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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. I was speaking about one tank vs one tank, and my own not hidding - you damned hairsplitters
  2. Units should be ALWAYS difficult to spot unless they move or fire. The ghuman eye reacts very much on movement. A gun and even a tank in covered terrain and with some camo is indeed VERY difficult to spot. Placing a vehicel in open terraine at the beginning...I guess you have a 50:50 chance to be killed first. For me it's more important to stay covered until I figured out where the enemy is. Then I have enough time to kill him.
  3. Yep, I confirm that I have ignored this
  4. Jon, please excuse my verbal missteps. Phantom, thanks for the info. My military service is 12 years ago. I guess I have mixed up some things. BTW, decent signature
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kurtz: An explosion in an ammo dump will probably detonate some of the shells, but the rest will be scattered around undetonated. Destroying ammo by putting C-4 on top of it works fine, destroying ammo by letting some other kind of ammo explode nearby is not guaranteed to give the same results.<hr></blockquote> Who was speaking about a guarantee?
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Germanboy: Scipio - you should listen to Jon - he knows his stuff. Anyway, if you can't handle disagreement without Schmollen in the corner, why ask the question in the first place? Since you obviously believe you know the answer.<hr></blockquote> Sorry, on this board it's difficult to dicern people who know something and people who only want have the last word. As you see, I'm in the last group
  7. Jon, I wonder that you - in your long years as profesional for shells and explosives - have never seen how old ammo is usually destroyed. You dig a crater, place the shells on the ground, place a charge on the top, and BOOM. I also wonder that - during your time at the Navy SEALs - you've never learned how to destroy for example a anti ship mine: Place a (relativ) small pack of C4 on it, and blow it away. In princip, that's what happens when a shell falls from heaven into the pile of shells next to your gun. Always? No, of course not always. But often enough to consider it into the game.
  8. Okay, forget it. Everything you said is right. I'm a liar, because I excactly know that ammo NEVER explode except when it should. Please excuse that I rised your attention. I've forgotten that you have studied explosives. [ 10-23-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JonS: Incidentally, I wouldn't fart around with charge bags either, but I sincerly doubt that hitting them with a hammer would cause them to burn.<hr></blockquote> Jon, to let something explode it's not necessary that it burns. Take a bottle of liquid Nitroglyceryn and shake it. Then you will know what I mean.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Offwhite: Of course I wouldn't. I'm not disagreeing that an explosive round going off near a bunch of other rounds could set them off, just wondering how likely it is. First, it's not happening in a confined space like your example; second, I suspect explosives are less delicate than the A-Team would have me believe If somebody knowledgeable comes on and says "artillery shells can be set off merely by looking at them funny" then fine, I've been educated; I'd be the first one to enjoy the sight of ammo piles going up in-game like a Dutch fireworks factory. All I'm questioning is whether it's likely enough to bother putting in the game.<hr></blockquote> Well, I was in a 120mm Mortar platoon in my military service. Beside the shells, you have always lots of propeling charges around, depending on the type of artillery. For a mortar, it's a simple ring of dynamite, sewed in a peace of cotton. I wouldn't beat it with hammer. [ 10-23-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Offwhite: ...granted it's possible for a hit to blow up the ammo pile, but how likely is it? These are self-contained shells, not open kegs of black powder laying about. Wouldn't it take a sustained fire heating up the ammunition, or maybe a chance hot fragment that penetrated the casing and ignited the HE... but that's only one shell, and I've also read in one or two places that explosives are more difficult to "improperly" detonate than laymen like myself are inclined to think.<hr></blockquote> Well, you should ask yourself : would I take a handgrenate, throw it into a bunker full of artillery shells and wait to see what happens? Artillery can kill a tank. It can also bring shells to explosion. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by 109 Gustav: Actually, I tested this out awhile back, shooting up sherms with Pak43 88s. ( )If there's infantry on the ground next to the tanks, the explosion won't hurt them, or even scare them. Possibly this could be changed for CMBB, though.<hr></blockquote> I have seen something different today, a close platoon took 3 casualties. It was the only shoot in the test (Pak 43 on Sherman II), so there is no doubt...
  12. I wonder why the ammo pile of a gun never explodes, even if the guns gets a direct (artillery) hit. Some dozen of 15cm ammo should make a real big boom and be a bad surprise for close units. I also noticed that a burning tank never explodes with some delay. This should happen sometimes. Would be a nice effect, and also a bad surprise for close infantry.
  13. Hey, P2P is indeed the best idea! I guess all we would need is to establish some kind of name standart, so we can use the search function of those programs best. Mh - if we rename them to xyz.mp3, we could even use AudioGalaxy, it's the best P2P software I know.
  14. I just wonder - why does the Jagdtiger have it, but the Jagdpanther not? Or the JpzIV, but not the StGIII or IV.
  15. Can someone tell me what it is? If possible, translate into German? My dictionary doesn't tell me. TX
  16. Without reading all post above (I'm to drunken) : the troops are only as good as their leader. A stupid asshole can loose with an Elite force, a genius can win with conscripts.
  17. Juju, that's an interesting idea. There's a lot of free webspace out there. Why don't the modmakers search free webspace or pay on their own for the hosting, and Manx - of course only if he want to - only sort and collect the links. This would free him from limitations in webspace and traffic, and the modsluts don't need to search dozens of sites.
  18. That rises the question : how much does it cost to run an own server? I have no idea if this is an alternativ - but I'm also just curious. BTW, where should I send the check? [ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  19. That's very funny - I had the same idea in the bathtup 10 minutes ago :cool:
  20. Manx, a) thanx for everything you will find out that CM is an excellent game c) I wonder why BTS don't host the mods on their server
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Williams: Scipio, he said it would be a new engine. Our current mods will look lame compared to what will be available at that time. Look at a five year old game. See how primitive it looks now. Five years from now, today's games will look just as primitive. Computing power doubles every 18 months or so. This is a good thing. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Who is talking about five years? I hope CMBB will be already out in less then 5 month! Haven't you seen the CMBB screen shots? All I know about the graphics is that they use Hi-Res textures instead of the CMBO Low-Res. Well, all my mods are HiRes anyway, I only want to know if CMBB also use the same file format - bmp and wav.
  22. Well, can now somebody answer question a?
  23. Matt, but I hope we will be able to use our graphical and sound mods???
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by redwolf: What I said in the paragraph you quoted is that the/one reason for the other semi-heavy weapon, the LMG, to be integrated with squads in CMBO is that the LMG should survive the death of its initial owner. This doesn't apply to the flamethrower, as not every idiot in the squad can handle a flamethrower. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is maybe one reason for the LMG (I don't know). But what makes you believe it is also a must for the FT? If the FT owner dies, he is dead and the FT is gone. Michael, that's a point, but the squad speed isn't influence by the LMG. I havn't tested it, but I assume if the squad lost his LMG, it won't be faster than before. [ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
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