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Posts posted by Mord

  1. Grass and trees/bases summer. Uniforms; US 44/45 riflesquad and German Herr plus helmets. The vehicles previously mentioned plus 105mm infantry gun. Water, dirtroad, both types of bunkers,barbed wire, rural buildings,Church, stonewall, hedge, rough, marsh, wheat, and some of the weapons the troops hold, the interface can be changed also. Sound mods will work BUT you have to change them to PCM 22050Hz, 16bit mono. Note I have a PC so I don't know how the mac sounds work if you are on one.

    Just throw all the mods you see into the game and seee what changes. have fun!

    I think that is it.


    P.S CM Is in realtime it just comes with an auto pause. smile.gif

    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-19-2000).]

  2. My feeling is this, if BTS is doing WWII do ALL of it!! The whole shebang! I know some people aren't as hopped up by one theater as opposed to another. But you know what? I bet they would be once the discussions got going.

    I wasn't that juiced about the OST front till I started reading the discussions that sprang up from the guys that were. Now I am psyched. And will be thrilled when it goes gold! As I will be with all the CM titles. Anything can be interesting if you give it a chance.

    I for one would love to get into some gritty pacific fighting in CM! I'll back it. and looking around me it seems I am in good company in so doing this.


    [This message has been edited by Mord (edited 11-19-2000).]

  3. Points well taken KwazyDog. I can't wait to see what you all are gonna do with CM2. And I am glad, in assuming that CM2 will be as graphically modable as CM is. It's part of the strength of this game, atleast in a graphics sense.

    I like the fact that one can change the visuals without screwing up the game play. As long as that remains I doubt that I will ever have a complaint about this game. EVER!


  4. Ok I unistalled the Intellimouse, changed my themes to default and unistalled the True Internet Color software that came with the card because it had some weird cursor animation with it. Well now it only leaves blocks when I have 2 sample Anti Aliasing on. If I run it in Fastest Performance mode I am fine. I don't get it.


  5. I keep getting these liitle square blocks left over from previous screens whenever I switch screens. Anybody else getting this problem. I have downloaded the updated Voodoo driver that goes with DX7. It's pissing me off. My old card didn't have these problems but it also didn't support the fog effects in the game. anybody have any idea what I can do?


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