady. Your chances with your wife and sister are much better....not great but better (particularly if you hail from Kentucky). This is so unfair..the nice girl is just out of reach but the "bird in the hand" will do nothing but nag..nag..nag. Now here is the kicker. Let's say by some freak that your explosive cloud of "green eggs and ham" sparks up a conversation and by some act of God a romance. Well you can sure bet next time you serve methane gas as an after dinner mint SHE is now going to be on your case too. Sigh..I just don't get it but thanks for listening. Like the toilet, I sometimes think you are my only friend. [ May 15, 2002, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  15. Dear Peng, Some people find simultaneous loss of bladder and rectal control unattractive. I think they judge too harshly and should keep an open mind. The beauty of catastrophic waste expulsion is really something to behold..even during a dinner. But I guess some woman are just plain fussy. My pet monkey is still missing. Fluffy was pretty upset when I fed PIPPU to the dog, he always got such a look of joy when I stuck my hand in that sock. But when I had had enough of PIPPUs power mongering and cast him into the back yard..well Fluffy really never recovered. My observation of the day is that people seem to be less nice the longer they know you. If you meet someone face to face in an elevator and say you were to suffer from a case of severe flatulence. I don't mean a quick little "toot" but an explosive off-gas of Old Testament proportion..if Lucifer were to belch after The Dinner of 1000 Souls it would sound like this. Now say an attractive young woman, one you did not know, were to be standing in the same elevator. Well I can tell you, her face may turn red and she would probably cough a bit but nary a nasty word would be said. Just uncomfortable silence and a hasty exit. Now if that young lady were your wife or sister..well I can tell you, you be hearing about "eating onions for dinner" all the way home and probably next Easter too. Now what is really unfair is the fact that you know that you have no chance of sexual congress (the end aim of every male on the planet) with that unknown young lady. Your chances with your wife and sister are much better....not great but better (particularly if you hail from Kentucky). This is so unfair..the nice girl is just out of reach but the "bird in the hand" will do nothing but nag..nag..nag. Now here is the kicker. Let's say by some freak that your explosive cloud of "green eggs and ham" sparks up a conversation and by some act of God a romance. Well you can sure bet next time you serve methane gas as an after dinner mint SHE is now going to be on your case too. Sigh..I just don't get it but thanks for listening. Like the toilet, I sometimes think you are my only friend. [ May 15, 2002, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  16. Dear Peng, Well as this is my first letter to you, I suppose I should start with a bit about my background. I was born a coal miner's daughter back in the late 1880s. My family though large was close knit in a wholesome country bumkin manner. My father was a large gruff man with a heart of gold. Oh he used to light us on fire now and again but I assure you it was all with a twinkle in his eye and a shovel at the ready to put out before those nasty third degrees set in. Oh my heart swells with joy as I recall the Pit at Christmas.. Well after a fairly normal childhood complete with the ususal titterings and sweet siren of budding womanhood, my life changed drastically when a most odd kitchen accident required that I in fact become a man. After an initial disappointment, I must say that being a male has been most satisfying. I have found that having an appendage with a mind of it's own and absolutly no inclination towards discipline was frightening at first but as time went on, it really has been my closest friend. I also found the beauty of "lower thought"..no longer do I worry about the future or let emotions rule me. Now I drown all of this in a healthy dose of beer and TV. In fact about the only thing I do worry about is how to keep my Horizonatal Buddy happy. That is right no more wasted effort on nurturing thoughts here..what a relief I can tell you. Well my early adulthood saw me somewhat rudderless. I tried many careers; bank teller, delivery boy ..er person, CEO of an oil empire, comedic porn star and Batman. But none of them stuck. I found I was somewhat empty..a hollow vessel in which my soul just rattled around. Not unlike baby's teeth in the base of a spray paint can. Well after several failed attempts at religion..let's not even get into the Resurrected Beaver incident. I decided that perhaps this reality just wasn't for me. It seemed to have to few colours for the likes of me. So after much thought and advice from my appendage, I decided to instead step outside and take a clean breath of fresh air. By that I mean I decided to devote my life to a higher meaning. Now for my question..your name..did you go to high school in Winnipeg Manitoba cause I knew a kid named Peng there..funny guy with glasses and a strange allergy which forced him wear Kleenix..just wondering
  17. Dear Peng, Well as this is my first letter to you, I suppose I should start with a bit about my background. I was born a coal miner's daughter back in the late 1880s. My family though large was close knit in a wholesome country bumkin manner. My father was a large gruff man with a heart of gold. Oh he used to light us on fire now and again but I assure you it was all with a twinkle in his eye and a shovel at the ready to put out before those nasty third degrees set in. Oh my heart swells with joy as I recall the Pit at Christmas.. Well after a fairly normal childhood complete with the ususal titterings and sweet siren of budding womanhood, my life changed drastically when a most odd kitchen accident required that I in fact become a man. After an initial disappointment, I must say that being a male has been most satisfying. I have found that having an appendage with a mind of it's own and absolutly no inclination towards discipline was frightening at first but as time went on, it really has been my closest friend. I also found the beauty of "lower thought"..no longer do I worry about the future or let emotions rule me. Now I drown all of this in a healthy dose of beer and TV. In fact about the only thing I do worry about is how to keep my Horizonatal Buddy happy. That is right no more wasted effort on nurturing thoughts here..what a relief I can tell you. Well my early adulthood saw me somewhat rudderless. I tried many careers; bank teller, delivery boy ..er person, CEO of an oil empire, comedic porn star and Batman. But none of them stuck. I found I was somewhat empty..a hollow vessel in which my soul just rattled around. Not unlike baby's teeth in the base of a spray paint can. Well after several failed attempts at religion..let's not even get into the Resurrected Beaver incident. I decided that perhaps this reality just wasn't for me. It seemed to have to few colours for the likes of me. So after much thought and advice from my appendage, I decided to instead step outside and take a clean breath of fresh air. By that I mean I decided to devote my life to a higher meaning. Now for my question..your name..did you go to high school in Winnipeg Manitoba cause I knew a kid named Peng there..funny guy with glasses and a strange allergy which forced him wear Kleenix..just wondering
  18. Anybody here seen a monkey? He is about 2 ft high and 30 odd lbs..answers to the name Fluffy. If you find him just don't shave him..he really hates that. Women are like french fries..they start out hot and salty but as time goes by they get cold and cardboard-like, making your teeth and stomach hurt. Stay tuned for my "Dear Peng" rants..my therapist says it will be healthy for me...
