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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. Beer is good. Jaegermeister is just downright rude stuff. Beer is good. Beer is good. Pseudo is running out of grunts. Beer is good Watson must be suprised by the hill climb to his front. Beer is good. Axe needs to send me a setup. Beer is good. Stalin's Organ/Mike's Tiger done whupped my A. Beer is good.
  2. Dunno, but it sounds like painful shrinkage. Turns out to all, and to all a good turn.
  3. 3/4 inch of armored steel plate at 800 Meters. M2 HB ground mount .50 Cal Browning SLAP (Armor Piercing Ammo) 1988
  4. Damn Skippy. I take being a Southerner seriously! I only own 28 or 29 of the things. That and 16 years in the Army.
  5. Nah, overcharge them on touristy stuff. Oh, wait. That would mean that Canadia has anything tourists would want to see (Other than the sets for "The Great White North") 1. Snow 2. Really cold weather 3. Snooty Quebec french people 4. really cold weather Hmmmm. Gimmie a Bourbon and Coke, and a slab of Ribs.
  6. GGRRAARGGHHHH! Turns out to all. Axe, you Yankee Non-turn sending gimp, send a turn! I last sent you a turn on the 27th! Pseudo, send a setup of doom. Mike, I am going to kill you daid. Wasten, you wuss. Bwahaahaaaaaaahaahaaahaaaaahaahaa
  7. Nah, wrong thread. In THIS thread, Little Boy picks up a PPSH and empties the drum magazine on the Nazi Pig. He then hangs him, kills him, kills him again, skins him, and uses his shin-bone for a pencil box. Molten TNT is the way, 'boys.
  8. I ignore the taunts, as I am now on the new thread! Nyah, nyah, nyah. BTW Pseudo won, Axe died badly, Mike from NZed is gonna die.
  9. The best thing about the Andy Griffith show was to make a drinking game out of it. Consume your favorite beverage anytime anyone said "Hey Andy". Mike of New Zedland, the land of lots of sheep, I sent you your danged blanged turn earlier today! Like it's gonna do you ANY good! We appreciate Kitty, unlike some Maggots.
  10. Better than bent over with the lighter in hand. "Hey, Bubba, watch this!"
  11. NEVER clean out your belly-button. If you get lost, you can use the dry lint therein to start a fire. (Eewwwwwww)
  12. Penguin Baiting! A most amusing sport. I know better. Whittman was forced to commit suicide, because he had been implicated in the von Stauffenberg bomb plot.
  13. OOOO, this is fun! I thought an Australian Anti-aircraft gunner was the one that got Whittman, or was it really CPT Roy Baker?
  14. Knew that one would get ya. Turns out to all. Kitty, whoooeeee! Dang, woman! (appreciative noises)
  15. "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Ben Franklin "In wine there is truth, in beer there is strength, in water, disease." anon. "Gawd, gimme beah, boy" Most SEC Coaches.
  16. It got blowed up by some danged yankees, and bazookas. Just remember, however, that "Gone With the Wind" was a piece of poopoo historically. The Confederates burned Atlanta themselves, to keep military stores from falling into Union hands. BTW, my Great, Great whatever fought with the 79th NY. I guess that makes me a Carpetbagger by proxy. I got the spamblocker thing fixed, but Outlook Express is being stoopid. Turn back as soon as I can get it worked out. In the meantime, drink Beer. Beer is reccomended by 10 out of 10 brewers in this country. Support the economy. BUY BEER.
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