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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Actually I am impressed with what he does, but, it is possible to admire Mussolini for locking up the mafia without necessarily agreeing with the overall intent.
  2. 1. Given the range of mastodon existence it could easily be a period when the earth was not what it is like now in terms of land above and below water. Given the change in water levels and geography that has occurred in the last 50000 years of mankind it is worth bearing in mind the huge timespan of mastadons. "The American mastodon (Mammut americanum), the most recent member of the family, lived from about 3.7 million years ago until it became extinct about 10,000 years BCE. It is known from fossils found ranging from present-day Alaska and New England in the north, to Florida, southern California, and as far south as Honduras.[6] The American mastodon resembled a woolly mammoth in appearance, with a thick coat of shaggy hair.[7] It had tusks that sometimes exceeded five meters in length; they curved upwards, but less dramatically than those of the woolly mammoth.[5] Its main habitat was cold spruce woodlands, and it is believed to have browsed in herds.[8] They are generally reported as having disappeared from North America about 10,000 years ago,[9] as part of a mass extinction of most of the Pleistocene megafauna. Paleo-Indians entered the American continent and expanded to relatively large numbers 13,000 years ago,[10] and their hunting may have caused a gradual attrition of the mastodon population.[11][12]" Incidentally the Smithsonian is not listed in the Wikipedia article link as having a mastadon? 2. I always have felt that climate change was the correct expression for what is occurring. You say "they" - perhaps this may be the clue but move the decades a bit! http://www.john-daly.com/schneidr.htm Taking an individual area is a tricky to draw conclusions : ) BTW you say a great number of scientists on both sides .. . Wikipedia does have lists, and extensive articles. I particularly liked this: I would love it if nothing had to be done BUT safety first!. However regardless of climate change there is the problem of diminishing/more costly energy. So there , we have two reasons for greater energy efficiency, reduced atmospheric discharges by man, prolonging power whilst alternative power takes over.
  3. Do you watch Fox by any chance : ) As for the site, it seems to gain support from the Times [mUrdoch], and get special treatment with Fox [Murdoch]. I have no doubt that some good work is done together with flim-flam to confuse the uissues. [tobacco industry]: http://climateprogress.org/2010/01/11/foxnews-wattsupwiththat-climatedepot-daily-mail-article-on-global-cooling-mojib-latif/ However overall the world may only get one shot at getting this right and I do not want to dally around doing nothing in the meantime. http://hot-topic.co.nz/2010-greenland-ice-sheet-melt-sets-new-record-2011-starts-warm/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland_ice_sheet BTW the positive mention of shalegas at the watts site may not be unconnected with those poised to make lots of money from its exploitation. However, and despite me having a potential interest in shale gas, the damage to ground water by fracking etc is being downplayed heavily by the shale gas industry. Water quality for the locals is not high on their agendas.
  4. Wicky - ah proper poetry. I do agree that Whiskas does seem to be addictive to cats. In fact it was the last stuff we gave him before he curled up and died.
  5. The guy in this is annoying but what he says is scary horrid http://obrag.org/?p=31003 and http://www.foodinvestigations.com/ For ************'s sake how can it be legit to pretend a cereal contains food it doesn't!!! I hope it is better regulated in Canada! : )
  6. I actually re-ran the tests and noticed there are 8 T34/76's. Being the Tiger this time I found on the first run that it took 1:55 until the Tiger crew bailed. Gun hits were not damaging and it was again an immobilisation causing the bail-out. What was curious was the T34's backed away and became icons though still firing. They were also slower at seeing the Tiger and opening fire. At start the nearest was 541 metres. Third test I set up at the backline and again the T34's reversed - never good for accuracy and my Tiger took out 5 of them for a winning draw 52-48. Again the crew bailed on immobilisation. Range for all kills would have been around the 800 mark. The test is flawed as the Tiger crew should be veteran - at least, and if memory serves me right they do not bail easily : ) I suspect the T34's are best at closer range as all they need is hits on target for the immo. , firing at range reduces the chance.
