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Col Deadmarsh

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Posts posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. What new game are you talking about? The newest game is CMFI and is uses the same basic game engine as CMBN, CM:Afghanistan and CMSF. Everything is standardized and has been for 6 years at least. There's no 'new game' that's dramatically different from the others. There was the recent CM v2.0 upgrade but that certainly didn't take anything away.

    I'm referring to CMBB vs. CMBN (new engine vs. old). Barbarossa to Berlin had the names of terrain tiles. During games, you could see what tile you were on and the manual explained what C and C each terrain offered.

    Why was this removed from the new engine?

  2. I can't even tell what is what in my games because there is no reference to go by. How on Earth is this info not in the manual?

    Is there a difference between rocky ground and rough ground or are both those types even included in CMBN? What about tree cover? Is there still a difference in cover between pine trees and trees of another type?

    And on a similar note, how does one even tell what terrain is what and why was this not included in the 'new' game? It seemed to work great for CMBB so why exclude that feature for CMBN?

  3. I'm surprised myself that infantry wasn't issued smoke grenades as they seem so useful, especially in town fighting.

    I got the chance to talk to a vet who landed at Normandy years ago. Even though it's been said over and over around here that smoke wasn't used on that scale, I had to confirm about the rarity of such items. He said they weren't standard issue and he never used them.

  4. First of all, why is one of my units blinking really fast? What does that mean? I can't find the answer anywhere.

    Secondly, is there a mod that gets rid of the blinking for selected units and just makes it a solid orange color instead? I don't get the need for the blinking added on top of that and I REALLY, REALLY hate things that blink incessently.

    The slow blinking units are bad enough but this one that's blinking fast is driving me nuts.

  5. 3. All types or rocket based AT weapons can be fired from within buildings given certain conditions and certain caveats. Those conditions and caveats are as you expect... the bigger the bang, the more confined the space, the more potential problems. Problems = suppression and/or injury.

    Defintely the best of the bunch. Adds a whole 'nother strategic layer to the game. Or should I say, it puts back what used to be there in the days of CMBB.

  6. I am just playing the first battle in the new German campaign and in the 3rd turn had a German Panzerschreck guy fire his tube from the first floor of a building killing a British PIAT guy in another building about 50m aways. Made me chuckle :D

    No suppression on the team btw, but the building is rather large.

    Any similar or otherwise cool events for any of you guys?

    Wait...you can fire screcks from inside buildings in Market Garden??

  7. Colonel_Deadmarsh,

    If you can get your hot little hands on the old Bellona books on German halftracks, you'll find some remarkable things. The Panzerwerfer 42, for example had a Panzerschreck and other goodies to provide local defense when the AFV laagered for the night. The two books detail exactly which halftrack carried what as standard fit.


    John Kettler

    Interesting. So in real life situations, approx how many of these panzerfausts would a halftrack carry for defense?

  8. Colonel_Deadmarsh,

    A crater helps significantly with gun survival. At least, that was true for my 57mm ATG in CMBN. Managed to keep the gun alive long enough to rack up a kill despite being under MG fire from a dominating ridge.


    John Kettler

    That makes sense on a realistic level. Frankly, I'm surprised the game even allows you to put the gun in a foxhole or trench as it seems foxholes would be too small and trenches too narrow. Surely, this wouldn't work in the real world, would it?

  9. I am on the 14th mission, Eccosseville (?sp), and I just want to express appreciation for the sophistication of the maps.

    I realize they were built to real life--itself quite an accomplishment. But there are so many subtle detailed decisions that were made......that is incredibly evident.

    Especially on a bocage map, when the Allies have no bocage breaching ability, the positioning of bocage, and the holes in it, take thought--to make the battle both doable and interesting.

    Especially since, when setting AI dispositions, lines of sight, and non-sight, are critical with non-reacting units.

    I look at this map, and figure it must have taken PT hours to get it the way he wanted. Indeed, this whole campaign is a chess match of subtle terrain and AI unit placement. I can think about the initial strategy on any battle for hours before making the first move.

    [Put this in the wish-list thread: the packaged campaigns also have each map as a separate battle. I like campaigns--one battle affecting another so that that units are precious, the story (!). But not everyone's taste is for so many days/weeks of work/play--let them see the maps/battles more easily! Let the hard work be seen!]

    Is this one of the campaign scenarios that comes with the game?

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