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Robert Olesen

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Everything posted by Robert Olesen

  1. Kaiser, I don't understand. The campaigns I offer for download have the names genereted by CM IIRC (as I had no clue what they should be). These names should stick from battle to battle, as should the changes you decide to make to them, if you do as the rules suggest. So, what's the problem?
  2. Those guns are quite rare, so you won't be allowed to buy them very often. Be on the lookout for no rarity limit when the enemy has an Armored force. I guess it won't happen very often.
  3. 88mm, I'll update the rules to state that it is possible to change the direction of the battle, but I won't require it as it is a complicated process and the gain is purely cosmetic. Kaiser and ParaBellum, thanks for the praise and I'm glad you're enjoying it. That's why I made it. Danish Dynamite :eek:
  4. Minor? Seems a large one to mee. I can think of two possible explanations. a) You're using an untested version combination of Excel and the OS There's an error in your input to the spreadsheet. Email me the spreadsheet with version info and I'll see if i can reproduce the problem. The QB generator cannot import the map orientation with a map. It simply assumes the default East edge for Allied and West edge for Axis. I used to have a rule reversing map edges in retreat battles, but I removed it when I discovered this incapability. So, you might as well not try to reorient the map in the editor - Or did you manage to succeed in doing this? Your text might read that way. Please advice me if you actually made it work. I was pretty sure it can't be done. [ November 19, 2003, 01:53 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  5. Frans, two good catches: 1) On Mortars. You're right, they don't count for experience. I'm not sure if they should. I have a feeling that knocking out a gun is more important than a mortar, esp. a 50mm mortar, but it's not based on facts. I'd appreciate some comments on that from others. I could differentiate the amount of experience you get for mortars, e.g. requiring you to get two before you get an experience point, but that's not a minor change as I'd have to add a column to the core force sheet and redo the numbering of the columns. 2) On Replacement experience. There is a discrepancy, but I don't think it's the one you're addressing. Replacement and core force updates is happening between the old and new battles, so the die roll modifiers could conceivably come from any of those months. I realized this just as I needed to finalize the spreadsheet and rules for publication in PC4War - I had to freeze them by the end of October. I'm inclined to assume that the replacements arrive in the month that you lose the men, if only to keep the rules simpler. But you're right, the value is needed when you upgrade the core force. I'll add it to the Control Sheet. Mafiozo: You put the ROQC files in any odd directory. I recommend making a directory for the rules files and another for each campaign. Interaction with CMBB is described quite well in the rules and in the first post of this thread. You don't need any of the ROQC files in CMBB proper (except for the .cme files included in the campaign downloads), they are used separately for keeping track of your battles. Keep me posted if you're still confused.
  6. Traffic control is a p.i.t.a. in CMBB and CMBO. They must have forgotten to include MP's in the unit list That was good advice, MikeyD. I didn't know why my armor was so SLOW in rotating in place. I guess anything that talkes something away from the player's god-like abilities is good, but I'd still like a "follow that vehicle" command.
  7. I have a P3/550, 256Mb RAM, 32Mb video card and CMBB runs reasonably well on that. Battles tend to be slow when the battle size goes much above 1500 points, at least when the damage setting is high, but I tend to avoid large battles anyway. I'm not happy to hear that CMAK is harder on the graphics card, but I guess that's an inevitable development.
  8. As do I. You have a chance if you can get close enough. Or buy yourself some AT ability (guns or teams) next time. Or add an AT gun to the core force (when you can afford to do so). It's on the right side - just below fitness. The button says Standard name - click on it and you'll get the option "Special Name", which is what you want.
  9. In the editor. Load the core force file and edit the units you want to rename. You can get armor support in a battle if you have a force mix that allows armor, and you have the points to buy armor. The armor is then part of the suport force. You can also add armor to your core force if you have enough Favor and is inclined to do that. I'm not sure how common it was for a German infantry company to have armor support on a regular basis, but you can choose to ignore that issue.
