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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. I sure never thought I'd ever write a review for a game but I did. Anyway that should sell a couple copies for you BFC.
  2. I'm used to playing the American's but just recently played the German's and was shocked at the low number of HE rounds my Wasp had. Maybe the German's really were short on HE for that period of time. Hopefully someone will come by that's had more experience with German's.
  3. Thanks beta 1 for the hint. I do seem to have a problem with that also. I've just got to get out of that habit but at times you just got to do what you got to do and yeah you lose them every darn time. Cybeq, I didn't know that about the ambush thing. I have however noticed that once you set an ambush point up it takes a house falling on them before they see anything else that's going on around them. Have to try the hide command. Thanks. No Dandelion I understand what you are saying so will take it from here. I am really impressed with those ideas and will certainly try to incorperate them in my games. Sound like extremely good ideas but now I wish I hadn't asked you on the forum but contacted you by email. Now everybody knows. On your post yesterday this topic you mention scouting with split squads. What command do you use, Walk or sneak? I assume sneak but it is sooo slow. So do you use sneak? I love that idea about using one team up and two back when advancing. I'll be using that one. Now here's one thing I'm having a problem with that I'd like to ask you about. Do you actually wait for your support teams ( mortars & MG's etc ) to catch up with your infantry before moving again or do they just catch up if and when they can? It seems so slow waiting on them that it could hinder your attack plan if and when speed is a factor. When you describe the defense setup what do you mean high and low? Didn't quite understand that. I really really like what you said about why have a wide field of fire if you can't dominate it. Boy, that's something I'm really bad about. Good suggestion. Hmmmm, two lines of defense. I'll have to try that. But isn't it better to have all on the first line for maximuim firepower?
  4. Man, Dandelion that was excellent! Thanks a bunch. I am printing that out to study it. A lot of great info that I never thought of and will start using. Cool! Sounds like you have some sound plans to go by. I so far mainly run around getting shot up and bombed and just overall made fun of but the day will come. Seriously I appreciate you taking the time to type all that out. It will be used I can assure you. I'm anxious to start.
  5. Aye, Dandelion you are a good story teller. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you. Well, that all may very well be true and I don't dispute you for a minute but I sure can see where even if in a couple of incidents where a Tiger took on several Shermans and won or knocked out some before himself being killed would certainly make future fights with them extremely frightfull. As far as even just in the game my heart actually speeds up when I see one. I mean I get very uncomfortable. Can you believe that. Silly maybe but it's true. WOW! great read JasonC. That was very interesting. I even read it twice and plan a third time to fully digest it. Interesting stuff. Do you have a job by the way. Where in the world do you learn all this stuff. I'm always impressed with your knowledge and willingness to pass it on. Thanks.
  6. I would like to start a list of good tactic's or neat ideas that you have discovered or heard somewhere or just plain made up that would or could be helpful to a person - like myself. Example: in a current game of mine my opponent informed me that I shouldn't use sharpshooters as scouts because it is cheaper to use a split squad or that I shouldn't allow my MG teams to advance in front the infantry. They get captured by the way. :mad: Anyway, if you have a minute and just even list one good idea I'd appreciate it. I know there are hundreds of posts and topic's and such out there that I could research and find out of them but I would like to print these out and this would be the easious way to do it. So anybody know of any?
  7. What a great story Dandelion. Tell me another one. Well so I guess maybe American armor isn't completely worthless then. Actually I am in 2 Pbem's where I am playing the German's just for the very reason you say I should try them but after these will be sticking with the poor American's . And yeah Maj. I think that's where I heard about 4 to 5 Sherman's against a Tiger Tank. Not ratio like I thought. Interesting info about how each side used or made up their tank Divisions. Thanks Combinedarms. So there goes my idea to get away with having 4 or 5 Shermans to 1 German tank in my battles.
