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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. So Dandelion how's those Stuarts doing? Out of ammo yet? That is odd that your men aren't firing at them. You think maybe they just don't want to swat at something that harmless? How much damage are they doing? It does make you wonder sometimes what the AI is thinking. Well I'm glad you enjoyed my story. And as far as crashing planes into the enemy - can we do that? You got me excited there for a moment.
  2. Well you know Dandelion I don't know. It was way back in one of my very first 3 Pbem's. I remember that it looked and sounded like just one explosion and both of them blew up. It was a surprise to my opponent too who had many pbem games under his belt.
  3. A smoker then hey, me too but trying my damnest to quit as we speak. Not fun. Wife wants me to sleep outside. Seems my sweet personality disappears when trying to quit. Yep, I,ve quit before. This time for good I hope. Anyway, please do let us know when the others are done won't you?
  4. That worked, thanks Cpl Carrot. I'll read up on that.
  5. Oh where to begin or stop for that matter but I'll pick one. The time where this German HMG finally surrendered and was kneeling there like they do when they've surrendered when this squad of German's run by him and I guess called him a coward or something to that effect and it must have embarrassed the guy or something as he just got up and un-surrendered and ran off. I shot him before he got too far away however. I thought it rude to surrender and then run off like that. :mad: I had to watch that several times as I couldn't believe he did it. Oh I've got to just mention one more. I had this Greyhound facing this SP gun once face to face and knowing which was going to come out on top of that exchange figured the only thing I could do was rush pass him and get a shot off before the SP gun could turn around and shoot. Well, the Greyhound charged with fear and blood in his eye and got right up next to him and opened up. Well, I guess he was so close that it blew both of them up. I was kind of happy and sad at the same time but am now more careful about shooting at real close range not that you get that close normally but it was pretty exciting and weird at the same time.
  6. Ah Dandelion always interested in learning something new.
  7. So does that mean we might get the insignia's? I sure hope so as I am quite sure a lot of us would like them very much. Here's hoping.
  8. Looks good Lucky_Strike. By the way are you related in anyway to the cigerettes Lucky Strike? Just kidding of course. To answer your question yes I am interested in it. I love using different mods and yours will fit in nicely. Thanks for doing it and letting us have it. [ May 17, 2003, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  9. Damn Dandelion now you've got me depressed. Wow! I am - what?, saddened I suppose is the word by your description of your feelings towards the Eastern front. I haven't actually read a whole lot about it but the couple of books that I have read about it are indeed depressing and really really makes you wonder how something like that could have been allowed to happen. It's like a fairly tale or something. It's very hard to believe that that actually happened in real life. Makes one think doesn't it? or maybe makes one not want to think about it. Good post though Dandelion and very interesting to me. Have you ever thought about being a story teller? I believe you would do well.
  10. Hey Cpl Carrot thanks for explaining the abbreviations and I was going to go over and look at that site you referred me to but it doesn't work. Could you try giving it to me again or telling me what it is so I can go take a look. I am getting very interested for the first time in the various ammo, shells etc from WWII and would like to start studying up on them. Like I believe I said earlier I used to be big into reloading rifle ammo years ago and did a lot of target practicing and shooting so this subject has caught my attention.
  11. Alright! An excellent looking Lynx mod. My only problem is which one to pick? What a problem to have. Great job Makjager. Truely an exceptional job. You da man! Thanks for your time and talent. Boy that tan one is alwfully good looking and I normally don't care for tan but I'll have to try it.
  12. So you'll let us know when it's ready then? Hope it's so everybody can figure it out. There are some - well let's say not so bright guys out there and they should be allowed to have CMMOS too. CMMOs is not just for smart guys you know. Course the only reason I don't already have it is because - well, I uh, uh, haven't had time, yeah, I haven't had time. That's it. And thanks again MikeT for your efforts and work. I am sure many will be appreciative and grateful as I am.
