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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Excellent idea. Just in time for me as I just got the game. Rules are good. Thanks for your hard work redwolf cause I know it takes time and energy to start and keep up with something like this. It will save a lot of new players like myself a lot of grief.
  2. The second floor is also a very bad place to be if there are tanks around. I've just about quit even trying to hide there as I always get spotted and blasted. I am not 100% sure but I also think that units in the second floor seem to take on more damage then units in the first but I'll have to test this to see. I thought it was a fine question but then I don't know everything about everything like some.
  3. Well Klapton I put it off as long as I could but I just have to try it. I'll miss your very well done scenario's though, well until you get CMBB that is.
  4. Well I got it, converted it and can't get it to play. Anybody have any idea why it won't play? I copied it over to the wav folder after converting it? I'm listing to it off my desktop and it plays fine. [ June 20, 2003, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  5. Thanks ever so much Jag. I appreciate it. I'll go right now and see what I can find. Again, thanks.
  6. There used to be one at Tom's but it's not working. I would appreciate anyone letting me know where I might l/d one as I want to change some sounds in the game.
  7. I just recently got CMBB in this last Wednesday and after looking at it I thought, Nope, I won't need to do any mods since this game looks so good already and here you come along with this mod and I go back to my old modslut ways. That is great looking Flesh simply great looking. Damn you! Here I go again, download city. Thank God for modders and DSL.
  8. I had the exact same thing happen to me not more then a month ago or so. I was playing a Pbem and my opponent asked me why I was firing so much smoke and I told him that I thought it was him doing it as I was firing Heat from the one tank I had firing. My tank was showing a red line but sure as hell it was that tank firing smoke. Don't ask me what happened. I just figured a bug or frank thing and it's not happened since until you came along and mentioned it. I want my money back - it's a bug I now find out. And that's probably the reason I lost that battle too. So I should get something for - what's that term, pain and suffering?
  9. Sounds like you are as excited about getting it as I am about just getting CMBB yesterday. Have fun.
  10. Sounds pretty exciting. I'll have to look at it. So the Chaffee's came out on top? Just goes to show you anything is possible. Now I wonder what would have happened had you been playing a live opponent? I do enjoy the Chaffee myself and some day Makjager will finish his mod of it and we will all have a really good looking one to play with. I like it due to the good fire power, for it's size and iy isn't that expensive so it's one of my favorites too, well plus I just think it looks cool even in it's current condition (mod).
  11. Hey Klapton I would have loved to try this latest scenario of yours since the last one I played was really a great scenario but seeing how I just got CMBB in I'm afraid all my attention will be devoted to this one. Sorry, but I do strongly recommend your scenario's to anybody interested in a fun and enjoyable games. Have you done any for CMBB yet?
  12. I ordered CMBB Saturday morning and got it in today Wednesday. :eek: Now that's got to be a record? We always hear when somebody doesn't get theirs soon enough, in their opinion, so I thought I'd post this and let everybody know how fast they got it to me. I guess a pat on the back for BFC, not that they need it, but hey they deserve it. OK you can go back to your game now. Thanks for listening.
  13. Guess what just came in the mail today? Yep, I got the game. So it took all of 3 days, if you count today. Now that is fast. Good going BFC! You da mens!
  14. Quote from Dandelion: I need to - really must - go there and conquer French villages by brute force every once in a while, to compensate this torturing feeling of rejection and inadequacy. If I can't have her, noone will! __________________________________________________ OK Dandelion now quit it. You are really scaring me. Well as you are an all right guy in my books and quite interesting and helpful I will pop over on occasion and visit you. I can just see it now. You will ask a question and then come back later and answer it yourself or perhaps yor're get another name when you are anwering yourself. We might even see the day that BFC asks you to stop posting as they are trying to shut down the CMBO forum for lack of participation.
  15. Dandelion I thought you alreay had CMBB? If I am wrong which it sounds like I am all I have to say is I can't believe you of all people that try to stick to realism so hard wouldn't get it. And what might the reason be, may I ask?
