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Col Deadmarsh

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Posts posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. The handbook doesn't give you a lot of info about these two different types of buildings. Can someone give me some answers to these questions:

    1. Are non-modular buildings the "independent buildings" on p. 123 of the manual?

    2. What is the difference in construction between modular and non-modular?

    3. How can you tell which is which in the game, especially between a modular house or a non-modular one?

    4. Which provides better defense? A modular house or a non-modular one?

    5. Does a stone/brick wall provide a better defense than either of these buildings?

  2. BFC

    Are there any plans to bring back any form of the QB 'Combined Arms' setting from CMx1?

    For those who missed out on CMx1, 'Combined Arms' was a QB setting that limited the played to so many points of infantry, support weapons, vehicles, armor, artillery and fortifications. The effect of it was that you had a lot of infantry supported by some SW, some vehicles, a few tanks and a little artillery. In other words, it forced the player to create a pretty balanced force. When combined with the 'Short 75' rules, it made for some great QB PBEM games that were very competitive and great for ladder games since the OOB rules were enforced by the game.

    The game currently has no way of doing this, outside of a huge list of house rules that can not be enforced. Currently you can do 'Infantry Only', 'Mech Only', 'Armor Only' or 'Mix'. Problem is, 'Mix' is anything you want - ie. a force of all AA guns, or a force of all Scout Teams.

    The added side benefit of 'Combined Arms' is that it would greatly help the AI in its QB purchase. I have given up with letting the AI purchase for QB's - all AT guns, or all AA guns, or five FO's with artillery and that's it. When I play QB's, I have to purchase for the AI which honestly takes away significantly from the experience. Not knowing what you face is a huge element of this game.

    All I am wanting to know is if a QB Combined Arms setting is even in consideration for upcoming titles.

    Personally, I would love to see it return not just for QB PBEM, but also for AI PBEM games.

    Thanks in advance


    Where's the "like" button for this post? Because I want to hit it repeatedly!

  3. Hi everyone, haven't been posting in a while - been busy elsewhere.

    Did you hear the latest news about Dropbox?

    They read the files that users place in the service.

    This is a German news article about it.


    In the end the article posts a part of the end user agreement which tells us that the content of user files will be decrypted befor being send to law enforcement agencies.

    Hello NSA.

    I think it isn't too interesting if you use the Dropbox just for gaming, but this is to those people who use it otherwise.

    Is it just me or do other people feel sick too, when looking at the scope of surveilance the average citizen is subjected to these days???

    Best regards


    Yeah, it makes me angry as hell. At least you're in Germany. Not nearly as much to worry about vs. over here in "The Land of The Free."

  4. :confused: The maps are not randomly generated ..... your hilliness will be determined when you select the map to play on. I'm not really sure I understand what you would like to do with this hilliness request since there is no way you can say 'I want huge hills' or 'I want a hill over there and over there' and have the map spontaneously create them.

    Ah...ok. I forgot that they were all made by humans.

    Still, there should probably be an option for this as some people like hills and some don't. Wouldn't be difficult to classify a scenario as to what type of hills to expect.

  5. 1. Why isn't there a top-down view (#5) like there was in CMBB where you could get right on top of a unit and see close up where they are on the map?

    2. Why isn't there more control of where you can place a unit in a building during the set up phase? I may want to place a unit on one side of a structure but the AI takes over and places them wherever it sees fit.

  6. BS.

    they are not asking for milk to be "redefined" - that is a scaremongering beatup by the conspiracy industry

    The application is to no longer require labels such as "Lite" or "Low Calorie" to have to be used for milk that has artificial (non-nutrition) sweeteners - nothing more. the ingredients wil still have to be listed on the packaging.

    Many other foods already do not have this requirement.

    Conspiracy industry = Informed people who don't have their head in the sand

  7. Later, when it came out, I bought CC3. I thought it was great at first because it reminded me of SL. However, I quickly began to see gaping flaws in it. Shortly after it came out, I bought CMBO. Within 30 minutes of my first battle, the CC series seemed hopelessly obsolete to me. I bought CC4, but played only a few battles and shelved it.

    CC2 was the best game of that series and next to CM, it's my favorite computer game even after all these years. Nothing can replace driving the Hetzenflammer around town and scorching everything that's in its path.

  8. Sadly, I seriously doubt we'll ever see North Africa again in the Combat Mission franchise.

    Given CMx2's much smaller timescales for each title, I dream of an Operation Crusader with the new engine (want Matilda IIs, NZ/SAF inf and the few Australians left at Tobruk). Never say never, of course (only BFC can do that :D), but reading between the lines it'll probably remain a dream. CMAK will have to do, I think.

    I never bought CMAK but I imagine every battle was one big, long-range tank fest.

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