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Posts posted by Mord

  1. Calm yourself man! (Slap, shake, slap) smile.gif ummm everybody is over at the LordFluffer's thread on this very same thing. I think it may have sunk outta sight already. Hold steady from what I read very soon we will be in a flurry of downloads that it just may melt our hard drives.

    It seems many of us are going into withdrawl.


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-28-2000).]

  2. The Idea is interesting for a game, but I don't feel with the CM engine.

    There is a pretty cool robotics game out that does some of this except for the troops part that you may find fun. It is called Mind Rover. it's probably way off what you are saying but it's a neat little strategy/war/puzzle game that involves alot of vehicle tweaking. It's more along the lines of those robot gladiator contests that MIT? sponsors.


  3. Well what I am saying is that to me CM was worth over three hundred dollars. I didn't pay that outta my pocket as far as cash goes but I sacrificed that much in software to be able to get it.

    I understand where you are coming from but to me even 85 is worth the price. If they released CM2 for that price I'd pay it.

    As far as a distribution center I don't think that is likely. BTS is a very small company. But who knows maybe...


  4. 2B I sold 30 of my computer games to get the money for CM. I sold them for 65 dollars.

    30 games for 65 bucks...that's ATLEAST 300 dollars worth of games. Most of them were big name games CC2 and 3, Diablo, Starcraft,Age of Empires and so on.

    I haven't regreted it one iota. Trust me it's worth it. Exchange rate or not you'll get more bang for your buck than from any other game out there.


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-28-2000).]

  5. I understand the part about people ganging up on others because they express an opinion, I've seen this done as well and alot of times it is totally unwarranted. But in the case of poor misunderstood Tris,when you come out of the gate with both barrels blazing for no reason other than to be a jerk I guess you should expect to get pounced on.

    The way he talked to Kwazy Dog is just one example of MANY, of how dicky this guy is.

    He is nothing more than a presumptious little kid. He throws out opinions on people and is insulting and the minute anyone says anything about it they are mean nasty beasties and not contributing to CM like he is. "Mommy I was being really good and not doing anything wrong and all the other kids ganged up on me for absolutely no reason whatsoever". That is the argument he basically makes in his "Thick Skin". Like what he said to Steve after Steve stuck up for himself. "This is the way you treat a customer...."

    I don't know what world he lives in, nor anyone else here,but the background I come from, if you act like this you will eventually be punched in the mouth... repeatedly most likely. And looking at it from this vantage point I don't think that is such a bad thing.

    I had to laugh when I was called an unwashed cretin. Who the hell talks like that? Until this guy I never met someone who hides behind words.

    Well now I will retire from the Tris bashing.

    And if people on here think I and others were a little harsh towards him do some reading. I have never felt more pompously, selfrighteously, arrogantly, right about anything in my life, huh...sounds like someone I know.


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-27-2000).]

  6. Here is my opinion based on the fact that I have had 3 different Video cards in the last month installed on my system then taken back because of one issue or another.

    I started with the Voodoo 4500 32mb, the X2FSAA was very noticable and looked nice. I wasn't sure about FSAA because I had never used it. But at 1024x768 it is quite remarkable. But I had issues with the game leaving little blocks in my menu screens whenever I exited.

    I took back the Voodooo 4500 and exchanged it for a Hercules Prophet2 MMXAGP 32mB. I didn't get the blocks with this one but the FSAA sucked. After having seen it in action I have to have it when I play. The card ran fine other than that. So I took it back.

    And now I am using a Voodoo 5500AGP 64mb, it has 4XFSAA and trust me you can really tell the differents in high resolutions. But it is worse for me than the V4500 was. I get the blocks plus if I shrink out to the desk top and then go back into the game it screws up all the text and the unit info. really nasty looking, the only way to change it is to exit the game and restart.

    I have heard people say on here that you don't need the FSAA if you play in HiResolutions. Don't believe that. The Voodoo 4 and 5 have update drivers that come with a test so you can turn FSAA on and off in game so you can see the differents yourself while you are playing. There is a BIG differents.

    I'd say try the V5 the x4FSAA is beautiful and maybe you will be luckier than I with the rest of it. you can always return it if you don't like it.


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-27-2000).]

  7. Yeah well I got the 5500 after taking back two other cards and still have not found one that will play nicely with CM. But as long as I don't do a few certain things the in game graphics stay very nice in X4FSAA.

    I was to the point where I was gonna scrap the idea of ever having a newer card but just gave up on getting it to work correctly. It seems to work with other games so it isn't so bad.


  8. Tris said:You mean to tell me you cannot conceive of anyone able to go through his life not worried about what other people think of him?

    No, we can't conceive of someone being such an assh*** for no reason whatsoever other than because his ego is so inflated that he can't think straight because of his swollen cranium.

    I know you don't care what I think of you nor the others. Your the crusader of all wargames, championing the cause wherever you find it being stomped upon and only your arrogant attitude is worthy of anyone's attention! Without your refreshing, authority defying views all of us weak and uninspired boot lickers would not know the glory of wargamedom as you would

    have it be. You are the people's champion!

    Thank god you have arrived!

    No matter how you RATIONALIZE the methods in which you attempt to enlighten us all with your superior intellect, it still comes out the same. A turd is still a turd even if you tell me it's a rose. You dig?

    Now go head and tell me to go to bed.


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-26-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-26-2000).]

  9. Originally posted by Tris:

    These people are gladhanders, hangerson, gadflies--call them what you will--and it is rarely the case that they themselves ever offer suggestions of their own as to how to improve play but rather just raise their ugly collective head and try to shout down anyone else who does through the pathetic veil of "do what's what's right by" . . . The Company.

    This kinda talk is why most people come after you. Not for making suggestions,but for being so arrogant.You always make it out like you are the rebel that dares to defy the Godhead which is BTS and we are all sycophants lapping the scraps from the floor, that Steve throws, because some don't agree with how you approach things. 90% of your posts are selfrighteous and uppity and smeared with your dicky attitude. Your not the only arrogant person on here but you are one of the biggest offenders.

    It's not the suggestion making that pisses people off it's the tone in which it's made.

    Your tone is usually insulting, as I see it.

    Your not a rebel. Your just a game player like the rest of us. Lighten up a little and maybe others will as well.


    P.S I also agreed with some of the things you had to say.

    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-26-2000).]

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