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Louie the Toad

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Everything posted by Louie the Toad

  1. To those who were lucky enough to occupy Rune's forward observation post yesterday, I have some questions to which I hope you will (can) reply: 1. Tell us more about the tank command control. Were you able to compare German and Russian. 2. Were there any totally new units that we have not experienced before --- you know, LIKE motorcycles or horses (sorry)---- ducking. 3. Describe covered arcs. 4. How well did the 'find hull down' command work? 5. And the effect I have been waiting for: did tank brew ups include flying turrets? Thanks... If the game comes out while I am traveling on vacation I will simply know it from feeling a disturbance in the Force. Obi Wan Toad
  2. I am still facinated by "Panzer Aces" accounts of how tank battles took place on the Eastern front. Did any of you who were at Rune's Party see action in CM:BB that simulated those accounts? I am talking about wild driving and shooting sprees at close ranges. Quick loading ..... Toad
  3. Just an observation -- If Rune also had a pre CMBO party as was stated. What was the amount of time between the party and the release of CMBO ? Extrapolating.... Toad
  4. Well I'm against it. I think we should meet simultaneously at bars in small groups around the country. No one should be allowed to be in a uniform unless of course they are currently in the service. No military paraphenalia allowed inside, but one may arrive at the designated meeting places in military vehicles. During breaks in the action (of course we would be playing against the other CMers who would be meeting simultaneously in other bars across the country)we could check out each other's rides. Just my way of keeping it from turning into a Trekkie Convention. Agoraphobic Toad
  5. OOPS ! I meant the "Tankers Hat" pic not the Death Head. But check out the way the cammo of the barrel blends in. Apologetic... Toad
  6. Speaking of noticing and not noticing.... the first look I took of the 'Death Head' tank, I thought the picture was incomplete -- no gun barrel on the tank --- Upon a closer look I discovered that the camo pattern caused the gun barrel to blend in with the pseudo trees in the distance. One could expect that I especially liked the green, tan and brown highlights....... Toad
  7. I have been looking for a scotch to use as the first ingrediant of a Rusty Nail. Had a great one yesterday at a restaurant. Forgot to ask the bartender what brand he used. But then a Rust Nail can cause one to forget. This should be on the General Discussion Forum... Toad
  8. Hey Madmatt, I told everyone you guys were all on vacation for two months. Now you're going to get even more whining about "when will CMBB ..." Duck.... Toad
  9. Drat !! I'm going to miss this. Have theater tickets for Sunday. I saw the news about the big Chieftain 800 /900 scandal. Its amazing what some people try to get away with. When is the next one old chap! I will have to ring up Mole, Ratty and Badger.... Toad
  10. A target specific ambush command would be good too. "Don't fire til you see the whites of their eyes" Toad
  11. A few days ago I said they all went on vacation for two months. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Hammocking Toad
  12. By Pvt Ryan: If that's the case I'm not Russian to buy it. The devil made me do it.... Toad
  13. Regarding: Maddmatt Steve Charles Kwazydog Moon I heard they all went on vacation for two months. Evil Toad
  14. Commissar, Thanks for the concise and polite reply. Wasn't there a time near the end of the war where US and Russian forces came close together? Defeating the Germans and then shaking hands and all. Wasn't Patton interested in a confrontation with the Russians? What about the territory grab that resulted in East/West Germany and Berlin? Runyon, I guess you never heard about all of that huh? Panzerman, Same goes for you. What are you on?? with the French and the Japanese remark.?? Once again Thank You Commissar.... Toad
  15. I mean American forces, not just US units used by other countries. If so then WWIII battles vs the Russians could be constructed !! Nuuucleeearr confrontation, toe to toe with the Rooskies...... Toad
  16. In CMBB will there be US forces and will we be able to start WWIII vs the Rooskies ? George C. Toad
  17. Fionn, Have you found any difference in town/city fighting? Toad
  18. Why should it matter, yards or meters? The distance from one object to another is still the same regardless of the name of the unit of measure. Trying to convert from one unit to the other is what causes confusion. If we called a certain distance a Zrk it would only take practice and a fair eye to know that the distance between two objects was so many Zrks. Half a Zrk long ...... Toad
  19. Some time ago Franko put an option on Franko's True Combat Rules: Only order your troops to move. Let the AI do the aiming and firing. Has anyone else tried this? You can lead a man to the enemy but you can't make him fire ..... Toad
  20. Ok, There is one level 2 building I can use. But the VLs are deep into the woods. LOS doesnt penetrate. Everything else is pretty level. I received no TRPs. Looks like I should use scouts and then pull back and shoot the wide load . Thankful Toad
  21. I am sure the enemy has emplacements deep in the woods which I must go through. I have several Arty spotters including 81mm and 120mm mortars and 150mm howitzer. I have only spotters not the units themselves. Is there any safe way to use my spotters without committing suicide from friendly fire? The woods are dense, LOS is only 25m . Can I Spy and Fly.. or See and Flee .. Or must I have .. Snuck and Duck Toad
  22. Thanks guys, Been doing a lot of infantry battles lately. Just needed something to get off of my feet. Motoring Toad
  23. Olle, Thats what came to my mind too. I always thought the 222 was cute. Always had a few around playing miniatures. They were ... well... Spunky !! For Olle --- Allo, Allo... Toad
  24. Something fast moving -- not hide and seek. Decent vs AI Small number of other units -- ok Fighting in good tank country. What would you recommend ? Tracked Toad
  25. Hey, The pic with the 5 tanks looks like it has crop circles in the foreground. Can't wait for the Foo Fighters. They thought of everything!! 3 legged Toad
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