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Col Deadmarsh

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Posts posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. Originally posted by mystro:

    When CMBB was first released,someone designed a wonderful scenario named:


    ...it was listed as one of the best PBEM at the Scenario Depot but I cannot locate it again :( I'm almost willing to offer a reward if it can be found... it's that good. smile.gif


    I just looked at it. Although it looks "okay", I didn't see why it was so highly regarded. Can you expound on why this battle is so good?
  2. What mods should everyone have as a start? I haven't played in a year and I can't even remember which ones are installed on my machine...

    Frankly, as much as it might sicken some, I'd like to find some grass that is near to the same hue as the orginal CM grass. I'd also like to get some mods for the Russian tanks to perty them up a little.

    BTW, is the "aesthetically-challenged" cmmods.com still the place to go for downloading these things?

  3. Sly,

    Glad to see you've migrated over from CC. I spent time with that game myself and know the suspicions that arise when playing others. There were many a time where I felt others had "fixed files" to gain advantage over me. I'm not sure if this ever happened but I know that the click-fest that game is can bring the primal emotions to the surface, causing one to blame the other player at the first site of suspicion.

    What I've noticed about this game is this...I don't mind so much when I lose. That wasn't the case playing CC2 and I'm not quite sure why one is different from the other. Then again, I play PBEM which is much more relaxed than TCP...

    To answer your question, I've never seen or even suspected another at cheating in CM. I don't even think it's possible to edit files in CM and maybe that's why.

    Looking forward to our game...

  4. What I like about this game is that if I lose a unit, it's almost always my mistake or my opponent's skill.

    I remember playing Close Combat 2 years ago...I was a completely different person back then. Every time I lost a unit, I either yelled at the crappy AI in that game (tanks driving into buildings and then getting stuck) or I was sure my opponent had fixed the files.

    Thank god I don't have those problem with CM. Now I can play a nice, civilized game of WWII chess and congradulate my opponent when he makes a good move to kill something of mine. If my loss isn't due to his skill, then I simply chalk it up to a "game feature" that I don't know about... :cool:

  5. As usual, a very detailed answer from you Jason. Thanks for the info.

    As for German ATRs vs. Russians, the difference is that all the early war Russian lights can be hurt - the T-26s and BTs, as well as BA armored cars and tankettes. The same limited BHA is the problem.
    When you say they can be hurt, are you talking about the German 20mm AT Rifle?

    Also, what is BHA?

  6. I haven't played enough of this game to actually figure out how effective these AT Rifles are and I didn't find any info in the archives.

    So, how effective are they? It seems as if they can shoot through armored cars easily from 200-300 meters away. Does this mean that AC's have a short lifespan in this game? Are they worth their money if an AT rifle can shoot through their armor as they are scouting for you?

    Also, are AT Rifles effective against tanks which have thin side armor?

  7. I'm in a situation right now where I ambushed my opponent's Russian scout car with a 221. My armored car fired 3 shots with his 20mm cannon (Tungsten rounds), two of which hit dead on and achievied "upper hull penetration." But for some reason, the scout car has not been destroyed. The driver simply stopped and has now thrown the thing in reverse to get out of there pronto.

    Curiously, when I checked my current kill rating against it on the next turn, it said "Fair." Huh? Whadda you mean, Fair?!?!? The M3 has 8mm of armor! So how can my kill percentage only be "Fair"? I'm not shooting BB's at it!

  8. Originally posted by Abbott:

    Private reporting Comrade!: There is a BIG TANK KILLING us out there sir!

    Comrade officer (with pistol): What kind of big tank? Is it a Panther?

    Private (scared of his comrade’s pistol) No sir! I have seen no animals on the battlefield sir! Just a big tank!

    Comrade officer: Does it have a turret?

    Private (shaking) A what sir?

    Comrade officer: You know a turret! A thing on top that turns!

    Private (making water in his trousers): I saw nothing turning and no cat’s sir! Just a big tank killing us!

    Comrade officer:(aiming pistol) Hmm, maybe it is one of those Jadgpanthers then? Private, take two men and this grenade and stop that BIG TANK, even if it kills you! If you do not I surely will! Dismissed!

    I've heard better dialogue in Godzilla movies...
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