  16. Outstanding job as usual Andrew and to think I'll be getting to use these shortly. This really is an exceptionally good looking mod. Don't know why exactly but there's just something about them. Oh well, great looking. We really really do appreciate your stunning work Andrew. Just the best! Thanks - a lot guy.
  17. Nothing myself except CMBO and soon to be playing CMBB. I just have no interest in anything else and haven't for the past 3 years Plus. Sad, I know, no it's not sad other games just don't cut it for me anymore. These are the ones for me. Thanks BFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Excellent site Lou2000, thanks for referring it. Plenty of good and interesting reading.
  19. I just had to tell somebody. I finally bought CMBB. Yep, I did only moments ago. I am as excited as when I first bought CMBO years ago, well almost but am really looking forward to it. Sorry, just couldn't keep it to myself. Please, carry on.
  20. Well, it's 9:37 AM and it's done. I have actually ordered CMBB moments ago so will be joining this other game, as we call it on the CMBO forum, shortly. I have to admit I am excited. Oh and are you guys in for a bunch of really dumb, annoying questions when I get it in and you can thank your buddy Hansson for making my mine up for me. Are you in sales Hansson? Should be. Ok, question 1 of 288 is : At only 456 meters how come my German soldier can't knock out ..........
  21. You know something Hannson, you are correct. Hmmm, let me think about that. It'll take what, 6 months for the patches for CMAK to come out, hell that's a year away before I start playing. Damn, wish you had mentioned that months ago I could be playing CMBB right now. Darn, you people for not making my mine up months ago.
  22. Thanks for the replys gentleman, may I call you gentleman?, no really thanks. Well, zukkov my friend I will tell you why I don't already have the game. At first I didn't buy it because I wanted the done deal. In other words I didn't want all the bugs ( that drives me crazy ) so I thought I'd wait. Now remember I was just as excited as everybody else about this new game coming out and while I'm not that crazy about the Russian Front I do love tanks and the Russian's did have some pretty cool ones. Anyway, then the first patch came out and still I waited until the final one to get out. I am patient if nothing else. OK, now all the patches are out so I'm hearing all this negative stuff about the game and at the same time really discovered Pbem's for the first time and fell in love all over again with the game ( CMBO ). Now we hear about CMAK and I think well hell no reason to buy CMBB now since another Western Front is going to be here in no time and I'd just get started and involved in CMBB and have to switch over again, so that's the story. It's not like I don't have the $50.00 and at times I felt like I should send in my money anyway just to support BFC but hey what's $50 bucks to them anyway so I didn't. Now saying that and sitting here typing all this down I guess I realize the real reason I don't is I love using the American stuff and just wouldn't enjoy the Eastern Front that much. Call me silly but there you have it. I do miss all the talk, conversation, excitment, mods and scenario's and such that this CMBB game has brought but just couldn't tear myself away from CMBO. I hope this answers your question? and again appreciate the reply.
  23. Not having the game yet I was curious if BFC ever modelled the tank turrets to pivot separate from the hull? Example: Hull facing North and you want the turrent to swing to the west expecting an enemy unit to appear but you don't want the hull to turn in case maybe you want to continue moving North. I think that's clear?
  24. Well my experience in riding in anything other then a duce and a half ( truck ) was limited to 2 rides in a APC and I will vouch for you on the subject of bumpy and existing the little bitty door ways and this was in 1966 & 1967 so vehicles were probably greatly improved by then. I do remember however that even in the duce & half it would have been extremely difficult to hit anything even at slow speed. Hell it's near impossible to hit anything out of a modern pickup truck on dirt roads. I myself have also noticed how fast troops disembark vehicles in the game but just accepted it as something the game couldn't fix or I feel sure BFC would have. They don't miss much.
  25. Oh no Dandelion you guys go right ahead and keep discussing anything you want. I'm still listing and learning some interesting stuff from everybody. I might even add something if something comes up that I'm knowledgeable about - not likely I know but one never knows.
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