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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. The game results file has been sent your way, John. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Just testing my new signature with the new link to the Nabla manual. Treeburst155 out.
  3. This is entirely up to Nabla. The BFC guys have chosen to go with the proportional split by removing the contested VL points entirely. I have no problem with this. Congratulations on completion of the manual, Nabla! Treeburst155 out.
  4. In the past, all PBEMs could be continued with the new patches. One player converts the PBEM file, both players apply the patch. It will be in the patch readme. I foresee no problems in this area. Treeburst155 out.
  5. So when is the official cremation....I mean coronation? Let's crown this clown before The Outlaw Justicar lops off his head. That way, we will at least get to have a royal funeral should the king Die-A-Lot Now at the hands of The Outlaw Justicar. Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes
  6. I have done penance for my long absence (you're all welcome). I have read every stinkin' post in the last three incarnations of The MBT. As squire to Senior Knight Moriarty it is my duty to support the coronation of King Meeks...and so I do wholeheartedly. Having said that, I shall NEVER fail to bold the name of Joe Shaw or any title he is given or even takes for himself. Long live King Meeks and The Outlaw Justicar!! May they Die-A-Lot Now. I've informed Roxy of recent events. She seemed quite interested. She prattled on about wanting to be queen or somefink. Unfortunately for The MBT she'll be out on parole very soon (Yes, Mr Spkr lost yet another case). I'll try to keep her away, but I can't promise anything. You know how she is. Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes and loyal subject of His Royal Highness,King Reeks
  7. OK, the deadline for main event replacements to switch to this tourney has passed. This is the list of players for the overflow tourney, along with replacements. If you see a number by your name, you are IN. If you see a letter, you are a replacement. The tourney has 24 players. If you are a replacement, don't give up yet. We'll probably lose a few when I pass out the contact lists and game schedules. A few have probably forgotten they even signed up. Overflow Tourney Roster: 1) Lindan 2) Egbert 3) Bullitt 4) Riverrat 5) Ivan_RU 6) Knaust 7) Ace Pilot 8) Liken 9) c3K 10) Asschen 11) Uberman 12) Becket 13) SgtGoody 14) Jussi Kohler (mit umlaut) 15) Barrage 16) PBIman 17) Moosehead 18) Cuzn 19) Beckman 20) NotreDame89 21) Diceman 22) Gnuif 23) Hardcampa 24) PK Replacements: A) Vihkr Sgt Kelly C) Topi D) Panzerdude E) Londoner Now I have several hours of work to do to get this thing off the ground. I think I can safely say that you will be able to start doing setups by Sunday evening. Sections will be chosen at random and posted to this thread. You will also receive emails toward the end of this week. Hang in there. You'll be on the Russian front in less than a week. Treeburst155 out.
  8. We have our first ROW III replacement hero! These are people who take over games that are well underway from fallen commanders. Mark Gallear will assume command of Red 6's forces in Section 3-3. Red 6 was bitten by the Real Life bug. Good luck, Red 6! I will send Mark's game files, passwords, etc. within 24 hours. Thanks, Mark, and good luck! Sripe!! I need the latest file you sent to Red 6. I also need your vote concerning a restart of the game. Thanks! The replacement list now looks like this: White4 Diceman NotreDame89 Tanaka Fight ON!! Treeburst155 out.
  9. Wow! It took this post for me to realize the value of Leland's work. I'm dense at times. This is truly a breakthrough. Now we need someone to make huge HISTORICAL maps. I assume there are CMMC people doing this as I type? Great work, Leland!! Treeburst155 out.
  10. Hi guys! Here's the current list. Monday evening we will know which of the non-asterisk players are in. That is the deadline for the main event replacements to make the switch. Overflow Tourney Roster: 1) Lindan* 2) Egbert* 3) Bullitt* 4) Riverrat* 5) Ivan_RU* 6) Knaust* 7) Ace Pilot* 8) Liken* 9) c3K* 10) Asschen* 11) Uberman* 12) Becket* 13) SgtGoody* 14) Jussi Kohler* (mit umlaut) 15) Barrage* 16) PBIman* 17) Moosehead* 18) Cuzn* 19) Beckman* A) Gnuif Hardcampa C) PK D) Vihkr E) Sgt Kelly F) Topi G) Panzerdude H) Londoner * denotes guaranteed slot (moved from replacement list of ROW III main event) Treeburst155 out.
