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Posts posted by Mord

  1. Somehow the gunslinger grass mod changes the off map grass. you could apply his full grass mod then overwrite it with one you like and the off map stuff will stay the same. Atleast it did for me. The only way I could get the original back was to reinstall the game. Maybe someone else can add to this as I have limited knowledge of how to change it in game.

    And the game is great isn't it?! It reminds me of playing armymen as a kid. 'Cept I don't have to make the POWPOW noises!


  2. I feel there are tons of discussions going on here about all sorts of subjects. I don't see where there is a problem. Does every topic have to be an "Intellectual" conversation? It seems to me if you want a stimulating conversation post a topic. If you post something that doesn't get 500 responses maybe people aren't interested in that subject. It doesn't mean the board is falling apart with ignorant Newbies.

    Everybody has there own deal. Me, I like the lighter conversations and posts. I don't like discussing and answering questions like I am writing a thesis for my Doctorate. But in return I don't care that others do, that's their thing and occasionally I read through the ones I find interesting.

    I do feel that there has been some arrogant treatment of some of the newer members who aren't a part of the Old Boys Club, but I haven't been treated this way. I don't care that I wasn't here from the beginning nor will I ever. I am here now that's all that matters to me.

    When all is said and done it's just a game and I think we should all try and help eachother. I always try and answer questions from any member that I feel I can answer about any subject. Maybe when this is all said and done people here, old and new, will have a better understanding of eachother.

    Don't worry Pillar there are plenty of stimulating conversations to come. I kinda feel you started one with this thread, and to my disbelief the topic title didn't involve anything with 75/88/105mm in it!(anything over 30 posts usually does) smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-22-2000).]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sapper69:

    Nam had plenty of conventional battles. The VC and NVA would make excellent material.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm not arguing with you Sapper I wouldn't mind seeing it myself. But after some thought on a thread I had, I think there'd be alot more to it than what CM is at this point.

    Check out Combat Mission Vietnamers Unite thread.


  4. If this should happen Steve I hope and pray that the working relationship will be close so that you don't end up with a case of one hand not knowing what the other is doing! I think that one of the reasons that CM is so successful was the fact that there were very few cooks stirring the pot.

    But don't get me wrong I can definately see where extra help would benefit the game. But I guess I shouldn't worry you guys are gamers too.


  5. Yes it is! CM Borg you have another customer.

    Bruno, was it just me or could you hear the music accompanying Bill's speech. It rose in pitch as I pictured him pounding his fist in empahsis, a great huge American Flag waving behind him. Thank god he isn't a recruiting officer, I would've been down there signing away my long hair to the US Army...Infantry of course!

    Always a pleasure fellas!


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-20-2000).]

  6. I was in Toys R Us with my girfriend the other day getting the kids some christmas stuff when we "Happened" by the section with the GI Joes and Ultimate Soldier stuff. It took a half hour just to walk by. I was WOWing and WHOAing over everything. The 12 inch German with his motorcycle and side car really caught my fancy.

    My brother has been collecting this stuff for the last year. We had a ton of big GI Joes when we were kids. He now has over a hundred! http://www.smallblueplanet.com/

    Check out the Cotswold Line very cool German Soldiers there. Gebirsjagers and fallshirmjagers, you name it.


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