  13. Have you seen this site? http://www.cmoutpost.net/ As far as I know and I think I do there are no packs other then the original ones at: http://www.combatmission.com/ I could suggest what I use but then it's a matter of personal taste so you'll do better just taking your time and finding the ones that turn you on. No easy way out I'm afraid. Course I kind of enjoy picking and chosing between games. Takes a while but when you're done everythings perfect.
  14. I hate asking and showing my ignorance but hey that's never stopped me before so here goes. What does APDS and APCBC stand for? OK rexford I get it now, I think. So they chose more velocity over HE since the 76 mm was meant to be a tank killer and infantry targets were secondary? Ok that makes sense. Thanks. Dandelion a centerfielder is a baseball player thats plays center field.
  15. I myself am fence sitting on this issue. I hear so many good things but then I hear bad things. I think I'm with you GenSplatton I'll just have to buy it to see for myself. Let me ask one last question. Those of you that have CMBB would you be wanting to sell your copy? Not that I want to buy it but I think this will tell us just how unhappy you are or are you just maybe trying to warn against it but still will play it. You see what I mean?
  16. WOW! What a excellent mod you've made. That is just one outstanding looking job. I like the hazy one better by the way.
  17. I need more info and is the reason for this bump. I too am a fence sitter and every time I think I'm going to buy it along comes somebody that points out a new feature of the game that turns me off. Example; While most people think that having the German HMG's modeled tougher and better ( improved ) in CMBB I think it would suck. I already think that they are over modelled in CMBO so would imagine I would hate them in CMBB. Now without trying to to pick a fight ( guess that's called trolling, remember this is my Opinion and I really believe it 100% ) I think the people that like the improved German HMG's are the players that normally only play or prefer playing the German's and I don't mean that occasionly play the Allied's when they have to or something. I can't imagine anyone that constantly plays the Allied's and I mean that prefers to only play them would think improving an already over modeled German HMG is a good thing. If I had a dime for everytime in CMBO that I encounted a German HMG that was able to hold out againt overwhelming odds actually prevail or that wiped out units that again were overwhelming I'd be rich. Actually this is the one factor that I feel is so wrong or screwed up in the game I love so much it just pisses me off. Well, that and how over modeled the German HQ units always seem to be but not nearly as bad as the HMG's. Goodness me, this was supposed to be just a bump and look what I did. Sorry can't help it. I get so ......upset when I think or talk about this subject. So bump.
  18. Nope I haven't. This post was more of a bump then anything.
  19. Interesting site rexford. The sticky bomb sounds like a dangerous little fellow doesn't it? Can you imagine? :eek: Very interesting about the P.I.A.T. being spring operated rather then using a propellant. Hard to believe. As far as the 6 pdr gun it sure seems extremely odd that they made no rounds to deal with infantry. You got to wonder about what people were thinking when you hear about stuff like that. Used rocks, how odd. [ May 14, 2003, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  20. Damn that camo'ed one is excellent. WOW! and I really mean WOW! Good job dude. Would they work for CMBO also?
  21. You mean to say that I might even be able to understand it and have CMMOS? Excellent news. I for one really appreciate you doing that. You Mike T are a scholar and a gentleman in my books.
  22. I thought Andrew was doing the British insignias? Anyway, that would have been really great to have some for the Brit's. Hope somebody picks up the task. [ May 12, 2003, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  23. Yeah I bet that shocked the German's when they first came up against the puny Sherman tank or so they thought and it turned out to be a Firefly. With the Tiger being such a big beast and all the negative things that came with that I am surprised that they even used them in the Western Theater. You'd thought they'd do extremely well in Russia.
  24. BONUS QUESTION How has my Home address (I live in Buckinghamshire) determined which unit I am painting in 20mm (It is a famous one) . Well Last Hussar I don't think I understand the question. Are you painting a 20 mm field piece? So you've got the game coming. Excellent. You will get more fun out of it then you can imagine. If people only knew how great this game is BFC could charge $250.00 for it and people would buy. I wonder in the over 3 years I've been playing it how much I would have spent on games if I hadn't had this one. A bunch I can tell you.
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