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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. I have little experience in the webmail stakes. I doubt that you can use the in-built Helper mailer with one. However if your ISP provides e-mail facilities like POp3 etc so it knows how to route out ...... I used to prfer to use a e-mail program because it meant you could attach a message and keep track of what you had said. However I have got lazy and know send everything from within Helper and do not keep the tagged on messages. I am afraid you will have to play with -it a bit. AND if you scan the BF archives here you may very well find it addresses the problem in detail.
  2. Open PBEMHelper. Have a look at the set-up screens for the game ... That is in "options" then "Modify installed programs" Look at your current SC settings You can tweak then to address the new game [where the exe. is etc] Rescan and it will pick up both : ) I think DYOR Edited for clarity
  3. Whats the problem? I will do my humble best to help if the great man is away : )
  4. PBEMHelper has much more functionality than simply palying the movies. It indexes the goes and keeps all your battles in their respective folders etc. Everyone should try it at least once!!!!!!
  5. Personally I think you would be barking to go for Bridge 3. You would have to start with packed troops on a point that could be targeted for 150mm and everything else, two open flanks as you try to cross and God knows what in the woods to the sides and in front. Of course you know how much the Axis start with , and where the mines are ..... : ) .. anyone else would be more cautious.
  6. 40th minute played e-mails 50 Game start 25th April .......and my opponent has gone away for two weeks : ( Opponent went for 4 and later bridge 1. I am getting depressed with my inability to nail anything. My older 75mm armoured vehicles from ambush have failed to kill at all and it requires three shots to hit anything. Tiger to enemy tank 800 metres gun hit,it backs off, I am bounced by a T34 at 220 metres, we both score ricochets and then I nail it. Jeez! But good fun : )
  7. Merkin and I are going well past 29 minutes played using 38 trusted PBEMHelper e-mails ---- for the equivalent of 84 e-mails in old fashioned PBM. I had not really clocked it was Lithuania - but foregoing the Cyrillic would be necessary I think : ) Nice pictures of the terrain etc from a swedish site web page
  8. In a more general way about scenarios: A]I did like the way all the forces were laid out ready for placement. B]One thing that did slightly jar was the naming of "the hut" etc in good old English. Given it is packed with atmosphere just some unique German sounding name would do. Even calling it the hut in German is not ideal - I suppose some German player can put forward what these might appear as on a map. Schmidthaus ....? Anyway just an observation. I am not sure how others feel about this type of detail in scenarios [ April 27, 2006, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: dieseltaylor ]
  9. Now playing it in PBEM trusted mode so galloping through. Merkin unfortunately has mastered the coup de main approach rather well - we shall see what happens. Best moment so far is dropping a 150mm on top of a Churchill : )
  10. Hooray! I remember playtesting that [against you] and realising my shortcomings on wire avoidance and traffic control but fun nevertheless. Maybe it was version I !! Anyway I recommend PbeMHelper ....and broadband for the files.
  11. Funny how your name does not appear in the Opponents forum then : )
  12. Reminds me of what I got corrupted name-files in upper and lower case ....Helper refused to file them in the folders. Of course when I turned caps-lock off everything worked luvverly : )
  13. Reading through the Hyper war linky of Kingfish I was struck by the description of St Lo as a city and as a town. For non-Europeans it could be confusing as in fact the population was about 11000. Also population density would be quite high so the size[area] of the town [a city by history] would be very much smaller than perhaps people might imagine. The reason I mention it is when a town/village is called for in CMAK and generated it rarely has any resemblance to an Italian OR a French type. A big booboo by Bfront.
  14. Ah morale. Note how late the airforce were operating!
  15. Wodin go here BF thread 14 pages of it with links to another thread on the same subject ...I think
  16. Sorry Kingfish just a little joke pre-empting an expected post from JasonC. I think you may recall the very long battle, sorry debate, on Ju87D's effectiveness. Having said that I do not recall anyone mentioning artillery spotting planes when we were discussing airpower in the bocage. Quite an oversight-if you excuse the pun: )
  17. Kingfish I have serious doubts as to the veracity of the linky you provided - I suspect April 1st belatedly. For instance: Obviously an infiltration of duff information! : )
  18. Specifically which Cassino Battle are you playing and where did you download it from?. I think there are about three scenarios out there so it is hard to comment on your result : )
  19. Lest we think only the Russians were disorganised/disrupted by failing tanks this question at the Dupuy Institute: So for the battle at Kursk the Panthers had no spare parts and some were captured in the Russian advance in the following month as they still had not been repaired. More "bogging" effects.
  20. Very interesting indeed. So breaking down in battle could be quite possible even if it was not "bogging" : ) And as for units turning up with complete complements - as so many gamers think necessary - that too would be abnormal.
  21. Work out when should a relatively flat period of time given the likely nationalities of those who will want to download : ) Avoid the rush.
  22. Wicky I think you are reading too much into it. I think you will find that they were firing MG's also and this was what caused all the deaths. My research shows that with 800,000,000 rounds manufactured and a historical lethality of.00069 and given a probable duration of this minor skirmish then it can only have beeen MG's. : )
  23. http://www.skylighters.org/photos/pinups.html Can I recommend highly this military site : ) BTW my favourite is Jinxie
  24. I have been told by my father-in-law that it's failing was that it was so damm accurate that you did not easily get the spread for suppressive fire. I suspect also that with small magazines it was never really intended for that role but was required to fill it. Of course him being left handed - might have meant Brens would have been awkward. Not PBI fortunately
  25. Have a look at Band of Brothers: web page Mainly for humans : ) but there are plenty of unbalanced tournaments and also the rare beast attack/defence battles in the CMAK World Tourney. I have also been playing unbalanced scenarios like Eritrea Camerone etc which are very accurate : )
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