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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. Well I should feel stupid but I don't. I didn't know for sure and it just didn't make sense to me that tank hunters would be that poorly equipped ( No schrecks ) so I asked. So bugger off those of you with negative comments. You do realize that if a topic or question seems stupid or ignorant to you you could always just not look at it don't you? Just continue looking for a topic that better fits your intelligence level or interest. To the others for their patience and replys, thanks. [ July 04, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  2. Two for one? That's a heck of a deal. Thanks for the idea Limey. Keep us posted on your progress Flesh. Now that we have your two mods here the others are sure going to look poor. It would be great to have all HT's looking this good.
  3. OK, I know this must be one of the dumbest questions ever seen on this or any other forum for that matter but hey I'm not proud. So what exactly is a tank hunter team? Now, I would assume they go out and hunt down tanks. Wait, wait that can't be. They sure don't look capable of hunting down tanks to me so they must do or be something else - surely? I've got to be missing something here or just flat don't understand the team Tank Hunter Team. I notice also that both the German & Russina's had them. If they actually were assigned this type of task I wonder how bad you had to screw up to be placed into one of these units? Really bad I bet. Anyone have any information about these guys?
  4. OK, I know this must be one of the dumbest questions ever seen on this or any other forum for that matter but hey I'm not proud. So what exactly is a tank hunter team? Now, I would assume they go out and hunt down tanks. Wait, wait that can't be. They sure don't look capable of hunting down tanks to me so they must do or be something else - surely? I've got to be missing something here or just flat don't understand the team Tank Hunter Team. Any help here?
  5. Man, it never ceases to amaze me at the accumulative amount of knowledge of this forum. Many thanks to all the replys and information not to mention sites. That pretty well explained everything I wanted to know. Now I just have to put it all together of when I should pick which units etc. Thanks again all. You guys are great. [ July 04, 2003, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: lcm1947 ]
  6. I am totally confused or should say ignorant of what the different types of infantry in the game are. It may not even be important to play the game but seeing that I am a very inquisitive kind of guy I would love to know what these types are for or do. I mean why so many of them. You have your Jager units, your Grenadier, your Fusilier, your Aufklarungs not to mention your Pioneer, etc. Anyway, I don't expect anybody should go to the trouble of describing them all to me but that would be great, no what I was hoping for was if anybody knew of a site or someplace I could find a even brief description of them. It's hard to know what to pick if you don't know what they were intended for or what they are best at. I tried comparing them but other then the number of men in a particular squad or a few different or less weapons you really can't figure anything out about them. Any help would be appreciated. I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering - I hope anyway.
  7. Now that's how a reply should look. You two guys just about covered the question as good as anyone could ever even hope for. I'm impressed and have certainly learned something. I'm not the original poster but thanks for your answers guys. Now what does walk mean? Just kidding although maybe we should ask that under a different topic. Damn good answers.
  8. You lucky guy you. Yeah we would be happy to see any pictures you take so please do let us look at them. 2 weeks? Hmmm. I must be working too hard. 2 weeks? Must be nice. Well, enjoy yourself.
  9. Those are extremely fine looking mods there Flesh. The problem is I can't figure out which one I like best. I guess I've got to try the hasty one, although the tri and bi ones are excellent too. No, it's the hasty one for me. Thanks Flesh and we do appreciate your work and talents. It really helps the feel and looks of an already outstanding playing game. Oh and if I may also be so bold to state since you are so good on half tracks what are the chances of you doing them all. Hey you can't kill a person for asking - can you?
  10. Very nice work by you Limey. I had not seen your stuff yet but your post here promped me to go have a look and I'm very impressed with all your mods. You've got the color down pat the way you shade them and the detail is extremely good. Glad I caught this post. Thanks for your efforts in making this fantastic game even better to the eye.
