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Col Deadmarsh

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Posts posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. ***2nd Episode***

    Again, the firefight scenes are very well done. What I continue to have a problem with is that one character looks and acts just like another. Seems to be a product of bad writing and mediocre acting.

    I mean, is it just me or did the characters in BOB stand out more?

  2. Watched Part 1 of the new HBO series last night and it's looking pretty good so far.

    Since the mini-series centers around 3 main characters, there was the obligatory setup for each character which meant pre-war scenes back at home. But once they landed at Guadalcanal, it got pretty interesting.

    There was one good action scene at night and you can tell that they put a lot of money into the production of the series when watching it. The only thing that struck me as somewhat of a negative is that the 3 actors chosen for the main characters seem somewhat forgettable. Then again, I thought this about Band Of Brothers when I first saw that too, comparing it to Saving Private Ryan and the A-list actors that were involved in that project.

    Hopefully with time and some more character development, the actors will grow stronger in their roles.

  3. Never heard the term used before and certainly not with respect to WW2 in the Pacific - either side. It's been mercifully a long time since I saw the film, so I don't recall the context. Is it possible they said something that sounded similar, like "frontal attack" and you misheard it? That would sort of make sense, said in that time and place, since the Japanese at the time seemed to love doing them...the so-called "Banzai charges."

    Yeah, he did indeed say "frontal attack" and I heard "funnel." Thanks for clearing that up.

  4. YankeeDog (and others) have it right. We could no more use the CMx1 map generation code in CM:SF than one could drive a Ferrari on wooden cart wheels. Plus...

    And that would be just to have a crappy random map generator :) CMx1's generator was only so-so, yet the degree of complexity of the terrain it handled was magnitudes more simplistic.

    Which is why I've said, for quite some time, that we will not have a random map generator in CMx2 *ever*. It's simply not worth the time investment. Plus, we would have to alter it for different settings and (at some point) overhaul it to handle a finer detailed mesh than even CMx2 has right now.

    The way to go is the MegaTile concept. But only when it won't hamper the game's development and we have the time to make sure it's working right. There's a lot of technical challenges we haven't even begun to look at. Now is definitely not the time to start.


    Thanks for explaining that. Looking forward to this Megatile thing...whatever that is. :)

  5. Definitely no randomly generated maps like CMx1. We will likely never put that into the game as the effort needed would be massive, and the results of questionable value.


    Can't you simply use the same basic code from CMBB to generate new maps?

    I'm confused as to why the entire thing would have to be done over if it's already been done and put into production. And even if it does need to be done over, it would seem that if you guys did a good job with the CMBB generated maps, the Normandy maps would only be an improvement.

  6. Just put back the values from CMx1 and we are ok :) Variable rarity (and variable experience) a must. It allowed variety and each purchase was a game on its own. Otherwise we are going to see endless sherman75 vs panzers. Also, another idea is to generate a couple random "bonus" units, like a recon car, a sniper, a bren tripod..ehmm..you get the point. Every big kid loves suprises :) Or how about some random reinforcment group? A platoon of inf, a tank, anything. That would allow a mix of cherry pickin and unprectability.

    The other random thing I liked about CMBB was that when you played normal forces (green and regular), sometimes you'd get a Vet squad in your troops as a nice surprise. Please include things like this as it really adds to the gameplay.

    BTW, I never bought Shock Force. Did they take our force selection entirely?

  7. I downloaded the patch to make the blinking graphics problem go away, only now I can't view the entire map in a battle.

    For some reason, it can only reveal half of the map at a time when I'm viewing at angle 4 or 5. Half of the map gets swallowed up by the green background when scrolling.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Is this what others mean when they refer to "cascading graphics" issues?

    I'm on Vista using a GeForce 8600M GT card.

  8. I downloaded the patch to make the blinking graphics problem go away, only now I can't view the entire map in a battle.

    For some reason, it can only reveal half of the map at a time when I'm viewing at angle 4 or 5. Half of the map gets swallowed up by the green background when scrolling.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    I'm on Vista using a GeForce 8600M GT.

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