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Posts posted by russellmz

  1. Originally posted by Lane:

    Hey thank's guys I fixed my problem I copy the

    water bmps 641 to 646 from my Normandy bmp folder

    water looks normal just not a dark blue.

    must have been some mod. I have so many I forget.

    age 65 you forget things.(: I saw that it was not

    Tom's mod.

    It is fixed looks normal.

    Have a good one


    wow! that's cool you are 65 and playing cm. i think wild bill wilder is in his seventies so you don't quite get the oldest member award though smile.gif
  2. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    This is great Wolfe. This will give the newbies something to do and well actually was very help to others as well. redface.gif

    miket did a useful voices listing(i THINK that all the phrases are analogous among the different nations):

    Originally posted by MikeT:

    I will have the background sounds tonight but for how:

    00001000-00001147 = American voices

    00002000-00002142 = German voices

    00003000-00003142 = Polish voices

    00004000-00004144 = French voices

    00006000-00006144 = British/Canadian voices

    The American phrases are:

    00001000 get moving

    00001001 move it move it move it

    00001002 hustle up

    00001003 go go go

    00001004 keep moving lets go

    00001005 move move move

    00001006 move them out

    00001007 come on men

    00001008 forward lets go

    00001009 lets go move them out

    00001010 get the hell out of here

    00001011 fall back (said excitedly in fear)

    00001012 take cover (said excitedly)

    00001013 hit the deck

    00001014 they are coming straight for us

    00001015 run!!!

    00001016 they will kill us all, run!!

    00001017 they will kill all of us run!!!

    00001018 run for it

    00001019 god we are surrounded

    00001020 hold your fire

    00001021 cease fire

    00001022 hold your fire

    00001023 hold your fire

    00001024 save your ammo

    00001025 cease fire

    00001026 cease fire

    00001030 (a scream of pain,then) I am hit

    00001031 (a scream of pain, then) I am hit

    00001032 help me I am hit

    00001033 my arm

    00001034 my leg

    00001035 I am hit

    00001036 medic

    00001037 a yell of pain

    00001038 a yell of pain

    00001039 O'god

    00001040 don't shoot, don't shoot

    00001041 don't shoot, don't shoot

    00001042 we surrender

    00001043 we surrender

    00001050 (note: I cannot understand what is being said here, possibly telling someone in bad

    German to surrender)

    00001051 get up and put your hands in the air

    00001052 drop it, hands up now

    00001053 get up and pults yours hands in the air

    00001054 drop your weapons and surrender

    00001055 hands up

    00001060 I am out of bullets

    00001061 my rifle is empty

    00001062 we need ammo

    00001063 we need some more ammunition

    00001064 save your ammo

    00001065 we need more ammunition

    00001070 attack!!!

    00001071 get in there

    00001072 fix bayonets

    00001080 burn your mother (edit rmz: "you")

    00001081 I hit him

    00001082 he is hit

    00001083 right on target

    00001084 yeah got him

    00001085 right on target

    00001090 mines!!

    00001091 we have walked into a minefield

    00001100 incoming

    00001101 get down

    00001102 hit the deck

    00001103 incoming

    00001110 look out air attack

    00001111 enemy fighters

    00001120 ok sargeant

    00001121 listen up

    00001122 pay attention

    00001123 quiet

    00001124 yes sargeant

    00001125 yes sir

    00001126 secure the flanks

    00001127 yes sir

    00001128 yes sir

    00001129 ok sargeant

    00001130 enemy armor ahead

    00001131 enemy tanks

    00001132 watch out enemy tanks

    00001132 watch out enemy tanks

    00001140 fight you cowards

    00001141 get up and fith

    00001142 grab your weapons get up and fight

    00001143 you bastards

    00001144 fight you cowards

    00001145 you bastards stand up and fight

    00001146 get up and fight

    00001147 get in there, fight


  3. Originally posted by Volker:

    1. How do I clear mines, and Blow up Bridges? :confused:

    2. I know Infantry are supposed to Auto use their Aint-tank stuff, but how can I give myself a better chance that they will? (Some times I had a Infantry Unit next to a tank, and they just used rifles on it......oui :mad: )

    3. Are their any reasons why a Morter Guy wont fire? My dad has reported such events, and wants to under stand why not. :(

    Thats all I got right now, thanks.

    1. as soon as you see an enemy minefield, run some engineers near it. after a while they toss a demo pack (if they have any left) and blow it.

    generally you can't blow bridges cause it is out of the scope of cm, but i made a scenario where you can do it. i describe how to do it in a scenario you can make in the faq and in my scenario briefing. it is fairly involved and there is another method panzer leader does too.

    2. depends on range of the weaponin question. a panzerfaust -30 ain't gonna be used uinless at point blank range practically (30 stands for 30m)

    just point them in the direction of the tank and hope they use it.

    3. i dunno the circumstances where this would happen. can you describe the situation so other ppl can help you out too?

  4. Originally posted by History Buff:

    Sorry for not being around in the last month or so, had to catch up with my other hobby tongue.gif (Miniature Wargaming to be exact)

    Just wanted to know, has there been any big announcements for CMBB?

    Cheers in advance tongue.gif

    look at the "operation bone" threads on page 1 and 2. there are 3 of them.
  5. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    So which would you rather have - a buggy and incomplete CMBB beta a few months early, or the complete and absolutely perfect gold version some time in the future? OK, OK, you don't need to answer that. ;)

    Buggy and incomplete still gives us a set of bitmaps to mod from, a scenario editor to create in, sound files to tweak... :-P

    From the looks of the screenshots, though, it looks like most mods will be simple paint scheme redos - the stock graphics look like they will be terrific, if Old Fritz and the T-26s are any indication.</font>

  6. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Now Michael, had you spent the last 2 years telling me how great I am, like Andreas and Mace, then you could have been a beta tester and you would have already seen how cool CMBB is. tongue.gif


    p.s. It's too late now, but you can still praise me.

    madmatt is the greatest, he is the best

    none compare, he is above the rest!

    hmmm, two more years of that and 50 more verses and maybe i can be beta testing for cm iv: the one with cm II...

  7. Originally posted by Tanks a Lot:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Olle Petersson:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Tanks a Lot:

    If you wan't the JagdTiger from MDMP-2, you can just copy BMPs ...

    To most people that probably isn't the problem.

    The problem is that you still have to download the entire multi-megabyte pack over your slow pay-per-minute modem to get those few textures.



  8. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    Thanks guys. Appreciate the answers and help. That is really cool about what CMMO is going to have. I can hardly wait. What's up with Gordon? He doens't care about us just his job. Man, I'm disappointed in him. :D I just had to remind Makjager earlier about priorities now I guess I'll have to mention it to others. ;)

    try faq for list of .wavs
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