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Posts posted by Mord

  1. Forgot about the Mac Managers. I don't have a Mac so I never even think about it. the version I am talking about is for the PC. There was a discussion on here a week or two ago about it and last I read it was under going the tests. So who knows? but MadMatt said he'd post it at CMHQ as soon as it is ready and worthy.


  2. I just switched my AGP ATI 128 Rage Fury for a PCI Voodoo4 4550 PCI card.Because of the ATI card's lack of handling Fog among other things. I have a few questions.

    1. I was under the impression that I could have both cards installed because of the different slots they occupy. Can I only have one card on my comp? I have seen games where it asks which Display driver I'd like to use so I figured I could have two installed.

    2.If I can't have two cards, would I have been better off with getting the Voodoo as an AGP card? Is there a difference as far as performance goes between PCI and AGP? Is the AGP card more exspensive than the PCI?

    Thanks for your help.


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-11-2000).]

  3. The AGONY has ended!! CM arrived in the mail today!!!!!!! I am tap dancing on the ceiling!!!!!!! My woman and I were supossed to go to dinner with her friend and she told me to stay home and play 'cause she knew how much I have been wanting this!! Thanks BTS and thanks guys for all the hand holding. For the record, 10 days for me.



  4. I will say this though, seeing that I figured out what this was all about and deleted all the nastiness here before. The Pathetically Comical topic of this thread is:

    Pillar/Chupacabra. Go figure.....

    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-10-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-10-2000).]

  5. I didn't post in the last thread on this topic so I shall here. It was about a year ago I guess, I was checking out all the Steel Panthers stuff Wild Bill and his Boys were doing. I'd read an article in PC gamer or CGW about them doing a revision of SP WWII. I came across a link that lead me to Battle Front. I downloaded the demo, I guess an early beta test? and tried it for a while.

    I thought hmm interesting and that was it. It didn't do much for me then.

    Last month I went searching for some games for my brother and I came across BattleFront again. I started reading and looking, digging here and there and flipping the hell out! It really got me the second time around. I joined this forum sold most of my PC Games to buy CM and have been enamored and spreading the word ever since. My brother BTW can barely stand to talk to me any more. 'Cause all I talk about is CM. Very very soon that will be all he talks about. wink.gif


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-09-2000).]

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