  8. Excellent and very useful tips and info from all. Thanks that's what I was hoping for some good suggestions and comments. It does seem that I will take Dandelions advice about playing scenario's as that makes sense about being more realistic and all. Also I will stick to playing the American's as suggested as that also makes sense and I really really do like playing them. I'll certainly have to try the VT arty as it sounds like the thing to buy. Dying to see what it can do and my opponents eyes when it starts dropping all over him. Teach the Bugger right. Dandelion as far as the Pbem game goes I was telling you well I have surrendered and my opponent agreed with me that it was a lost cause. OK so armed with these new ideas and a song in my heart I will go forth and wipe up the maps with the German's. Oh my poor opponents.
  9. Thanks for the figures Maj. Battaglia. Well quite a few more then 6000 I see. I was sure under the impression that we built a lot more then the German's and I guess 21,000 is more but certainly not what I was thinking. So not even 2 to 1 odds. I wonder what the numbers looked like in the different fronts? Any idea? Maybe that is where I got the idea that we out numbered them 4 or 5 to 1?
  10. Ok I just had a great idea. Since the American's built like 50,000 tanks and the German's only built 6,000 ( That number isn't correct but don't have a clue as to the correct one ) why doesn't the American force get like 4 or 5 to their 1 tank? Would that make the game unplayable do you suppose? Seems realistic to me if it's true and is probably what the odds actually were. At least it sounds like it in the books I'm currently reading. They keep mentioning how this one and the next one and the next Sherman keeps getting knocked out but yet they come and keep coming. You don't hear anything like that about the German tanks. Seems when one or the two they have get knocked out the German's retreat to their next position.
  11. Glad you weren't banned. So no more cussing then, right?
  12. Hmmm? Not a lot of excitment out of this CMBO bun ch tonight. Probably all hung over or something. Now I'm kind of looking forward to trying CMBB.
  13. "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." _________________________________________________ Says who? I'll be happy to put up some money since I'm hoping to use it alot. Let us know where and when.
  14. I hear what you are saying Ghost and I do appreciate the advice but it's pretty hard to do what you are saying although I am trying to learn new tactic's hence this post. Everyone mentions how slow the German turrerts are but from what I see is true I may get the first shot off but his turrert is still fast enough to turn and get a shot off before my tank shots a second time. And his normally doesn't miss. At least that's what I'm seeing or at least it feels like it because it' true most of the time. And Dandelion the map we are playing on is his. I mean no room to flank him no way I can sneak under his infantry and or armor. No he's got me. So I will surrender especailly after just seeing I only have one Bazooka left. Did I mention how crappy those Bazooka teams are by the way? I did try buttoning him up but he doesn't seem to want to. Gamey I think. As far as getting him to come down I don't think that will happen. He's a very good player and wouldn't fall for that not when all he's got to do is sit there and let his infantry take the flags while still being covered by the armor. Anyway, thanks for the info and I have learned some stuff. Don't play the American's.
  15. Smart. Very smart idea. Good luck you guys should do extremely well. Heck I might even buy CMBB then.
  16. Well thanks everyone for some interesting comments, facts and tips. I surely appreciate them because as I said I'm just now getting into Pbem's big time and want to be able to hold my own against my more knowledgeble and experienced opponents. Ok so now what about the fact that most games seem to be played in little or moderate trees and you are faced with a German heavy or heavies 400 or greater distance away on high ground that dominates the map and flags and the map is so small that you cannot flank or get behind him? Any thoughts on that or is it just a lost cause so surrender? I actually have a game going on right now that is exactly that way and I am powerless to do anything. Plus at this point I have no tanks left and no arty not that I had any arty to begin with in this scenario. My opponent has one Panther and 2 Panzer IV's left. I think I know the answer but thought I'd ask. Also even if I had tanks I don't see being able to do anything other then try and most probably just get the tanks knocked out again and then I'm back with infantry and 2 crappy bazooka's that don't have any range to speak of against the German armor anyway. No contest. I guess this is the frustrating part that you just can't win against the German armor in certain terrain and or maps situations.
