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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Moon, I agree that this can be seen as an misunderstanding caused by the abstraction. Well, maybe this can be solved by my starting post: the 'currently incapable' thing. This can also include 'soldiers lost orientation and run into the completly false direction'. Maybe the leader will be able to ralley the unit, or the soldiers return on their own later.
  2. I've seen this in the units list of Steel Panthers. BTW, do someone know an ambush pattern for Sturmgeschütze??? If so, were?
  3. I guess one of the biggest 'problems' in CM is : it IS abstracted, but it don't looks abstracted.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: Scipio I didn't mean that the use of a Sd kfz 7/1 was gamey but that 5 tanks firing at it couldn't knock it out. But I see that that will be corrected in CM2 so am happy now. But to answer your question it's not the same thing as a mine field although I'm sure that was just trying to get your point across which I understand and agree. But the Sd kfz 7/1 was holding up my attack and had to be taken out quick before it could destroy the convey that I was moving up. It was in the open at that time and infantry couldn't even get close without being nailed and many were. I tried sneaking two bazooka teams up to pop him but that failed badly also so it was up to the tanks. Besides it pissed me off! Damn silly Sd kfz!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, to be true - I only faced that vehicel once or twice and had never a problem with it. As all low armored vehicels, they don't like Cal.50 . Anyway, the 37mm AA has a ****load of firepower. Is this an engine 'problem'? All comes down to math. Each hit has a specific chance to cause a lethal damage. To hit often increase this chance. A 37mm AA has a high rate of fire, a Sherman a relativ bad armor and a slower rate of fire.... BTW, WUFF WUFF, thanx for the bone Steve :cool: [ 09-22-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: Well I personally didn't understand or agree with comments I'd read about the Sd kfz 7/1 being gamey but in a recent game I played against the AI I now see what they were talking about. I encountered one of these super vehicles and it took out 5 of my sherman tanks just one after another. After it taking out the first tank I thought ok smart ass you're dead and sent another after him well it took that one out so I'm thinking by God you'll be sorry and sent 3 more after him. Well, shortly thereafter I had all these sherman's sitting around burning. Now the sherman's did hit or at least shoot at him but he survived all 5 so I am a firm believer in that using this vehicle is gamey. Bet I never try taking another one out with tanks. Infantry did do the trick by the way.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, so what is gamey here? A unit has taken out two of your tanks - so why do you send three others to that unit? Would you send more infantry into a known minefield just to proof if it's still excists? If the tank is not the right weapon vs a SdKfz7/1, don't try it with tanks. That's only a lesson to learn.
  6. A point I've forgotten: I always notice how idiotic infantry acts when it's under fire - it really doesn't matter by what - especially in open terrain. I'm not sure if someone at BTS was in the army. The first thing they teached us in military service is this: when someone shoot at you, bring your ass in touch with mother earth, be the smallest possible target ESPECIALLY IN OPEN TERRAIN. Don't jump up and try to run for cover if you assume that the enemy is still targeting you - try to CRAWL out of enemy sight or for a better cover. If you think you can dare to run for cover, don't change your direction, just RUN. It seems the CM drill instructors teach something else: don't get down! Turn around and go back. Be a big target, run for cover, even if the next cover is far away. The best cover are houses - once in it, the enemy only need to ruin the house to kill you etc... Even OPEN terrain doesn't mean 'no cover', it only mean 'not much cover'. Nevertheless, a soldier flat on the ground is very difficult to spot and he has much more chances to keep alive then if he tries to break the 100m worldrecord while a couple of bad guys try to improve their hitrating with him. [ 09-22-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by wadepm: MG's in the game are not as effective against a rush as they would be in real life. The MG's can only target one unit at a time so if you rush them with a couple of squads it is easy to overpower them with a smaller loss than you would expect. Is this something that will be "fixed" in CMBB?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aha - well, that's funny, I had an idea about this. Read my 'Infantry - modeled realitic' threat
  8. First, this is meant as constructive critic. I have no doubts that CM is still the best wargame on tactical level. I often thought about this in my year of CM-addiction. Infantry is displayed as one, two or three men. It represents a group of individual soldiers. This is - for several reasons - a necessary abstraction. But is it possible to spot or target them as a single unit as I can spot a vehicel? Spotting - except in VERY open terrain, you can only assess if you face a single squad or a whole battalion. If I see 12 soldiers (for example) more or less close together, how can I know if it's a complete squad or the rests of two different squads, or even the halves of one splitted squad? In CM I see two single soldier 'icons', so I know I have two targets. Beside that, how do I know if this light MG is part of a squad or a single team close to a squad? Here are also some 'wrong spottings' possible. Targeting - if I even don't know how many different units I see, how can I order to fire on a specific squad? IMO, the 'One Squad = One Target' system is a relic of the old 'I move - you move' wargames, it was just not possible to model it in another way. But in CM, we have the 'we move' system, all results and actions are precalculated. So wouldn't it be more realistic that I can order only the general area or direction were I see (or even assume) enemy soldiers and leave the rest to the Tac-AI? A whole squad of 10 soldiers can in princip fire on ten different targets at one time. Also, a single MG can targed a bigger area and several units at one time. Moral - Is it realistic that a full squad changes the moral, for example it panic or break? Well, it's not necessary to model each single soldier, but maybe it would be an idea to add a third number to the unit status : one for 'good' soldiers, one for casualties, and the third for 'currently incapable' soldiers. This can represent everything from panic, lightly wounded, stunned, weapon jammed etc. In other words, currently not able to fight, but able to recover during the battle. I could still give orders to the unit til the last soldier is incapable or gone, even if the firepower and mobility is more or less influenced. That would be much more realictic then '75% of the squad is broken, so the whole squad is broken'. Fanatic - I wonder why only better troops can get 'fanatic'. The boys from the HJ were at best 'green', but a lot of them were fanatics, and they fought very tough. It's also known that the first waves in Normandy were mostly fresh troops, cause the leaders expected that they would still continue to fight when veterans would already break. [ 09-22-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  9. What the heck is gamey on rushing an MG???? Are you joking? Gamey is : to start grumbling about the use of something that wasn't excluded before the match. Extra rules like the Short-75 are extra spice, not anti-gamey. Do you really believe that a single leader in the human history ever feared that his opponent could see a tactic as 'gamey'??? If the only way to win is an assault of cooks with fieldkitchens and pans, try it. You can even fart in the general directory of the enemy if you expect an opportunity.
