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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. It looks a beautiful map. I do have great trouble taking night battles seriously in the sense of being realistic. As an exercise in playing the CM game engine they are fine. Most night battles are written up and abound with lost units, inadvertant fire, and the complete loss of control. However in CM are troops never get lost and have an uncanny appreciation of the terrian they cannot see. Its a shame but it cannot be ignored. Also - and this is very irritating is that CM soldiers come equipped with laser range finders so that they can keep one metre out of enemy sight as it is a well-known fact that darkness is uniformly dark regardless of moonshine and shadows. If only BF had never issued troops with this degree of accuracy and built in a fudge factor with an approximation of range it would have made possible more realistic games where there was reduced visibility. : (
  2. Much noise on this one in the US? Yet again the guy at the top escapes the jail term and the company ethics are anything for a profit ..... its only a fine if we get caught.
  3. As he could not get online because of all the crep popping up I took him AntiMalware today - took 15 minutes to put him right. Than Goo he did not do anything stupid like going to the Anti_virus site
  4. No, because you cannot save a film just the oder phase. Therefore Helper cannot do anything with them. Your only option is to save each order phase and then get the game to generate a film every time you load it. Cumbersome but doable.
  5. And so easily enforced. BTW I am playing a Normandy bocage scenario [Vire] currently and tank losses are very high because the tanks and infantry cannot spot the Germans until too late. So it would seem in the right terrain that infantry are more than capable under the current engine.
  6. Not morale simply spotting is very much reduced at fast. Its not that clever on move either. Or when the tank is buttoned when it becomes very poor - excepting those superior tanks with cupolas : ). Hence Joe's homemade rules are doubling the penalty. Also he suggests that shoot and scoot is a reverse move but that does not have to be the case as it works very nicely moving forwards as this thread started out to prove.
  7. It has to be remembered that the desired outcome can occur the first time you try it, and the tenth turn. That might imply that it is now unlikely to happen for the next 3.4 million throws. But that in itself is also unlikely. * I would of course check the die. : ) * However in another universe someone is vainly trying to roll under 20 [insert spooky music]
  8. I could not but think cousins would share more of the same culture. Genes blamed for early first sex The fact that children raised in homes without a dad have sex earlier is down to their genes, say US researchers. The study tested for genetic influences as well as factors such as poverty, educational opportunities and religion. The more genes the children shared, the more similar their ages of first intercourse regardless of whether they had an absent father or not. A spokesman for the charity, Brook, said children needed early education to help them make informed choices. Competing theories The study published in the journal, Child Development, says several theories have been advanced about the environmental factors which influence this association between absent fathers and early sex. One suggests that because these children observe unstable or stressed parental relationships, they learn that resources are scarce, and people untrustworthy. This leads them to mature in such a way that they are geared towards mating rather than parenting. “ While there is clearly no such thing as a 'father absence gene', there are genetic contributions to traits in both mums and dads that increase the likelihood of earlier sexual behaviour in their children ” Jane Mendle, University of Oregon Another states that because adolescents reared in single-parent households may have parents engaging in sexual behaviour with partners to whom they are not married, the children may be more likely to view non-marital sex as the norm. And a third theory states that a single-parent family structure may encourage adolescent sexuality by reduced parental control. In other words two parents can much more closely monitor their offspring's activities and social networks, reducing the opportunities for sex. But this study shows these factors are not as important as genes in determining early sexual behaviour. Results The researchers at the University of Oregon compared the average age of first intercourse among children whose fathers were always absent, partially absent or always present throughout childhood. They looked at more than 1,000 cousins aged 14 and older from the American National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. For the children whose fathers were always absent, 63.2% reported having had sex. This compared to 52.5% of children whose fathers were sometimes absent. And only 21% of children whose fathers were always present. The average age of first intercourse for children whose fathers were always absent was 15.28, compared to partially fathered children at 15.36 and 16.11 for children whose fathers were present for all of their childhood. It compared children who were related in different ways to each other, and who differed in whether they had lived with their fathers. The more genes the children shared, the more similar their ages of first intercourse, regardless of whether or not the children had an absent father. Genetic risk factor Jane Mendle, professor of psychology at the University of Oregon, who led the study said: "The association between father's absence and children's sexuality is best explained by genetic influences, rather than by environmental theories alone. "While there is clearly no such thing as a 'father absence gene', there are genetic contributions to traits in both mums and dads that increase the likelihood of earlier sexual behaviour in their children. "These include impulsivity, substance use and abuse, argumentativeness and sensation seeking." But Professor Mendle said her study did not have the power to discriminate conclusively between genetic and environmental factors and further research with a larger number of children would be necessary. Simon Blake, from the sexual health charity, Brook Advisory Centre, took issue with the idea that genes were the overriding factor in early sex. He said: "We know from research that factors associated with young people having first intercourse at a younger age are: lower educational achievements; friends and the media being the main source of information about sex education; socio-economic status; early sexual experience and the earlier age at which girls start their periods. "All young people need access to confidential sexual health services as well as high quality education about sex and relationships from a young age. "This gives them the skills and information to make informed choices, and the self-esteem and aspirations for themselves for the future. "Targeted outreach work is also an effective way of reaching those more vulnerable groups." Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/health/8251483.stm
  9. http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=4297 Please read as even reputable sites can infect you. And it is a bugger to get rid of - a friend of mine caught one today. Fortunately he did not dive into the Anti-Virus Professional site which would have truly screwed him. Included in the article is a list of the genuine companies in the market - and its not that long.