  7. Gosh! ! How did I lose two t34's : ) Ok should have made it more logical in layout.
  8. Ho hum, 7 t34's [76] firing at a lone Tiger get it to abandon in 1:45 minutes. June 1943 800 metre square map. 2 T34's lost. No tricky moves just place my T34's across the map weighted left and right, the closest one at 414 metres is in the centre of the map.. Computer placed the Tiger and I targetted the T34's. Eventual track hit, then a gun hit butas I was not both sides it may well have been the immobilisation that was the critical one. Now , what was the point : ) Mass fire works. Being brave enough to do it on a battlefield comes down to can you get odds like that without distraction. Very large battlefields with some cover may give you the opportunities, or the Germans have limited ranged AT capability so you can get the odds you want eventually by taking out the lesser stuff.
  9. It seems you are not cycling through the screens offered. AFAIR you need to need to press a key and it will offer you a different res .!, an danother.
  10. and Rickenbacker http://www.homeofheroes.com/wings/part1/8_newwar.html http://www.janeresture.com/rickenbacker/ http://www.amazon.com/Unbroken-World-Survival-Resilience-Redemption/dp/1400064163
  11. ! oops In a traditional tournament say over four rounds peoples percentages are added up and the winner declared a 53,81,49,62 = 245% b 54,53,55,60 = 222% c 30,50,51,65 = 200% d 42,52,60,50 = 202% Now if we allocate points to the players on each side as to their place in each round: A 2 , 1 , 4 , 2 = 9 B 1 , 2 , 2 , 3 = 8 C 4 , 4 , 3 , 1 = 12 D 3 , 3 , 1 , 4 = 11 Ordinally the winner is different from the percentage winner. And in terms of competitive play after round Three the ordinal position looks tasty for the final round A 7 B 5 C 11 D 7 Either A or D if they come first or second can beat or tie B if he comes third or last. On the percentage basis the tournament looks pretty much over for first place. a 183% b 162% c 135% d 152% It is feasible but unlikely for b or d to overtake a. This may be particularly so if the scenarios in the Tournament are finely balanced and reasonable play tends to the draw. A big score may revolve on playing a noobie or catastrophic bad luck. SO in my real life example after two of four rounds of BB9 there were 14 players on the Allied side who were involved in three ties. Plenty of honour on the line for Round Three then : ) The second point was whether there was any benefit/problems in merging the Allied and Axis ordinal scores after the Tournament. My gut reaction is that it should be OK. After all the ordinal scores are derived from the actual same battles and being on the other side is irrelevant.
  12. I do not think Soros has the clout of Murdoch by a long stretch. Soros is a poorer counter to the Koch brothers. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/08/30/100830fa_fact_mayer Ironbar - do you see anyway this could all cool down? Seems it will be lipservice for a week or two and then back to hammering the other side. : (
  13. This may be of interest KR. http://www.fair.org/blog/2010/11/10/fox-news-the-no-1-name-in-murder-fantasies/ The gist is that Fox presenters [presumably more than most] suggest direct action as a means of solving opponents. If you follow the link inside there is a revealing interview with Rupert Murdoch. He jokes that not continuing to carry Fox News might involve a station owners house getting burnt down. It seems he has a feeling what his target! audience is like. I think that Loughner would have done what he did regardless, however another whackjob does implicate Fox heavily in his own attack in California. EDIT Specific Arizona political http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/01/flashback-giffords-opponent-had-m16-shooting-event-help-remove-gabrielle-giffords-from-office.php?ref=fpblg Whilst I am sure it is not an overt cause to a sane person the use of gun imagery might tend to steer the crazed in that directio. Given I like States and am generally not keen on proscribing how language is used I am a bit gutted.
