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Louie the Toad

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Everything posted by Louie the Toad

  1. I see the 18th but where is the 19th ? Great looks!! Thanks. Toad
  2. GJK The golf course look is rather pleasing to the eye, but I am really looking for a low res in order to save computer resources. Is it possible that a low res cannot be made for BB? If that is the case then your mod looks like a good choice. Barefoot in the grass.... Toad
  3. I had a similar result but lost 2 Panthers. One because I turned off the covered arc for armor and went to hunt, and he was suckered by an easy infantry target and got wasted when he couldn't react fast enough to a suddenly appearing tank. The german dug in heavy mg in the woods had 62 kills and ran low on ammo. Any more would be a spoiler... Toad
  4. If it is low res and If it shows elevations thru coloring lighter on top and darker below (which is seems to in the screen shot) I will take it. Is it for both CMs? Liking the green.... Toad
  5. hEad, Thanks for the offer. However I am going to be playing the scenario with my cousin. Occasionally we play on the same side vs the AI. He asked me to wait until he caught up to the start of the second battle. Then we would compare how we each did and play on together from there. So I am waiting until he catches up. Sorry. But maybe something else another time. Thanks. Toad
  6. Elsewhere in this Forum I have griped a lot about the visual scale and camera view levels of BB making the game rather cumbersome and unenjoyable for me. Others have shared the same opinion. As a proponent of Franko's True Combat Rules (I play them occasionally) it is quite possible that they are THE way to avoid the scale and view level problems that I do not care for in BB. Ok. Stop the scoffing. Seriously. After all, camera levels 1 and 2 are down in the dirt and on the second floor respectively. That fits right in, even moreso than CMBO. The newly considered optics enhancements lend themselves to the use of the new 16 X magnification and thus would be allowable. The flat terrain in many scenarios will make the battles much easier to conduct without having to go to the "god's eye view". The confusing melee aspect of many Ostfront tank battles (per Panzer Aces) can be appreciated even more from the FTCR view point. The new command control for tanks will help with locating and controlling those units. Maybe by trying BB using FTCR right from the start (ok Ive played a couple of short scenarios the 'regular' way) one could really get into it and USED to it and ENJOY it. After all level 1 and 2 IS the way these battles were fought. The absolutely hardest part of using FTCR is NOT SEEING the whole battlefield and then GETTING OVER the fact that you can't. I am not advocating this for anyone. But in many ways BB SEEMS to be friendlier to FTCR. I've got to think more about this and try some small scenarios or QB's to find out. Even in the mud and muck of things, there always, always something sings .... Toad
  7. I am going to comment again here. In order to enjoy the game ala CMBO, in CMBB I have to do a lot of shifting camera angles, zooming around the battlefield from side to side to see what is going on, magnifying my view or making my units C + 2 or 3 which gets to look ridiculous compared to map scale. I am usually not this critical by any means. But I just don't enjoy CMBB as much as CMBO because of all the extra gyrations you have to go through just to effectively play a turn. I really want this game to work for me. All the improvements should make it so much more interesting and enjoyable. BUT the camera angle/scale has thrown up a roadblock to all of that. If the camera angle and scale could be adjusted this would solve a lot of the problems. Sorry hardworking Battlefront folks. I do appreciate the great job you have done everywhere else in this game. So please take this as it is meant. Constructive criticisim. Wanting to stay positive.... Toad
  8. It would be great if upon selecting a transporting unit, the passengers and tows that it carries were indicated. Or at least that it was carrying something. Tweaky Toad.