  10. Sergei . Rehabilitate - if possible certainly. However you are simply re-asserting my point that the previous generations were GUILTY in allowing something to happen that current generations consider OK. An absurd situation which unwisely makes us, or some of us feel cleverer or more moral than our grandparents. Perhaps we should give them the right to look down on us and say how immoral we are with regards to sex, to eating adulterated food etc etc. Perhaps in future generations they will wonder why we did nothing soon enough about global warming. We can then await the leaders of the major powers to apologise to the survivors of drowned islands and lowlands. Our generation may be wrong but apologising for something you have no control over is hypocritical. gunner - where Halliburton around then? : )
  11. I am unclear about this urge to get current Governments to apologise for things done by previous generations. It almost seems that we are being asked to judge the people of that era guilty for not sharing OUR concepts. I of course am awaiting an apology from the Government in Rome - and possible reparations for the unprovoked invasion.
  12. I am looking forward to this case of financial mis-selling: http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2009/09/11/71406/cave-vomiturus-sum/
  13. Chenillete d'infanterie Renault Type UE
  14. Very moving. Evocative music. Typo on " Beeing" Thanks for posting. I was going to suggest labelling the buildings but perhaps it is better this way as the mind is not distracted from the emotion of the moment.
  15. Even non-penetrating hits can knock metal and bolts etc around the inside of a turret killing and maiming crew. I suspect that any crew that loses 2 crew members bails as they can no longer fight the tank.
  16. So I don't buy or eat any caviar. From Jenny's link: : )
  17. Can be done already by using PBEMHelpers movie mode. Admittedly you have to press a key every minute and wait 5 seconds for the next film but that is a nothing timewise - and of course you keep all the controls to go back and forth and scan around the battlefield. Better than "a" film. PbemHelper is here: http://www.nic.fi/~fuerte/pbem.htm : )
  18. I've messaged back!. Sure thing. Set up whatever parameters you like, toss a coin for side and send it along. For realism purposes I like casualties on so for me you can set that to random if thats OK with you. The only other thing is I prefer games post the Russian early war penalty. I am sure thats over by June43 .... well I think I am sure : )
  19. You have advertised in the right place. This is less frequented nowdays as most people play in clubs where you can keep stats and have in-club tournaments. In any event I will play you any game or any scenario you like provided it is not CMBO! regards diesel
  20. I cannot agree with your last point and think it may be coloured by you percieving a weakness in his arguement on sugar as you seem to miss the point about increased sugar uptake. Lustig also mentions sports drinks work for elite athletes who have used their glycogen reserves - not someone who has run around the park I suspect. He alos points out that Gatorade the original sports drink has been heavily sugarfied by Pepsi to make it taste good. As I found the figures above hard to believe as I think the figure for 1970 is odd have found this: http://www.corn.org/International%20Sugar%20Journal%20--%20Audrae.pdf which proudly says that allowing for wastage the US citizen has 43lbs of HFC's per year [2003]. The overall figure is 141lbs for sugars. This does ignore sugar provided for the production of alcohol. The overall sugar figure allowing for wastage may be getting on for 2lbs per sugar per week. Try eating that in one go one would be barking but packaged with enough salt and water doable!! The interesting thing though is the increase from 1970 to 2003 is shown as only 19lbs not the higher increase I quoted first from a macrobiotic site. However the amount of processed food intake has increased greatly and I suspect that with dropping exercise rates, the rise of the computer and game consoles, then the effect has been much magnified. It may also be that the liver has a tipping point and a few more ounces was all that was needed - the reduction in fat and fibrw must also be seen to occur over this period. Curiousity lead me to this, which on reflection, shows were the extra sugar is coming from and its growth over the last thirty years: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/fts/aug03/fts30501/fts30501.pdf Yes I had forgotten fructose in fruit. Though the overall amount of oranges has not changed much with the figures provided I did wonder if home juicing is now much more common which is a different thing from easting an orange. Other fruits are adding to the fructose level. I am not sure what other fruits to look at .... Lbs of bananas per person US 1976 --19.3 1977 --19.2 1978 --20.2 1979 --21.0 1980 --20.8 1981 --21.5 1982 --22.5 1983 --21.3 1984 --22.2 1985 --23.5 1986 --25.8 1987 --25.0 1988 --24.3 1989 --24.7 1990 --24.4 1991 --25.0 1992 --27.1 1993 --26.6 1994 --27.8 1995 --27.1 1996 --27.6 1997 --27.2 1998 --28.0 1999 --30.7 2000 --28.4 2001 --26.6 2002 --26.8 2003 --26.2 These are averaged over the entire population so there may be an interesting line of inquiry that the growing older population are actually probably eating more traditionally but less than average amounts. Thats a general point. From the oranges .pdf you can see regional differences also. Having said that I thought to read the pdf further and find my gut[!] reaction was correct:
  21. Thanks for the explanation. http://downinflamesgames.com:8888/DiFPortal/default.aspx ?
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