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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. I know that a sky mod is available, because I have seen CM screenshots at CMHQ and on the forum which have nice, sunny or moody skies. Can anyone help? I have looked about quite a bit already. ------------------ [This message has been edited by an international conspiracy of Euro-Anarchists.]
  2. A CM setup is in your email inbox right now. I will post a post-game report to the forum when I have pulverised you. Good luck!!
  3. Looks good... but I'm on Macintosh :-( ------------------ [This message has been edited by an international conspiracy of Euro-Anarchists.]
  4. Is there any place other than the CMHQ to download the mod packs? It's just that I am not getting good d/l times. It'd be great if they were on Hotline, as I can resume the download if I get disconnected. ------------------ [This message has been edited by an international conspiracy of Euro-Anarchists.]
  5. Malmvig, I consider myself still be a newbie at CM, but soon I shall sign up at tournament house, and I will beat everyone!!
  6. Yeah exactly. What's the harm in posting PBEM requests? There are always a few in the General Discussion. Maybe a-holes like Hofbauer won't flame me if I post in the technical and scenario forums.
  7. Cyberfox, I'd love to play you at Combat Mission. I'll mail a setup on a medium sized map later today.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>what about his: how about every dimwit and his brother posting their PBEM offers on the forum?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hofbauer, I am new to Combat Mission so I apologise if I have offended you. When I last checked, the number of discussions on the General forum is something like 20 times that of the next biggest CM forum. I have seen plenty of PBEM invitations in this forum, so I thought that I would do the same. So Mr Hofbauer, once again can I apologise for not starting a topic about hamsters or CM Borg. I am sorry that your wise eyes and sharp mind had to take in my topic amongst all the other topics, and I am sorry for making you click on the topic link, and then writing such an eloquent reponse.
  9. I like to have 3 PBEM games at a time, and at the moment I only have 2 running, so if anyone wants a game on a small-ish map then let me know, I'd say I am still a beginner so newbies are welcome. eolfreddy@hotmail.com PS, I will probably post an after-game report to the forum. [This message has been edited by M. Bates (edited 09-15-2000).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Does the governemnt buy you CM and computers to play it on?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes!! Under the Commission for Official Movement of Materials to Initiate Equality, I received a brand new G4 Cube and a gold plated copy of Combat Mission. My wealthy neighbours look at me in envy, even though food dribbles from my chin. ------------------ [This message has been edited by an international conspiracy of Euro-Anarchists.]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Here in the US, where BTS lives and works, we have this concept we like to call "capitalism". Basically, it means that the fact that BTS is making some amount of money does, in fact, make it "right". See, making money is exactly what the entire point of business ventures are.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Muhaha! You are mistaken! We European comrades live in a glorious socialist international community! We pay twice or three times as much for fuel, but we don't mind! The capitalists are in envy of our 50% GDP tax rates and communist-style health systems! Our governments pay us money not to work and so we can watch Jerry Springer all day long! Forward Comrades!! (This message was meant to be sarcastic, and is by a European).
  12. Edited by Steve because of some strange problem M.Bates, you are welcome to try it again. Steve [This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 09-14-2000).]
  13. I heard that BTS will be charging $20 for the TCP/IP patch. Then again, I could be lying. ------------------ [This message has been edited by an international conspiracy of Euro-Anarchists.]
  14. Is everyone who answered gashford's question on drugs? Why hasn't anyone answered the question?? Gashford, I don't think that tanks etc provide any cover for infantry. Before I have been in situations where I presumed that it would, but apparently this isn't the case, maybe because Combat Mission isn't a "true 3D game" - for example, you can't go under bridges, and in two storey houses, men of each floor are not *really* above each other. ------------------ [This message has been edited by an international conspiracy of Euro-Anarchists.]
  15. Yeah, when is TCIP? I want TCIP now!!
  16. Excellent answer. Exactly what mods would you recommend I get? ------------------ [This message has been edited by an international conspiracy of Euro-Anarchists.]
  17. Just wondering about these new texture/paint jobs, are they worth downloading? Especially since on a Mac, you need a go-between application to use them. Are they modified versions of the original? Also, are there different paint schemes for Summer and Winter? Can you notice the difference, as I for one play mostly with the 2 widest camera angles.
  18. Count me in! I couldn't understand that CMHQ campaign thing, but this sounds good. eolfreddy@hotmail.com
  19. I think I will drop support for the site, since it will just get spammed and abused so much. Perhaps I'll look at creating a site for casual players, but Battlefront.com surely must have a drop down link menu or something for community sites. Otherwise people just post useless messages to forums in order to publicise their site. ------------------ ==================== Combat Mission by ICQ http://go.to/combatmission
  20. Excellent, thanks for the comments. Echo's idea is very very good. I shall host a form where people input their playing preferences, and then I will post a list of ICQ numbers/email addresses together with their playing tastes. ------------------ ==================== Combat Mission by ICQ http://go.to/combatmission
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Pham, Is my signature acceptable? ------------------ Pham911 is an asshole<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh my God! Ban him! Ban him now! Ban the blighter! ------------------ ==================== Combat Mission by ICQ http://go.to/combatmission
  22. What do you mean, functional knowledge? It's just a little thing which people can leave on when they are connected to the internet. Then they can send messages, chat or swap files. ------------------ ==================== Combat Mission by ICQ http://go.to/combatmission
  23. Also, go the site in my signature and let me know if you think it is a good idea. ------------------ ==================== Combat Mission by ICQ http://go.to/combatmission
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