  19. Anybody here seen a monkey? He is about 2 ft high and 30 odd lbs..answers to the name Fluffy. If you find him just don't shave him..he really hates that. Women are like french fries..they start out hot and salty but as time goes by they get cold and cardboard-like, making your teeth and stomach hurt. Stay tuned for my "Dear Peng" rants..my therapist says it will be healthy for me...
  20. I think you get closer to real war watching WWF. It is a game gents, so far removed from the realites of combat that to try and use it as a tool to demonstrate anything about said action is sadly laughable. Hell, CM can barely duplicate the complex nuts and bolts of combat (MGs, Arty ranges anyone) let alone serve as a mirror into the human aspect. Not to chastize the question but I will be blunt in my response... [ May 13, 2002, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]
  21. "All hail our semi-inflated Dark Lord..OOOIIII!" Jeez SlapJack..I've seen subtler self serving drivel from disgraced TV preachers.."I have sinned O Lord..sob" So lets break it down A. SlapJack is persecuted by despicable monsters..akin to KKK and Aryan Dupes everywhere B. SlapMonkey has continued to uphold turth liberty and the pursuit of minutia in the face of this onslaught. C. His SlappingWrymahood will continue to do so until they nail the last spike thru his feet and he can die for the sins of all mankind. This whole thing reminds me of that Simpsons episode where they decide to have a film festival in Springfield and Monty Burns puts together that film based on his life story... "Truly you are the King of Kings" I for one do not hate SlappyMack. For as evil as that black lump which was his soul is, I find him the spicey mustard on the CM forum. Without him our Forum experience would be somewhat less and a blander shade of grey. Now don't get me wrong I hope he gets the chair but I am sure like an Evil Spirit he will be re-incarnate and return to us stronger than ever before. Now from what I can tell this whole Peng thingy is like a gentlemens club for Riddlin deprived daycare dropouts. Lord of the Flies in black and white and Hungarian subtitles if you will. Is there anyone here who can be considered your leader and if so take me too him. For I wish to learn more of your backward culture and to be your King!
  22. "All hail our semi-inflated Dark Lord..OOOIIII!" Jeez SlapJack..I've seen subtler self serving drivel from disgraced TV preachers.."I have sinned O Lord..sob" So lets break it down A. SlapJack is persecuted by despicable monsters..akin to KKK and Aryan Dupes everywhere B. SlapMonkey has continued to uphold turth liberty and the pursuit of minutia in the face of this onslaught. C. His SlappingWrymahood will continue to do so until they nail the last spike thru his feet and he can die for the sins of all mankind. This whole thing reminds me of that Simpsons episode where they decide to have a film festival in Springfield and Monty Burns puts together that film based on his life story... "Truly you are the King of Kings" I for one do not hate SlappyMack. For as evil as that black lump which was his soul is, I find him the spicey mustard on the CM forum. Without him our Forum experience would be somewhat less and a blander shade of grey. Now don't get me wrong I hope he gets the chair but I am sure like an Evil Spirit he will be re-incarnate and return to us stronger than ever before. Now from what I can tell this whole Peng thingy is like a gentlemens club for Riddlin deprived daycare dropouts. Lord of the Flies in black and white and Hungarian subtitles if you will. Is there anyone here who can be considered your leader and if so take me too him. For I wish to learn more of your backward culture and to be your King!
  23. Oh I'm so sorry but you are incorrect in your answer. The correct answer would have included the proper spelling for "grammar" ... GRAMMAR. But we do want to thank you for playing and Jay what do we have The_Corp? Joe, we have a lovely parting gift of a copy of our home game so that The_Corp can play CESSPOOL! by and with himself and, perhaps, even win that way. Well isn't that just swell of us. Thanks for tuning in folks and be sure to look for us tomorrow here on ... THE CESSPOOL {cue theme music} dumb dumb dumb, dumb dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb Joe {edited to add theme music appropriate to the SSNs}</font>
  24. Oh I'm so sorry but you are incorrect in your answer. The correct answer would have included the proper spelling for "grammar" ... GRAMMAR. But we do want to thank you for playing and Jay what do we have The_Corp? Joe, we have a lovely parting gift of a copy of our home game so that The_Corp can play CESSPOOL! by and with himself and, perhaps, even win that way. Well isn't that just swell of us. Thanks for tuning in folks and be sure to look for us tomorrow here on ... THE CESSPOOL {cue theme music} dumb dumb dumb, dumb dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb Joe {edited to add theme music appropriate to the SSNs}</font>
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