  11. For Lcm1947 : what do you suggest to make units more visible ? I'm thinking about aerial recognition flags but you may have another idea ? _________________________________________________ Lcm, go for the "rusty mods" by zimordok or any "hasty' whitewash mods. ________________________________________________ The aerial rec. flags as well as the rusty or hasty whitewash mods would help but not all mods are done this way so I'd have some vehicles with and some without so I'd be back to my same problem and it would look funny with half the vehicles being regular and half with snow. No, I will just have to settle for half the mods you guys put out but that's Ok as I just assume it's either just beginning to snow in my games and that's the reason why my vehicles aren't covered yet.
  12. Nice looking mod there guy. Appreciate your efforts and work and do let us know when it's finished. I just may have a place for it.
  13. Fleah those are superb! I just never get over how good you guys are. Thank you ever so much they will look so nice in the games but I can't decide which I like best. Decisions, decisions. What a nice problem to have. Thanks again.
  14. Nice mods Bogdan and thanks. I really like the color of that summer one and the winter one is fine but I don't use winter mods, something about wanting to see the units better. Damn old eyes of mine. We do appreciate you and all the other modders out there. You guys are all excellent gentlemen. Well, most anyway.
  15. First, welcome aboard NG, I know you'll love this game. I've not bought another game since buying CMBO and that is over 3 years ago, well until about 3 weeks ago when I bought this one. And yes the forum is pretty cool and a lot of really nice and at times funny as all get out guys. Looks like your questions were already answered so just wanted to say Hi to you and welcome you to the game and this forum. See you around. If you are married please tell your wife for me - Sorry.
  16. Personally I see nothing wrong with contacting your opponent and explaining your situation and let him decide if you guys should start a new game but this time talk it over and make some rules. Check out what Redwolf has created if you don't know exactly what to discuss or how to insure a fair balance of forces. I've played a few Pbem's and have never met an opponent that was hard to get along with and I bet it never occurred to him that you would consider his force wrong or gamey. Besides I bet there are individuals that really don't understand what a realistic force would consist of. I know I didn't not too long ago and am not 100% sure I even know now but if somebody mentioned something I did wrong I'd be more then happy to start over. Not much fun if the other guy thinks you're gamey and certainly no fun for you. Just my opinion.
  17. Any more detail on this book like the author or the actual name of the book. Also any idea what it runs - cost wise?
  18. Thanks all I do appreciate you taking the time to reply. Well, that should tide me over for several months of reading. Thanks again guys. Now which to buy first.
  19. Hey Gordon nice to hear from you and those mods are great looking and just in time since I am looking around to get my new game decked out but I sure don't remember seeing them in CMBO or I would have already had them. I was needing something for these TD's and thanks to you I now have them. Good looking mods and thanks for thinking of us.
  20. Hey Flesh I was able to d/L the Tricolor StugIV and the Tricolor StuH42 without any problems. They look great and I am anxious to see them in my games. Thanks a lot, great looking mods.
  21. Yeah well all the scenarios I play against this guy are unbalanced - he always wins, so the only surprise will be if I win then we'll know it's unbalanced. We will let you know Klapton. Rest assured.
  22. WOW! Excellent work and so useful. A sincere thanks for your efforts. Truely informative. Could you like do a book? I'm impressed and very pleased to know all this as I am just getting ready to play this game. Just finished the manual last night and don't remember a 1/32 of it and sure didn't pick up all this. Great job, just great.
  23. Ok Sublime it is noted. Thank you. Any others? I am writing all these down and will check them out to see which I think I like best but then when finished I will move on to the next one so please recommend if you will.
  24. Hey Flesh that tri-color is just damn near perfect. Darking the brown turned out great. It really improved the first picture by a lot and I would have been plenty happy with it but the second tri-color is beauiful. Excellent job and thanks for your efforts and thank goodness for you talents. Now go have those beers you deserve them.
  25. Thanks Theblackhand that looks great but damn the the price is - well a little more then what I want to spend on two books. Maybe I can find it on ebay. But thanks for the recommendation it does really look good though. Anyone else have a recommendation? Going once, going twice....
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