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Guy w/gun

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Everything posted by Guy w/gun

  1. Wouldn't a tank on a hill (especially a rather high one) get an increased chance to hit the lightly armored top of a tank? I have never seen this happen in the game. I would expect such a hit would most definitely knock out the tank.
  2. Uh..are you REALLY sure? From my expirience ,from others on this board and what BTS has said...Infantry getting run over by vehicles is NOT modeled (especially not friendly run-over incidents).
  3. If you had any infantry near by, the gun probably wouldn't fire. I found this out by being a sick bastard and trying to order a tank to indirect fire at my own infantry. No matter what I did, it refused to fire HE, only used it's MGs. Hey man...quit looking at me funny! I wanted to see the effects of a Churchill AVRE on infantry without having to send it into battle. I said quit looking at me that way!!!!!!
  4. Jeez you guys! I don't go into battle with out ATLEAST 8 Elite King Tigers! MUHAHAHAHA! Sorry...please excuse my attempt at Trolling. Hehehehe....uh boy... [This message has been edited by Guy w/gun (edited 02-28-2001).]
  5. I first noticed something up when there was a post by Fionn on this thread! [This message has been edited by Guy w/gun (edited 02-28-2001).]
  6. I'm just going to reply with this: I do think the general population of the US has an complex. I think that many US citizens have an unfounded feeling that the rest of the world hates them. Unfortunately, instead of intelligently analyzing why many foreign nations hold contempt (or at least a disrespect) for the US, they come up with all kinds of foolish ideas. "America's so great, everyone else is just envious"- this is a startlingly common thought for many Americans. And it's thought like this that just perpetuates the problem. Hey, wasn't this originally about some pictures posted my Rommel or something? [This message has been edited by Guy w/gun (edited 02-26-2001).]
  7. http://www.afv-uk.net/cmoutpost/index.htm Thats the URL i'm using, I keep getting the 404 error-like it doesn't even exist. I've been having trouble since Friday evening.
  8. Wow a Troll that actually responded to his original post! Me thinks you may not be a Troll after all, just misguided. I am not knowledgable enough, nor have the patience to argue. All I have to say is play more PBEM or TCP/IP and I'm sure you will see that fast turret speeds and ambushes more than make up for German heavy armor. You are aware of Hellcats, aren't you?
  9. Don't MAKE me whip out my platoon of Bump 2A6 house cats on you! (quick,somebody change the subject...I'm running out of tank names to butcher!) [This message has been edited by Guy w/gun (edited 02-22-2001).]
  10. Could someone give me the URL where the KT mod will be posted? Thanks!
  11. I could make a joke about my secret project: the Bump MkVI "Mountain Lion"...but that would be just TOO silly .
  12. Hey! That was my invention! I invented the Bump MkII in the general forum ! Finest fighting machine the world has seen... [This message has been edited by Guy w/gun (edited 02-22-2001).]
  13. A modding forum would be a huge asset. All the posts about new mod releases in one place!
  14. Yeah...maybe "over run" was a bit extreme. In my short time on this forum it just seems to be picking up lately.
  15. Those guys who come hear with bad attitudes tick me off in other ways too. They all seem to play FPS and flaunt it like they're cool. I HATE THAT!!! They give all FPS (myself included) players a really bad rap with the people here.
  16. How old is Kitty? Im 20 and I remeber watching GI Joe reruns even into the 90's!
  17. Yeah I know this one will be locked up...I just don't want to see the forum over run with Maximus2ks.
  18. Ever since I played CMBO, I hoped that it would get really popular and even those who aren't war game inclined would play just to appreciate the tactics involved. But between Benny-boy and Maximus2k, I'm beginning to think it's getting a little TOO popular...
  19. I originally wondered this myself. Then I realized that you don't *have to* wear the shirt. People probably buy them just to collect them. It would be the same as building a model of a tank from the 3rd SS Pz. Div.
  20. There is a "Desert Rat" T-Shirt for sale there. Look in the D-F section of the T-shirt section.
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