  10. I probably just answered this one on email. But here's the answer, just in case and so that others may see it: That should probably read "load the core force file" You're supposed to create the core force file yourself, then use that as a basis for each battle. The core force file is created using the editor, and contains the core force units plus the time and place. That's pretty much all. It's described in 3.6.3 in the rules. This file facilitates maintenance of your core force and also eases the job of editing the ammo load for the core force units down to 0. You won't have to do that for each battle, only when you set up the file and upgrade a unit. The example campaigns on the ROQC site come with core force files. The core force file is - in effect - the current status of your core force. It also serves as a basis for setting up each battle. This way of doing things doesn't allow for importing maps, as you can't import a map into the editor (for some unfathomable reason - it's an obvious feature, but I guess it fell out of the priority list). Being able to use existing maps is one of the things I'd like to look into. Eventually. [ November 01, 2003, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  11. Thanks a lot, Screaming Flea but there's an identical release thread here (see my sig). It might be an idea to watch both if you're interested, however, as the questions and answers in both may differ. But I'll make sure to post important rules clarifications and updates in both threads.
  12. Thanks, everyone I'v been away for a few days, let me see if I can pick up on the answers API's are an interesting thought. I tried using Open office, but it uses Java, not VB, and simply commented out all my VB code. I guess the solution could be Java that's accessed from VB, but it's bound to require a good deal of work. Probably easier to write a complete, independent Java application. I have no plans for doing that - I'm not very used to Java (to put it mildly). HawkerT: I'll look forward to those error reports. Eeh, I mean, I'll look forward to not getting any, but I'm happy that you'll post those you find. The intention of the PanzerJäger campaign is to limit your core force to Tank Hunters / Tank Destroyers - i.e. no infantry. But you're free to modify this of you like to limit your vehicles to those types. Whatever you find interesting. I don't expect I'll ever organize a danish CMXX event, I have to admit that I have never played CMBO or CMBB online. But I had contact with a Dane a couple of years ago wo did organize events for CM. I have lost contact with him and have a feeling he dropped out of CM. Let's continue this on email of you'd like more info. I'll have to dig out his name and email addy. Where in Denmark are you located? I'll think about that pbem opportunity. I barely have time for the one ongoing pbem I have, but it's interesting nonetheless. Scarhead: I got those files today, but haven't had a chance to look at them. I have made a couple of feeble atempts at requesting features for CM that would help me in the campaign, but I guess a coordinated email would be a good idea. I'll have to think about the features I'd like to have. There are a few. I'll drop you an email with these (or you could send me one first). I wasn't aware that there was an email address you could use for requests like this. I'm probably also interested in making use of your maps sometime - but it all takes time and effort. [ October 30, 2003, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  13. Don't worry. I have no intention of copyrighting this. It doesn't feel right.
  14. Hi, I just wanted to say thanks. Mostly to Biltong (if he reads this), but also to everyone who keeps BCR alive. BCR was what set me on the path towards ROQC. I played BCR and found that while it was fun and interesting, it wasn't quite what I wanted. The fact that BCR could be done inspired me to do a campaign to suit my own tastes. So I did. Scarhead, check out my spreadsheet if you haven't done so already. It's quite nifty and might provide some inspiration to yours. Which reminds me - I should check out yours. Is it available?
  15. Oh, you might consider using a lower difficulty level if you want to use FTR. The campaign has not been playtested using those rules. I'll be interested in hearing how it goes.
  16. You're welcome Not completed campaigns. Just starting points, in the form of a spreadsheet and the core force .cme file. Still, a good help. I will, in the future, offer custom campaigns with customized rules. The Guderian campaigns in the rules is an example - taking a core force from Guderian's PanzerGruppe from June 41 to December. The special rules will take care of the shorter timespan and tailor the battles to the historical setting for that force and time. But I haven't got a spreadsheet that supports this yet. Frikorps Danmark (a battalion of Danish SS volunteers) is another similar project I have in mind.
  17. That's not my experience. Lack of ammo and lack of willingness to move forward could well put a stop to the attack before time runs out. I have used the same pbem opponent for some time, and we have agreed to put a long time limit on the next battle to make sure that we don't hit an artificial time barrier. But we know and trust each other, and we're not in a strongly competitive situation. That might make a difference.
