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Col Deadmarsh

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Posts posted by Col Deadmarsh

  1. I like those kind of random things in the game myself, but when the vehicle nearby the tank decides to drive off on his own too, I'm thinking maybe it's not a "feature" but a bug.

    Then again, maybe BTS programmed it into the game that when one tank takes off on its own, another one nearby might think it's alright if they do the same. Realistically, it makes sense. Just wondering if it's a feature or a bug. Maybe Steve will drop by and give us the low-down.

  2. In one of my games, one of my tanks decided to go from a safe place behind a hill to cresting the hill on it's own. I gave it no orders whatsoever to do this. At first I thought it was trying to get off the grade it was on and onto flatter land but it went past the flat part and is now peeking over the hill toward the enemy. (By the way no one has been spotted yet that it can see.)

    I chalked this up to being some type of "realism feature" but now that I have new move orders, I see a vehicle next to the tank has also decided to disobey orders and has given itself move orders to do the same thing.

    What the hell is going on here?

  3. I just installed the 3.02 version along with the rulesets along with Marco Bergman's m10 & m36/Achillies mod.

    When I viewed my Achillies though, it looks the same as the old one I had. I can't find a picture of what it's supposed to look like so I'm not sure if it switched or not. I don't see it on the CMMOS screen anywhere.

    Also, I don't see a Pershing mod for CMMOS...or anywhere for that matter. Is one due soon?

  4. felicia.jpg

    Originally posted by gibsonm:


    I notice you have a combination of disintergrating link and the canvas belt in the picture.

    Did you change ammo natures for the young lady or did you just have a mixed bag?...

    I tried to help her with that but she kept screaming at me, telling me I was doing it all wrong. smile.gif

    [ July 08, 2002, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: Colonel_Deadmarsh ]

  5. armbatplay.jpg

    As you can see, Battlefront has decided to ditch the 3-D battlefield and switch over to a three quarter view instead. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's excited about this...

    Also, notice the detail in the trees. It's as if you can almost reach out and touch them. This kind of cutting edge graphics come at a price though. Your machine will be pushing 4 k so you better go buy those extra RAM sticks now so you have the power when this game hits the streets.

    And now we wait in anticipation...

  6. Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

    Whoa! 45 mins!? I feel so bad for you! I thougt that 4 hour drive to Vegas I just took was long! Sheesh! :rolleyes:tongue.gif Guess I won't make the 2 hour drive to Santa Monica then. ;)

    tongue.gif I just think it's funny that the beach is somehow a central location for Southern California CM players. Most of us are inland I would think.

    Whatever, Newport or Santa friggin Monica are fine by me. Vader, you're buying the first round smile.gif

  7. I'm no grog and I know we're going for total realism here, but this is my opinion: If BTS is confused about what is realistic in this situation and has to error on one side, they should error on the side of tanks having to take more shots to hit other vehicles, especially while moving.

    If nothing else, this will reward the better, more skilled player. A player who has skillfully moved into position to get the most effective shot while at the same time giving his opponent a poor shot at him, will have the best chance for success.

    The opponent who has demonstrated sloppy play in the situation and being at a tactical disadvantage won't automatically spot, turn his turret 180 degrees, and hit the other guy while moving away from him. Even if I was this person, I would rather have my opponent be rewarded for his cunning and skill.

    Toning down the spotting and hit probability for CMBB will accomplish this.

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