  10. Wuff wuff!!! I would wiggle with my tail...but I'm not so sure if someone really want to see this. It could be taken wrong :eek: [ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  11. Oh, wait - you mean a 'Schweres Infanteriegeschütz' SIG 33?
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: In CM (and CMBB) lady luck often throws a monkey wrench into your perfectly running mechanism and screws up your plans really, really bad.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's true. I've seen I SturmgeschützIII taken 4 direct hits - the last a non lethal penetration - from a Sherman on less then 100m. Thanks god it was MY Sturmgeschütz, and it blows this f... Sherman with the first shot into heaven. I'm glad that my opponent has good nerves Even if it has never seen the light, I will be really pissed if the Germans won't have P1000 landbattleships: Weight : 1000 tons, 35m length, 15m width, 2 x 280mm guns :eek: , 8 x 20mm and 4 x 15mm [ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  13. Yes, a little bit more info would be helpful, mein Herr.
  14. Are you sure it was concrete armor, or do you mean Zimmerit coating?
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars: I love this stuff! It's amazing. All we've gotten so far is the helmets though.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shadow, I just prefer mono colour helmets, but optional camo helmets are included. Michael, thanx for the info. mPisi, for which troops you want to have it? Affentitten : excellent callsign To all : THANKS BTW, before someone pops up and call for gear - do you remember 'Saving Private Ryan', the scene when they attack the MG close to the radar station? The first they did was to throw away the gear [ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  16. I wasn't inactive during the last week: US 45 (Irish Army pattern) US 45 Para (Japanese Airforce pattern) British/Canadian/Poland (British 68 pattern) British/Poland paras (Canadian Digital pattern)
  17. I downloaded and installed the program. The first thing it does is an error message cause it don't find a file in the C:\windows\temp directory. That is no wonder, because I don't have a c:\windows directory on my PC.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: Now if you could just enjoy modding the web gear...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mh, that rises the question - how much gear would you put on your shoulders in combat? Just a few days ago I read in another post that it's usual to drop the gear for many very good reasons when the fighting starts. Of course I'm only searching for excuses - I'm just to idle for and uninterested in gear mods.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -Havermeyer-: I thought camo had been used post-D day by some allied units...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> When I think about it - I've seen some pictures of Marines or Rangers with a kind of Tiger stripes camo, at least on the helmets - but it was from the Pacific theatre. If I find something with historic US camo, I will see what I can do .
  20. First the wonder - I thought it's not possible to target a sound contact? Case: some tanks moving in through a field. I have three sound contacts and one visual contact. I unhide my AT gun without a special fireorder. The AT gun targets and fires on one of the sounds contacts while it has visual contact to another tank!!! Problem - I sometimes noticed that I have still a sound-conact-marker, even if I move a unit directly throught it. That's a little bit... and should be changed. When we are already talk about spotting, I would prefer if I could switch off the generic enemies-last-know-position markers. And BTW, the wrong identifaction of vehicels is realistic, but IMO it should be better - or just different - modeled. I would prefer to have some kind of generic marker then to see a Tiger? It irritates more then it informates. Then I noticed that vehicels are first identified completly false (my favorite a Tiger? instead of PzIV), and then it's identified exactly as PzIVJ, for example. Well, I have some knowledge about tanks, and I know : this is a PzIV, this is a Tiger, this is a Panther. But I surely don't know, is it a PantherA, G or late G. So I guess a general identification as Panther would be more realistic.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dogface21: This is a hard question to ask, mostly because its hard to describe, but here goes. I have the newest sound mod from CMHQ (So not THAT new ) and Ive noticed a pequiliar(sp?) sound during or right after a tank gets knocked out. Its like a chipmunk-hiccup-squeak-burp-like sound. Maybe its just my overly used speakers, or all those bygone highskool days of smokin', but I cannot figure out what it is. When I first heard it I thought someone was killing a small furry wooodland creature or somthing (volume a bit tooooo high.)the best guess I have it an escape hatch, but the sound of that is distinct, and differant. Maybe it is what a AP round sounds like penetrating, but that seems unlikely too. It seems to happen more often with allied vehicles, after being hit, but before escape hatch sounds. This probably sounds nucking futs, but if anyone reads this, notices the same sound, and knows what it IS please, lemme know. Thanks yall.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sounds like a case for the Master himself . Which file exactly have you downloaded? The newest mod contains only gun sounds, no tank hits. The only sound that's maybe a bit strange is the Zook/Schreck/RR. I already think about a revision. If you have used another tool to change the format from mp3 to wav than the one you can download at WFHQ, it's possible that the output format was wrong. I don't know why it happens, but I already heard about it. [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Xavier: :cool:Is it historical? It looks like modern french uniforms.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bingo! That's why I included optional sleeves with 1er Division de France Libre insignia It's unhistoric, but what should I do? The Western Allies used no camo in WWII, and the mono colours are so f... boring. Or maybe I'm a fetishist . But they are anyway modeled wrong. As far as I know they used British eqipment, not US - or is this another 'USA saved the world' campaign like 'U-571'??? [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
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