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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Well, Andreas, I see the problem. But your arguments rises other questions : why can a (light) gun not 'run' (well, move a bit faster) as shown on one of your pics? Where are the 50 shells on you pics? Finally, why does a gun/mortar crew not tire when moving? Or have I missed this feature?
  2. I don't agree to the simple arguments 'can't be modeled' and 'not usefull'. First, I don't speak about cavalery. They maybe had some moments at the EF, but...you know? Horses as transport could enhance speed of heavy support weapons up to normal 'infantry walking speed'. Also in terrain that normal vehicels can't enter ( I assume that also in heavy woods are pathes, even if they are only abstracted in the game). Can't be modeled? Well, it might be difficult to display horses, for several reasons. But as abstraction? I see two simple ways (speaking as somebody who don't need to hardcode that, of course) 1) Horses are only displayed in the description, for example of a gun. If they get lost, by whatever reason, the weapon looses all or most mobility. 2) Instead of horses, display a simple wooden wagon with a driver on it. This might look a bit odd, but damn, it's just an abstraction, and we all known what is meant. Is a special 'moral' for animals needed? I don't think so. If a horse panics, it runs away and is gone until the battle is over, I don't think that a normal person is able or willing to catch it and bring it back while the bullets are flying. If something happens that makes the crew panic, you can be sure that the horse panics as well. On the tactical combat scale, it makes a difference if you need 1 minute or 10 minutes to move a short distance.
  3. Hi folks, I'm preparing a set of light snow ground, but have to notice that the tree bases doesn't fit optimal (See screenshot below). Is know if light snow tree bases uses a different set of bmps, and if yes, which? [ December 02, 2002, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  4. Huh? Who is talking about ladders? I'm talking about victory points in game. You know that the victory is calculated with points, yes? Generally, I think the problem is not that tanks bog, but that they get immobile so often. At least for me it would solve the problem if the number of tanks getting immobile after bogging would be strongly reduced. BTW, do anybody know if the experience of the crew has any influence on it, and if not - why not?
  5. THX Michael, the tip is good. Anyway, I think this info should be made available - BTW, does the game even informs me that an auto-ceasefire is ordered for my troops?
  6. Well, I also don't like to loose so many tanks to this - and this includes the tanks of my opponent!!! An immobile enemy tank somewhere far of the front is a tank I can't kill! This means in game terms, I loose the chance to make a lot of points for my victory. In a current battle my opponent had several Elephants - and lost them all to bog/immobile in the first half. I never had a chance to fight those tanks with my IS-II. I have no idea if I had chance to win against them, but my opponent was so frustated that he just given up. This is not the way I like to win a battle. I think if a feature reduces the game fun so much, it strongly should be reconsidered. [ December 01, 2002, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  7. First sorry if I don't use the right English terms - I have only the German manual. The manual says when troops run out of ammo, this will cause an automated offer to cease fire (I assume secretly). Can somebody tell me more about this? Does this function sum up the ammo of my whole force, similary to the general moral? Is this information shown somewhere in the game (about my own forces only, of course)? If not, why not?
  8. Note that Steve asked for save game files showing the error 'cos they hadn't seen it at BFC - so if you've got some perhaps you should send them to him. ciao Mike</font>
  9. I guess the question is still not answered, so : *BUMP*
  10. No, the FO did not change his position, and his LOS was not blocked by smoke or dust or whatever.
  11. Well, I think so, but in the heat of the battle and because they were so far of target I have not seen them - I just heard a single artillery round coming down. Indeed I already had problems to locate the main barrage because it was so far of target.
  12. Well, that's what I think, but it doesn't seem to work that way? :confused:
  13. That's something I have seen in a current battle. I give an artillery order with LOS, the shells come down far away from the sheduled target. Well, **** happens. I give a correction order, and after the delay, the shells fall again to same wrong target zone. I just wonder - is it a bug, or is sheduled that way?
  14. 1)Mh, I see the point, but... I have two platoons in command range. I order platoon one to run 50 meters and stop in cover. Order delay - 10 seconds. I order platoon two to assault 70 meters, delay 12 seconds - so does it need only two additonal seconds to plan an assault? At the end of the action phase - platoon two (assault) has reached the position in 59 seconds. Assault is ordered to platoon one now. Delay twelve seconds again. Platoon one reaches position after (at all) 92 seconds. I guess it would make more sense (even after reading the earlier answer by KwazyDog to Captain Wacky) to just add an additional time delay (maybe 5-10 seconds) when I order a movement + assault. Surprise is often important for an assault. Because of the borg spotting, somebody else (not the sheduled target, for example a tank) has noticed my assault. Because of the additional delay, the tank has time enough to move away and/or open fire on my men.
  15. 1) Why can't I combine the 'assault' command with other commands? It would be very helpfull especially in infantry vs tank combat. Typical situation - I have some infantry ~30-60 meters away from a tank in a wood. I want them to assault the tank. If I order them to assault the tank, they run straight to it and get butchered in the open. I can not order to move closer to the tank in covered terraine with waypoints and assault only the last few meters, cause 'assault' can't be combined. If I only order normal movement with waypoints, they move close to the tank and stay there instead of attack the tank with handgrenades/special weapons (except they have Panzerfausts). 2) It would be a small, but nice improvement if a hidden FO automatical unhides when I give him a fire order - like any other unit. 3) Why can a sniper not 'advance'?
  16. No - this is the list I have mentioned in my request. BTW, please care about your own biz if you have nothing to say on topic. Thank you.
  17. Mh - isn't this the list from the first announcement??
  18. Is there an updated list with bugfixes, adds etc available? I remember only the one from the first patch announcement.
  19. Well, and now back to the initial question...
  20. It was a PC game in ancient times - when games where started in DOS and we had to make the soundcards setting manually. I guess it was the time when the page three girls were still older then me...
  21. It seems to me that the chance to get a snow map is very low with random weather setting in QBs, even in the winter month - November (snow falls early in the east) to February - and with temperature set to extreme cold. I have not run 1.000.000 tests to verify, but I think the chance should be close to 100%, but in about 10 setups I never get a snow map. Has sombody more experience on that?
  22. I just wonder (okay, I'm currently to idle to test ) Do tanks trigger off AP mines, and if not, why not?
  23. You don't like my winterized KV series. IGOR, bring a rope, quick. Life is senseless to me now. [ November 16, 2002, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  24. Colonel, check the Ranks and Rating system @ WarfareHQ. We use indeed two different ladders, one is an alltime ladder for simple point scores (to get a rank), the other uses an (AFAIK) unique rating system (developed by me ) that considers the victory level and rating of a player and is nearly independent from the number of reported games. [ November 16, 2002, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
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