  18. Version 1.00 of ROQC is now ready for your pleasure! Get it here Lead your men across the Russian steppes or through the Finnish forests. Up or down the Baltic coast or towards Moscow or Berlin. The choice is yours. Take a platoon, a company, a mixed force, a battalion or even a single tank. Watch your men fight, learn, gain medals, become casualties, get replaced and - if you're doing well - get rewarded with better equipment. Your core force can be German, Soviet or Finnish. You can decide what your force will be, but not what the enemy will be. ROQC is designed to adjust to provide the proper level of difficulty for you, so that the games against the AI will be challenging and varied. Some will be easy, some will be very difficult. The battles you get are generated on the basis of the strategic historical setting at the time and region of the battle. Your job is however to fulfil an operational order that simulates the local situation at regimental level. This usually involves winning in Combat Mission terms, but not always. Different operational orders emphasize different goals. For example, Exploit requires you to exit a mechanized force off the enemy side of the map and Hold requires you to hang on to the victory flags, no matter what. To be a bit more specific: In ROQC you take a core force through a series of quick battles against the AI, interspaced with some bookkeeping. Your core force participates in all battles, and is supported by (or supports, if you prefer) varying troops from your side. This is basically what you will do 1. Pick a nationality, time and place 2. Select (if this is the first battle) or update your core force. 3. Set up and play a quick battle following these rules. 4. Record and process data from the battle 5. Advance the time of the battle and go to 2. Repeat until finished. That?s all, really. You will be using both the editor and the QB generator, but it?s all explained in detail. Don?t worry; you can accomplish this even if you have never opened the editor before. There is a spreadsheet that automates pretty much everything, including setting up the sheet for the next battle. Highly recommended. It really makes using ROQC very easy. The spreadsheet is programmed in Excel using VB, which will unfortunately make it unavailable to some potential users. But you can stil use ROQC, as the necessary tables can be printed. It's more tedious without the spreadsheet, but not more tedious than BCR without automation ROQC Version 1.00 is the result of more than 6 months of development and testing. It is a great product, and I'm proud to release it in the shape it has. Many thanks to the testers - I didn't do it all alone, though I ofc. did drive the process. At the ROQC website you'll find, besides the campaign itself, updates and add-ons (e.g. more suggested campaigns) and - in time - a list of problems and suggestions. So, go ahead and enjoy That's what it's all about, really. I find ROQC both fun and addictive. To provide a bit of spice I have added an image from my latest campaign, where my core force consists of a single SU122 and starts in January 1943. It shows an artillery top hit, probably from an 81mm mortar. Those tanks are some tough bastards. The crew didn't even budge. And finally, for the curious, here's a link to the previous thread discussing the development up to version 1.00
  19. Thanks, Specs I'm glad you enjoy it. There is a small error in the 1.00a spreadsheet. It doesn't subtract the Favor you use for upgrades from your total. Please do that manually by editing the Favor At Start value after upgrading.
  20. I'm getting very close to version 1. It isn't quite ready yet, so I have made the files available directly instead of on the usual web page. Get them here: Excel spreadsheets Rules in MS Word format Rules in pdf format This is version 1.00a. Version 1.00 will be published in ca. one week and will be almost identical to these. I'll be fixing errors and I have one small balancing issue that needs to be decided. The reason for the tight deadline is that I have been offered publication on a magazine CD in France (in French), with a relatively large number of CM players amongst its readers . That's perfect timing, the campaign is now ready to go public. The biggest change from 0.97 is a fully automated spreadsheet with bells and whistles. It really makes things a lot simpler. Highly recommended
  21. Yes, please - I'd love to have a link to those too.
  22. Thanks, Grisha. I need this info to provide a reasonable probability in ROQC of a night attack when the Soviet's are attacking. It's a good mechanism for adding spice to the campaign, provided it's a reasonable simulation. I read from your answer that Soviet Probes are another candidate for night attacks.
  23. Thanks, von Paulus, but the http://http//www.worldwar2.ro/ link redirects to http://www.web1000.com/ The other site has a lot of detail, but not a lot of historical overviews
  24. In order to do a proper implementation of the minor axis allies (Romania, Hungary, Italy) in ROQC I need some info on what they did on the east front and when. I have found some decent info on Hungary here and on Romania in the same place. That's pretty much all I could find doing a google search, though I could probably dig up more by a creative and lengthy use of search keywords. I have not been able to find anything useful on Italy. And the above sites provide an overview, but do not tell me in much detail what kind of action the Romanian and Hungarian forces participated in and when. Hopefully there's someone here who can point me in the right direction, preferably a web link, though a book is also useful. [ September 28, 2003, 10:14 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  25. I'm reading Allan Clark's Barbarossa to give me some background info for ROQC. Due to the work entailed in udating ROQC and other obligations, I have only managed to get a bit over halfway through. I noticed, however, that he mentions several times that the Soviets had a preference for doing local counterattacks (during German offensive operations) at night. Is that a true observaton, and does it apply to the whole east front theatre (there obviously weren't any major german offensives late in the war, but they did have some relatively large attacks).
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