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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene: No mods are needed <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Blasphemy!!! Check this : COMBAT MISSIONS Combat Mission HQ WarfareHQ Toms CM HQ [ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  2. Ace, Select a scenario Read the description Select your side Select PBEM as connection type Fell addicted Purchase the full version
  3. I've read an articel (by Wolfgang Fleischer, Waffen-Arsenal S-54) about the 7.5 AT-gun 40 and the first experience with it at the front. 6-12 shots on a distances of 1000-1500m were necessary to shot down an enemy tank. And this result was already seen as very good. The 7,5AT-gun97/38 needed double so much! So much about 'guns are not accurate enough in CM' (mea culpa). It seems they are still to accurate. And here are some casualty stats: in 1943 7334 ATG40 were produced, 2332 destroyed in 1944 10937 were produced, 7579 destroyed
  4. Boys, there are several great British tanks at Manx' COMBAT MISSIONS site. About the Winterized Marder : I'm currently planing something.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by massimorocca: They are CMMOS compatible, I hope? Very well done Scipio. Massimo<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No. I started this program only once on my PC, it produced an error message, and that all I know about it. Beside that I'm allergic vs centralized admin. Long live the rebellion :cool: But I'm sure that the evil CMMOS empire will conquer this mod soon .
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sgt Steiner: Hi Scipio Nice Mod, from whence will it be available (Warfare HQ ?) and when ? Cheers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WarfareHQ supports many wargames, and I won't turn it into my private mod site . So I've sended the mod to Manx today - I hope he will be contented with the quality and post it, but of course I don't know how long it will take.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeT: This mod will come in more handy than you might think. Some good news coming for all you guys with a Russian front interest. MikeT<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To be true : I live in the hope that BTS continues their 'support' for modmakers with BMP and WAV file format. Mods are for me a great attraction! The winter tanks I made are already planned for CMBB use .
  8. I made winter issue of a tricolor camo mod for Sturmgeschütze by Fernando J. Carrera Buil.
  9. As modmaker and mod addicted, I agree to this : if the original producer has given his permission and is credited, everyone can do what he want, and may post where he want. Of course only if he is good enough [ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  10. Hey Manx, I've transmitted a mod a few days ago. Have you received it? I got no message from you.
  11. 1) I want to be able to change the screen resultion in the game (without deleting any files) 2) I want to see the real scenarios view range. Best would be if everything beyond the view range fades in fog (could be switched on/off). This information is very important for the planning, but often hard to determine for the player.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rodimzew: ..., but i propose not to change anything if the game speed will be decreased therefore... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WHAT? Shame on you! Gimme reality or gimme dead <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Really big tank battles might be dreadful if the mentioned reality is implemented.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I disagree. Tankbattles can't be simulated realistic if tanks are not modeled realistic. This includes of course the all aspects of gun fire. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And however, there are reasons for a loss of accuracy, because the muzzle velocity of guns depends on air pressure, air temperature, ammunition temperature. Furthermore there are environmental effects as wind and maybe at least the gunners whisky after scoring a kill, which also reduces accuracy <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, but nothing of it is modeled. It's even not abstracted. [ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  13. I notice that more and more mods come out with 'CMMOS' support? The only thing is does is to produce an error message on my PC, and then I see an empty screen and can do nothing with it. Have I missed somthing? BTW, I read the 'manual', but to me it appears that I need to study encryting techniqunes to make my own 'ruleset', and it seems to be a ****load of work, too.
  14. Slap, forget it, received something a minute ago. Thanx to all.
  15. Mr. J, I didn't mean that I want to know how they look, I need something to extract the pattern for a mod. Slap, can you send me the pics, or are they somewhere in a book?
  16. I have heart few rumours about this, but do someone know more about it? BTW, I guess most agree that exploding houses looks really nice, but the flat tile that represents a ruin doesn't.
  17. I'm looking for pics or patterns (colored) of the US WWII camo uniform, it was something green with brown dots - if IRRC the USMC used them in the Pacific.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel: I agree w/ the not-under-fire situation. However, the dumb-founded luck is still there even on the best undetected 1st-shot & subsequent shot scenario. I agree with you that ATG accuracy is quite maddening at times. I still sweat the quality of the game though. CMBB w/ its tank morale and such should provide us with...new reasons to nitpick this (great!) game ;><HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree that it's a great game. I few minutes ago I watched an PBEM turn with two of my tanks hunting an Sherman, and sweated blood and tears. :cool: Oh, the 4th shot of one tank hits deadly. Maybe they should keep the 'errors' amd problems and missunderstanding. What else should we discuss here??
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enoch: I think the acquistion modifier is pretty clear. How often do you seen a tank that has scored a hit on another tank miss with subsequent shots? I can say that I often see guns that score hits do not miss very often afterwards.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And in a test I've seen an AT that has hit once than missed 17 shots in a row. Or very often 3 three missed - hit - hit - 5 missed - hit - missed etcetera. [ 09-28-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel: True, but you don't see things such as a crew getting nervous the 1st two missed and rushing the 3rd shot, or some 1 out of 100 genuine goofball adjusting the sights/dials/whatever wrong, someone hard of hearing misinterpreting the gun crew chief's command in the loud sounds of nearby combat,etc. Luck, and having the odd gunner who is from the shallow end of the gunnery gene pool would seem to be abstracted in.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's right if the gun is under fire and the battle is full running. But in a situation when the gun firse under best circumstances you will see the same results.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: I disagree with that too. There is a targeting aquistion bonus modeled in the game. Every shot on a target has a greater chance of hitting the target than the shot before. you may not actually see the shots getting closer to the target, but the chance to hit goes up after every missed shot and I don't think you could really call that an abstraction? Could you? -tom w<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I started a threat about that some time ago, and I run several tests about it. If there is a bonus, I wasn't able to verify it. I wouldn't call it an abstraction - I would call it 'not modeled' and only named 'abstarction'.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: if the game showed it's intestines to us it would look much less enjoyable. for example, the tanks as used in the armor model would be square boxes that resemble more the generic grey sound-spotted ?-tank instead of the mult-facetted way they really looked and how they are visually modeled.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, I don't want to see the 'reality' like Neo did in 'Matrix' . I mean, it would be really great if the abstractions are replaced with more reality. To use then gun-example again - shot one 100m to far, shot two 50m to short, shot three hits, what describes (raw) how gun targeting works in reality. (To explain: the biggest aiming problem is always the unknown distance to target). Some misunderstandings can be simply avoided with more differenced messages. For example the damage a hit causes on one of my tanks.
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