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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. I feel much better...(drools on self)....much better. NoW SeND a SeTuP BeFoRe I aM FoRceD tO Do SoMefInK DRaStiC. Fire is good. Yeah. Yeah. Fire.
  2. That's what THEY want you to think. THEY know what is best for you. I want a turn, or a setup. I know what is best for you also in this case.
  3. Back from the beach, muchly relaxed, drinking beer and enjoying a week off from breaking up fights and theoretically teaching. Don't care how bad the Sox lose by. Turns back out to maggots. Axe, if'n ya feel like it, send a setup. Wait, that goes for any of you maggoty types. Yeeha!
  4. Damn. Sorry to hear about Rodney. I hope he finally does get some respect. He deserves it. I'll have to watch Caddyshack again. And again. Turns out delayed due to computer icky thingy. Please fix or somefink
  5. Turns out to all with a maggot-spawn delay of game call against me. Liked the idea of Kitty nekkid spreadin' mold all over. Cold shower time.
  6. Danged fuzzy Koalas. Kill them all. Nuke Jar-jar. Turns out to all. Beer on the inside, power on the outside. Good.
  7. Danged fuzzy Koalas. Kill them all. Nuke Jar-jar. Turns out to all. Beer on the inside, power on the outside. Good.
  8. Ain't vegans and hippies the same danged thang? It's all part of the international communist conspiracy. We might have some vegans here. Saturday, I'd a called them...."hungry". They can get all the tofu they want. Just not here.
  9. Ain't vegans and hippies the same danged thang? It's all part of the international communist conspiracy. We might have some vegans here. Saturday, I'd a called them...."hungry". They can get all the tofu they want. Just not here.
  10. Now why in the name of all that is redneck would I want to do somefink stoopid like that? Turns out to all. Except some Triangular Penile extension product who must want to send me a setup, so's I can clean up his attitude! Really lucky here, no trees down in my yard when by rights there oughta be. Had a gas water heater so we could take decent showers, gas grill on the back deck to cook (side burners rock), and on Saturday morning I took everything out of the still cold freezer and smoked all the good meats. Cornicopia of 3 slabs of ribs, 8 pork chops, 5 or 6 chicken breasts, 3 venison tenderloins, 3 big sirloin steaks, and a pork tenderloin. I love my smoker. Danged good feast for the neighborhood. Saturday night, some friends from chuch (Episcopalian) brought over a generator when their power came on. Nice friends. Got the 'fridge hooked back up, a TV, and a light. We had, in all, about 800,000 people without power initially, and the crews have worked 18 hour days to get everyone back on line. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of the guys who came from as far away as Ohio to work on our power lines. I'll try not to cuss you out as much in the future. Gawd, it's nice to be able to irritate y'all on the computer thingy again. Snarker; good Hurricane recipie.
  11. Now why in the name of all that is redneck would I want to do somefink stoopid like that? Turns out to all. Except some Triangular Penile extension product who must want to send me a setup, so's I can clean up his attitude! Really lucky here, no trees down in my yard when by rights there oughta be. Had a gas water heater so we could take decent showers, gas grill on the back deck to cook (side burners rock), and on Saturday morning I took everything out of the still cold freezer and smoked all the good meats. Cornicopia of 3 slabs of ribs, 8 pork chops, 5 or 6 chicken breasts, 3 venison tenderloins, 3 big sirloin steaks, and a pork tenderloin. I love my smoker. Danged good feast for the neighborhood. Saturday night, some friends from chuch (Episcopalian) brought over a generator when their power came on. Nice friends. Got the 'fridge hooked back up, a TV, and a light. We had, in all, about 800,000 people without power initially, and the crews have worked 18 hour days to get everyone back on line. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of the guys who came from as far away as Ohio to work on our power lines. I'll try not to cuss you out as much in the future. Gawd, it's nice to be able to irritate y'all on the computer thingy again. Snarker; good Hurricane recipie.
  12. Power is back on! God Bless Alabama Power, and all the other guys that came from all over to fix the lines! Give me some time to get work done for school, then I will send out my turns to all. Lights that work when you turn the switch. Neat.
  13. Power is back on! God Bless Alabama Power, and all the other guys that came from all over to fix the lines! Give me some time to get work done for school, then I will send out my turns to all. Lights that work when you turn the switch. Neat.
  14. Ivan's here! Snarker's recipie is going to come in handy tomorrow. School is cancelled Thursday and Friday! We have done all we can prudently do to keep from being the poster children for storm safety. Birmingham is expected to have 6 or so hours of winds around 50 MPH, and 4 or so at 70 MPH. Let's hear it for Homeowners Insurance. Yeeha. More later, power and connections permitting. Drink Heavily! Wallybob
  15. Ivan's here! Snarker's recipie is going to come in handy tomorrow. School is cancelled Thursday and Friday! We have done all we can prudently do to keep from being the poster children for storm safety. Birmingham is expected to have 6 or so hours of winds around 50 MPH, and 4 or so at 70 MPH. Let's hear it for Homeowners Insurance. Yeeha. More later, power and connections permitting. Drink Heavily! Wallybob
  16. Bah. I hate you all. B double E double R U N Beerrun! B double E double R U N Beerun! All it takes is a ten and a fiver, A car, and a key, and a sober driver, B double E double R U N Beerun!
  17. Bah. I hate you all. B double E double R U N Beerrun! B double E double R U N Beerun! All it takes is a ten and a fiver, A car, and a key, and a sober driver, B double E double R U N Beerun!
  18. Sigh. My High School team (I'm the announcer guy) managed to lose to a team that hasn't won a game in three years. I am frustrated by students who quit rather than work their way through problems. Jerks. MOLTEN SLABS OF TNT HURLED OUT TO ALL MAGGOTY TYPES! Beer here. Here be beer. Beer be here.
  19. Sigh. My High School team (I'm the announcer guy) managed to lose to a team that hasn't won a game in three years. I am frustrated by students who quit rather than work their way through problems. Jerks. MOLTEN SLABS OF TNT HURLED OUT TO ALL MAGGOTY TYPES! Beer here. Here be beer. Beer be here.
  20. Snarker, the recipe was pretty danged good. I look forward to using it again with Ivan, as Frances mostly missed us. Any excuse, as it were. Bwahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm Gumby, Dambit!
  21. Geez, I seem to be having a bit of a problem with my email inbox. It is "nonresponsive". Does this mean that my email inbox is Snarker's wife?
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