  17. Well, basicly the German armor overall. It's not really just a particular tank they all seem to have better armor, shoot straigher and have more powerful shells against infantry and tanks both although I realize that there are several that aren't so hot like the Stug's and Hetzers so I guess I'm bitching about the Panthers and above. As I just wrote this though I do realize that this was true in real life actually anyway so maybe I do need to try to do a better job myself in handling tanks and not just blame it on the crappy American tanks . As far as the situation it's in open or semi-open terrain where they have the big advantage. They don't seem to miss often whereas the Sherman's do a lot. Again, maybe this was also true to life and I'll have to figure out a way to cope with it. And that's the reason I started this post and not just to cry about being beat - all the damn time. I didn't mean this post to turn out sounding like sour grapes or belly aching. I was actually trying to get some ideas on how to cope against them.
  18. I appreciate the response JasonC but didn't realize that it would be considered gamey so looks like I won't be able to use them but thanks for the reply to my question never the less. Also appreciate the other info from you guys. I guess the best way for me to decide for myself if the German's are more favored would be for me to play them a couple of times myself. Maybe I'd feel better about it then or maybe not. I just really am having a hard time figuring out how to win when the German armor is just so much better and once my armor is knocked out they ( German Armor ) just damn well does what it pleases to my infantry that's left and those crappy bazooko's are just about worthless unless it's a rare Hail Mary shot or extremely close and the German's normally don't allow you to do that. We did win the war, right? i'm surprised we did. What's this short-75 rule thing? and where could I find something on it?
  19. I would contact BFC if you mean like banned from the forum but I'd think you'd know that if they had banned you? Oh oh maybe I shouldn't be talking to you. I'm out of here. :eek:
  20. Yes let's hope everything works out. I had big plans for this site.
  21. Excellent! Please post here and let us know when it's ready if you would be so kind Flesh. Will be looking forward to it. Do appreciate your time and love the mods.
  22. Hey thanks guys that is exacting what I was looking for. I hadn't even hoped you would jump in JasonC but I sure appreciate your, as usual, knownledge and expertise. So looks like I'll be using the Brit's when playing the Allied's in the future but I sure will have to do a lot of modding as I don't think I have anything modded of theirs. Plus they talk funny. So JasonC could you give me an example of what would be a good overall force for the British say in a 1500 and 2000 pt. game? Say for a combined battle.
  23. Yeah, yeah I know this has been done to death but there are new guys and even not so new guys that I would like to discuss this with. I know " do a search" but you know looking back doing a search is boring and lonely and no fun at all so I thought I'd try to get some discussion on this subject from those that are currently playing it. Now true I have been playing it for the past 3 years but never was really into it until now. Yes Pbem's are so so so much more fun and exciting then playing against the computer I can't believe it. And here I thought I was having the time of my life these past years playing just against the computer. Anyway, back to the topic. I normally and I should actually say always play the American's but I am currently playing a game that I am the Jerry's and man they are kick ass!. I can't get over how much tougher and accurate they seem then the American side. Any comments on this? Now I know a lot will say that it's evenly matched but man I don't believe it for a second. :mad: Now I could be wrong and that's not the point of this post anyway I just was hoping for info and suggestions plus I think it would be interesting and would like to hear what others think. Hopefully there's enough guys still playing this game and not CMBB to have a good discussion and would like to express their views before I declare that BFC is unfair and like the German's the best. A final note. This is your opinion the heck with what others think so don't hesitate to jump in. If anybody gets rude we'll all jump on him and make fun and sport of him. [ April 20, 2003, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  24. You are welcome flesh good looking mods and I say mods because when I was picking up this one I noticed you had also done a grass mod and picked it up. Nice both of them. Since you asked maybe you could help me with something? I am really wanting a brush mod that is very very very light in color. Not as light as your grass mod which is great by the way but darker of course so it stands out good but not so dark as you lose your men in. Do you have anything like that or would it be asking too much to do one?
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