  9. I dont like to change the ratio of unit to terrain, especially building, size. + 1 Toad
  10. busboy, Have you ever tried using Franko's True Combat Rules. You can only play at level 2 if you are in a second story building. (ok level 3 if you are in a church by the steeple). Otherwise its level 1 down and dirty. As you said, the view really gives you an appreciation of terrain. But try playing at that level. A very small scenario is the least frustrating. A reinforced platoon at most. Ok I will try my explanation from a different tack. At lower camera levels I can't see enough of the battlefield and the enemy to conduct a good battle. At higher camera levels I cannot distinguish (by sight) between my units ie, HQ, MG and squads or between tank types or halftracks. NEVER had this problem in BO. There I could use level 3 or 4 and see everything. I want to still be able to do that in BB. Missing the fun.... Toad
  11. Is this the Operation: 21st Panzer Attacks? I finished the first engagement and now on the second at Set UP . Looking at that village, the bocage and the RR tracks and embankments. Wondering how to crack this nut. Is this what you are writing about? Toad
  12. I see that I must clarify my question. In BO I could use level 3 and 4 most of the time and still be able to ID my units AND see the enemy in enough detail so I could plot my moves and fires without a lot of moving and magnifying . I play at realistic or + 1 . In BB I have to change back and forth to different view levels, sometimes magnify or go to + 2 or + 3 in order to plot my moves and fires. And do this on each turn. THEN If I want to view an entire developing battle in a 60 sec turn the units seem so tiny at the view from which I can see the battle that I can't appreciate the units ! If others are experiencing this problem please speak up. A few have stated there should be a camera level of 2.5 . Maybe a change can be made. Hopeful.... Toad
  13. It seems that I cannot have it both ways. Either I can see the enemy in the distance using level 3 or 4 but am not able to identify my own units because they are too small.... OR I use level 1 or 2 and can ID my units but cannot see enough of the map to sight the enemy. Upping the camera angle (shift A) helps but it does not stick when selecting a different unit. What do you do? Blind in one eye, can't see out of the other.. Toad
  14. All of the screen shots are tremendous. The splash screens leave one undecided as to which to choose. Has anyone made any shots from level 3 or 4 to show the conduct of a battle on a larger scale. I think that could be interesting as well. Thank you all.... Toad
  15. If this grass is low res, how can I get some ...er it. Toad
  16. Is the default grass in BB high or low res? Anyone know? Free Up the Resources , Free Up the Resources... Toad
  17. The second 'toned down' version is what I like. Is it high or low res. I hope low res since that was mentioned as a tweak that could help low end systems use less resources. If it is low res, will that indeed free up computer resources if written over the current grass in BB ? Grassy Toad
  18. PVT Ryan, Don't let your mother know you're downloading this kinky stuff. Two legs are enough.... Toad
  19. Aye aye Cap'n.... If I have hi res can I just write over it with low res download ? Thanks for the tip.... Toad
  20. So its a matter of taste really. As I said, I often like to follow the fly and fall of shot. Especially when I make a catastrophic kill. On my machine I have noticed all "small smoke" from HE shells, even handgrenades and the aformentioned gun barrel smoke is blocky and polygonical. Large smoke, from burning buildings is puffy as it should be. Is this the same for everyone or is it my machine? I still can't see enough of the map in level 1 or 2 to make informed decisions and then in level 3 where I can see enough of the map, I can't see enough detail of my units to distinguish between various infantry units or destinguish between tanks and halftracks to make the proper moves. So I have to keep switching back and forth. There must be some optimal setting. Frustrated..... Toad
  21. I had stated this problem earlier: Fire on burning vehicles appears to freeze up and fade out when the camera comes to about 100 meters. Further out it looks fine and at higher camera angles it looks fine as well, even right over the unit. My second problem was that at camera level 3 my units are so small that I cant distinguish squads, HQs, from MGS or one AFV from another. Yet at lower camera levels I can't see enough of the battle. So either way there is a loss of visual conception about what is happening. I never experienced this in CMBO. You asked about my system. Here goes: Windows 98 Pentium II 450 mhz 128 mb ram 3fx Voodoo 3 16 mb video memory Resolution at 1024 x 768 Direct X 8.1 You asked about video drivers. Not sure if this is what you mean: I am not sure how to find that info if these numbers are not what you need. Sorry. Hope you can help me. Toad
  22. Oddball, I feel the same way. However I might try the game with Franko's Rules. The Tab 1 view might not make that much of a difference then. Have you ever tried using them? I play that way once in awhile. I too thought we might hear from BFC in this thread. At this moment glad I did not spend more money to upgrade my computer. Thinking even more about Franko's True Combat.... Toad
  23. Shadow -- If we had agreed that our game would be ahistorical then I could think up a ridiculous scenario too. PK -- Now I am one who has always said that using bailed out crews is not gamey. I give two reasons. One -- Common Sense.. As a commander who had only armor assets I would not send a tank to crest the top of the hill to scout. I would send a tank crew member or two on foot. Can't do that in the game so bailed crews serve the purpose. Two -- Documented instances in Panzer Aces, for instance Michael Whittmann left his tank and his squadron and scouted out an enemy AT position during the night. When the AM came they drove over to the enemy position and proceeded to demolish the guns because they knew where each one was. Other stuff is gamey as stated, such as edge hugging. Using crews I agree with you. Someone on the Forum once described a tactic where he first fired lots of smoke into an enemy tank force that both out numbered him and outranged him with its guns. Then he rushed his inferior tanks right at the enemy into gun barrel to gun barrel range. His turrets could turn faster which highlighted the only real advantage his tanks had. At the same time he negated the enemy's range and armor and numerical advantage. Some thought this gamey. I gave him the Stonewall Jackson Award. For the north the Chamberlin Award. What I have described are not quirks in the game but novel use of the forces at hand. Out of the Box.... Toad
  24. Antawar, Would you be able to check out my request in this thread?
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