  14. I am curious as to peoples views or comments on scoring a Tournament of four rounds. Traditionally one just adds up the percentages however that presents problems if players are seriously mismatched. NABLA was designed to sort this out. However I am wondering if just ranking players by the highest being one point , second two etc has advantages. In this context the second round of BB9 had this intriguing result, well intriguing if you have rivalry! 2 10 12 16 16 16 19 19 19 19 21 21 21 21 22 23 24 26 33 So with two rounds to go we have 3 large ties amongst the Allied players. As I write this is does strike me that in fact one could also add to this the Axis ranking as both tables actually do record someones combat record versus their Axis or Allied peers. The fact they played on opposite sides is irrelevant. Axis 5 5 10 11 12 14 14 15 20 21 21 22 23 25 27 32 34 38
  15. AH yes swamps! Joining Onion Wars on a wave of excitement [ diminished slghtly by having to observe protocol and get my correct Russian identity] my first two battles were infantry in the same swamp taking attacks. Very boring and if one were to measure pleasure to time it was a definite fail. I am rather afraid that what you are suggesting would also seem to me to be very light in terms of player satisfaction. But then I prefer games with very large maps and tanks. I have consistently held that tanks are better modelled than infantry in BFand that bigger battles will stand more chance of diminishing luck as a decider. Also bigger battles means taking higher level command decisions such as allocation of scarce resources and judging time to contact and likely results etc. The current BB9 round has, in my game resulted in 42 dead tanks in 33 turns, - but that is only a part of the armoured forces involved in a large desert battle with probably getting on for a battalion + of infantry. AFAIR the top two CMAK downloaded scenarios are tank heavy and I think this tends to prove what people really like to play. [i very rarely look at CMBB so I have no idea what the favourite downloads are]
  16. Ah!, thanks for that. Looks very logical then. Unpowerful attacking a perceived powerful but even moreso because she was an attractive woman unattainable by him.
  17. Actually you are right the killer probably had no reason to feel paissed-off and it was a random act and my seeking causes for extreme action is not necessary. A separate thread might be appropriate on the state of the nation but in my twisted mind I thought that the killings were sparked by something. There are massacres in the US but political attacks I thought were very rare. Saying he was a nut leads to the question why Gifford? And how many nuts in the US. http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/mentalhealth/chapter2/sec2_1.html Anyway I am sure the media will have at it for weeks to come shedding heat but not light. Its a very sad horrible episode.
  18. I find I am generally successful using 20mm/25mm AA to replicate the doctrine. Track hits tend to make commanders/players nervous and immobilisations common enough to reward the player. I have dueled a Tiger and a 150mm inf gun with a single 20mm AA gun and come off a winner with an immobilisation and a kill - admiitedly it took about 30 turns! My test below seems extreme I was only doing it en masse to save time - little realising how short the test would be. 800m square map, flat, June 43. 32 25mm AA guns versus 5 Tiger , 5 MkIV's and 10 StugIII's on hunt command Ist minute Tigers - 2 bailing out 1 gun destroyed IV's OK III's 2 immobilised , 1 bailing AA's no damage 2nd minute Tigers 2 bailed, 2 gun destroyed, 1 immobilised IVf's bailing 1,immobilised 2, gun destroyed 1, OK 1 III's 2 immobilised, i gun destroyed, 2 bailing, 1 abandoned, 4 OK Russian losses 3 knocked out, I abandoned. The most guns on any tank at the start was 6 and obviously I picked on the Tigers. The first one bailed in 10 seconds : ) It does seem to me sometimes that not everyone follows the Russian doctrine and then posts complaining of the results they get. I have mobbed Tigers with Valentines and seen them retreat. I therefore think CM probably does have a mechanism for massed fire however most people play small scenarios where the effect is masked by the low number of units firing at a given target. If anyone would like the saved files to see the results.... and even count the number of AA rounds fired just message me.
  19. I really do not know if they are or are not. However the fluoride maximum limit for dosing tap water has just been reduced in the US as it can damage teeth ...! And in China it is reported that two comparable villages, one with fluoridated water and one without, compared badly when childhood intelligence was measured. Now I am not suggesting that this is sufficient proof but interesting. I am always nervous when scientists start reducing "safe" level limits that they assured everyone were safe a couple of decades ago. Is it me or does distrusting science come with age - and experience.
  20. Re the decline of the US and the disenchantment of the people. This struck me as a bit of a kick in the crutch to open democracy. And raises the question why would someone wish to sabotage it, and why should there be secrecy?
  21. MSBoxer - apparently Arizona is keen on gun rights to the extent it does not even provide much information to the Federal list [as require] of those banned from purchasing. I make no judgement on that. The issue of extended magazines is interesting as they were banned for a decade until 2004. It is reasonable to think thta without a 33 round magazine he would have stopped firing sooner and less people may have died. I wonder if that might be an area where the two parties might agree to agree.
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