  11. "Vodka slurping untermensch"....LOL! You guys are doing great with the updates. You really only need to do it once a week however. Game results are starting to come in now. All reporting players have followed my instructions very well. This I REALLY appreciate. Thanks!! Attention replacements! The replacement list currently looks like this: *) Mark Gallear (slot offerred, section 3-3) 1) White4 2) Diceman 3) NotreDame89 4) Tanaka What happened to all the replacements? Many opted to switch to the Overflow Tourney instead. The deadline for doing this is 1800 hrs (GMT -6) on Monday. All persons on the list above are guaranteed a slot in the overflow tourney until then. After that, you're stuck on the replacement list. Fight ON!! Treeburst155 out. [ January 18, 2003, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  12. Here's what the list looks like now: Overflow Tourney Roster: 1) Lindan* 2) Egbert* 3) Bullitt* 4) Riverrat* 5) Ivan_RU* 6) Knaust* 7) Ace Pilot* 8) Liken* 9) c3K* 10) Asschen* 11) Uberman* 12) Becket* 13) SgtGoody* 14) Jussi Kohler* (mit umlaut) 15) Barrage* 16) PBIman* 17) Moosehead* 18) Cuzn* 19) Gnuif 20) Hardcampa 21) PK 22) Vihkr 23) Sgt Kelly 24) Topi * denotes guaranteed slot (moved from replacement list of ROW III main event) The replacements for the main event will have until Monday to decide whether they want to switch to this tourney or not. By Monday night we'll have a final list. At that time I'll start putting this thing together in earnest. Treeburst155 out.
  13. Although I see nothing gamey in Vadr's actions, there is an interesting CM fact relating to fast moving tanks on roads. No Russian molotovs or even RPGs will get off a "shot" if a vehicle speeds right by the point of ambush. The key is speed. You can line up 20 ambushes along a city road (from buildings) and run a tank right by them all day long if the vehicle is at full speed the whole time. I suspect this is true of ALL thrown weapons. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Thanks, Scott! Here's the current sign-up list: 1) Lindan* 2) Egbert* 3) Bullitt* 4) Riverrat* 5) Ivan_RU* 6) Knaust* 7) Ace Pilot* 8) Liken* 9) c3K* 10) Asschen* 11) Uberman* 12) Becket* 13) SgtGoody* 14) Jussi Kohler* (mit umlaut) 15) Barrage* 16) PBIman* 17) Moosehead* 18) Cuzn* 19) Gnuif 20) Hardcampa 21) PK * denotes guaranteed slot (moved from replacement list of ROW III main event) Treeburst155 out. [ January 17, 2003, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  15. OK, John, you're close enough to the end. It's time to launch the rocket attack! Treeburst155 out.
  16. Sorry, Lt Bull. I'm still working on "Punch-Counterpunch", another excellent scenario for PBEM. Treeburst155 out.
  17. A bump each day keeps the search function away. Treeburst155 out.
  18. The current roster: 1)Linden* 2)Egbert* 3)Bullitt* 4)Riverrat* 5)Ivan_RU* 6)Knaust* 7)Ace Pilot* 8)Liken* 9)c3K* 10)Asschen* 11)Uberman* 12)Becket* 13)SgtGoody* 14)Jussi Kohler* (mit umlaut) 15)Barrage* 16)PBIman* 17)Moosehead* * denotes guaranteed slot. Everyone who has signed up so far is IN. I have seven slots remaining, and I have seven players still on the waiting list for the main event. This means there will be no more guaranteed slots until these seven have made their decision as to whether or not to switch to this tourney (about a week). We'll have this thing going in less than two weeks, so hang in there. EDIT: Sandy, email me. Make the subject, "Overflow". In the body type, "Sandy" followed by the email address you wish to use for the tourney. I need the email for organizational purposes. You're not signed up until I get it. Thanks! Treeburst155 out. [ January 13, 2003, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  19. The current replacement list: Replacement List: 1) sgtabell* (slot offerred) 2) Beckman 3) Cuzn 4) Mark Gallear 5) White4 6) Diceman 8) NotreDame89 9) Tanaka
  20. Calling SgtAbell!!! You're UP! You get to start from the beginning in all games. JAT has had to withdraw due to Real Life. He only sent out one setup, which you may redo. Ted, I'll see what I can find out about Zealotburner. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  21. All appears well today. Mikeydz will turn up soon I think. Can I get anyone anything? Air support perhaps? How 'bout a few extra molotov cocktails? No? OK then..... Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  22. Hi guys! Here's what it looks like: Overflow Tourney Roster: Linden* Egbert* Bullitt* Riverrat* Ivan_RU* Knaust* Ace Pilot* c3K Asschen Uberman Becket SgtGoody Jussi Kohler (mit umlaut) Barrage PBIman Moosehead * denotes guaranteed slot (moved from replacement list) Treeburst155 out.
  23. Scipio, Hitting target areas accurately with blind FOs is pure luck in CM. Whether or not your adjustment improves matters is again, pure luck. Based on my limited experience the odds are against an accurate arty strike with a blind FO. Beat the luck factor! Don't target blind. Treeburst155 out.
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